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Great Music, Great Cast. Ending? Well...
23 March 2024
Ok so I watched this movie when it came out in 1986. This is a wonderful musical with some really great tunes. It kind of reminds you of grease. The music isn't as good as the music in grease mainly because it doesn't really have any musical talent. Well, except for Levi Stubbs (The Four Tops) is awesome as the plant. OMG, Steve Martin as the Dentist? I can't imagine anyone doing it better. He really shows his chops as a comedic actor. Then we have Bill Murray as the Dental Patient. Too funny. And we can't forget Rick Moranis as the poor guy who buys the plant and this is where everything goes wrong. Poor Seymore (Rick Moranis) is really in a pickle. He realizes he has a problem but is not sure what to do about it. Now without telling you how it ends, I will just tell you this. DO NOT watch the directors cut if you want to see the same ending that was at the theaters. I showed this to my daughter and I clicked on the directors cut and was completely blown away. I did not remember that ending. And my daughter was really upset. And now I am upset because my daughter is upset. So, watch the one that says theatrical release. That's honestly the only reason I gave it a 7. Other than that, I would give it an 8 or 9.
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Funny Show, LOTS of F bombs.
17 February 2024
I really love Martin Short and Steve Martin. Selena is great in anything she is in. I would have rated it higher but the Profanity seems senseless. It's just stuck in there for no reason. I guess to appeal to generation Z? Just insert beeeeepppp every time you hear a word that offends you! Anyway, the story revolves around three people that lives in the same building trying to solve a murder of someone they all knew. For some reason it's up to them to solve the crime without any police intervention. None of them seem to be crime fighters, but still they have been enlisted to solve the crime.

Part of the fun is that there are many cameos by stars that you don't expect but do know from many other shows you may have watched in the past. If you like humor of Martin Short and Steve Martin you will enjoy this.
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Desert Car Kings (2011– )
Great Reality Car Restoration Show
17 January 2024
So you got this junk yard (ok recycle yard) out in the middle of nowhere. They got thousands of cars just sitting around waiting for someone to buy a part off of them. So Dad thinks, hey why don't we fix some of these cars up and sell them complete. So, they do. Great show. However, I just found out that this show only went one season. I really like the idea of a Dad and Son doing restorations. That would have been a dream job for me. Then to auction off what you just did? And they do. No fancy big expensive restorations, but fix it up, paint it and sell it. WOW! Plus it's only six hours from where I live. It's just as good as all the stuff on Hulu and Netflix. We need to tell these guys to make some more episodes!
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Good but lacks conclustion
15 September 2023
I have watched most of the episodes in this series. My daughter is very interested in how forensics is used to solve crime. Yes her pink hair, tattoos and piercings do make her look less professional. However, that being said my main comment is that she will make you sit through an entire episode with no conclusion. What would really add to her credibility would be if she was able to find evidence that exonerates these people. Now that would make this a hit show. Instead, I feel like I am just watching a documentary on why this person is still in jail or on death row. Ok so there are a couple episodes that have a great ending. This is mainly why I gave it a 5 instead of a one. But in the interest of "spoilers" I will not reveal which ones those are. You will have to watch and find out for yourself.
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Don't waste your time!
12 June 2023
I saw the IMDB rating and it was 8.2. Well being a bit of a historian, I asked my daughter if she would like to watch the movie with me. Having a degree in History she was interested. So, we sat down and watched it together. OMG. This is like going to your 95 year old Uncles house and he breaks out the slide projector and starts telling you stories about WW1. Did it have footage from the early 1900? Well yes, sort of. Did it have colorized shots of dead and blown apart bodies? Well yes. But it wasn't a movie or a documentary. It was like two old guys talking about their experiences in the war. And, we have no idea who these guy were because you never see them. They were just absent narrators. Awful. Don't waste your time. You won't learn anything.
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Alone (2015– )
It shows how to kill animals
9 July 2022
I used to really love this show. It showed all about how to survive. Now all they show is killing and butchering animals. Big Deal. Yes I know you have to kill and Butcher Animals to live, But, why do I have to watch it every single episode by every single character? Remember back to season 1. It was more about how they survived, and not about how to kill.
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Godless (2017)
I've Seen How I Die and this Ain't it!
18 November 2021
I have been watching westerns for about 60 years. This has it all. I read all the nay Sayers that said that they hated the end. Well try watching The Shootest. I didn't like the end of that movie either, but it is still one of the best movies John Wayne ever made. IMHO. In this movie you have the old guy that you can't decide if he is good or bad. Then you have the son. Is he good or bad? Then you have the heroin (Michelle Dockery). Is she good or bad? It's the many questions in this mini series that makes the drama so compelling. What makes a western? Horses? Check. Gun Fights? Check. Indians? Check. And well there is at least one love story. And the acting?

