
115 Reviews
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Saved by Gwendoline!
26 May 2024
This movie has some extra special place in my heart. As a guy in the Navy many years ago, when VHS tapes were just starting out. We would go to sea with 35mm film. Being stationed on a ballistic missile submarine (SSBN) you don't have very much free time. Often any free time available you just try and sleep. The only time we weren't working or preparing for the end of the world was Sundays midnight to 6 am. We watched this movie every Sunday for 3-1/2 months!

No it's not well acted, the plot is terrible, and the script is ridiculous. It was perfect for a bunch of 20 something's that let us escape, while we were under water in the middle of the ocean.

I don't watch it every Sunday anymore, but at least annually.
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And I thought the one before was bad!
19 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I think I have my own movie rating system. The best movies are those worth seeing at the cinema and paying full price and overly expensive snacks. The next below is a matinee at the cinema, followed by wait until it's on a pay channel and eventually regular TV.

This is where this movie belongs. It could quite possibly be the most idiotic movie I've ever seen. The giant ice turtle hiding behind the lava waterfall? The signing child with the mute tribe? It's a CGI mess.

But the most ridiculous thing of all is the hollow earth TV. The best part of it is the worst part of it. The CGI is very good; but much like most movies today, there's too much.

Kudos for sneaking a little KISS and Badfinger in it. That's how it got the second star.
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455 equipped Wagon
22 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Here's the pluses. Its well acted, the performers did a very good job selling their roles. For me the best thing about it is the station wagon. Back in the day some of the best motors found their way in some very unassuming cars.

Now the bad. In an effort to it gritty and atmospheric, they made it much too dark. It's often hard for see what's going on. There's also not t enough time spent on some of the characters. Why is the kid following Cliff? No one ever since explains it. Cliff seems to be much too old to be married to Amy. Speaking of Amy, a woman sacrificing so much for an ill child, she needs more screen time.

All and all it was a decent watch.
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13 Demons (2016 Video)
The power of imagination
28 March 2024
This is certainly low budget. I do respect the concept. Some can look at this and see a mocking of those got too deep into Dungeon and Dragons. I am not a gamer, I've never played any ever. I understand the devotion, as long as they don't hurt anyone and they pay their own bills.

This movie certainly isn't going to win any awards (of any kind). But considering what they had I think I they did a credible job. The actors were believable, I've seen many more accomplished actors with less of an effect. The script was good enough, but it's people controlled by their own imagination.

It just goes to show the power of imagination.
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The creation of the legend
20 January 2024
Is this a ripoff (70's lingo for a 70's movie) of a Bond movie. Partly yes and partly no. Compared to other movies of the era, it's not anymore of a ripoff than the "In Like Flint" series or "Matt Helm" series. Both and others like it were very entertaining. This movie as well very entertaining. If some find it dated, of course it is, it's 50 years old.

This was the Warner Brothers 50th Anniversary movie. It's probably the first martial arts movie to have a real budget, that's probably what makes it what it is. What it did for the United States is to really jumpstart the affection of martial arts in the country. Shorty after the release and the death of Bruce Lee after its US release; brought greater attention. I can remember seeing Lee on the cover of "Tiger Beat" magazine in my sister's room. As a kid then, there were places to train and study everywhere.

For the movie itself, it has much to offer. Fantastic action scenes, a reasonable story line, and character development arcs. Like any other movie like it, similar shortcomings; unrealistic fight outcomes and exaggerated techniques. And best of all a story of good versus evil.

Even after 50 years it's still well worth your time. No CGI, that's as good a reason as any.
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I don't think I saw any angels
17 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, this was obnoxious. I think most everyone knows Hollywood hates peoples of faith. At the moment she drops the Bible for the bag of money the clearly the message being delivered is the murderers, bank robbers, and sodomites are the same as a fallen pastor.

The visuals are very good, costumes and sets were well done. The sound quality is not so good though. The dialogue is often hard to make out. The music is untimely and doesn't seem to match the mood.

If you have the opportunity to watch this, I'd recommend you watch something else.

Be honest with yourself, if you lie to yourself, you'll lie to anyone.
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White people like it when you laugh at their jokes?
15 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not sure taking another shot at a group is the best way to start a movie. A 20 something intern that can verify works of art from just a glance? I get you want to bring younger audiences in and diverse audiences, somehow doing that at the expense another group and minimizing the effort it would take to have that kind of knowledge doesn't seem right. Also, creating the protagonist that starts with felony (theft of a utility) doesn't seem like the way to go, or stealing a car.

