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No One Would Tell (1996 TV Movie)
I know this story and used to live in a town twenty minutes away!
27 May 2015
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This was a very sad story that happened in a town twenty minutes away from where I used to live. In fact the girl's parents and the father of Beth Brodie came to my school to do a seminar on dating and domestic violence. I had the pleasure of meeting them. There is a sad part unfortunately, the two boys (this includes Beth Brodie's ex/killer) are both now eligible for Parole. Even though they originally weren't Massachusetts passed a new law that people 16 and under at the time of their crimes is now eligible. I hope they never get out.

Candace Cameron and Fred Savage give excellent performances in this movie. This movie is extremely vital for ALL teens to see. It will help them learn and recognize the red flags of abuse.
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She Made Them Do It (2013 TV Movie)
Sarah Jo Pender Is Innocent!
27 May 2015
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I CANNOT be anymore clear about that. None of the evidence that she was convicted on makes any sense whatsoever. The prosecutor who put her behind bars and used to refer to her as "a female Charles Manson" even now admits he made a mistake. He is now helping to get her out.

Besides the great acting, this movie is so cheesy it stinks to the bowels of bloody hell. It is also has a complete choppy sense of direction, is inaccurate, cheap production, bad script. Also, the arrest takes place within just ten minutes from the beginning of the movie. They could have waited a little longer.

I only give this movie three out of yen stars because the only thing good about it is the acting.
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900 Women (2001)
Great Documentary!
5 April 2015
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This is a great documentary. It shows some of the realities of prison, and why it's not a pleasant place to go. It's a good learning tool for young people. Not just at risk young people but all.

Now as for the women they primarily focused on, one being Marjorie Braggs, serving a life without the possibility of parole sentence. She sees her grandchildren regularly. However, she should not give her grandchildren false hope by telling them she will be home someday. It's not going to happen.

Another inmate Mary Riley, who goes to warden Jones wanting a cemetery to be built on the prison grounds is asking too much. She has been a problem most of her life as well. As the warden puts it: "you've been your own worst enemy."

Then there is keanau Reeves who after three years in prison enters rehab but relapses. Also, Heather Heather Zeringue who after being denied parole had to serve out her last eight months. Then the death row inmate Antoinette Frank who killed a New Orlans cop that was her partner and two children of a Vietnamese couple who owned a restaurant.
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Very Good, Almost as Good as the Other Movie!
6 December 2014
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This is a very good movie, I give it 8 out of 10 stars. It is almost as good as, "A Murderous Affair: The Carolyn Warmus Story." The reason this film falls short of a 10 star rating is because of the cast choice. No one can top Virginia Madsen's performance as Carolyn Warmus. While Jenny Roberts does a very good job, she does not even come close to Virginia's.

The story of Carolyn Marie Warmus is sad and twisted. She was a very desperate woman. She wanted and craved love like a vampire craves blood. Paul Solomen (Micheal Carlin in this movie,) was not the first attached man with whom she had an affair and stalked. As far back as high school she had been displaying this behavior.

The pattern would go this way: she would start dating an attached man, when the feeling was gone for him he would try and break it off and she would throw a tantrum, then she would stalk them in an effort to get them back. Eventually she would move on.

Then Paul Solomen came along. When he tried to break it off she killed his wife. Afterword as usual she stalked him and his daughter. She sent gifts and notes. But when he made it very clear that he didn't want her she flipped out, landing in a mental hospital. My favorite part is when he calls her and says "Carolyn, listen to me, get this through your head, no more notes, no more gifts, no more nothing. I never want to see or hear from you again, got it." LOL!
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Karla (2006)
I'm a future csi and criminologist who is currently in college for this and this film even freaked me out!
27 November 2013
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This is truly a terrifying film made even more disturbing by the fact that it is true. It is worse than any horror or fiction can be. I only give it 10/10 stars because it's made so well and so accurate.

Karla Homolka, is not only just as guilty and bad as Paul Bernardo, but is more psychopathic due to her lack of conscience, remorse, taking responsibility, etc. She should still be in prison. She scammed the crown. I'm surprised her family did not disown her. I would have. How could you not?

She is even allowed to have her own kids. WTF? I'm sorry but anyone who did what she did should not be allowed within a 1,000 feet of anyone under 18. I hope it follows and haunts her for the rest of her life.
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Choppy and Cheesy Movie!
23 August 2013
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This is absolutely one of the most terrible movies I have ever seen in my life. This is based mostly on the media and court of public opinion. As usual in this case at least, they are doing everything they can to make the Ramseys look guilty. Well I ask you this would guilty people give a writing sample or other things that they gave the police? In the U.S. we have Due Process of Law that we follow, not conviction by the media.

