
8 Reviews
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Angels in the Snow (2015 TV Movie)
I just find it the most ridiculous story ever
30 December 2015
I really enjoy Christmas tales and even enjoy some of them when they get a bit gloopy but in my opinion through the entire movie I failed to be moved in any sympathetic way whatsoever towards the Montgomery parents (Kristy Swanson and Chris Potter) and thought that her character was blubby to say the least when she should have taken hold of the situation just as a mum for the sake of the kids and he came over as a guy that was selfish to the extreme and showed his children no emotion whatsoever. Then the Tucker family turned up at the door to the cottage with their entourage of kids and they were allowed entry as total strangers through the door with no questions asked as to who they were or what they were doing. It got better when pa Montgomery went out to the car in the middle of a raging storm and got hit by a tree. I thought he'd gone to the car to try and charge his cell phone but it turned out to be otherwise. I'm not going to put any spoilers in as seeing this movie is beyond belief to the extreme and you have to watch it for yourselves but I suspect that the ending was thrown in as an afterthought to cut it all off abruptly and stop any further money being spent on filming. I could go on for ages because I really enjoy movies of all genres but this was dross even for a TV Movie and bore no relationship to real life behaviour in my life experience
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Desecrated (2015)
Very Odd
9 December 2015
I have to say that I really couldn't make a lot out of the storyline if there was one - it seemed a bit like let's make it all up as we go along type of movie poorly produced and directed - I really like Haylie Duff and as an actress I think that she stood head and shoulders above the other clowns - what the heck was the storyline - It had me beat and I love movies and watch them a lot of the time - Haylie steer clear from this nonsense - you are a very good actress IMHO and you deserve better roles than this - what was the bad guy all about - I like the thriller/horror genre but hey it just didn't seem to make a blind bit of sense - Haylie if you read this I'm really suggesting that you stay away from this type of stuff and work in the areas of character that you are very good at - romance and heart rending stuff are your forte as far as I have seen and you do it very well - or if you do horror/thriller stuff get a good script and a good production team - just my thoughts - I don't wish to be controversial or unpleasant
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Great Fun
3 September 2015
I found this movie great fun and well worth watching even though my French language skills are a bit rusty it still was a great parody of the Robin hood tale and very funny. I liked the Sherwood New Town sign towards the end although I'm afraid that there is no longer a sherwood forest per se and I think that "Robin des bois" is a part of mythology - well worth watching though and even if your first language is English it doesn't really matter as it's just a great visual fun romp along the same sort of lines as the old "Carry On" movies. I thought that Gerard Darmon played a particularly "Wicked" sheriff of Nottingham and Max Boubil was a pretty good Robin although I think that he could have been a bit crazier in places just to add to the farce
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Spy (2015)
Jason Statham? Why?
10 July 2015
I have to admit that I had a couple of beers when I saw this movie but even that didn't take the edge off the awfulness of it and my feeling that it was an unscripted - make it up as you go along - nice holiday for the "actors" kind of movie. Why was the f word used so often - I can swear with the best of them but not in general conversation and without any sense or meaning. I will state publicly at risk of being assassinated that imho Jason Statham can't act and I've cringed so many times when I've tried to watch his movies that I couldn't mention. Why was Amanda Hart in this, what?? She's not an actress and fails miserably at comedy - I saw her in "Not Going out" (Britcom) and she was just the stooge.
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The Homesman (2014)
Very disappointing
22 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I knew that this movie was not going to be an historical document and tried to view it for it's entertainment values. I was more than disappointed, people are still people wherever they live and from whichever quarter of the world they hail from and these were just not human reactions to any of the situations that they were placed in. I won't put in any spoilers but I kept finding myself asking how everyone was so clean and their clothes neatly ironed. I'm from the UK and I know that it was tough for settlers but - hey - times were tough everywhere however people are still people and most react in a human way. I think the movie lost direction early on and really didn't know where it was going. Sorry for the bad review as I am an avid moviegoer and enjoy most things that I watch but this is just too silly for words
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What was the story?
30 July 2014
I've seen all of the planet of the apes movies and this has got to be the worst. I'm not generally one to heavily criticise and enjoy most of the movies that I watch: Obviously some more than others. There just didn't seem to be a storyline at all to this. I was waiting for something to hold my interest but there just didn't seem to be even that. There were four groups of individuals, good humans (who like monkey people) bad humans (who hate monkey people) good monkeys (who tolerate humans) and bad monkeys (who hate humans)and that was about it. Good cgi I guess and lots of mock anger and angst from all parties involved oh, and shooty shooty bang bangs but what was the story - what was the point of it. I think it was at best, a movie that was of straight to TV and DVD quality at best. Very disappointed as I was looking forward to seeing it. Maybe the Planet of the Apes story is just about played out.
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Hereafter (2010)
Cecile de France held back
25 July 2014
I must admit I have only just watched this movie but I was looking forward to it and found myself stunned and very disappointed. I really like Cecile de France but I got the impression that the director made her speak English, a language that she is obviously not comfortable with, heaven only knows why he did that that. She is probably the only person out of the entire cast that can actually act instead of following the dullard monotonic Nick Cage school of "acting" delivery. If you get the time take a look at Haute Tension, Chinese Puzzle or, particularly, The Kid with a Bike and see good scripts being played out combined with excellent acting.
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Confine (2013)
Quite a neat story but could have been written and enacted more convincingly
6 April 2014
I watched this movie with interest knowing that it was Daisy Lowe's first lead role and thought that she made the jump from the Pippa character to Eddie very well. I must admit I was rather disappointed with the extent of her physical injuries as Pippa and Eddie was a bit um... overly made up. I'm sorry to have to say that the Kayleigh character as a heavy wasn't at all convincing but I don't think the script helped her. All in all though it was an interesting story and I look forward to seeing more from Daisy Lowe, Eliza Bennett and writer/director Tobias Tobbell in the future and will be looking out with interest.
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