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Not good
11 February 2024
What age group is this movie for? It talks too much about psychological problems in the minds of adults for it to be for 5 yr olds (which is the only age that would wanna watch a movie like this) and yet they just keep going on and on and on AND ON about mental n emotional problems ppl have that they don't even UNDERSTAND until they're older! Like come on. Why make a big deal about something like "casting your insecurities onto someone else.." (the sunny guy says this to the dark guy) why bring up such a thing to a 7 yr old? I just hate how movies these days try to have these adult-ish themes in order to look cooler or something? I don't even know the reason why. But it was a bad movie. The voice acting is super cringe too...i dunno who does any of it but it just sounds like a low-budget film. Yeah, it was just not good.
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One Piece (2023– )
Not bad not perfect
5 September 2023
I think they did the best they could with what they had, and I was really scared to even start it cuz the trailer just looked so corny. Like 2000's power rangers or something similar. But I just HAD to check it out and I think my low expectations actually helped lol cuz it wasn't actually that bad! I'm not finished but so far it's really just what you can expect with these actors/director. I mean did u really think we'd have a OP live action starring Brad Pitt as zoro?! What were you expecting lol it is what it is...and it was surprisingly decent. I was worried the actor who portrays luffy wouldn't be able to pull of luffys silly goofy charm (mixed with his powerful side of course) but he does pretty well. The rest are like I said, power ranger characters. Buggy however, is quite good and I really enjoyed his episode. The most annoying issue however is the costume and character design. For example: Although shanks' acting isn't the worst, he is definitely no OnePiece shanks. He doesn't have his powerful and scruffy badass pirate-y character....he's just a different character completely unlike the anime shanks. I say he's not "bad" cuz someone watching who has never seen onepiece will probably think he's just a chill, older-bro-to-luffy type pirate, but that's not the real shanks at all. And don't get me started on the hair. The hair must change. It's the worst. The wigs/hair coloring on every single character is terrible and is the reason I cringed so much watching the trailer. Is it a big deal? I think so because costume design can turn a film from 0 to 10 and in this series it falls to a 1/10 to me. It's because it weighs so much on the visuals as you fall in love with characters and then you see this ridiculous wig with horrible coloring and it just takes all the life away from the character.

Hmmmm what else shall I say? I guess I'll just leave it at this...It wasn't too bad. I would definitely recommend this to ppl who haven't seen onepiece and then catch back up in the anime where the series leaves off. The best arcs are not in this series but of course you gotta start somewhere.

Edit: well I finished it and I still stand by my review. I really liked it and I think the main reason is cuz I'm seeing one of my fave shows come to life and it was enjoyable. The fight scenes are not dragged out yet still thrilling. It was definitely better than I thought it would be.
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Buddy Daddies (2023)
What makes an anime wholesome?
26 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
What makes an anime a truly "wholesome" one? I will try my best to explain my own thoughts on what I myself see as a wholesome anime. It's a show that can take you on a variety of emotions but is always filled with joy. There are plenty of appropriate animes out there that don't necessarily have a ton of sex or violence, yet still they might be a tad bit on the drama side and are more tear-jerking than wholesome. Wholesome animes try to stay on the side of good morals and family values plus comedy to keep the drama light-hearted. There's a good variety of characters that keep the show balanced and as always, in the end you're left with a heart-warming feeling. People might think that spyxfamily is the most wholesome family of 3 anime out there but in my own opinion, this anime is definitely number 1. I first started watching an anime recap of the series on YouTube and once I got hold of the plot I stopped and restarted it on crunchyroll. And ahhhhhhhomgggggoodness it was just so perfect. 2 friends who are assassin partners decide to care for a child after realizing they've killed her father and immediately fall in love with the joy of fatherhood and become a family. It's just such a sweet storyline with plenty of comedy and a pinch of action. I highly highly recommend this anime to literally anyone and I bet you too will fall in love with it. The only problem is that it is too short. I just wanted a little more so I'm really hoping all the good feedback will force a season 2 hehehe.

