
211 Reviews
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The Upside (2017)
Enjoyable, but not great.
29 May 2024
Greetings from the other side. Considering this is a 2017 movie, I found it strange that I had not heard anything about it. However, the movie has Bryan Cranston, Kevin Hart, and Nicole Kidman, so how bad could it be?

I should mention that I have not seen the original French movie that this is based on, "The Intouchables". According to the reviews posting here, the original movie is excellent, so I will have to check it out.

This movie was enjoyable, but there was something off about it. Part of it may be that considering Kevin's character is looking after this paraplegic man, we never really get to see him doing much. Mostly, we get to watch these two guys zipping around and having a good time. It's feels more like Cranston's character isn't paraplegic at all, but because he's extremely rich, his quirk is that he likes to live in a wheelchair full time. You just don't FEEL like he's disabled. I guess they were focusing more on the comedic side of things.

This was like a typical "odd couple" situation, but with a disability spin. They start out at odds, but over time become good friends. Then, they have a big fight, but eventually make up, the end.

The movie is fun to watch though. They actors were excellent.

I definitely recommend this movie. It's not great, but it's still very good. I think I'll go watch the original now. Apparently, it even better!
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Dalek episodes are always good, but this one had some issues.
29 May 2024
Greetings from the other side. I love Doctor Who, at least up until Jodie, and this Gatwa person is just brutal to watch. Anyways, there were some issues I had with this episode.

The big issue was the dialog for the Daleks. They typically repeat a word once, maybe twice, but here they went crazy at times. One line was, "Don't move, Don't move, Don't move, Don't move, Don't move, or you will be punished". That is just terrible to hear, and they do this in other places as well.

The is a scene where the doctor and others are in the Dalek control room, when a lookout comes in saying that Daleks are coming, so the doctor says to hide. One of the scariest, most brutal creatures in the universe is coming, and these people very slowly find a hiding place. They were so casual about it, that I laughed out loud. Then to top it off, when two Daleks roll by, the Doctor and company start running (in the direction the Daleks came from) and for some stupid reason, the Doctor yells out "Come on, let's go! (or something to that effect). Obviously, the Daleks hear this, and turn around to chase after them. If this isn't bad enough, the Doctor and company enter a ventilation hatch, and the Doctor says something like, "If you're the most technologically superior race, then why don't you climb in her after us?"

Another scene was a Dalek ordered two others to go search an area that had tresspassers, and they reply "We obey". A bit later, the Dalek beep the Dalek in charge, and when he asks what do they have to report, they reply something like "We are in sector 7 and starting our search for the trespassers". They two Daleks were ordered to seach sector 7 already, so why bother to inform the main Dalek that they were about to start searching? Not very efficient if you ask me.

Another stupid thing, was when the Doctor first arrived on the planet. They exit the Tardis and he mentions something about this planet appears to have quakes frequently. The Tardis re-materialized just inside a cave, so you would think that he would move it, just in case. However, he doesn't, and there is a quake later, and it gets buried. He is suppose to be super clever, so how did he not consider this? I'm sure everyone clued in as soon as he talked about frequent quakes, but not him. Lazy writing.

I suppose that is the main problem I had with this episode, which is Lazy Writing! There was just too many obvious issues, and I don't understand how nobody noticed any of these glaring problems.

Anyways, it's still a fun episode. It's Doctor Who and the Daleks, so what's not to like? Hehe.
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It's a bad wishmaster movie.
12 May 2024
Greetings from the other side. I've always enjoyed the wishmaster movies. Some are better than others, but this one is not very good.

I really like the guy who plays the wishmaster. He has that creepy smile, like he just killed Batman or something. However, he was smart enough to not be in this sequel.

Seeing Tara Spenser Nain's breasts might be the only good thing about this movie. If you are unfamiliar with this series, the Wishmaster is usually released from a ruby and grants 3 wishes to the person who released him. The wish is always warped in some fashion. For example, a person wishes for eternal beauty, and he makes them a mannequin.