Now onto the movie. Cheap production, bad acting, routine script, and only an hour long. The only real good production was the Christmas tree and the green spiral staircase. The only good part in the movie is when JonBenet sings "Colorado Sweetheart."

I rate this movie as a terrible piece of crap with no promise. No wonder it received such horrendous ratings and reviews. I would never ever watch it again.
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This woman got a totally raw deal from the justice system!
16 July 2012
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Donna Yacklich was a battered woman who was trapped and beaten mercilessly. She tried desperately to get away from Dennis Yaklich with no success whatsoever. He was a very nasty sociopath who took steroids and lifted weights obsessively. He was also a police officer who abused his position in society.

I find it sickening that Donna got such a harsh sentence, 40 years to life. I think she should have been fully acquitted of the crime. She had nowhere to turn. Where was she suppose to go? Not the cops obviously he was one of them. Do you know how hard it is to get around that.
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Excellent Movie!
8 November 2009
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I have read the book and seen the movie. They are both excellent. The only thing that was not necessary in the movie was when Mr.Simon died. Why have someone die if they did not die in real life? After their father dies Rachel reluctantly agrees to step in and help Beth get on her feet. This is at the urging of a social worker who is in charge of Beth's plan of care. Beth is Rachel's mentally challenged sister who rides the cities buses all day, everyday. Beth is very ridged in her ways.

While staying with her Rachel learns a lot about her. She does not like Beth's unhealthy and unproductive lifestyle and lack of goals. She wants Beth to get a job. Beth can't keep a job because of her inability to deal with authority. That also has to do with why I don't like Beth. It's because of her attitude, because she's rude and primitive. She thinks she can just walk into the driver's room and use the bathroom whenever she wants. She can't. She should get a job. There are ones she can do.

Great movie to see. I really recommend it.
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Farrah Fawcett Gives a Superb Acting Job in This Film!
12 August 2009
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I have been a fan of Farrah Fawcett ever since I first saw her performance in "The Burning Bed." She no doubt plays just as good in this film. I was sad when she died.

I'm going to read the book that this movie is based on. Diane Downs was an eccentric, enigmatic, cold-hearted selfish person who would stop at nothing to get what she wanted. She even went to the extreme of killing her one daughter and trying to kill her other daughter and her son just so she could be with a man. Scummy bitch.

Of course when she is questioned by the authorities she gives them this bogus story that when her and her kids were driving down a dark road some bushy haired guy flagged them down claiming to need help. She also tells them that he then brandished a gun and fired at them. How ridiculous is that? Nobody would stop on a dark street in the middle of nowhere and let a total stranger get near them like she claimed.

Diane got away with it for awhile but she finally got caught, thank God. Also, I'm glad she was sentenced to two life terms plus some other additional time. She deserves it. I'm also happy that the DA in that case adopted her two surviving children. They deserve loving and caring parents, not a scumbag like her.
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Precious Victims (1993 TV Movie)
Not What I Expected!
8 July 2009
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I read the book by district attorney Don W. Weber who prosecuted this case and when I heard it was made into a movie I wanted to see it. Last Friday when I heard it was going to be on the Lifetime Movie Network I turned it on and watched the whole thing.

When the credits rolled I was bewildered by what I had just seen. This was one of the lamest movies I have ever seen. Lorali Simms is abducted within the first ten minutes of the movie and Robert does not show up for another ten. There is also no looking back on Paula's childhood, only a brief mention of the accident that killed her brother. It may have provided some insight to her wacked out mind if they had provided more information about her childhood.

A really disappointing thing is that Don W. Weber was the author of the book and yet there are only a few scenes of him in the movie. What a waste of two hours of my life that I will never get back.
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Obsessed (2009)
8 July 2009
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I love this movie. It was perfectly and brilliantly acted, written, produced. It is worthy of an Academy Award and Golden Globe. The three main acts should also win awards for their performances.

Sharon and Derek are the perfect suburban couple with a baby boy and new house. Derek has a very successful career as a salesman. Then one day when he gets on the elevator to go to his office his life is abruptly changed. Lisa, an unbalanced and erotomanic woman develops an obsession with him. After that his life becomes a living hell.

That lunatic Lisa does the most shocking unbelievable things. She stalks Derek, listening in on his conversations with anyone, goes through his things, stalks his family, sends him disgusting and explicit emails. She also exposes herself to him in his car. She is just nuts.
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Profoundly Normal (2003 TV Movie)
This Movie Is Profoundly Academey Award Winning!
24 May 2009
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This movie is excellent. I too have a developmental disability, a very mild one. I'm a very high-functioning autistic college student. This movie sends out the correct message about labels. To put it in my own words labels are nothing but meaningless pieces of crap that should never be relied upon. Each case is different.