It certainly seems it just starts off with a lot of animosity towards a different group of people and the protagonist doesn't even care about how his actions placed so many others in jeopardy.

Mirage stay hidden? Become a silver Porsche?

Now the 3 bad guys can move clear across the universe from galaxy to galaxy, but the super bad guy can't? That just doesn't make sense to me.

Well maybe this movie was a joke and we're ALL supposed to laugh.
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The Beekeeper (2024)
Don't let it bug you!
13 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Overall it was ok. Maybe I think it's ok because everything in the theater has been just so bad. But you can always improve. I guess what I find the most objectionable is the lack of professionalism with the FBI. I am not a fan of them, but having worked with them for years, the one thing they are is professional. They also don't usually become chubby and obnoxious until they are much higher up. So seeing someone in blue jeans briefing their supervisor or at a crime scene isn't going to happen. They're never first on scene, they really aren't Pigsknuckle Arkansas PD.

The fight scenes are terrific. Statham is himself and excellent as the stoic antihero.

However, the addition of the clown security group was almost too much to take, not to mention the "carnival" at the Presidential home.

I do enjoy the apparent commentary on our dysfunctional Executive Branch of the US. Is it this bad? I sure hope not.

Is our movie as good as it could have been, certainly not.
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I could do it!
7 November 2023
I think this was a pretty decent show. I generally stay away from movies like this. Mostly I like westerns. This is about as far away from a western that you can go. I like a lot in this. It does seem the "competitors" did nothing to prepare. I can imagine each person learning something that they could teach the other during the time. Do I think I could do it? I think I could, but I don't think my wife of 33 years could. I never minded solitude. Kate Bosworth looks pretty bad. I think she needs a pizza!

It was very nice to see M. Emmet Walsh, it's been a very long time. It's good that some learn money doesn't have the same value as we think.
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Panama (I) (2022)
Just how many producers do you need?
7 November 2023
Our movie is only 1:35 long. The first 7 minutes are just listing all the producers. It appears all these producers are trying to mock history. My guess this movie was made to provide a tax write off for the 10,000 or so producers. The sets are awful. They show a refugee camp, with people in different states of distress with muddy grounds. Yet no one has mud on their feet, all the clothes are clean, and new looking. The worst is no one is sweating trapping through the jungle, no mosquitoes etc. Everyone fires their guns without seeking cover. Unsecured phone conversations concerning a possible invasion? Well our CIA might do that these days. Basically it's awful and makes no sense. Which brings me back to my first point.

Save your time, I wish I did.
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Striptease (1996)
Did you see that?
27 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Ok, you did see something, but probably not what I did. Yeah yeah the girls. I know it's hard to believe but that's not the best part. That 69 GTO Judge Ving Rhames is driving! Just having that in a movie starts at least as a 6. Adding some of the little details gets it to the 7 it should be. Ving Rhames watering down the booze right in front of everyone just cracks me up while discussing impedance with the man running the strip club; so funny. So I watch this for the car (among other things) and I watched "Lovelace" for the 67 GTO in that too (among other things).

Ving Rhames, Armand Assante, and Burt Reynolds are the standouts. The scene with Reynolds with his body covered in Vaseline is truly one of the funniest things I've ever seen.

So even though it's more known for its "other thing," this movie does have lots of other things to offer. If you love GTO's like I do, try "My Science Project." There's an awesome '68 in that show too.
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Expend4bles (2023)
Ugh Oh
28 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I sure hope this is the last one, unless something drastic happens. Hole plots and just ridiculous.

Our movie ends up on a boat near the Russian coast. For some reason the Russians don't seem to notice. Gun fire, explosions, and all kinds of mayhem and still no local response. Explosions force the load that is exposed on the deck to one side and all of a sudden it's back scattered on every part of the deck. The control or bridge area has the glass shot out twice? So why is it a ship load only has bad guys? Never any cooks, or deck hands, just people carrying guns. I don't think ships run very very well without the appropriate crew compliment.

Megan Fox's character is completely unbelievable, and when are producers going to learn 100 lb little girls don't toss around large professional tough guys.

