
9 Reviews
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Twister (I) (1996)
Really good
12 October 2021
I think this is a great movie. It has fun, romance, action, beautiful Hunt, flawless acting, chemistry, music, good CGI. And even though there were lots of movies that tried to use these ingredient, this movies gets it just right. It flows so nicely, with the right combination of comedy, action and drama. I never get tired of watching it. I mean, this is not a masterpiece. But it is a really-really-really good movie to watch.
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11 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this film some time ago and completely fell in love with it. I thought it was such a sweet story about teenage friendship, romance and innocence. The acting was great and there was such a lovely chemistry between Benny and Jack. I did read the book as well (after the movie) but i must say i prefer the ending in the film. Yes, it does make it more of a rom com, but I thought it suited the story better. I don't like the "you betrayed me, it's all over" films. As someone said, "one forgives to the degree that one loves". So I thought it was more touchy the way they turned things in the film. (Although Jack had to be changed from the book to make him worthy of her love.) Of course, there is more stuff in the book. The other two girls have deeper stories in the book, but films are short so you cannot include everything. But I think the Benny's story and personality and all the troubles of growing up and leaving home and falling in love were captured really well.
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Not that bad actually
6 May 2017
I know, Disney producers should be ashamed of themselves for making yet another remake instead of picking something more original. I entirely agree with that. But, history aside, I'd say the film itself is actually pretty good. OK, I was actually one of those boyfriends that were dragged along to watch it, so my expectations were pretty low. But still. The cinematography is spectacular. And Emma Whatson is entirely convincing and enjoyable as Belle. So the film did not break any new grounds, but if you want something feel-good for Friday night, then you might actually enjoy it. (Although I don't understand why every single movie must include LGBT these days (with all due respect to the community). It's a fairy tale, for god's sake.)
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Unless (2016)
did not get it
1 March 2017
Well, I am not sure I understood what it is exactly that the director was trying to say in this film. You can feel there is a message there. After all, that "goodness" sign is right in the middle of the most of it. But I am not quite sure what that message was meant to be. The film does touch on quite a few topics like the homelessness, the fragility of happiness, etc. But all of that did not quite all get together. The family drama part and the acting was great, you can certainly feel the confusion and the despair of them so wanting to help and not understanding how. But then, when the explanation came at the end, I'd say I felt no less confused on what "goodness" has to do with all that and what the girl (and the director) wanted to say. Anyway, it certainly maid me want to read the book to fill in all the gaps.
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Maudie (2016)
will warm your heart
1 March 2017
What a good film. And most impressive is that it is actually based on a true story (sorry, I haven't done my research before the film, so when the documentary bits came at the end, I was like No way, that was actually for real!). I am not sure it can really be called a "feel good" movie - life wasn't that easy for her. But it will certainly warm your heart with a big and powerful message that we don't really need much to be happy.

Sally Hawkins was absolutely great. With that shy but ready smile and wondering eyes. Although I felt kind of sorry for the way they portrayed her husband. Not sure if he was as brute in real life as they made him. Not that I know, of course, but it felt too much (and he looked smiley enough in the documentary bits). Also, I'd say the editing was not as smooth as it could have been so felt rather amateurish overall, but maybe that was intentional.
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The Odyssey (2016)
1 March 2017
It's a very well done film. It certainly wasn't easy to squeeze half a man's life into 2 hours but I think they've kept a good balance between the beautiful under-the-sea shots and the family ups and downs and the financial challenges he faced. Obviously, they did not have much time for any in-depth analysis, mostly walked us through the main milestones of his life. But the film is shot and edited perfectly. The scenes just flow from one to another, speeding up and slowing down as needed, as kids grow, as decisions need to be made, as people leave and return. The film is not all rosy and it did not shy away from some of the less pleasant sides of the great man. But I think it was handled with good tact, they did not dwell on it but kind of just mentioned it, hey, we are all human after all. And of course, there are enough shots for you to go wow that's a fricking beautiful world down there.
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Such a beautiful film
21 February 2016
Ah, such a beautiful film. Just saw it at the Dublin Film Festival, picked it somewhat at random, and did not regret it at all. If you want to have a break from all the noise around and want some peace and quite then this is the film to watch. There isn't much action here, just 3+1 sisters living their day by day lives. Although, the lives are not at all empty, you will find that there is quite a bit of love and pain, decisions big and small, regrets and forgiveness, but they are all expressed in rather subtle tones. And despite anything, you keep feeling that things are getting better and people are growing together rather than falling apart. Such a feel good movie. And, although it is set up in modern times, there is a good measure of tranquility of old Japan mixed in. Small town, old house, veranda into the garden, plum tree, and of course sakura. So all people and events are intertwined with beauty that is around us. Cinematography and acting are flawless. You just completely immerse into the film and are surprised when it stops. And of course, if you've ever been to Japan, there will be many moments that will bring good memories of this incredible place and culture.
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Not impressed
2 March 2014
Just saw it at the Dublin Film Festival and, to be honest, wasn't very impressed. It was shown in the Irish category so I thought it would be one of those Irish films that are usually low-budget but personal, fresh and original. This one was none of that. It would be more in line with Hugh Grant's romcoms. I mean it's nice to watch with your missus, plenty of jokes thrown in, but it's more "one of those films" than "must not miss". I am not sure if it qualifies for a "Dublin film" either. You need to be Irish or at least someone with deep love for Dublin to make a truly "Dublin film". Here, the director/writers are not Irish and hardly been to Ireland before the film. They were just told (according to Q&A session) that Ireland is a cheaper place to film in, so they hired an Irish writer, changed the background to Dublin, and voilà - got an Irish film. Kind of cynical. So it's more "filmed in Dublin". Although the location crew did make a decent job of trying to avoid the usual clichés. So at least, you'll get some nice shots of the modern Dublin.
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Cas & Dylan (2013)
Great movie
2 March 2014
Just saw it at the Dublin Film Festival and it's an absolutely great movie. The acting of both leads is perfect. You never stop believing them. And you go with them through the whole journey (both the literal road journey and the bigger metaphorical one). The movie is actually surprisingly light and funny (considering the story). Even though it touches rather serious topics of life and death, it manages to do so very gently and inoffensively and with a good deal of humour. It kind of focuses more on them learning from each other how to live then on him dying. So the overall feeling is surprisingly optimistic. And, since it's a road movie, you'll get some beautiful wide-screen shots of Canadian landscape to enjoy as well.
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