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The protagonist is a horrible person
14 March 2023
The lead actresses is a woman in her last years of fertility trying to get pregnant. There is a lot of potential to explore her connection with babies, her commitment to being a mom and her search for a decent partner. The only emphasis was on the partner.

The plot and the characters introduction were rushed and I didn't have time to connect to Jaclyn. After few minutes the movie turned into a collection of short romcom episodes. The characters and themes in the movie weren't evolving during these intimate encounters, in fact you can replace the order of encounters and the movie would look the same. The ending was rushed as well since the random encounters filled the whole time. This is a movie, it is a collection of short episodes that have 10 minutes of introduction and conclusion.

I also enjoyed the movie- the scenarios were funny and some of them had moral and insight (mostly from the antagonist though). I was laughing and enjoying the movie and simultaneously rooting for the antagonist.

The protagonist herself didn't do any self reflection besides the last few minutes of the movie, and she was lying and manipulating the partners, including intentionally sabotaging birth control accessories. Jaclyn has no remorse throughout the movie and I found it really hard to have empathy towards her.

The hospital security guard ask her to move the car out of the ICU entrance and she was being rude to him and showed him the middle finger- that sums up her character. She has no accountability, no remorse, she doesn't care about anything besides herself. I don't enjoy a movie where I dislike the main character.
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Jungle (2022)
Well done innovative format
11 February 2023
I had no idea what I am getting myself into, I decided to watch it at the background while I was doing something else, but then suddenly the show took over my interest, until I stopped what I was doing and was fully concentrated on Jungle.

This show reminded me of 2019 "Blue Story" and when I finished watching it back then I was hungry for me, and I am more than satiated after watching Jungle. The rap scenes are well done, it is noticeable that a lot of money was put into high quality recording sessions. The sound mixture was well done.

The plot of the show isn't anything new, not anything that we haven't seen before, yet it was really well done and I was glued to the screen. I highly recommend this show to anyone who loves crime - rap - action - drama.

I think it brings a new approach to look at the inner thoughts and conflicts that people have. I felt like each character was talking and acting like a normal person would act and talk. When someone was doing rap about what he is going through- it was like I am saying these words and thinking them myself - I guess that the show really got me into it. The last time it happened was GoT.
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A good movie that lose its momentum once it stops focusing on story and start focusing on lecturing anti war talking points
5 October 2022
Do you ever get this feeling when someone is being too nice to you and they he is starting to ask things from you and you are thinking to yourself "oh so here is the catch". Well this is what this movie is all about.

The main character was built really nice, he had no wife, no future, all of his friends aren't near him- he has nothing to lose. He is the perfect guy for the mission of delivering beer in a war zone. He is a failure at his home and no one is appreciating him, and in the war zone he is getting gratitude and have a sense of purpose. It was shown beautifully in the movie and I really liked it.

Then, somewhere in the second half, it stops revolving about this interesting plot and the protagonist journey about having a purpose and meaning, and having a will to do more with his life, and it starts revolving about characters that feels like commentators from the news that deliver talking points against the war.

The most absurd moment of the movie was when the Vietcong killed people randomly on the street and the protagonist and the characters around him were blaming America for it. It was a 9/10 for the first half and 0 for the second half.
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Meet Cute (I) (2022)
Too long- This should have been 40 minutes, or replace stagnant parts with interesting ones
25 September 2022
The problem with this movie is that it has a beginning and an end, but the middle is very repetitive. Holding major twists and pull them off after stagnant 10 minutes doesn't make the stagnant time better, it makes me think "couldn't they just cut all of the scenes out there and get to the case?".

They should have made it a short 50 minutes TV movie or add a writer and add more content to fill the original length (85minutes). Here is a proof: watch the movie from minute 60 until the end, and u will see that you haven't missed anything from the first 60 minutes. Squeeze the first 60 minutes to10 minutes and you get a 35minutes video.