The CGI is very weak and it's just not a good movie. When Terry Crews wasn't on the cast list that should have been my clue to skip it.
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Are you a good man?
28 September 2023
You could watch this movie just for the scenery and the architecture; both are amazing. It may not be quite as violent as the first two in the series. It may not equal the first, but it surpasses the second.

I don't think the Dakota Fanning character is fleshed out enough, and the Federal Government NEVER moves this fast. It's she's so underutilized.

The remaining support characters were all played so very well. The villagers represented a real idyllic community in Sicily.

There's not a lot fault with the movie. There's probably too many subtitles.

Denzel Washington is as always tremendous.
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Red Rocket (2021)
I'll go teach karate, I just got my green belt?
18 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Who sleeps naked on the leather (probably pleather) couch at your mother in-laws? I'm a porn star? I think every KID wanted to say, I mean kid. As pathetic Mikey is you do begin to feel sorry for him; he's aptly played by Simon Rex. You feel for him until you realize he's trash.

Mostly everyone appears to be amateurish, but quaint though. All in all, I think all did a very nice job. It is sad to see so many people with such little ambition. Although, all you can eat at the doughnut shop is enough ambition for some.

There are plenty of good moments, and some not so great. There's nothing quite like falling asleep under a tree.
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The Pledge (I) (2001)
No nude sunbathing?
18 September 2023
I'm not sure if this movie is an advertisement for cigarette smoking, or a shot at apathetic law enforcement. The director/producer seems to think all but the principal character have no concern for the public they serve. As a retired cop, others I've known in smaller agencies are more enthusiastic than others. They take pride in their community and show a sense of duty and obligation. Not really seen in this movie.

The producer/director also doesn't seem to care much for people of faith. They generally aren't portrayed in a positive light.

Overall the movie is rather drab and seems to unjustly depict small town people. The nicest thing I can say is the makeup on Robin Wright is excellent. She's a very beautiful woman and she is made to look rather ordinary. The other positive is Jack Nicholson is told not to nude sun bath. That's definitely a plus!

Lastly, super good to see the 69 Olds!
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My poop shaped like a fish?
12 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So this is supposed to be the last of the good Marvel movies. I didn't exactly find it very entertaining or enjoyable. I think the best thing I can say about it is, I love Earth Wind and Fire. So I got to hear some.

I guess the worst is the bad humor that's not very funny. Drax discussing the shape of poop or Gamora caught on the toilet are juvenile at best. The producers tried to make you focus and the visuals (which are excellent). The worst part of this is they took characters that we got to know and care about and they wrecked that concern. The only character you ultimately care for is the young Rocket and his friends.

When you get down to any movie or book, ultimately is it a good story. In this case, I don't think so. Was this the last good Marvel movie; no, that was years ago.
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You're kidding me right?
22 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I happened to be reading a Forbes article yesterday on the decline of humanity's IQ. I think the writers had this show in mind when they wrote the article.

Our ladies that are considered the move across the pond believe $1,500 a month in rent is too much to bear. Really? Had the "Realtor" actually been someone that is doing their diligence instead of being an actor, they'd be talking about the energy costs in Germany. If $1,500 a month rent is too much, then they'd probably freeze to death in the winter. One of the spaces left for consideration was an apartment that shared a courtyard with other residents. Never once was there a discussion of the oddities of that and things to consider.

It seems HGTV is not very concerned about their programming as much as they are promoting some "lifestyle."
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Almost worth it
13 August 2023
It seems to lack quite a bit. I had just read Dracula about 2 months ago. Not to compare it to our movie, but because I never had. This movie does somewhat follow the book (in outline only). In the first place this is my kind of movie. There's a lot to like about it too. The atmosphere is excellent. The scenes shipboard are fantastic. All and all the acting and special effects were terrific. I think we're it falls short is the script and certain inconsistencies that would have made things better. Typically sailing vessels would tack to take full advantage of the wind. Often our ship (fully rigged) has only the jibs catching the wind. An experienced captain would have certainly tacked to take full advantage. Speaking of the captain, Liam Cunningham, screen time is much too short for my taste. One of our crew members is a physician. He seems to conduct frequent blood transfusion using only his blood. He's not weakened or for that matter as often as he seems to do it dead.

I enjoyed it for the atmosphere and depiction of times at sea. I think reading Hornblower and the Hotspur is more fulfilling.
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Deadwood: The Movie (2019 TV Movie)
What did they say?
30 June 2023
I tried! An interesting story, probably. The lighting was so bad, and belligerent speech was so hard to follow. My super hot wife of 37 years and I actually went to Deadwood from FLORIDA! And much like our movie there wasn't enough there for a movie or a trip. I kept waiting for Calamity Jane to vomit on everyone.