Although I wasn't very specific I'm going to mark as a spoiler in case someone doesn't want to read even a hint of whether or not there is a "happy ending" which I pretty much described.
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Captain Fall (2023)
Captain fall
31 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers

The series is compelling enough but doesn't end well. If I'm gonna watch crime getting away with it itself every episode it better come to an end at some point of the series but sadly that doesn't happen here.

Captain Jonathan Fall is the latest "fall guy" that a corrupt group of criminals use while posing as a cruise company. Captain Fall is easy to use because he's a gullible, naive yet kind and trusting man (also always treated like crap by his family). The fake cruise line hire him and use him as their "fall guy" for their many, many illegal acts while on a large cruise ship. Although he is present for most of the crimes happening right in front of and often being used during most of it, he still has no clue that his "family" of the cruise coworkers and subordinates are actually framing him.

The premise for the show was pretty interesting most of the series until I realized it was about to end and the investigation part had barely begun. It ended on way too big of a cliff hanger for me for a show this small. So if you like more resolve then I'd advise to wait until season 2 if there is one. Also, I would've liked it more if there was less useless dirty naked ppl scenes so I give it a 6/10.
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The singing voices don't match lol
28 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It is so weird seeing ladybug talk in her normal voice and then she starts to sing... the voices not matching are so jarring lol me and my daughter just looked at each other and busted out laughing. It really doesn't fit. Just the sound of her singing voice...it just doesn't fit! It's way too different. She had a high pitched, peppy talking voice and then a low, raspy singing voice. I wouldn't have minded the songs if this wasn't the case but it's way too obvious and way too weird sounding. My kids love the show and I ended up watching the movie with them...I still fully enjoyed the movie tho. And the animation is great obviously. I definitely recommend the movie to any kids/teens...it's cute, funny, and a fun super hero story equal between girls and boys.
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Fruits Basket (2019–2021)
I hate Akito
24 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers

I liked the series and watched it pretty fast. I didn't read the manga but yeah I enjoyed it for the most part. I only have 1 big complaint and although I wanted to rate it lower for this complaint I just decided not to cuz I still really loved the series but... I'm just totally shocked at how akito was forgiven in the end. Tohru really, really bugged me thru out the series and I didn't enjoy the sound of her voice actor. Not every kind hearted person needs the sound of a pixie fairy. Anyways, so yeah it really drove me nuts how easy it was to just love and accept akito right away while she's 1: coming to kill her, 2: she's done such horrible things to the ppl torhu cares so much about, and 3: Torhu knew the evil plans akito had for kyo...but still she immediately loves her and wants to be friends??? Like wtf. I really hated watching all of that. Ppl who abuse children, especially to that extent, don't get a 2nd chance. Maybe they can after they've repented and PAID OFF THE CONSEQUENCES IN PRISON. And it's up to the abused victims to decide to forgive them or not. Why is Torhu the only one who everyone follows to forgive akito? She didn't experience what they experienced. It was just really frustrating to watch. And seriously what was the scarring childhood situation akito so horribly experienced that made her such an evil POS? I was thinking it was going to be something super crazy and hurtful that would make me feel bad for her (as I watched on Crunchyroll I would read comments concerning akito along the lines of "just wait til the end and you'll understand why she's so mean" etc.) and yet it didn't change my opinion on her. The only person who understood was Rin. Poor Rin. Did no one care enough for Rin that they just welcomed her attempted murderer with open arms??? So frustrating!!!! It honestly should've ended with Kyo transforming and battling Akito at the very least. Just a complete ass kicking which she fully deserved. She got nothing except undeserving love and friendship. So disappointing.