This movie isn't bad, I actually liked it, but it is like watching a reality TV show and watch endless annoying commercials just for few payoffs along the show.
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The perfect amount of kitsch
15 September 2022
The layout of the movie is plain and simple- a girl fell in love with the "wrong guy" and the parents (who are divorced) are trying to change her mind. We have been here before, we have seen this, we know how the story goes. From here it is all about execution - and the movie did it gracefully.

The movie revolves about 3 things needed for the decision to merry a person: time, place, circumstances. The lessons which they have learnt are being shown through the movie, all of the schemes and secrets are in a collision course, leading to a great cinematic finale.

For a movie in that category- it is a 10/10. But again, this is a cliche romance which doesn't push its boundaries that much or trying to push a complex character development so it is bound to max of 8 by its own limitation. A typical feel good movie for elder people who remember the couple from "pretty woman" and also for young adults who're dealing with spouse acceptance issues.
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It is like the not funny pollitical skits on SNL but the pain lasts 90 minutes
6 September 2022
This wasn't funny at all. The movie was cringe, especially the face paint scene.

You can skip 80% of the movie and the story wouldn't get hurt by it. The movie had this formula several times along the movie: pointless talking and big build ups for mediocre payoffs. The scenes should have been shorter. The payoffs along the show should have been sooner, and the movie felt really stagnant.

This could be done in maybe 20 minutes and still be fine. The ending had nothing in it and to close such a big talking fest with a bland ending is a straight 1 star. I watched the whole movie -_- I liked Branda from scary movie and this is why I watched it but this was painful. Waste of money.
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The Terminal List (2022– )
I was glued to the screen. Action, drama and good story made me binge it in two days
18 July 2022
The first two episodes were so fast and packed with actions and they left me so confused that I didn't know what is going on.

Episodes three to five were so fast and had so much story and progress in them.

Then, episodes six to eight were slow and methodical and built the conclusion. A well written show with great action.

It managed to made me interested in multiple story lines, though some had closure but not a follow up. Which isn't bad, but I wanted to see more from the flight arc and the female agent arc.

I really liked the authenticity of the actions scenes- people were going for their target and not postponing things for plot. Every action had a purpose and the scenes cinematography was beautiful.
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Southpark endgame
15 July 2022
The last episode felt like the "endgame" for everything that happened during the last 3 years of southpark. The doctor strange scene made me laugh a lot. The criticism about crypto was on point.

They should have bashed the media bias, the US presidency and the Ukraine war, but they rather keep it more simple and close to the show core plot lines.

I was missing something new here, but it felt like more of a finale to the last 2 years sagas rather than a new one, so it is understandable. Southpark Endgame.
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Ms. Marvel (2022)
This isn't a superhero tv show, this is a boring teen drama with bad acting that has few superhero scenes here and there
24 June 2022
Just skip it. The 1st episode was good, but since episode 2 the characters, story, and main theme are just like any other generic kids show.

The characters are all bland and boring, I ended up not caring about anyone. The main character is narcissistic and self entitled, her friends are stupid and no one think with his brain about anything.

Again- if you want to make a teen drama- do it. But don't add few superhero scenes and call it a superhero show, because it isn't.

Looks like the budget was so low that they saved the CGI budget, but I get that, save the budget on CGI, but at least use the budget to hire good actors.
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Deep in the Forest (I) (2021)
The movie should have tried to be a good movie instead of advocing a pollitical take
2 June 2022
The movie is revolving around a mixed race family where the mother is a left wing supporter and she went to a meeting of a left wing social club.

Because there is a civil war between the left and the right and the movie portrait the right wing as the Nazis from WW2, and the right wing side is building concentration camps for leftist supporters. The right wing is also using members list from a club as such the protagonist is going to as a tool to find leftist supporters

There are major flaws here: (1) Delusional take.

(2) There is no visible war. Only people inside 1 house talking between each other.

(3) The family is in a "pre-arranged safe house" but they have no satellite phone or internet and no suitable self protection measurements.

This movie is like watching the news panel members talking about a war, rather then an actual war movie. If I would like to watch people on the screen telling me what to think, I have like 50 channels for that in every language.

