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Forensic Files: Bad Blood (2001)
Season 6, Episode 18
8 March 2024
I was so very moved by this story. I'm 83 and just WISH that most young women "Candy"s age would fight back this way. It looks like her parents are good people so I'm guessing they had something to do w raising her to be good for them. But they believed her, supported her, and it sounds like she could depend on that. At 83, I have not seen much in my life that suggests most girls and women are now this smart, strong and independent. I give all credit to the women's movement in the united states for most of my own independence. And I'd like to think my daughter and granddaughter would fight like "Candy". I hope they would. But, it was like watching an Amazon... to see this kind of smarts and courage, it's just wonderful. I wanted to write a personal letter to thank "Candy" and her parents too for raising such a wonderful woman. We need many more like this and maybe we'll see far fewer rapes, esp. By men w/ power. Thank you "Candy'. I hope you keep pushing forward with your life and know that whatever you do with your future, the world will be a much better place because of women like you in it? Can't you please move to America? We could use you Patricia W.
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Bronx Obama (2014)
More sad than funny
22 February 2015
There was something surreal about this film. Not sure what the writer was going for but there is such a big difference between the Clinton impersonator and Obama's.

Yes, this man does look a lot like the president and he is good enough to perform well. But, his two white guy "handlers" who seem kind of red neck and some of the audiences he is performing for (libertarians, who've become more blue dog Dems or teapartiers) is embarrassing. The fact that this man is doing this because he needs the money so bad, has a family he is trying to help is not funny. His private comments reveal what his motives are and he is smart enough and honest enough to talk about his feelings about welfare. And he worked to get off of it, which is what most who are on it do, even though many people, esp. conservatives don't know this. The most real moments are where he is talking about he won't "be disrespected"... but the set up of this such that this seems inevitable. The way it's played for the laughs and to the kinds of audiences, is somehow reminiscent of the old Amos and made me angry..and I'm white. I like and respect our president...I'm not happy with some things, esp. what's happened with whistleblowers and our criminal "criminal justice system" winning the prize for most non-violent people in our prisons than Russia and China put together. But he has, in spite of the most extreme opposition ever from the teapartiers and Repubs together being the party of "no" and fighting him tooth and nail on every attempt he has made to push us further, made some progress.
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Woman Undone (1996 TV Movie)
So bad it was almost good....borderline funny
10 May 2012
I actually thought it was a parody at first... the people in it are pretty good actors. I could not stop watching because it was hard to believe it was continuing to be so bad... dialog stiff, strange, odd... story line pretty close to a laugh...but never quite made it...oh, I'm lying, maybe when we found out she shot her husband to keep him from suffering when he got stuck in a burning car... that was so far-fetched, esp. since she was cheating on him with a young hottie and planned on getting a divorce... wish the writer had dared to take this one over the edge. With more work, it might have been a great parody. Unless you're desperate or a movie masochist, skip this one.
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The Trip (I) (2010)
Pretty awful
19 November 2011
I suspect the one reviewer who gave this such a good review might be related to someone who was in or who put the film together. My husband and I TRIED to watch it...but the humor fell flat, was insipid/lame, just plain dumb. I'm a bit more patient but my husband was ready to turn it off much sooner and neither of us could stand it very long. The point where they were told they'd get a room with separate beds, we were both done with it. The odd couple getting on each others' nerves...well, they got on our nerves...don't think that's what the writers wanted exactly... certainly doesn't come close to other buddy films that did grate one another but were actually funny. I cannot believe this thing got a 7 rating. It sure didn't deserve more than a 1 or 2, though, to be fair, we couldn't watch much, so that's just based on a small portion. Could the rest of it have possibly risen like the Phoenix out of the ashes? Hard to believe.
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really godawful....pun intended is this a spoiler?
28 December 2009
"I.D. is not worth discussing because it does not provide an argument. Expelled itself provides no real argument, either, and should definitely be expelled from the ranks of cinema. There is no competition for the worst movie of 2008."

I agree with the reviewer who wrote this. I'm really surprised that a number of people are saying this is not about creationism and Darwinism, but about freedom of speech,etc. I think this is about the freedom of speech that makes sense and speech that reinforces ignorance and superstition. Just my opinion. Someone suggested the documentary on this topic by public television. Yes, I saw some of that and it was infinitely better, no contest. This was pure propaganda and has some frightfully stupid stuff in it. For any who believe Stein is unbiased, I think you must just not see it but it sure is there in spades. Stein can say whatever he wants. He just should know something about what he's talking about. Otherwise, it's arrogant ignorance.
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Malice (1993)
worth it just to see Anne Bancroft play a great role
14 June 2009
I loved Anne Bancroft in this.

She's good in anything

but she was wonderfully wicked in this. A deliciously smart and nasty boozy mommy. I miss her as an actress and as a great human being. Nobody's quite like Anne Bancroft. She will be missed by people like me who love her. She's like the spider with the fly with she's talking with Kidman's hubby who just doesn't get the situation. Bancroft brings enormous power to this character. She's got to be one of the most extraordinary women actresses of our time. She's right up there with Streep and other greats.
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Powerful story, terrific acting
29 May 2009
I've seen this twice and the impact was no less the second time. It's a story about power, the abuse of it, the search for justice and relationships. I'm in awe of Weaver's acting ability. Yes, it's a great role but she makes it that. She is a queen in my opinion; she mesmerizes. And the interplay between the three actors is such that even though there are moments when it is difficult to continue watching, you cannot look away.