The point is also made here that people with these and other kinds of disabilities can make and find their way in life. Richardo and Donna getting married and having a child is absolutely no different from other people doing the same things. All this nonsense about them having to ask is just that. They are not children, no one else has to ask.

Yes there are some people who can't live on their own but not all. Margaret just could not. She was just not capable of it. There is nothing wrong with that.
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Excellent Movie! Carrot Top Did an Excellent Job!
25 February 2008
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This movie is excellent. Carrot Top did an excellent job as Edison. He is my favorite comedian. He is a great comedian. He's also a genius.

Edison is a great inventor who nobody cares to acknowledge because they have egos too big. But then he meets a man named Armand who loves his ideas and inventions. Then when Armand dies Edison inherits money and his company from him.

All goes well until the bastard nephew tries to destroy Edison by foil his ideas in an evil plot and plan to take over. But will it really work?

The truth is yours to find out!
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3:10 to Yuma (2007)
Excellent Movie! Ben Foster is the best act!
23 September 2007
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I loved this movie. Normally I don't really care for Westerns, but this one is great. Being that Ben Foster is in it is the reason I like it as much as I do. He played his role of Charlie Prince phenomenally. He deserves an Academy, Oscar, and Golden Globe awards.

Ben definitely did a better acting job then Russell Crowe. Oh and as for the message board comment by real emotion, there is no homosexual behavior going on here. The reason they look at each other is to make sure everybody where they are supposed to be. When they hug it is friendly hugging.

Excellent Movie! 10/10 stars!
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28 Days (2000)
Excellent Movie!
2 September 2007
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This is an excellent movie about recovery, finding yourself and realizing the reality of substance abuse. I thought that this was the most acclaimed performance of Sandra Bullock's career. I think this should be shown in rehab centers, health classes and support groups.

Gwen Cummings is a regular big time party girl who drinks and uses drugs to no end. Then on her sister's wedding day Gwen and her boyfriend Jasper show up late for the wedding. Then at the reception disaster strikes when Gwen ruins the cake. She then steals the limo and while she's driving to a cake store to buy a new one she crashes into someone's house.

She then finds herself with a D.U.I. and is given a choice of 28 days in rehab or jail time. She chooses rehab and when she arrives at Serenitity Glen Springs Treatment Center she finds herself resenting the fact that she did not choose the city rehab center. She hates the new unbearable set of rules: no cell phones, chanting, singing and prayers.

At first she is really uncooperative and does not participate in the program, spends a lot of time in her room alone, gives her counselor a hard time and even takes off with her boyfriend for a day and uses. Then the next day when she is told to have her bags packed and be ready to go to jail she has an accident at her window. We then see a new Gwen began to emerge. The rest is a surprise that I won't spoil for you.

It's a great movie for anyone who is interested to see. 10/10 stars. Two Thumbs Way Up!
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Excellent Movie!
18 August 2007
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I loved this movie. This is one of the two best Harry Potter movies. The only thing is they don't show very much of Hagrid. I thought it was sad when Sirius died. He was a great godfather to Harry.

I think that PG-13 is the right rating for this movie because it's a little bit more violent and has more intimate love scenes in it. It's a very enjoyable movie. Although if your child is under 12 don't take them.

Great movie, great acting, great costumes, production, everything. The movie and book go together very well. It's great to see that everything is met here.
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The Zodiac (2005)
What Was The Director On Crack?
29 July 2007
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What kind of movie is this? A cheesy piece of crap that's what it is. The only good thing about it was Rex Linn's acting. Everything else is a waste of time and money.

I'm surprised this even made it to the eyes of the public. Literally all you see throughout the whole movie is innocent young teenagers getting shot and killed. I know that that is what happened, but most movies based on true crime have other scenes in them that are irrelevant to the main point. This movie only had about two such scenes.

If you don't mind wasting your time and money on movies like this then watch it. If not don't bother.
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29 June 2007
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This was an excellent intense movie, about a father seeking justice for his daughter. The story starts when 10 year-old Tonya gets raped by two sudsy guys who are sick, ignorant and racist. He understandably wants nothing more then to see them both die.

But when he learns that there's a good chance that they might get off scot free he takes matters into his own hands. Unfortunately his vigilantism leads to his own trial where he faces murder charges and finds himself being represented by a young but genius attorney who gets him acquitted of the crime.

