3 Reviews
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Godzilla (2014)
Godzilla is the best movie of 2014
18 May 2014
I've seen a lot of Godzilla films in the past, Godzilla 1954, Godzilla vs King Ghidorah, Godzilla Final Wars, etc. Godzilla 2014 got my number 1 favorite Godzilla movie along with my list of favorite movies of all time list. It is that EPIC. You'll love this film as I loved this film. I will beg to Gareth Edward to make another Godzilla film. If he does make another Godzilla film, I hope that the next film will have some of Godzilla's classic adversaries like Gigan, Megalon, King Ghidorah, Mecha Godzilla! The future looks bright for for Godzilla. This movie is the movie of the year. The King of the Monsters is back and I hope that he will continue his legacy of destruction and awesomeness.
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Godzilla (I) (1998)
I can never hate this film despite what everyone says
28 April 2014
When I first saw this film, I was about 6 years old and I loved dinosaurs at the time. Seeing a cool looking giant lizard walking around New York was eye candy to me. I can never hate this film because it was the film that introduced me to the king of the monsters, even though it tried to be but failed. I understand what everyone says but I feel like its my duty to try to defend this film. I'm not gonna act like its a masterpiece, its not, but it is entertaining. Is it a Godzilla film? yes. Is it good? It's watchable to say the least. Does it stand as a great Godzilla film? no. It's far from perfect but not to the point where its God awful. So I don't think its right to hate this film. I've seen plenty of other Godzilla films like Gojira 1954, Godzilla vs King Ghidorah, Godzilla Tokyo SOS, Final Wars, and when it comes out on theaters, Godzilla 2014 :3 If someone told me to write down the names of all the Godzilla films I've seen, I'd add Godzilla 1998.
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Clannad (2007–2009)
One of the greatest anime in the history of anime. Simply Perfect
28 April 2014
I'm an action junkie, I usually watch anime with lots of violence, actions, etc. I have lots of favorite anime like Black Lagoon, Space Battleship Yamato 2199, Soul Eater, etc. I decided to give this anime a watch one day. After the first episode, I got hooked. After I finished watching the entire series, both first and second seasons, I was crying like a baby...no joke. I stayed up till 4 am watching this anime. I have seen lots of great anime before, but Clannad and Clannad After Story is considered my number one favorite anime of all time. It's simply one of the greatest anime EVER! It's funny, it's serious, and especially sad. This show is guaranteed to make anyone cry. If not, that person has a heart cold as stones. It's one of those shows you have to watch before you die. And this anime will stick to you forever. I'm a Clannad Man! Clannad forever!!
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