Anyways, besides that I really did enjoy the series. I could've used a little bit more action but I still respect the story/plot that the author created. It was still a great and memorable series. I loved the characters and I would definitely recommend this series to anyone just starting out watching anime.
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Hidden Love (2023)
Finally the best cdrama
18 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Finally a Chinese romantic drama without the 2 things I hate the most: crazy unrealistic plot lines that lead to very dangerous scenarios so the hero can save the girl (random kidnappings and what not) and my 2nd most hated thing is when, spoiler warning...

one of them, if not both at different times, decides to leave the other with zero communication all because their parents don't approve and threaten them if they don't listen so they flee and don't say a word. These 2 common themes in Chinese dramas are so irritating yet so common that I was basically waiting for them to happen. For once, the couple stays committed and stays strong towards one another and it was such a sweet, romantic series. The airport scene in ep 24 with the paper stars had me tearing up like a baby right along with them. Ahhhhhhh my goodness I was trying to think of what I would actually change and there's literally nothing so I gave it a solid 10. Comparing this to other series' in its similar genre, yes...it's definitely a 10. I thought the acting was great, writing, chemistry, bingeworthy, (whatever you do, do NOT start this a night before u gotta get up early for work the next day lol!) just really an all around great drama about young love and the choices/sacrifices ppl make as a result of it. I gotta mention one last thing: the brother is a hilarious character and the actor played him perfectly! He wasn't in it as much as I was hoping but still with a smaller sized supporting role, he really stole the scenes. These young actors should be proud of themselves and the work they can produce...perfection!
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Plunderer (2020)
Really really bad
13 July 2023
On paper, a summary of the plot looks promising. Like with the numbered citizens and a girl looking for answers about her mother who passed away etc...it sounds pretty interesting right? I agree, but wow it was not executed. This show makes you feel dirty and gross. I know a lot of anime is not good for kids but this is like if a show out there wasn't good for ANY age. It's just really gross. And it doesn't even help the plot! It could've done really well if they didn't make the main such a disgusting creep. Please please no more animes like this. It doesn't matter how old u are...your just gonna have a fan base full of creeps and child predators watching this garbage. So please stop. Stop making crap like this.
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My Happy Marriage (2023– )
So far so good
6 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I can't really say much because Netflix has only uploaded one episode so far but I am loving it so much already. It reminds me of Cinderella obviously, but definitely has many differences. In the first episode we learn that Miyo comes from a very hateful family who treat her like a servant rather than a family member. And to make things worse the boy that she grew up with and likes is actually being forced to marry her stepsister who is mean and cruel. Miyo is beautiful, kind, gentle, and strong and I am excited to watch this series to see her relationship grow with her new husband. He is obviously very handsome but we do not get any deeper look into his personality or character in the first episode. I think episodes air on Wednesdays so I will put an update after I finish the series. Thanks.
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Mash the muggle
23 June 2023
Everyone has their type of animes they tend to enjoy most and mashle is definitely my type. It's got a little bit of everything- silly humor, protagonist with good morals, the entourage that has every personality type, evil selfish villains, and a unique story driven by a simple but heart-felt plot. Mash has no magical abilities and yet to go back to his peaceful life with his adopted father in the woods, he needs to obtain the highest achievement of becoming a Visionary in a school of magic. I really hate comparing animes cuz I really think they each have their own uniqueness to them but if I had to, I would say Mashle is a mix between one punch man and a spoof of Harry Potter. Even that itself doesn't sum half of it up. It has its own story so I would definitely recommend ppl watch it for themselves but at least watch 5 episodes before coming to your own conclusions. It starts out decently but gets pretty good a few episodes in. I myself am fully invested. 8/10.
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Made me hug my kids
20 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this late Tuesday night while my 2 daughters, 12 and 4, were asleep and while hearing the moms voice frustrated trying to talk to her daughter on the phone alone at the hospital just made my heart ache. I just hugged and kissed both my girls imagining her pain. If the mom had been the "calm" one (for lack of a better word) then the dad would've been the one freaking out. But because she took the reins of trying to fight for her child, they made it look like she was the bad abusive parent. And how they tried to turn dad against her!!! Ugh I was disgusted. Just dr sally smiths face alone with her angry eyebrows during her interviewing just gave me the picture in my mind of what she was like in her position at work: total power trip POS. Did this story surprise me? Nope. I can totally see it. Doctors who think they know better than parents is such an old story. I went thru such a horrible traumatizing experience with my oldest daughter when she was born that dealt with idiot drs not listening to moms intuition. My baby had pneumonia and when I took her into the ER I swear the guy gaslit me as a "young new mom who was paranoid." I took my baby home and that night she stopped breathing, was dying, rushed her back and her oxygen was at 60%. I was literally JUST THERE THAT day and they sent me home! My baby almost died but thankfully recovered in the ICU miraculously (3 week old preemie with pneumonia) so yeah it was crazy. I just got depressed at the hospital watching my baby hoping for her to get better. I kept thinking of that day I took her in saying something wasn't right, she was lethargic, not eating, etc. And I was sent home. Obviously compared to this, my story is less traumatizing. I mean just imagining this story alone gave me anxiety so I have no idea how this family copes thru it all. And all of it because of some power trippy dr?! She thinks she's saving children left and right from abusive homes when SHE is the one causing pain and distress in a family...man, someone has to set that woman straight! I hope she gets what she deserves. Poor Mayas mom knew the only way her daughter could go home free was if she was gone. Wow just so sad. So so sad.
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Last episode of swordsmith village
19 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Yup I'm rating a 10 and no I don't work for DS in any way and I'm not a first time reviewer trying to help tip the scale. This episode really was perfection. The animation of demon slayer is just so vibrant which really makes it set apart from other animes for me. And it's the eyes. The eyes of the demons are incredible. When i think about Japanese animation and how it's so different from other animation in the world, the eyes are what comes to mind. And yet somehow demon slayer is able to even make their own style different not amongst animation itself only but amongst Japanese anime. Which I think is pretty incredible. But anyways back to the episode.... Spoiler....