This film shows some very real glimpses into the worst of our human nature and the deepest part of who we are in our quest for peace and resolution.
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Freeway (1996)
Loved this one
23 January 2008
My hub and I are old people :) (even though he's 12 yrs. younger) but we still loved this one. And I've seen Election, thought it was very good but maybe I missed something....Freeway just blows it all away, I think.

It's so fun and crazy and over the top in a wild, funny way, like a mental, emotional roller coaster. Not too many films I want to see again but I know I will with this one and I can't imagine anyone but Reese doing this the kind of justice she does. If you haven't seen it and appreciate something really wild and original, check out Freeway. You won't be sorry.
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Blood Diamond (2006)
A Remarkable Film
29 December 2007
This is an amazing film. It is testimony to the power of film to bring a true story to life. DeCaprio was surprising and I think surpassed anything he has done before by portraying such a complex character, a credible character. The story is an amazing one and if you are someone who has never been interested in the politics of Africa and the US and the diamond exploitation by westerners, watch and see if you can still be apathetic. My husband and I watched this together and found it mesmerizing. Even though DeCaprio was better than we've ever seen him before, we think that Djimon Housoun should win an Oscar. (i.e. if the award people are giving them out yet for truly fine acting and no other reason.) The one scene he had with his son was so extremely powerful, it will, I think stay in your mind and heart forever. It was a tour de force, just done so well, it is impossible to see and not be moved. I read that Housoun has talked about how simplistic Americans are in our understanding of Africa and I think he is correct. But he did something in this film that I think will bring anyone, including Americans, who see it into the 21st Century. Who can watch that scene and not feel the power of love, the courage of a father reaching for a lost and emotionally crippled son. I hope we see a lot more of Djimon Housoun. This man is a wonderful actor.
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So Powerful and Beautiful, impossible not to be emotionally submerged
25 October 2007
I rarely watch a film more than once but found myself watching "Breaking the Waves" again. Emily Watson is spellbinding. She draws you in in such a way you cannot help letting go and becoming part of her story. The writing is intelligent, real and captivating. This is a wonderful film experience. And I'd watch it again. And again. It's engrossing and enriching. There are too few films of this caliber so when you see something like this, you cannot help but recognize you're seeing something extraordinary. Breaking The Waves is one of those films that makes you think and feel and learn. It makes you glad you know something this good when you see it.
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Except for Eastwood, The Proposition blows US westerns away
20 August 2007
This film is sheer poetry....It conveys the horror of humanity, most especially in men. It's characters show a splendid view of passion and connection between humans as well as egoism and ruthless self-interest devoid of humanity that makes this a powerful and modern horror reality film.

It may not be fair to compare this with Peckinpah's westerns because Peckinpah's were certainly ahead of their time with realism and complexity but The Proposition is so much more sophisticated in the best sense. It makes most American westerns look black and white...Few directors/writers are as compelling. Eastwoods "Pale Rider" shares the kind of richness with his sense of place, humor, and character that is in The Proposition. But there is something alive in this film that few others in this genre possess.
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Slut. (2004 TV Movie)
Not for girls and women only: Well done documentary- worth seeing-
26 October 2006
I enjoyed this documentary. It was intelligent, had humor and passion. The sad thing to me is that the young women today who are embracing the word slut, unlike the older feminists who rejected these negative stereotypes, appear to be practicing some kind of in your face Stockholm syndrome. Embracing language that puts us down, reduces us to our bodies and sexuality is, in my opinion, masochistic and self-destructive. But maybe I think this because I've been a therapist for over twenty years and have seen the deadliness of this language. On the other end of the spectrum, it's hard for me to understand women accepting the word "lady", i.e. "Lady Fests". I've been told it's converting the word into something new and different. But it still sounds like the same old "lady" to me with all it's stifling limitations and straight jacket restrictions to our humanity.
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An antidote for those naive about the English and U.S. criminal justice systems
6 September 2005
In the Name of the Father (1993)

IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER is a college education for those innocents who still don't know the police make mistakes (and on a regular basis). There are good cops but also bad ones who either don't care if they arrest the wrong people or who intentionally do. There are bad judges and juries and prosecutors who want more notches in their legal belts more than they want justice.

Both the US and England have seriously flawed criminal justice systems. It is hard for me to believe I ever believed otherwise. Good cops and good lawyers and decent judges need to challenge ones who are not. They need to speak out and dare to tell the truth about the corruption in the system instead of cowardly hiding their heads in the sand.

From personal experience I know of a tragic wrongful conviction and have heard of others through my work and education.

This film along with others such as Hurricane Hunters are wake-up calls to citizens who want some semblance of honesty in the judicial process. The US is in the grip of the best corruption money can buy from the top down so it's hard to be hopeful.
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