Anyways, this is not a very good movie, and in my opinion, not a true Wishmaster movie, since it doesn't have Divoff (Actor that plays Wishmaster) in it. I do not recommend it.
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Wat too long. Could have been better.
4 May 2024
This should have been condensed into two episodes. There is WAY too much filler, like, why do I care that this guy use to do karate?

I also felt the F-word was used way to much, making him seem ignorant. People don't need to say the F-word every 5th word at times. I seen him talk normally in this documentary, so why keep all the cursing in?

Sitting through this entire series is a chore because it's soo boring. They really needed to stream line this. Didn't they review this before releasing it?

I personally believe the government has been covering up UFOs since 1947, and we've been lied to ever since. There is also a lot of fake stuff out there as well, some put out by the government.

I also believe the governments of the world need to act with more transparency. They have too much power and that always causes corruption. They work for us, and we should be informed on what they know.

Anyways, this show has some good stuff, but it's surrounded by a pile of boring material. If you don't mind that, watch it.
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The special effects were great, the story...not so much.
23 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Greetings from the other side. Considering part one spent the majority of the movie introducing everyone, I thought part two would be awesome. However, it was worse than the first one.

So many things just didn't make sense in this movie. Some examples (spoilers ahead):

  • A 100 pound chick taking down 3 or 4 trained soldiers. I'm so sick of this girl-boss crap, as is everyone else. Asian sword chick was doing the same thing.

  • Good guys shooting down a tunnel about the size of a normal hallway, and can't hit any of the bad guys?

  • When they blow up the first of four ships that landed, why didn't that huge explosion not cause the other ships (that were right beside it) to explode as well? Additionally, after that explosion, why didn't everyone attack and kill all of the troops that survived, as they were all in complete shock and had no idea what was going on?

  • Whenever the girl-boss chick was fighting multiple enemies, only one guy at a time would attack her. The other guys did the "I'm going to attack you as soon as you hurt or kill that guy" dance. They would be shifting their weight from one leg to the other with their arms in a fighting position in the background, just waiting for their turn to fight, but at the same time, make it appear that they were all attacking her at the same time.

  • I have no idea what that cool robot was all about. It was something everyone wanted to see more of, but they barely used it.

  • The farming village had hover-carts to put the wheat on, but everyone was using a scythe to chop the wheat?

  • They train farmers for a day, and they end up fighting better than the veteran bad-guy fighters.

  • As with part one, there was too many slow motion scenes.

The only good thing I can say about the movie, was that the special effects were top notch.

I cannot recommend this movie. Most of it doesn't make sense. I don't understand how Snyder (and everyone else involved in this movie) didn't notice any of these glaring issues. Find another movie to watch. One that is worth of your time.
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Sadly, it's not very good.
23 April 2024
Greetings from the other side. I'm a huge Ghostbusters fan, so I was very upset when I finally seen this movie. The nostalgia factor is about the only good part of this movie.

List of dislikes:

  • Far too many characters, so we end up jumping around from character to character, and spending short amounts of time with each.

  • The Phoebe Spengler character is another girl-boss character that writers love to use these days. Inserting their politics further, she also enjoys looking and dressing like a man. They also made her a lesbian who falls for a female ghost. Since she is a 15 year old girl who is smarter than everyone else, they gave her a snarky attitude, and talks back to her mother and soon-to-be father.

Continuing with the politics, we have a Pakistani who ends up being a special person in the movie. Aykroyd has an Asian teen boy assisting him at his store by recording events on video, etc. We also have this teen white guy and cute black girl with white dreadlocks who are investigating the dude with the fancy artifacts for Venkman. It's all just forced, like there is a chart somewhere that shows there must be a specific amount of each race and gender represented in any given movie these days. I'm actually surprised that Miss Spengler wasn't dating or married to a black guy, as most marriages these days are interracial, or same sex. It's annoying and it totally takes you out of the show when you see it.

  • They needed a smaller cast so they could improve the story. There really wasn't much of a story. As I mentioned earlier, they jumped around to each character for a little bit, so by the time they were done, there was only enough time to show us the bad guy and fight him.

