
13 Reviews
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Feel Bad film.
29 October 2020
There are feel good films and feel bad films. This is definately, for my wife and I, in the second category. There's really nothing much I can add other than echo the statements of others who wondered what it was all about. Certainly it raised many, many questions and left them all , to our view, unanswered.
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Young Wallander (2020–2022)
Strange Title, Could have been any detective.
14 September 2020
My first Wallander was with Kenneth Branagh playing the lead with Jeany Spark as Liinda. Loved it, good writing, v. good acting and excellent portrait of a sensitive detective. (I recall his reaction after having to shoot someone in self-defence - how different from the American shows where killing is indiscriminate and common). Then I watched the Swedish production and again grew to enjoy it very much. Krister Henriksson & Johanna Sallstrom as lead and daughter.

Now comes Young Wallander and there is no need to repeat the comments already made (eg about the contemporary period). We binged watching all 6 episodes in one rainy day and it was ok. Not up to the earlier productions but watchable. I wouldn't go out of my way to get it however.
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Palm Springs (2020)
Great fun, zany, warm and genuinely funny.
23 August 2020
I could write screeds but really all that needs to be said is 'watch this movie'! It took me by surprise and I'm so pleased it did. Enjoy, laugh, love and feel good.
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The Blacklist (2013–2023)
B-grade superficiality
26 February 2020
Firstly the plots are often just not credible. It's the American habit of nice looking young actors trying to carry of a B-grade script. So it's emotional, that is, it plays on cheap emotions. Really gave it a go by watching several episodes but just deleted it despite having downloaded the first 2 Seasons. Really don't waste your time on this.
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Joker (I) (2019)
Award Material - Brilliant
29 December 2019
I avoided this film for some time due to an aversion to violence (thinking more about needless comic book violence) but today, with a storm blowing hard outside, I watched it. Not at all what I expected and certainly not always easy to look at (and not due to the scenery or lighting which were both very skilled). Others may describe the excellent technicalities of the film but I'd like to add a more sociological aspect. We, society, never learn do we? It goes round and round; in this case class warfare, deliberately ignorant government, mockery of those who suffer and the self-righteousness of the elite. Well Joker shows us the consequences and as history holds it is always a form of revolution, in this case violence and mayhem in the streets of Gotham. How reflective of today's world. Not to be watched for light entertainment, this is a serious movie.
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Designated Survivor (2016–2019)
SO1 & 2
3 November 2019
What can I say that is not covered? It did take a little bit to get me in but I'm well in. Have just completed SO2 and based on tone of reviews, won't bother with SO3.

Sometimes I longed for a quiet day ... with family ... no edge of cliff situation ... but I'm not American so didn't see the need for such non stop crises. The story is great! I can't recall a better performance from Keifer Sutherland who carries some immense emotional and leadership moments. Sorry it has fallen off after SO2... one small note from me: - perhaps some US productions just can't let go. The strong start gains an audience then it just keeps going a bit long. Compare House of Cards, British and US productions. I recall the very good series Shetland being let down badly by a couple of episodes from other writers so I guess that's a price for mass availability of films.