Well judge for yourself. Without giving away anything in this movie all I can say is, if you like westerns, you will like this. Cudo's to Jack O'Connel and Jeff Daniels. Outstanding acting. Watch it. Don't pay attention to those bad reviews. They are obviously clueless!!!
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Ultimate Warfare (2012– )
Real Stories From Real Men
11 September 2021
I have seen many many documentaries about the different wars the United States has been involved in. This one is by far the best. Using Real footage and Actors this makes a very informative telling of the different battles in each war. What makes this one so good is they use the actual men that were there to tell their stories of what actually happened. My only question is how? Of course all these guys telling the story are old timers, but still, WWII? When did they do these interviews? But no matter, having Real Men telling you exactly what happened makes this series very compelling. Add to that the drama they create making you feel as if you were actually there is really great. Heart wrenching because you see so many of our soldiers die in the service of their country. But it makes you proud. Highly Recommended.
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Designated Survivor (2016–2019)
Great Beginning Lousy ending
25 June 2021
When you start watching this show you are completely blown away. How can this be? That's impossible. But it is done in such a way that you are completely drawn in. All the characters are believable and well done. This show keeps you on the edge of your seat. At the end of each episode you are dying to find out what happens next. Things that Keifer Sutherland is apparently very very good at. I wold have given this series a 10. But as others have pointed out, season 3 is AWFUL! In all honesty the swearing didn't really bother me. But what happens to the characters is completely off from what their personalities are. Things happen in the third season that just don't make sense. I wasn't really offended by anything that happened in the third season, I just kept asking why? It's like Sutherland was no longer in charge. You gotta see season 1 and 2. But save your self disappointment and don't bother with season three. It's a total waste of time.
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Walt was a great Man, and Tom Hanks plays him perfectly.
23 May 2021
I grew up watching Walt Disney's Wonderful World of Color. Walt Disney himself would introduce the show each Sunday evening. He was a warm and wonderful man that we allowed into our living rooms. His studio showed us wonderful TV shows like Daniel Boone. Then there was the Mickey Mouse Club. A wonderful show we watched in the afternoons that showed us nice kids like us. I went to Disneyland shortly after it opened. What other man in the world could or would create a fantasy world for Children that adults could enjoy too? Anyone that says that Walt was an evil or rude man doesn't have any idea what they are talking about. Was he a business man? Sure. Did he have to talk people into doing things his way? Sure. That was part of his magic. He made the world a better place. Who doesn't love Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck, Pluto, Goofy, and on and on and on.

Now as for Saving Mr. Banks, I have seen many documentaries of Walt Disney. Most of them pretty accurate, but kind of dry. This was a documentary that pulls you in. From Emma Watson to Colin Farrell to Tom Hanks, the cast is perfect. As you watch the movie you get drawn in. Your emotions go places you didn't expect. You fall in love with all the characters. You can even relate to their difficulties in life. I found myself laughing and crying throughout the movie. I loved the movie and found it mostly truthful. I suppose there was some hollywoodsy stuff in it, but nothing that distracted me. I can't say enough good things about this movie. I have seen it twice. One by myself because I didn't expect much. But after I watched it alone, I asked my daughter if she would like to see it. So, we watched it together. Well we laughed and cried together! And I will probably watch it again and share it with my Significant Other.