Okay so I definitely cried a like a baby immediately when the song started to play while nezuko is burning. Maaaaan that song. And this is all while I've already read the manga so even tho I knew what was happening, the scene was just so perfect... it still put me thru the emotional ride of nezuko possibly burning to death so that tanjiro can go save the villagers. And yeah it was just soooo sad. And I loved her cute little voice after...OHAYO!!!! Lololol of course that would be the perfect first words for her to speak! Ahhhhhh yeah it was just perfect. I'm not really used to short fight scenes cuz I watch OP (fight scenes takes months and never end lol) so it's interesting to watch DS and see resolved fights happen and still be satisfying at the same time. I loved it. I'm so glad the last episode was longer than normal too; that was a plus. The worst part now is waiting lol but yeah it was a perfect arc I would say...and since I've read the manga I can promise you, it only gets better from here!!
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Smallfoot (2018)
James ruined it
28 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie really isn't so bad and is one of your average animation films. I like to think that animated films can be classified into three or four tiers. The top tier are your best animated films; I would say examples of some of the best would be Kubo, Inside Out, Puss in Boots 2, Toy Story etc. Then there's lower tiers that go even further for super low budget animated films that no one watches really. (This is just my own way of thinking when it comes to rating) and I do this because it's not like I'm giving this film a 6 compared to a movie like Titanic or LOTR...their ratings are based off of animated/kid films only. With that being said I'd say this movie falls in the 3rd or 4th tier of animated films and I honestly put it there because I don't think James did a good job. His character is way too close to reality of his own life and profession. Only caring about bringing in views? Doing ridiculous ideas so he can be more popular? Full of lies? Does any of this ring a bell? You might think I'm describing James corden himself but these examples come straight from Percy, his character in the film, during the cave scene. There are just some ppl who do not sound good doing voice acting. If you're gonna get a star, then I guess that makes sense too cuz well you've got a main role to fill and JC is neither of those. He's not a big likable movie star and he's a terrible voice actor. The sound of his voice it just makes me cringe. The story of the film itself was decent: instead of humans looking for Bigfoot, it's a bunch of Bigfoots looking for the "small foot" by following all the signs, searching, going against their society rules etc. And they eventually find the small foot to prove their theories of existence. And that small foot is James cordons animated double: a selfish journalist who lies in his videos in order to make content to gain popularity. So yeah that's the movie and Channing Tatum, Zendaya, and Common all do well but it's just tainted by James Cordens annoying voice. Original songs were nice too.