This tv series, Designated Survivor has one major feature, it's context. a Trumpian, Johnsonian era. In the light of what is out there just now, President Tom Kirkman allows a modelling of what can also be. If only eh?
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Icing with no cake
21 October 2019
I totally agree with AlanPatterson's view of this series. Could have been marvellous but failed on the centerpiece which is the story (script). It's rather pointless to have icing but no cake.
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Shetland (2013– )
This relates only to SO5 -
23 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Series 1-4 were wonderful. All scored really well. Of course I want to watch SO5. There are 2 episodes to go so perhaps not the whole story... but enough me thinks. The characters, created by Ann Cleeves, were very credible in the first 4 series - compeling at times so I was eager for more. For SO5 I would score this way:
  • very good story basis
  • delivery of action 1
There is simply too much missing to make this performance credible, one eg. (spoiler) when Perez's car is rammed within millimeters of total disaster no one follows it up; yet that was the first physical link to the suspects who were proving heavyweight (the basic emotion of human traffickers is the willingness to kill). Thrown into the mix are a number of romantic sub-plots, a crazed African woman and just ignorance of the procedures of policing ( why of earth would a trained officer hand over a biro and paper to the arrested man?) My feeling is that whoever had this directed/ produced was hoping to ride of the success of 1 - 4 but the script writing is hopeless. Too bad - I really liked those characters, also the ones Ann Cleeves created for the series Vera.
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A Ghost Story (2017)
Nonsense - waste of time.
7 October 2017
Little to say that hasn't been said but wanted to comment as this film is just so disappointing. It failed for me (and those viewing with me) at every level ... far too slow in many scenes nearly sent me to sleep ... metaphysically absurd (Spirited Away from Ghibli was much more interesting)... I do like Affleck but will someone please remind him that this medium is audio-visual, we need to be able to hear what is said. I'm tired of him mumbling (about the only time is almost made sense was in Manchester by the Sea). If you like good films then avoid this one, it has virtually nothing to redeem it.
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Special, rare, beautiful - don't miss.
7 October 2017
In a year that has been rather bleak for grown ups Embrace of the Serpent stands out like a bright light. Intelligent, fascinating, anthropological...if it was a book it would be a real page turner. I loved everything about this film from the powerful presence of Nilbio Torres' & Antonio Boliva as the admirable and wise Karamakate to the critique of Western culture with its twisted, arrogant & so often brutal religion along with its insatiable misappropriation of other's wealth and culture for mere pieces of silver and the patient and sentient willingness of the central figure (deemed savage of course by European eyes) to bring life and understanding to the very German Theo, so stiff and attached to all the wrong things in life. It's beautifully filmed and there is not a single moment of tedium or narrowness as the story unfolds over several decades. Wonderful treat and it lingers long in the imagination after the film has ended. Frankly it's inspirational.
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The Revenant (I) (2015)
Disappointed - Not credible, needs editing, visually beautiful.
12 January 2016
The sheer volume of promotion should have rung warning bells for when a work has quality word of mouth will promote it better than expensive advertising.

Since the entire film is shot on location without artificial lighting and was clearly an endurance test in many ways there is no excuse for not making it credible. In short no human I know of could survive what di Caprio's character, Hugo Glass, lives through.

The film is far too long at some 153 min. and urgently needs editing.

In this setting - the wide open spaces of Canada - more silence would have been appropriate but at times I felt the volume of the theme music was just over-done. We don't need to be told how to feel for it's a visual medium so let us get atmosphere first from the visuals.

The faces of the indigenous actors were wonderful and lent a note of authenticity and really the performances overall were very good. It was the survival of the central character which lacked credibility, not the acting (people die from hypothermia quite quickly when exposed to the elements yet our profoundly wounded and infected hero just keeps going!). Also the two 'wild' scenes made for exciting viewing (not specific as don't wish to spoil).

The plot is fine. It's not a new story, the appropriation of assets from native peoples,along with greed and revenge and that plot was well established.

Overall and in one word, disappointed. Could not sit through it again.
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Suffragette (2015)
9 January 2016
Partly I'm writing this review because of the rather negative summation by the review showing on the main page. The purpose of art is greater than titillation and amusement. Art has many functions one of which is to reflect ourselves to ourselves.

In Suffragette, a competently made film in which the acting is worth praise and the setting convincing for 1912 London an extraordinary piece of our social and political history is told. Certainly I have always been proud that my native country, New Zealand was the first nation to give women the vote (1893, well before even its neighbour Australia which followed in 1902 a year after Federation).

Social change never comes easily and replacing entrenched patterns, prejudices and fears takes time and courage. This is what this film depicts, the sacrifice required of so many women to achieve fundamental social justice in a society dominated by prejudice and physical force.

I didn't find watching this film easy and it was not intended to be easy viewing for its heart is changing the dominant paradigm. I find its message very relevant to today's politics and Corporate behaviour wherein we, the people,are treated as mere consumers and every day our rights shrink under the claim of fighting terrorism. the answer then for the suffragettes as it is today is awareness and this film raises awareness in style. For this reason alone I score it 10 our of 10 and urge you not to miss it.
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10 July 2015
I love this film. First I loved 'The Tracker' because at last the indigenous man is not a victim or worse, a joke. Now comes Charlie's Country. To Australians the very word 'country'signifies the relationship of indigenous Australians to their country. To an international audience I wish to say this: to me a sign of true art is that there are moments of transcendence. Times when it is impossible to connect rational dots any more. Life flows. Then we awaken from this willing trance and watch superb film making happening, telling a real story, not some bullshit story but real, y' know people, my people. In this Rolf de Heer & David Gulpilil have created a play of universality, the essence of being human will be recognised by any viewer especially those who have experienced how devastatingly concrete the raw use of State power is upon an individual; let alone an individual from a totally different culture, a living culture. Welcome to the new world order. And gratitude to these two men who created this film.
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