  • The tiny stay-puft marshmallow men are only in the movie so they can be sold to kids at Christmas. Slimer was there for the same reason. When I seen the tiny Stay-Puft dudes, I immediately thought, hey, this is their version of baby yoda!

  • The Spengler family didn't feel like a "Real" family. The mother didn't get any respect from her kids, and she didn't act like a mother. They acted more like a gang than a family. Paul Rudd was goofing around and cracking jokes, even during a high-speed chase when the 15 year old girl was sitting in a special seat that was hanging outside the car.

I think that's enough for you to see why I cannot recommend this film. I even re-watched Ghostbusters: Afterlife after this, and I didn't like it as much as I did initially. I think the reason most of us enjoyed it originally was because the 2016 version was very, very bad, and we were all just so happy to get a version that didn't "suck". The movie is okay, but in truth, it's not very good either, just like this movie.
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After.Life (2009)
Slow, ridiculous, idiotic, and painful to watch.
16 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Greetings from the other side. I was showing off my god-like willpower, and managed to get through the whole movie. This movie makes you insane and angry at so many points during the movie. I recall myself saying, "come on", and "you gotta be kidding", and "are you serious?", many times during this film.

Basically, this chick wakes up on a slab in a mortician's room, and as the movie plays, you have to decide if she is dead or not. They do things to try and make it seem like either option could be true.

I decided very early on that she was alive. There was just too much evidence, such as:

Why wouldn't the mortician let the boyfriend see her body when he asked to? He said that he wasn't family, etc, but nobody would be that heartless. There is no good reason not to let the guy see her, unless she's still alive.

She is able to walk around and interact with her environment. Plus, if she were dead, the mortician would not be talking to her in her new location (no longer on the slab).

Why would he lock the door?

Why didn't she try to get out when he opened the door? She could have made a run for it a couple times.

She had a pair of scissor and a chance to stab him, but she didn't. That drove me crazy. She could have learned right there and then if she was really dead. Plus, she pulled out the scissor and told him "stay where you are", and he replied "give me the scissors". How did he know she was holding scissors? It could have been a scalpel, or a pick, etc.

Several times he enters the room, I assume to do some work. However, he ends up getting into an argument with her and just leaves. What happen to the work he came in to do? This happens a couple times.

Why did she fall asleep and dream if she was dead?

If she were dead, how could she destroy his lab? Maybe like a poltergeist does, so I give them that one.

When she steals his keys, it takes her FOREVER to go threw them in order to unlock the door. There weren't that many keys. Dude managed to drive to a gas station and fill it up, then noticed his set of keys were missing, so he drove back, and she just barely unlocked the door as he got there. Additionally, why would he be so worried about a corpse escaping from that room? She is suppose to be dead.

When he lets her look into a mirror as proof that she's dead, she goes "why do I look like a corpse?" to which he replies "because you are a corpse", and she accepts this? She didn't once consider that he put makeup on her so she would look like that? Really?? Plus the kid sees her in the window while he was outside on the grounds.

When Paul forces his way in, and runs downstairs and starts banging on the door and yelling her name, she doesn't reply. She just turns over and tries to go back to sleep. I know that the mortician told her earlier that she must let Paul move on, but give me a break. I got so mad here, that I wanted to punch something. Why, why, why didn't she answer him?

When she's put into the coffin, she asks to see herself one last time, she notices that her breath fogs the mirror, and she finally realizes that she not dead. The mortician injects her with some sleepy juice and she goes night night.

Finally, when Paul walks up to her coffin, he notices her bottom lip opens up, and he does nothing. He kisses her, but that's it. Why didn't anyone notice her breathing? Anyways, I just didn't understand why Paul did nothing here. He was screaming that she was alive during the entire film, and when this happens, he just says F-it.

Okay, I was ranting a bit there, but this movie made me so angry. I hate when people do stupid things, or act dumb, etc.