This was the right verdict in my opinion. Those two boys showed no remorse for what they did. They thought they could just do whatever they wanted and damn the consequences.
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Million Dollar Murder (2005 TV Movie)
Could Have Been Better!
23 June 2007
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This movie could have been a lot better. I'd be lying if I told you otherwise. That Generosa Rand Ammon was a real bitch. The only thing that was good about this movie was Poppy Montgomery's acting in her portrayal of Generosa.

I am not at all convinced that Danny Pelosi acted alone in the murder. I think Generosa was actually the big masterminded manipulator in this whole thing. After all she expressed great hatred toward Ted Ammon and was a very vindictive woman.

Another one of this psycho woman's traits was; paranoia. She always thought that someone was out to get her. One good example is when she makes it clear to single woman at a dinner they were having with friends that Ted was her husband.

Although, it is very likely that she was involved she was never charged. There was not enough evidence. She died of cancer soon afterward.
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Excellent Movie! Another Reward for Sophia Bush!
14 June 2007
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This movie was excellent! Sophia Bush is the best act! She should have won an Academy Award for her performance here. She really knew how to take it on and keep it going from beginning to end. This film is way underrated.

This comedy is about a self-centered teen aged boy named John Tucker who dates numerous girls at the same time without them knowing about it. He lies to them and cheats on them. He plays his dirty little love game until the girls he's dating meet and become friends.

When the girls become friends all hell breaks lose for John. Everyone then finds out about his phony personality and his games. He also endures some of the most humiliating things ever. Needless to say he learns a good lesson.
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The Hitcher (2007)
Excellent Movie! Sophia Bush is The Best Act!
12 June 2007
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This is an excellent movie with the super performance of Sophia Bush. She should win an Oscar Award for her performance in this film. Although, I have never seen the original version, I know that she definitely plays the part better then Jennifer Jason Leigh.

While driving on an isolated highway Grace Andrews and her boyfriend John Ryder are suddenly startled by a guy standing in the middle of the road. They manage to speed away in time, but later he catches up with them at a gas station. He requests a ride and Grace does not want to do it but John says yes. When he starts to act psychotic they throw him out of the car. But that's not the end of it.

He continues his killing spree wiping out a family, cops, and others. He tries to frame Grace and John for it, but in the end the truth is revealed. Unfortuneatly though, John does not make it. But the killer gets a taste of medicine in the end.
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There's Always Evil That Hides in This World!
28 May 2007
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I liked this movie, which is based on a shocking and chilling true story. Knowing that this really happened sends chills up my spine. David Brown is a manipulative, evil, liar, and murderer who masterminded and had his daughter and sister-in-law carry out the murder of his wife Linda Brown.

It all started when they overheard Linda talking on the phone and saying that she wanted to kill David. That's when David plotted her murder. Even though Patty pulled the trigger Cinnamon took the fall for it because they knew she would do less time then Patty and David.

But later the truth eventually does come out and David and Patty are charged, convicted, and sentenced as well. Cinnamon and Patty are done serving their time but David will remain prison forever. He's at Folsom State Prison in California.
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Extremities (1986)
Excellent Film!
13 May 2007
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I loved this excellent movie. Farrah Fawcett played the part phenomenally and with good heart. She plays a woman who is driven to extreme measures to protect herself and her friends after she is attacked by a stranger. After being rejected by the police she realizes she is on her own.

Then one day when she at home alone the stranger breaks into her home and attacks her again. Not being about to call the police or get him out she is forced to spray him in the eyes and imprisons him in her fireplace.

I think there is a need for a wake up call to the laws of the land. They are too easy on these criminals. It's time for more harsh punishments.
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Decent but flawed!
5 May 2007
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Although this film was decent it was also very flawed. It's the true story of the Morrison family murders by Luke the second son who seems to feel rejected and unloved. After the parents and little brother die it becomes obvious that Luke is guilty. This is because he goes on a shopping spree right away buying himself a new Corvette.

He also got married. He was not sentenced to 3 consecutive life terms without parole until 3 years later. He was a real cold-hearted son of a bitch. He's where he belongs.

This movie could have been better. lack of information at the end is one factor.
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When Innocence Is Lost (1997 TV Movie)
All She Wanted To Do Was Put Her Child in Daycare! What The Hell is Wrong with That?
25 March 2007
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Erica French was just a young woman who was simply doing what she had to do to make things convenient for her. When she puts her daughter in daycare her ex-boyfriend comes out of the woodwork and files for custody just because he does not want his child in daycare.

From there Erica faces a long legal battle against him. He sues her to death. Just because there was an accident does not mean that the place is unsafe. In the end though, Erica does win her case but is forced to drop out of school.

This movie is a nice lesson to young people showing how difficult it is to raise a child. Once you make that commitment there's no turning back. So to all young people out there: think long and hard about it before you have sex. Your responsible.
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