
2 Reviews
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Ex Machina (2014)
Predictably boring, with actors that shouldn't be allowed to act
14 July 2015
This is by far one of the worst movies i've ever seen in my life;

Heck, if somebody wanted me to suggest a sci-fi movie for them, i would rather suggest them "War of the worlds", as it's not that painful to watch as Ex Machina. I fell asleep 3 or 4 times in the movie, whilst not being tired. It was this boring and dull.

Honestly, WHY IN THE FLYING "DUCK" WOULD YOU ALLOW Domhnall Gleeson and Oscar Isaac to act??? Remove those two+ fire the writers, you could maybe have a decent movie

I don't think there is anything else to say, I feel sorry for myself and all the other people that wasted almost 2 hours of their life on watching such garbage.
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Star-Crossed (2014)
Another lame, unlogical, and dumbing teen drama
18 February 2014
I must say, nice graphics and sci-fi feeling whatsoever.. But that's about it. Sorry for the rather poor English.

So, let us look at the opening scene where the alien ship crashlands in America.

If they're that technologically capable, of travelling distances of 10 or more lightyears, i.e. travelling at least a lot faster than the speed of light, which must place them at least a thousand years ahead of earth civilisation. This is looking at it very optimistic.. Probably it's tens of thousands of years, BUT WHATEVER.

Assuming that they lived in a planet, and they are like humans, then they needed an atmosphere on the planet, i.e. they should know that when a ship returns to solid ground from space, it's going to burn up.


2. Radio.

If they can travel between stars, they must at least have developed radio, right? The human disregard these aliens because that they saw this as an invasion, they weren't warned by their coming.

So let me get this straight; Aliens aren't capable of sending a radio message to earth telling: Hey, we want to land here! ??? If they have been travelling for at least 10-50 years assuming they can travel much faster than the speed of light, they should at least have a little time to warn the earths population once inside this solar system??

Nope; screw logic.

I know this is very pessimistic, but that is really the way it is.

Has none of the qualities of the other shows of CW, like Arrow, The Vampire Diaries, or the Originals.

And the actors.. Melissa Jow is a good actor, but the rest, ugh..

Lame sentences, for example: (While trying to open the locker, and a boy approaches her to tell her how to open it): "I swear i'm not usually this technologically inapt."

Come on.. Who would ever use such words? Especially for a teenager in high-school??

I'm going to watch the next episode to see where this goes; but so far the least logical show i've ever seen.

If you're in for a sci-fi treat with amazing actors and storyline, go for Continuum...
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