I give Small Foot about a 6 rating.
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XO, Kitty (2023– )
Plot is terrible.
19 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Something is just really off with this show. In the beginning you kinda get hooked, but the plot changes so much (like over 10 times) that you just start to get sick of it. The main character, Kitty, is hard to like as well. I know she kinda "changes" towards the end, but she's just such a bad friend that it makes it hard to really root for her....which again ties into the ever-changing plot because while maybe "rooting for her" you begin to realize there's NOTHING to root for! The writing just changes course so flippin' much which makes it impossible to follow the main character. A character who doesn't know what they want in life is usually in the beginning or the middle of a series...not the whole time right up to the end!!! She literally knows nothing about her own self. So why would we watch such a confused human being for 10 eps straight make terrible decisions?! It's excruciating.

On another note, it's crazy how time has just changed so much as far as what's suitable for television. Kitty is only a junior in high school and yet she gets drunk at...a bar? It's really confusing how these kids get away with so much (in KOREA in BOARDING SCHOOL mind you which is so unrealistic) I dunno but it's just awkward watching the actress who plays Kitty...she's so young, and even looks so young (like I think she still has baby teeth which is so awkward) and yet she's living the life of someone 10 years older than her. Like a college girl. It's just not good TV for TEEEEEENS! I don't care what anyone says; 16 yr olds drinking and living with 3 boys is just....dumb. Like I mentioned, the writing is super unrealistic, and the plot is like a 3rd grader's run-on sentences. It's terrible. And after all the plot twists and turns I couldn't even believe the show ends without any resolve. It's just annoying how Netflix will just push out anything without even caring about viewers' expectations. TV written like this should be free.
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Pan and Tink were not good
3 May 2023
The boy playing Peter Pan was not good at acting and yet he had the main role. His level of acting would normally give him a small role with a couple of lines...and yet here he is opposite Jude law. Also, something about his delivery of his lines really bugged me...I dunno if it was the sound of his voice or what but it just made no sense. Tiger Lilly's lines made no sense either. If someone speaks English, and only speaks English to the other ppl around her, why would she even try speaking a different language to an English girl? She knew Wendy couldn't understand her but she just kept talking in a different language. Ppl don't do that...they talk in their native language around u not to you when they know u don't know it. Disney really doesn't know how to write a movie or show that shows inclusivity, culture, or diversity. They just think they do by picking a bunch of random ppl who don't mesh well together and throwing them in with random lines in a different language is gonna work. It doesn't. I had no problems with Tiger Lilly or Wendy really, just their lines and compatibility and chemistry with Peter. It sucked. Peter was terrible. Bad acting plus bad writing equals a big disaster. And my last annoyance comes down to tinker bell. I LOVE yara as an actress but something felt off here. All her exaggerated movements and facial expressions seemed so forced and unnatural. Why did she have a huge smile so much? Have u ever seen tinker bell smile? I can't really remember so maybe once but not this much. She just didn't seem like tinker bell. The jealous narcissistic tinker bell we all know and love. This movie just really didn't mesh well together even tho they copied the original, and the original was fine, how can you go wrong? But they still managed to ruin it. Zero chemistry, bad acting, unnatural and forced delivery, and just a messy plot. What even was the plot here? Now that I think about it I really am not sure.
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Hunter x Hunter (2011–2014)
I loved some and hated some
24 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I've read so many reviews on this show and everyone has so many different opinions like "animation is great, story is not.." or "animation SUCKS but the story is good.." and I get why this is. The animation is okay in my opinion, but the lack of consistency in story is my major issue. The arcs in this anime do not flow well one after another. Some parts of the show are a 10 and some parts are 1's. It's just how the show is. You'll be hooked for 20 episodes straight and then all of a sudden the story will change and you'll be using HxH as a way to put yourself to sleep. I think overall the anime is a solid 6 and it's because of so many parts of the show that as a viewer you're excited to finally see and they literally never show you. Im going to list below all the things that were left out completely which really frustrated me at the end. I couldn't believe some things were just left open ended. Gon's dad SUCKS so I couldn't care less if he ever found him...I would be more satisfied as a viewer if these plot holes were filled instead. Here's my list:

1. What is a hunter? This is never really explained and I still have no clue what their exact objective is. It can't be that they are good fighters cuz look at their exam!!! Seriously tho...what is the point of being a hunter!!??

2. Hisoka. Very cool character and he makes you eager to find the rest of his story played out...especially finding and fighting chrollo...but nope! And anything else about his ending is just left blank. Waste of character development. (This is a common theme for good characters)

3. And speaking of.... Chrollo never returns. Did he get his nen back from that exorcist? We'll never know.

4. Kurapika is a main who turned into a ghost. Not even in the last several arcs!!!! WTH?!

5. The phantom troupe was a cool villain to watch and then they're just NOTHING. And who is their new leader???

6. Leorio wasn't given nearly enough screen time.

7. What was the point of Gon playing greed island? Why did his dad even leave him the ring/memory card?


9. What power does meruem have that is soooo powerful? Although I really loved his character, I was getting sucked into the build of him and it turned to nothing. No cool fighting. Just doesn't get hurt. You're telling me that someone like him can go through a crazy beating then a bomb of that magnitude and live...but then die from poison??

10. My last one. This isn't a plot hole exactly but just an issue I had in the ant arc: What is Gon's obsession with kite? He barely knew him. Killua almost died from blood loss in that cave area and after he told Gon he was hospitalized for 2 days, Gon DIDNT GIVE A RIP. And yet with kite whom he just met, he hadn't even known he was "dead" yet and started to lose it in front of pitou and was filled with rage/blood lust. I thought this was absurd.

***this show left me empty and dissatisfied. I disliked the last arc and the ending very much. A couple seconds of others' endings coming together during the ending theme song was not enough. And Gon's father really annoyed me. Leorio and Kurapika were great and viewers/fans deserve more of them and less of the hours and hours of screen time of all the other annoying side characters. Just ridiculous in my opinion but that's just me. Thanks for reading :)
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Shadow and Bone (2021– )
I went from 8 of season one to 5 season 2
16 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It's just not that good anymore. Only Kaz and Nina are the only ones who are not super cringy n corny. The storyline started out great and season 1 was great. But it's like, you know in a show or movie where there is a love triangle but there's this obvious character who SHOULDNT get the girl? And when they don't you feel satisfaction and it still makes for good drama? I notice this mainly in kdramas these days cuz American movies butcher love dramas...but anyways, in this show she chooses the loser. Alina and Mal have zero chemistry. Mal really bugs me for some reason. In the books and in the show. Show version of Nikolai isn't great either. As a viewer you're supposed to feel a rush of excitement from his character's presence due to his charisma, character traits, personality, looks, etc. But this guy in the show is so flippin bland I couldn't care less if he becomes king. There's no one to root for anymore in S&B. Even Alina is just so mehhhh. It reminds me a lot of once upon a time. That older show with poor graphics and a cringy writing.
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4 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
How is this actually legal? I spent so much money tonight taking my kids my nephew to go see this "movie" and there was literally only maybe maybe 20 minutes of actual new footage. More than half of the entire movie was just the last episodes of the entertainment District. I honestly cannot believe that they did this to us as fans and take so much money from us with no shame at all. The trailer is a lie. There was nothing NOTHING cool about this "movie" ugh I can't even call it a movie without getting so annoyed. Because of Mugen train theatrical success, we got PLAYED. I feel so used. What a freaking scam. And I love DS. How can ppl do this sort of thing to their loyal fans? Huhhhhh whyyyyy?!?!?
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The Glew marriage... relationship goals
28 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It was actually a perfect story for a documentary like this in my opinion. Way better than the beanie babies doc which was infuriating....this one is more special. It makes you feel good at the end seeing where his true happiness came from all along. His wife is so freaking special too; one in a billion type of woman. She was so sweet and her smile on TV just made me happy inside I don't know why. I think it's because sometimes we go thru seasons in life thinking we've lost all hope in humanity cuz there's so much evil out there and then here comes along a humble, horse-riding, kind, patient woman on a random documentary about PEZ and I just feel like she reset my poor judgment that all humans are a-holes. She is actually doing what the rest of us wish we could do in life which is make a difference in the world by being genuinely kind to others...that's my opinion at least. Mr. Glew has a very cool story that is very unique and i hope the PEZ and toy world will remember him :)

