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Amsterdam (2022)
Extremely Entertaining Performances!
11 December 2022
A favorite of 2022.

What makes this film fantastic is the cast. Margot Robbie is not only believable as the slightly kooky Valerie Voze but is also a visual delight while pursuing her heart's desire.

There's Robert De Niro who as a USMC General makes an astounding speech that sums up the attitudes of the USA while the wealth gap increases, diversity acceptance is shrinking.

Taylor Swift and Chris Rock are two talents outside mainstream acting but prove themselves worthy in this film.

Many scenes are 1930's architecture which helps place the movie's timeline.

I'm getting ready to watch this VERY enjoyable movie again!
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Directing Destiny
26 November 2022
George Anthony Morton's story is not just the plot of painting his family members upon his release from prison.

This film encompasses not only the 1980's crack epidemic, single parenting, siblings, addiction, jails and prisons, poverty, education, the unbalanced nature of Federal sentencing, the bail structure but most importantly how to take the next step towards a goal, how to direct a passion towards a positive result.

He tells a therapist that "Darkness is my friend" and he also recognizes how many very famous artists are motivated by a similar force.

I rated this documentary a 10 because ALL students of art should be familiarized with Mr Morton's journey to discover what could motivate the passions within themselves.

Although Mr Morton focuses on elevating the African persons place in amazing and widely recognized art, I believe his raising up will elevate all persons who are dark skin toned.

His nephew Treshon will have an enlightenment very few children are exposed to because his uncle has helped to clear his path. As we all could do more of for each other.
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Not so long ago...
22 July 2022
35 years ago is not distant past. It's barely history. It's now July 2022. As the United States endures senatorial hearings regarding the January 6th Insurrection when a frenzied mob chanted "Hang Mike Pence" I'm watching this movie feeling sick that a 17 year old boy was instructed to escort men to be hung for their deaths. His 2nd day on the job was #1 and he escorted 163 more men.

South Africa was still enduring racist brutalities in 1987.

Law enforcement and Justice need not be despensed savagely.

This movie represents the brutish nature that is a Hallmark of racism.

Watching this movie , remember, it's based on true events.
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A FILM ... worth seeing
22 July 2022
A coming of age story for boomers and those who will be a boomerage someday.

All those topics surrounding sex, no sex, spouses, relationships and children that isn't usually in a movie.

The ex student waitress at the end was lovely!
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Slow Start but Worth a Watch
18 July 2022
Nothing glamorous set or scenery wise but the great message makes up for what's missing. It's slow at the beginning but hang 8n there because the story gets very sweet. With a surprise ending!
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Delightful Surprise!
29 June 2022
This film has it all! Solid & enjoyable cast, enjoyable scenery and not totally predictable! No blood and guts, no murders, no law enforcement drama but instead an engrossing road movie with interesting characters.

It does have moments of ridiculous but that's ok, no movie is absolute perfection,,, except for Gone with the Wind and Forrest Gump ;) IMDB Why is there a 5 star rating? The reviews you have posted are 8's and better!
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Long shots
19 June 2022
1 and a half minutes of riding scooters through high end Los Angeles neighborhood? Great story but the editing made it seem like a marathon.

Plot line was good. How the 2 main relationships evolved could have had more depth. 3 main characters + 3 in a barbershop + 1 unimpressed wait staff ... Was there anyone else?
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School Kids Should Watch This
31 May 2022
Yes, I'm sure it's dramatized but this film is based on actual events.

There are people who made great sacrifices in the name of equality and fairness. Small stories combining for lives and places filled with hope and promise.
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Last Call (I) (2012)
Think Frat ...
10 April 2022
Alcohol, sex and lots of women uhhh.. dancing! There's some what of a plot and the movie does have funny moments.

Some how I missed this Christopher Lloyd movie, so now I can check it off my list.
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Great Movie!
7 April 2022
Cast works very well together. This story tells a story about mental illness without going into depths of drama.

Super scenic views of Wilmington, South Carolina.
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Enola Holmes (2020)
Lady Detective and her famous brother..
31 March 2022
Millie Bobby Brown is fantastic in this family friendly movie as 16 year old Enola Holmes. Sister to, of course, Sherlock Holmes. She's looking for her mother who disappeared from their home and by using disguise searched for her mother.

Who doesn't like early 1900's trains, costumes and London sets.
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Feel the Beat (2020)
Quirky NY Struggling Dancer Movie
27 March 2022
Cute movie with Dancing, Chorus girl in NYC with gigantic apartment and Broadway wanna be's rather than Detectives, car chases and violent crime victims.

Enjoy this movie with pre-teens then expect them to want dance lessons.
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If You Like Ryan Reynolds...
21 March 2022
There's plenty of cops, guns and bad guys movies available on Netflix. But if you want to watch time traveling good guys duel with light sabers, this movie is a must see.

Mostly light hearted and fun to watch.
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Italian Mix
6 March 2022
Filmed in Italy, I enjoyed the scenery, landscapes and Italian characters. Other than that the film's plot development is weak and choppy. Soundtrack is all over the place totally lacking a theme or continuity.
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Before Zombie Thrillers there was an Invasion...
6 February 2022
It's 1956, you have never heard of DNA, the Human Genome Project or the Walking Dead.

