
5 Reviews
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Rent (2005)
Rent is beautiful.
27 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I've seen the show on Broadway. It's about a group of Bohemian friends- Mark, the dumped Jewish cameraman, Roger, a musician who's HIV+, Mimi, a dancer who's also HIV+, Collins, a computer wizard with AIDS, Angel, a transvestite street drummer, Maureen, a sleazy bisexual activist, Joanne, a lesbian computer technician in love with Maureen, and Benny, once a friend of Mark and Roger until he married money and bought the building they live in.

Basically, it's about the trials and tribulations of these groups of friends fighting mature problems such as AIDS and trying to get enough money to pay rent. Very little was changed from the original- some of the songs were changed into dialogue in order to appease the people who wouldn't want to sit through 2+ hours of nothing but singing and dancing (the Broadway play is a rock opera). An understandable move, if you ask me, but it's very weird how they transferred it all to the big screen.

Now then, I'll list some pet peeves I had of the movie: 1. 90% of the dialogue used to be song, but they changed it for said reasons. The weird part is that the song lyrics they said in dialogue with little of it changed. This is weird because I've listened to the soundtrack a lot, so I'm used to the songs.

2. Some of the songs they just dropped out with little intact. You'll notice they didn't have that little "Christmas bells are ringing" ditty, for one thing. I don't really understand why, though. They also took out "Halloween".

3. They should've gone more into Angel's death. Yes, I realize she had AIDS and was bound to die, but it pretty much lept into it without an explanation of what happened. In the original, she died around the song "Contact", but I forgot much of the play, so I don't remember what happens then.

4. In one scene (particularly the "La Vie Boheme" scene), Maureen actually moons the audience.

5. Wait. That was a good thing.

6. It made me cry too much. I hate crying.

Despite these quirks, yes I loved it. The songs were greatly choreographed, and I was not disappointed. And don't listen to the critics- I love the songs.

9.5 out of 10.
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Batman Begins (2005)
Batman succeeds at being Batman
15 June 2005
Now, I'm no Batman expert, but I do know that the tale of him is supposed to be dark and serious. And if I'm correct, this movie certainly succeeded at emulating that feel. Sure, it isn't Star Wars Episode III, and the first Batman movies were certainly more fun (Batman Returns is still my favorite), although this movie probably was the first to accurately translate Batman to the big screen. Living up to my expectations from the trailers, I certainly recommend it to Batman fans.

All in all, I give it a B. The movie ain't no Spider-man, but it was certainly no Hulk either (half exciting, half boring as hell). Christian Bale is definitely the Batman.
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Disney's just being modest.
10 June 2005
Disney's Disney. This may be one of it's greatest work, but just because it's a little politically incorrect, they shove it in the shelves in the U.S. Of course, I bought my copy on eBay. Though not everything is perfect about this movie, it is really satisfactual. The songs, the animation, the songs, the characters- did I mention the songs? Anyway, though this may be lost treasure, there are still some quirks- -Ginny sounds like she's been sucking helium. -her brothers are classic 40s kid actors (and not in a good way). -What are the chances of a black guy caring most about a white guy when there are tons of other black people around him?

But I don't want to sound like a nitpicker. Let me just say that this movie is worth buying on eBay.
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Jurassic Park (1993)
As said, the Definitive blockbuster movie
8 June 2005
What can be said about this movie that hasn't already been said? Who knows. We all know that this has some of the greatest special effects, even today. Also, if there's anything that can match the awesome T-Rex, it's the movie's musical score. I swear, listen to it more than once, and you're bound to see the movie yet again, if for that sole reason. It's that powerful. Oh sure, acting isn't this movie's strong suit, but who looks for acting in a Dinosaur thriller? Who?!

Anyway, I think I've made my point. Jurassic Park: One of America's greatest classics. Steven Spielberg created magic with this movie. If you haven't seen it once, you haven't seen it at all.
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Great action, great film. Veeerrrry underrated.
8 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
OK, I know that a lot of people have a grudge with movie, even more than the campy Jurassic Park III, which was inferior to the first two combined. I, for one, loved this movie almost as much as the first one. Why?

Well, for one thing, if there was ever any bad acting, I could hardly notice it. I was too wrapped up in its suspense and story. The characters aren't as memorable as the guys we grew up with in the first Jurassic Park, but they're certainly not as wooden or as boring as the new cast of Jurassic Park III (besides the ever-loving Sam Neil).

And like I said; even if there were any bad acting to be found in this movie, then the action would certainly more than make up for that. I mean, a herd a raptors killing bunches of men in foliage? An army of compys ganging up on one lowly man? That bastard T-Rex going on that classic rampage, eating victims alive, especially at the city of San Diego, in a deliciously satisfying way? What's not to love about this film?!
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