Don't miss this movie. It is FANTASTIC! And yes, Mary Poppins is probably my favorite Disney Movie. And yes I saw it at the theater when it came out. I was completely blown away. I never imagined that special effects could be used in that way. Disney was the ultimate imagineer!
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Tony Stark, Spiderman's Father Figure? Really? UGH!
5 March 2019
The only reason I gave this 5 stars was because Michael Keaton and Robert Downey Jr. made this move actually worth watching. The forgettable guy that played Spiderman acted like he was 10 years old. And Aunt May? Really? She was more like his sister than Aunt!! What idiot made these decisions. I am sure that Tom Holland and Marisa Tomei are great actors but who ever made them play it like they did needs to get a reality check. Who acts like that in real life? No one I know!!! I have been a Spiderman fan since the 60's. I don't remember him ever acting like a little boy. I cringed every time he interacted with Ironman. It almost made me turn the movie off/walk out of the theater. The only reason you want to watch this movie is because you are a Marvel fan and enjoy Stan Lee's super hero's. Otherwise this movie is a complete waste of time. And sadly, this is the first marvel movie that I would not recommend anyone to watch. Well except for Michael Keaton's performance. But then you can probably find that on youtube!!! NOT RECOMMENDED!
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A Real Eye Opener. Absolutely not biased, but thought provoking.
21 January 2019
The idea of this documentary is to present you with information on how powerful the executives are that run the internet. You didn't know someone actually runs the internet? Or do they? The last half hour is the best. The first hour is mostly educational. If you want to learn how you are being manipulated by internet searches and results, watch this movie. I am not sure why anyone would say it is biased. Is it because this movie presents you with information that you see that could sway people to your way of thinking? I think not. It presents you with what is actually happening when you use the internet. Don't believe me? Watch it and find out.
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The Kominsky Method (2018–2021)
You must see this!
11 December 2018
If you are offended by lots of swearing don't watch this. I can't show this to my family because of all the swearing. BUT, I thoroughly enjoyed it. I love Michael Douglas. I don't know much about Alan Arkan other than Little Miss Sunshine which he was great in, but he is awesome as well. These two have real chemistry and make a great team. I was so sad it was only eight episodes. It is so very funny. I am old so I can relate to this. Don't miss this you won't regret it.
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Wrong Title. That's only the first segment.
1 December 2018
I thoroughly enjoyed the first segment. Worth watching, don't miss! 10 out of 10. I should have turned it off after that, but sadly I didn't. And it is the only reason I gave this six stars. While the other stories were kind of interesting and well acted, I felt let down. I would never ever pay money to go see this, but since I pay for Netflix I decided to watch it to see that the hype was all about.
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Mars (2016–2018)
It's a Great Documentary!
29 November 2018
This series does not pretend to be anything. It is all about asking you "what if". The acting is ok, but they don't have any blasters or proton torpedos. If you are looking for star trek this isn't it. It is asking us what would happen if we were really able to go to mars. What would the seven month journey be like? What would it be like once we got there? What would happen if someone had a medical issue? Did they bring the right people along for the job? I and my daughter really enjoyed this series. I was disappointed it wasn't renewed for a third season. Oh wait, it was! I can't wait for season three. If you don't like documentaries, you probably won't like it. But I do, so there!
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The Guardian (2001–2004)
Nick the reluctant helper
17 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I found this title on Hulu. I loved The Mentalist with Simon Baker, so, I gave this a shot. Nick Fallon (Simon Baker), is a very intelligent attorney who apparently loved to party. He gets busted for possession of cocaine and gets sentenced to 1500 hours of community service. This service is what makes the series so interesting. He is used to operating in a corporate environment playing for millions of dollars. Now, he has to help children often stuck in impossible situations. He tries so hard to do the right thing but it doesn't always turn out the way he wants or the way you think it should. I have known people that were stuck in the "system" and it isn't always the best for kids. In one episode a teenager is being seduced by her father (John DeLance). As awful as this is, it turns out that this destroys the family. The girl is sent into a worse situation (if you can believe that) and even says she would rather be having sex with her dad than being stuck in the system. A very interesting comment by the producer on the way it really works in the real world. I think what I really like about this series is it gives you a glimpse into what life is really like when you have to deal with judges and social workers. I guess the message is to keep your nose clean and whatever you do don't put yourself in a position that you have to deal with these people. Excellent Series, I was disappointed to see that it only has 3 seasons.
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Good Show for those of us that like to learn with humor!
13 August 2014
David has an interesting sense of humor. He is really funny. In each episode you learn things that you didn't expect. He presents it in such a way that you are truly entertained. The episode that prompted me to write this review was How to make an airplane. He takes you to NASA. There you meet this guy who is a champion paper airplane builder that actually works for NASA. He shows you how to build a paper airplane that will fly farther than you thought was possible. You got to watch it. I loved it.

Oh, and How To Dig a Hole. This episode was really funny. I bet you thought digging a hole was a easy. For any of us that has dug a hole and encountered problems, this episode is a HOOT! I hope this show stays on the air. My daughter and I enjoy it very much.
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