So obviously I do NOT recommend this movie! Seriously, it will drive you nuts.
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Fallout (2024– )
Not perfect, but I really enjoyed it.
15 April 2024
Greetings from the other side. I don't think I played this game back in 1997, as I was enjoying Ultima Online at that time. Therefore, I came into this without any preconceptions.

I really enjoyed this first season, especially Coggins as the ghoul. There were some things that I didn't care for, like all of the old 50s music. It would have been better if they played less of that.

The effects were good. The T-60 battle Armour was fun to watch in action. I'd love to try out something like that, as I'm sure we all would. The ghoul character was probably my favorite in this show. He was just so entertaining whenever he was on screen. Ella and Max were well done characters as well.

I also enjoyed the various crazy characters that they bumped into during their journey.

I'm looking forward to a second season, and totally recommend this series.
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Road House (2024)
Watchable, but not as good as original
15 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Greetings from the other side. Jake Gyllenhaal is the only part of this film that is good. He manages to make it watchable.

The problem with this movie is that there's no story. It's just some chick hires an ex-mma fighter to help protect her bar. I know that's part of the original, which is why it isn't great either, but at least you get more of a story with the first one. You get to see Dalton help train the staff, and slowly clean up the bar. You get to learn more about the town folk, and the bad guy. This movie has none of that.

This version hardly has anything to do with the bar. It's mostly bad guys being sent to Dalton so he can beat them up and crack jokes.

I didn't like the little diverse girl and her dad in the bookstore either. They only existed so Dalton could feel bad for them. I didn't understand why the bad guy burned their store down either, when it was the roadhouse he wanted. Dalton was only there twice; when he first arrived in town, and when he wanted to use a computer. Why would the bad guy think Dalton cared about them?

I know these guys are tough, but damn. At one point Dalton gets caught in an explosion, hit by a boat, beat up, stabbed, and he's still good to go. I'm surprised he was limping near the end.

Anyways, this film is very watchable, but like the original, turn off your brain and enjoy it for what it is.
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Beacon 23 (2023– )
Slow and boring
15 April 2024
Greetings from the other side. I managed to get through all 8 episodes of season one, proving my superior will power.

After 8 episodes we still know nothing about the rocks (artifacts). They tease you hear and there, and even whisper the secret from one person to another, but they won't tell us.

Seriously, if all you have is one secret, how can you stretch that out into an entire season? You can't, not successfully anyways. Yet now they have a second season? Wow. Count me out.

They have some decent actors but man is it slow moving. They even have a couple prequel episodes so we can learn about previous beacon keepers, and they tell us nothing as well.

I cannot recommend this show.
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Dead Zone (2022)
Boring, cheap, and mostly in halo-type suits.
11 April 2024
Greetings from the other side. Firstly, I think they should have picked a better name for this movie. Dead Zone is a Stephen King movie, and TV series, so not the best choice in my opinion.

Regardless of the name, this movie is terrible and boring as hell. I'm not a fan of Michael J White, but we hardly see him anyways, because of the Halo-type suits they wear. We hear him talking, and see a close-up of his face in the fancy Heads-up-display helmet, just like Iron Man, which is cheating. Anything to save a buck I guess.

I'm at the 40 minute mark and hardly anything has happened. It's dark all the time, and we don't get a good look at the zombies. We see them running around at a distance, I read another review that said there's some action at the 47 minute mark, which would be a treat.

Anyways, I can't recommend this movie, especially since I might not be able to watch the Entire thing. It's now at the 52 minute mark and still no action, so the other reviewer was wrong with his time. It doesn't matter since I'm done with it.
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Third installment in Romero's zombie trilogy
11 April 2024
Greetings from the other side. If you enjoy zombie movies then you are familiar with George Romero and his zombie trilogy. The first is "Night of the Living dead", followed by the best of the three, "Dawn of the Dead", and finally "Day of the Dead".

This is a very good zombie flick, with a cool story, and memorable characters. Dr. Frankenstein is probably the most entertaining, and his trained zombie named Bub.