One last thing I wanted to mention that really bugged me: that one former PEZ employee who was interviewed (I think he was a marketing position maybe?) he annoyed me so bad when he said they could've sued and all this other stuff but they didn't cuz they're kind ppl or whatever he's trying to hint at, was such a B. S. comment. They literally COULDN'T sue because they're a bunch of idiots who never fully processed their own US trademarks with borders and customs! They're complete morons for that and if they would've sued, they'd have nothing to expose except for their own mismanagement.
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That '90s Show (2023– )
Is this a Disney channel show
21 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This show's script and acting is very similar to that of a Disney channel show from the 2000's. Like wizards if waverly place sort of acting and humor. The only cool parts were of kelso, Eric, Donna, and Jackie. But since they're not the stars of the show and only cameos, the show is doomed. It's not funny like that 70's show...it's literally just like I said: a cheesy Disney channel show full of forced laughing. The scene with the beer drinking was super uncomfortable and I don't know why lol i know they drank and smoked weed in that 70's show but for some reason it didn't feel so weird like watching these kids drink and find weed. Maybe cuz they look so young? I dunno it just seemed different in an uncomfortable way. In that 70's show they don't want to let their parents catch them doing anything bad cuz they'll get in trouble and it was funny...but in this show, it just looks awkward like super young teens drinking and smoking and not caring at all if their parents see their cups of beer. It doesn't make sense. So Eric's daughter who looks 13-14 is drinking right in front of him and he gets mad for 2 seconds and then let's her stay the summer to drink n get high more? Very unlikely and not very funny. It's just not the same as the first show...not even a tiny bit similar. Like I said, it's like a show for 12 yr olds as far as humor but with drinking and smoking weed lol it makes no sense. Also, the Alanis Morsette song singing was sooooo cringe. The back n forth "bro" also cringe. No one said that back then.
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Gnome Alone (2017)
I just had to come and write something
20 January 2023
This movie is your average 4/10 star kids movie: all the cliches in writing movies, poor writing, lazy plot ideas, and dumb characters. There is one thing that bothered me so bad and that is the boy in the movie named Liam. He's supposed to be a supporting friend and character to the main character girl but I honestly see him as the villain in the show. She always is trying to tell him that she wants some space from him but he never listens. And whenever she wants other friends or likes another boy he gets super jealous and controlling. But he is supposed to be a good friend? He tells her how she should feel, he tells her what to do, he tells her the friends she's met are bad for her and that only he is good for her and then he crushes a cup when he sees her talking to another boy and throws that cup at her head...it's like how is this a good friend for her when all he's doing is complaining about other people being bad friends without even knowing them . They call him a loser and he totally is. Every time she talks to someone else he gets super jealous. He literally yells at her about the gnome situation in the middle of the dance while she's just trying to have a good time as somebody who doesn't get to hang out with friends a lot and he doesn't care. All he cares about is helping the mission at home which is none of his business it's not even his house. I'm sorry lol I'm really venting here but the storyline really made me angry just because he's a nerdy loner doesn't mean she has to carry him along on her shoulders to be his girlfriend when she doesn't even like him it seems. ITs almost like how in real life ppl who don't have friends find the new kid at school so they can manipulate them into thinking all these ideas about other ppl cuz how should they know when they're the new kid? That's Chloe she new and knows nobody and Liam the neighbor stalker decides to come along, steal her garden gnome without asking, force a friendship with her, and tell her exactly who she can and cannot talk to so that she'll only love him. So sad. I think one of these real life losers grew up and wrote this story from memory. OK I'm done.
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Things are finally heating up lol
31 December 2022
This episode was very fast paced and I loooooved it!