You're in a movie theater, looking up at people discovering human bodies with no fingerprints, facial expressions or wrinkles. First, double check that you're not on Bravo's Housewives television set then watch and listen as the story on the big screen unfolds.

Characters convey their every thought with extra emotion as piano, violins and percussion instruments emphasize their urgency.

In 2022, one must be in the mood for a 1950's Thriller and not be hypercritical (while being wholly appreciative) for the wonderful improvements of the movie industry.

Enjoy what scared movie audiences 60+ years ago.
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In A Perfect World..
21 January 2022
... Parents who are experiencing grief would also have a children with plenty of imagination. 1 parent can leave the country with that child to chase a wild dream.

There would be no divorce court, no financial constraints, no Amber Alerts for parental kidnapping and everyone gets a hug and smiles in a short period of time.

@Rouge-32 Why wouldn't parents indulge and accompany a daughter? This is entertainment, not a Civics lesson.
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Entertainment! Enjoy, Don't Nitpick!
27 December 2021
Nicole Kidman does a great job as Lucille Ball in this Amazon original movie.

Every low grade review cites inaccuracies of the true life Hollywood power couple Lucille Ball and Desi Arnez. To that I say so what? It's a MOVIE not a 100% accurate biographical film. It's entertainment!

The take away is how Communism Hunters infiltrated Hollywood, wrecking careers as false and even ridiculous accusations ignited. The Dalton Trumbo story is another example.

American money has In God We Trust printed on one side, thanks to the Red Scare era.

JK Simmons is like Where's Waldo of movies and TV. He's fabulous in this movie also.
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Hold the Dark (2018)
Why? o Why?
5 December 2021
Why did Director Jeremy Saulnier edit this film to leave viewers gasping for plot development for the first 15 minutes?

Why did Cinematographes use film that creates bluish snow and heavier darkness? The scenic beauty of Canada's artic winters could have been pushed further, taking viewers from beautiful openness to soul churning darkness.

Cast ensemble is tight and works well.

Why is the last song a Christmas track?

This film could have reached cultlike status had all shadows been better defined.
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Fascinating Subject... Disjointed Presentation
3 December 2021
Multiple personality Disorder is such an incredibly rare and interesting subject, it's difficult to believe there could be a terrible documentary about it. Flashing screens between interviews, background audio being 1960's sounding pop music 1 moment, spooky and dramatic the next.

"Watch it" the same way you would a podcast and you might enjoy it more without the visuals.
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CODA (2021)
30 November 2021
Wow! As a film that can open people's eyes, this film has got it all. Or maybe open people's ears? Plus, who doesn't enjoy fabulous Eastern seaboard scenery?!

Cast is fantastic together and rightly won Best Ensemble Cast at Sundance 2021. Take a few hours to enjoy a movie a family, choices and being victorious.
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Inconceivable!.. A Family Film
26 November 2021
Wallace Shawn created a cult following with his very funny characte's response to nearly every surprise, reaction to others and just because it's fun to say.

Like the book at the movie beginning, this movie is fun for children, parents, grandparents and those of us who enjoy movies that feel like a warm hug.
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Army of One (2020)
It Has Possibilities...
25 November 2021
The trailer looked great. Cast wasn't superstars but everyone starts someplace. Plot line seemed interesting and held up for about 10 minutes. The dialogue was straggled and weak, which made character development impossible. Location was nice though.
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The Fall (I) (2013–2016)
Murder, Detectives and Plot Twists
7 November 2021
A beautiful icy senior detective, Gillian Anderson has to find a very truck serial murderer. An extremely fit, focused and determined and oh so very clever killer.

Series production is high quality with adequate costume and set design.

The hook of this show is the story. Plot twists are bountiful and will keep you on the edge of your seat!
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Seven Seconds (2018)
Timely and Well Made Commentary Series
4 November 2021
Many recognizable faces in this very believable and accurate series.

The incidence happens in the wintertime which makes for great scenic shots. The stark contrast against white snow, and barren trees help to further the premise of nothingness and lack of unity.

To the reviewer of 2019 who claims this is " a mournful show at the feet of the Statue of Liberty" The hit and run happened in New Jersey. So maybe reviewer should have actually watched the series. New York and New Jersey have little in common except geography, lots of people and weather.
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Stateless (I) (2020)
EPIC 2020 Summation
3 November 2021
The year 2020 was devasted by the CoVid pandemic but this series portrays a different one of our greatest human failures.

Throughout the world people struggle for better lives for themselves and especially their children.

This Australian produced film is inspired by actual events. Stories of asylum seekers wanting to immigrate and being imprisoned for many years while their applications are processed.

Racial and cultural lines are sometimes bent or broken but the desire to have FREEDOM, CHOICES to strive for HAPPINESS without fears of being beaten, mothers and daughters enslaved never falters.

America is equally criminal in separating families, sending children into religion based foster care systems and supporting government officials who pander to hate groups.

The cast of this series are all excellent actors. There are many spectacular scenic shots.

The message of Stateless is clear. In such an advanced technological age, why are humans allowing other humans to be imprisoned in harsh prison camps while those with great financial resources are given visas upon demand.

I hope in 20 years society will reflect upon these issues and recognize that similar to Hitler's Nazi Germany some things need changing.
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