It's the end of the world and a small group of scientists & military personnel are in an underground bunker. The scientists are working on a cure for the zombie virus and the military is getting frustrated with their lack of progress. This conflict is coming to a head, and the death of the base commander (who was the scientist's main ally) might be the final straw.

This movie is much darker than "Dawn", and more claustrophobic. The central focus is more on the fighting between the military & the scientists, making the zombies more of a side story. There is still lots of blood and guts, and great makeup by the legendary Tom Savini.

This is a must see movie especially for zombie lovers. Be sure to watch the other two movies in the trilogy, especially Dawn of the Dead. I can't count how many times I've seen it now.
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The Guardians (2017)
I really enjoyed this movie
9 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Greetings from the other side. This is the first dubbed sci-fi movie that I have enjoyed. I hardly noticed the dubbing because of the stellar visuals. This was like Russia's version of The Avengers.

The special effects were just awesome. Someone had a great imagination. The spider tanks were very cool. We've seen spider tanks before but these not only looked cool, they had this neat rolling-dodge maneuver.

The superheroes were cool as well, some better than others. One guy was like Nightcrawler/Flash with 2 curved blades. The next guy could control rocks with his mind. The girl could turn invisible, and the last guy became a bear-man, but went full bear when really mad. The bad guy had super strength, controlled electricity, which also controlled vehicles that he zapped. He looked like Doctor Manhatten crossed with a Borg.

The main problem with this movie is you don't really know these people, and they give you almost zero background for each person, other than watching a scientist create them. Thus, you don't really care about them. It's just good vs. Evil really. It also would have been nicer in english, but as I mentioned earlier, I didn't notice that after a while. There were other little issues like the speedster stopped using his speed when fighting the bad guy for some reason, causing him to get knocked on his butt. This happened a couple times which frustrated me. The Flash is guilty of this at times too, so I guess super speed is over-powered therefore they do dumb stuff to even the fight, hehe.

I really enjoyed this movie, and someone in the comments said this was made for only 5 million dollars, and that blows me away, because the effects were steller. They set it up for a possible sequel, and mentioned finding other super heroes at the end.

Anyway, I highly recommend this movie. There are some great fight scenes and cool gadgets etc as well.
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Renegade Nell (2024– )
Some good and some bad
30 March 2024
Greetings from the other side. It's an interesting idea, Nell having a spirit entity enter her when she's in trouble, making her almost invincible.

I did have trouble with some things, such as being completely pulled from the story when they show a black woman made up to be a Lady in the early 1700s England. She's sitting there on the couch having tea, surrounded by white women of high standing. Disney trying to revise history again. I have no problem with diversity, but stop trying to rewrite history.

The young black guy that ends up travelllng with them looks like he is from our time period. He does not look or sound like he belongs in the 1700s.

Nell and many other characters are hard to understand. The accent they are using makes 30-35% of what they say unintelligible. I had to put on subtitles to understand them.

I'm also not a big fan of Nell's siblings being dragged around with her, especially the young one. I don't know why they insists on putting little kids into shows like this, as they usually end up being kidnapped so the main character must rescue them, or do what the bad guy says or he will kill them.

The show is interesting, and I've watched 4 episodes thus far, and I'm curious enough to watch the remaining 4.
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Hitman (I) (2007)
A very good action movie
23 March 2024
Greetings from the other side. I just watched the other hitman movie, "Hitman: Agent 47", and it was a good action movie, but not a good Hitman movie. I then watched Agent 47, and it's much more true to the hitman games.

This movie is a good hitman movie, mostly because of Timothy Olyphant. He is just a great actor, and he improves everything he is a part of. On a side note, if you haven't seen Justified (TV series) then you should watch it asap. It might be the perfect tv show, with many great actors and superb stories. I believe there are 7 seasons so, you're welcome.

Back to Agent 47. This is a much better hitman movie because of the way agent 47 works. He is very cleaver and very sneaky, and also very dangerous. He thinks before acting. It's not just mindless action and violence, which is more the style of the other hitman movie.