Who else is wondering if the other actress who played naksu's soul will reappear? Usually with shows like these I can somewhat predict the ending but so far it's been keeping me guessing. Great show, chemistry is finally building...I just really miss Jang Uk's smile and playful character from season 1. He's so depressed right now and it makes me sad to watch but obviously it's inevitable after what happened (or I guess what he thinks happened) I'm excited to finally see his happiness re-emerge. But yeah great show; well done, and this episode was the best so far imo.
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Bullet Train (2022)
1 star reviews are liars
29 December 2022
I dunno how you can give this movie a 1. It's such a lie and you're just as bad of reviewers as ppl who give perfect 10's on crap movies. This movie was fast paced, action packed, driven plot, great actors, and keeps its viewers captivated. There's a cameo or two that might annoy some folks, but overall it was a good movie. I didn't see this in theaters, I saw it on Netflix and for a Netflix watch, I really have no complaints. Brad Pitt is great, Aaron Taylor-Johnson is greater, and "The Elder" is my personal favorite. Besides entertain, what more do you ppl want out of a movie? Do you want the actors/actresses to physically come outta your tv's screens and play patty cake with you? Like, I seriously don't get the complaints on movies that are obviously DECENT and that you can tell a lot of work went into just so our eyeballs can have a good time. The movie is good. And It's at least better than any of the super hero movies/shows that poop out of Disney every other month. So yeah it's good; go watch it.
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Spoiler review...movie ending sucks
8 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The build was good. I was excited during the story but as I realized the time is almost up I was shocked cuz there was like no closure for a great ending even tho this build just kept going the entire time concerning the plot! I HATED the ending. Jake was great and so was Rachel...chemistry was okay at first but as part of the build, it got much better. But I seriously hated the ending it was so frustrating. I was expecting Rachel to meet her bio-mother but NOPE. I'm just confused why did the entire movie center around her looking for her mom? She told Jake this: "I'm looking for my mother." Sooooo why on earth did the literal ending end on a freeze frame of jakes face and then to black screen/credits?!?! It made zero sense and felt so empty. Like first of all show us the fiancé break-up, the I love u too, the "why I said I didn't love u..", Rachel meets mother, jake talks to dad about letters, Christmas dinner, ETC!!!!!! It's insane how this ended I thought maybe there gotta be more to this after the credits somewhere but nope!

I'm serious, if you're looking for a good old fashion Christmas rom-com complete with happy fulfilling endings, then STEER CLEAR from this one. I loved jake I loved Rachel and that is why this really bugged me. Don't get me emotionally invested into your characters' lives and not finish telling their story; it's sooooo annoying.
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Dead to Me: We've Reached the End (2022)
Season 3, Episode 10
The end
25 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I lost my mom this year to Covid and my sisters cannot even watch shows like this one because it just makes them breakdown and cry missing our mom. I didn't think I was like that...I've watched shows that are somewhat sad and I don't think about my own real feelings while watching...until I watched this. It's Christina; she is so great at acting in both her comedic and dramatic scenes that it just feels so real. When she looked at the empty chair while driving I lost it. I'm writing this the day after thanksgiving and now watching this show, the pain of seeing that forever empty chair is a real thing. And being happy after someone you're close to is also real but that pain from grief will always be there...it's like living a different life. Things don't get better they just get different after losing a loved one. This show was so great and it really captures the reality that a lot of ppl face in their lives. I loved Judy's spirit...I loved Jens spirit more tho. She was strong, she knows how to keep going for children while still keeping her best friend in her heart. It's just a great show is all I can say.
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