It was very nice to see Gerald McRaney in a movie role. We actually chose to watch it for Timothy Olyphant and Ian McShane, however there wasn't near enough of either to make our movie compelling or even interesting.

There were a few positives; the movie sets were great as well as the costumes. Outside of that, it's a miss.
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A missed opportunity
25 June 2023
To start I didn't even want to watch this, but it's on while I'm at the gym. It seems that all the homes look very much the same, I suppose that has to do with trends. But I've hardly ever seen so much discussion about few things of little value.

What's missing are the so many considerations that should be weighed. Our host is showing properties in areas that have common roofing fencing etc. There should be some discussion as to how these things are handled. Does the monthly maintenance cover that or is the owner responsible for all that. If my neighbor has a roof leak that's leaking into my house and not theirs there's not much motivation for them to repair. So time spent on how to go through these type of contracts would be helpful.

Too much time on the nonsensical fluff conversation. The host also seems to lack professionalism. If my realtor showed up in shorts and a white tshirt I wouldn't consider them as professional.
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A true character study of characters!
21 June 2023
This is a movie I've loved since I was a child. I don't know if it's one many things that inspired me to "move away from it all."

If you find the story unbelievable and pretentious, you can watch it for the magnificent scenery. It has so much to offer.

Jeremiah the greenhorn trying to make it and learning he's not prepared. There's certainly no time to cry! Bear Claw the wiley grizzled veteran of the mountain, with pride and knowledge that gave the greenhorn a chance. Delle the wacky trapper that's as good a friend as he is an enemy.

Anyone of these characters would have made a wonderful movie. We are fortunate that we had them all it one movie.

I probably watch this once a year and find something new in it every time.
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So Everyone's a god now?
31 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I loved the start. The back story of Gorr was wonderful. I never liked or cared about the movie version of Jane Foster. This did nothing to change that. Making her the principal character left me with little hope this movie would please me.

The constant bad jokes were just annoying. Not only were they not humorous, they were ill timed. The king/queen of Asgard doing TV commercials was pathetic. I'd heard plenty of bad reviews on this movie, but they didn't do it justice; it's much worse than I'd heard.

I'm not certain how the Valkyrie that abandoned Asgard somehow ends up as "The Woman King?" But now everyone's a god, so no one is?
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Harry Brown (2009)
Way to go Harry!
19 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Where are we going? I've seen tragedy before but none like this in a while. When we're judged, will we have to accept some of the blame for allowing this behavior to continue. One thing is for certain there are absolutes in life, I think the culture has pushed us away.

This is a vigilante movie, and as these movies go this is a good one. In many of others these days seem to somehow identify a king pin and end everyone. Mr. Brown begins with lowest of the low. What's different is in our movie these bad guys are not prepared for someone who is marginally ready. I'm sure it's wrong that I enjoyed seeing the bad guys get their come comeuppance. Society allows what it allows, unfortunately.

Anyway, they had it coming.
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Love it!
19 April 2023
Where to begin; possibly the best hour and a half I've spent in ages. I hope it will inspire many. Those that merely need more support this will do it. I hope it will inspire others to study the word, not to read. Verify what people tell you with your own study. I also hope it will help return those that have fallen away.

It provides a way of looking at Christs ministry from a point I'd never heard. The ideas are placed with logic and an understanding of the culture of the time. As the world pushes away faith hopefully it we'll help draw us back.

It was well worth your time, besides how can an hour and a half hurt.
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Righteous Thieves (I) (2023)
Another Bad Girl Power Movie
2 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted to give it a 1, but it was so awful it made me laugh sometimes. So all the men are idiots or pigs? I suppose sometimes that's true. Especially the tough guy that is waving the loaded gun at the "Ring Leader" during a conversation and not one of these professionals has anything to say. This same tough guy that was beat up by the 100 lb girl is then expected to confront the 250 lb bad guys.

The group has but passed the suddenly weak security and is still wearing masks that looked less me they're painted coconuts and when it's time to fight the mask is off? None of the bad guys are armed? One of bad guys gets (surprise) beaten up twice?

Poor acting, weak storytelling, and sorry direction.

This is just bad! Hi.
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