Anyway, this isn't a perfect but it is a good and worth a watch for sure.
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Good action flick, but not a "Hitman" movie
23 March 2024
Greetings from the other side. I just finished watching this movie again, and it all came rushing back. ..

First, this is a good action movie, and it would have done better if it removed the bogus "Hitman" tag. Obviously, it was put there to get butts in the chair, and that may have worked a little. However, when people show up expecting something, and you give them something else, it pisses them off, and the reviews will suffer because of it.

There is an agent 47, and it is suppose to be a hitman movie, but it's really not. The first Hitman movie with Timothy Olyphant did it justice, and if you haven't seen that movie, I highly suggest you do. Agent 47 doesn't act properly in this movie. There is no sneaking or setting cool traps, etc. It's wide open action here, and Swartzenegger could have played the role.

Anyway, it's still a good action movie and worth viewing, just be aware that this is not your typical Hitman movie, that all.
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X-Men '97 (2024– )
After first 2 episodes, it's pretty good
20 March 2024
Greatings from the other side. Like most people, I love the 1997 X-men cartoon. I was worried when I heard about this new version, as Disney screws everything up these days, but so far I like it.

The animation is a bit off, which is wierd when the old version had better visuals, but it's ok. Hearing the old music was awesome. Seeing the sentinels again was also great. The voice works was great too, I think the got as many actors from the old days that they could.

Hopefully they continue or even improve things a bit. I'm not sure where the story line is going, but I hope it's good.

So far, so good. Let's hope it continues.
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Funny, quirky, beautiful girls do crazy wierd stuff.
19 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Greetings from the other side. I didn't know anything about this show, but I love Kristen Ritter, so I gave it a chance. I'm glad I did because this show was really funny, and crazy in many ways.

I really don't understand how or who decides which shows get cancelled for networks, but these people are morons. So many good shows get cancelled while shows like 2 Broke Girls get like 6 seasons.

It's too bad this show got the axe. It was really good, and I think if it was given a chance, it would have gotten even better.

Oh well, we still have two seasons worth of crazy, witty humor to enjoy. I recommend you check this show out.
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This movie is just amazing !
11 March 2024
Greetings from the other side. This movie is one of the best that I have ever seen. I love everything about it. The directing, the acting, the music, everything! There is nothing that I would change, even if I could. The only thing disappointing about it, was when it ended. Just so damn good.

The battle scenes in this movie were truly amazing. I not sure how many times I've seen it, but I went out and bought the blue-ray director's cut, so I can watch it whenever I want now.

I'm not sure what else I can say, since I loved everything about it, but they want me to type another 10 characters. Ok, done.

Go watch this movie now, and you will thank me !!
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Car Crash TV (2015– )
Narrator is annoying
2 March 2024
Greatings from the other side. As another person mentioned, the only thing to hate about this show is the damn annoying narrator.

People come to watch the videos, not some annoying narrator slowing down the videos by doing things like "Let's play the BLAME game". Here is a video of a car crash that you would like to watch, but first, who or what do you believe caused this crash? A. The driver of the blue car B. The snowy weather or C. The kid on roller skates? We don't care, just play the damn video.

The stupid narrator's job is to annoy you, and to slow down the playing of videos.

I just realized that you can hit MUTE or lower the volume to zero and the show is so much better. There will still be some slowing down of some videos as the narrator does his thing, but you don't have to listen to him any more, so it's WAY better now.
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Awareness (2023)
It's worth a watch.
13 February 2024
Welcome to the other side. I didn't know anything about this movie but the basic description I read, made it sound like a sci-fi movie I would like.

You can tell right away that the movie wasn't going to win any awards, and you could tell that it didn't have a ton of money invested in it, but it had a very cool concept. The kid has the ability to make people see what he wants them to. He basically creates illusions that others people see.

The kid and his father figure partner decide to use this awesome ability to steal booze from a liquor store, but the kid loses concentration or something and the illusion dissolves before they get to far, and they have to run.

If I had this gift, I wouldn't be stealing booze, I'd be heading to Vegas or heading to a bank to cash this certified cheque for 10 million, etc.