The movie had no character development, no interesting story besides the first 10 minutes and had a pointless ending.

This movie is like watching SNL - they focus too much on advocating their ideas but they forget to be entertaining. Sad, the start of the movie was promising.
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AM Radio (2021)
When you went through so much that you recognize every nuance of BS
22 March 2022
Somewhere in the middle of the movie the protagonist is listening to a radio call of "I went through bad things and now I am enlighten everything is happy and we just need to believe and stay together", and the look of distaste on his face said everything - How disconnected are the people are there on the world with people who are suffering.

Taz is ranting through the movie about everything besides him, because people can't see him and can't connect with him. Everyone keep talking blah blah blah but no one is present, and Taz is spiraling down. Until he gets that phone call and finally after talking to people on the radio for years- for the first time someone is listening to him.

This movie is a metaphor for nowadays communication: talking to people everyday and it is all meaningless. People rather watch youtube, listen to spotify and everything else rather to have a human interaction, and when they finally do- they aren't present. It is equal to death. They are not to blame for, since they have their own reasons and they don't owe us anything.

Finding that person who is ready to be present with you, looking you at the eyes and seeing you is the most precious thing that there is for someone who is dealing with problems. When Taz is being seen, he stops "dying". What a beautiful and real movie this is.
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I had no expectations and I ended up bursting out laughing through the whole movie
28 September 2021
This movie is mostly for 15-35yr internet meme culture lovers.

It starts very slow and it takes time to understand what is going on, but once you know more, you can't stop watching. The movie is a masterpiece. It doesn't take itself seriously, it has great humor and jokes and ideas that I haven't seen in any other movie.

This is the perfect meme movie- do not expect anything and expect everything.
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This is hard to watch. 30yr with dead end job can relate
12 July 2021
The show is perfect. He is working with kids, and the kids are asking him the most brutal questions "why are you so old and don't have kids", "hope and meaning in life"- not out of criticism or being a push over- but because they are kids and they don't know any better.

By confronting these questions without the easy way out that he does in his life with colleagues, family and friends, Uramichi has to look into itself and go through a journey. I am hooked!
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Nobody is talking about what Gabor is. Very important
18 June 2021
The movie is talking about issues openly, and it made me feel better.

It is not around solutions or a way, but rather about experiences and ideas. We need more things like that nowadays. The Jail scenes were powerful.

Gabor speaking with a woman who was a victim to abuse in her youth : Gabor: "If your child was going through this, who would you want that child to speak with?"
  • "With me"
Gabor: "And who did/ could you talk to?"
  • "No one, I had no one to talk to"
Gabor: "That's the trauma.
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White Terror (2020)
The actual terror is fighting life instead of embracing it
5 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The hero of the film is stuck in a time loop between the same scenarios and ends up in front of black hooded demons in a white room.

All of these scenarios are significant events in her life, but they also awkward moments, annoying things, all sort of stuffs.

It teaches us that we put too much focus on nonsense and getting angry on small things, like lets say you are in a family meeting and your brother propose to his girlfriend, they put up a song and your mother start dancing and you are all embarrassed of her and reject the idea.

But then in retrospective- we see that all of these awkward moments, all of these imperfect things- they are a part of something beautiful, and we should embrace them.

So next time you are in a family event and you see your dad start dancing or your mom suggesting a social game - join them- dance, hug, embrace.
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It made me jump and cheer and scream at the screen like a 6yr
22 July 2014
Micah Brook should be proud of himself- he made one of the best martial arts films on the last decade. The movie is fun to watch and even though it is an action movie - it has a very emotional scenes.

Their budget is less than 5,000$ and yet they made this awesome movie. The plot is good. Their acting is really good, especially Katelyn Brooke's acting.

The fight scenes made me get enthusiastic and jumping on my chair like I did when I was 12yr watching a Van-Dam.

They kept the fight scenes short and amazing. The dialogs were great for a martial art movie. The music by Obsidia was tailor made for this.

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