Anyways, the movie was good enough to keep me watching, but it could have been so much better. It's been a week or so since I watched it, and I don't remember much about it. The evil company sent a "perceiver" after the kid, who is basically a guy that has the same ability as the kid, but is way more experienced at using his gifts than the kid. He kind of acts like the Terminator.

So to sum this up, the movie was just okay. They had a great idea, but they didn't do much with it. I just don't understand what's up with writers these days, but they all seem just terrible. Even when they are asked to do a remake of a movie, so they have the original movie to draw ideas from, they still create a shyt script.

It's definitely worth watching once though.
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The Beekeeper (2024)
Jason Statham & Jeremy Irons great, others bad
10 February 2024
Greetings from the other side. This is your typical Statham movie, but the black FBI chick, and the FBI itself dragged it down a lot.

All of the scences with Statham were great, and Irons can read a dictionary and make it sound interesting. He was perfect for his role.

Everything changes when they switch to the FBI chick and her partner. The action grinds to a halt, as does the entertainment. The movie would have been way better without them because so much time is wasted when they are on screen.

They could have used the extra time to add a couple more Statham scenes, as they were excellent.

Anyways, it's still a fun action movie that kills a bit of time.
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Reacher: ATM (2023)
Season 2, Episode 1
When you have a HIT change it????
11 January 2024
Greetings from the other side.

I've watched the 6 episodes of season 2 that are out so far, and sadly, it's not very good. Season one is incredible. In fact, I've watched it a few times since last year.

For some silly reason, they decided that their hit show should be completely revamped. I'm thankful they kept the character "Reacher" in the show. However, that's about the only thing they have in common.

It's now a "Team" show. Some of Reacher's old friends from his military unit (the 110th) turn up dead, so he gathers the remaining members of his unit to solve their murders. We see Neagley from from season 1, who is the young black woman from his unit. She's smarter than Reacher, obviously.

This show is boring now, and I'm finding it difficult to continue watching. It was so much better when Reacher basically worked alone.

It was a mistake releasing the episodes weekly because I have a hard enough time being motivated enough to continue watching the episodes, but having to wait a week, I just might give up now. I don't care how it ends, or if anyone dies (other than Reacher).

Hopefully, if there is another season, they will be smart enough to return to their original format, and punch up the writing. I guess we will have to wait and see.
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A true pleasure to watch.
23 December 2023
Greetings from the other side.

Every once in a while, you find a true gem, and Blue Eye Samurai is just that!

This animated Samurai revenge series sucks you in and keeps you watching until the end. The story and animation are excellent.

The only flaw I found with this series were some of the characters. I found some of them 2 dimensional, and others had little things that were annoying. However, those were just a few, while the rest were done very well.

I would have missed this gem if not for The Critical Drinker on YouTube, so I owe him big time. It also makes me wonder how I didn't know anything about this, considering how awesome it is. Wasn't there any advertising done for this series?

Obviously I highly recommend this series. You will be hooked by the third episode.

The sad thing is that Netflix will most likely cancel this. They always cancel their good shows and keep their crappy ones. They also cancel anything I personally like, so that's a double whammy for this poor show.

Enjoy the season you have, and pray for a miracle that we get another one next year.
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Looks gorgeous but the rest is lacking
22 December 2023
Greetings from the other side.

The visuals in this movie are just awesome, but it's lacking substance. First, I'm sick of the 100 pound women taking on a bunch of 240 pound men and winning. Nobody has ever bought this crap, and it takes you out of the movie. Try letting the women use her brain to out think these bad guys instead.

It's hard to judge this movie on it's own because it's basically a women zipping around the galaxy putting together a team to fight the bad guys. We get to know each recruit a little bit as they are approached by the woman.

So, this movie is watchable for the special effects, but not much else. It's basically an introduction of all the characters and a basic background of the woman's story. It doesn't offer much by itself. They should have made this a 3.5 or 4 hour movie and included part 2.

Anyway, it's still watchable but by itself, it's not very memorable. Part 2 will determine if this movie is good or not.
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