
17 Reviews
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A Serious Man (2009)
11 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Let me preface this by saying I'm a big Coen brothers fan. That being said, this film is a sleeper,and I don't mean in a good way. It almost put me to sleep. There's no real plot to speak of and no story or character ark. It just didn't go anywhere. I often guage a movie by how relatable the characters are, be it good, or bad. Not the case here. Couldn't give a crap about any of them. And, in typical Coen brothers fashion a la Old County For Old Men, the final scene cuts to black and the credits rolled leaving me with a "WTF??!! That's it??!!". In short...that's about one hundred forty minutes of my life I wasted and will never get back.
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An Amish Murder (2013 TV Movie)
Pretty darn good who dunnit.
20 July 2022
Don't believe the naysayers. Definitely worth the time watching. Even recommended it to a friend. Definitely enough plot twists to keep you guessing who dunnit. The last 30 minutes was pretty intense.
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Not bad.
8 January 2022
The acting may a bit cheesy at times, and the make up regarding facial hair definitely looked fake. But, the authenticity of the weapons and the devastating effects they had made up for it. The battle scenes were actually cringe-worthy as a result. I can't even imagine the cajones it must've taken to stand in the open with bullets whizzing by and your comrades on either side of you being mortality wounded.
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We are not alone.
12 October 2021
For those of us who have been there, this movie conveys a powerful message. Growing up in the 70's, little was known about bipolar disorder, let alone how it affected post pubescent teens. I was chronically depressed most of the time, and told it was just a phase, and something I'd grow out of. I never did. I was popular. I had friends, but always felt alone. At times I felt hopeless and contemplated suicide on multiple occasions. There were no support groups nor medications. This movie brings the taboo subject of adolescent depression and suicide out of the darkness and into the light where it belongs. The main message here is, we are not alone, and help is out there.
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Nobody (I) (2021)
Fun, but definitely not for the entire family
17 April 2021
Body count: too many to give an accurate figure..

Hutch Mansell, a retired fixer for one of the government's 3 letter agencies, struggles to maintain his image as a status quo suburban family dad. Circumstance however, draws him back to the life he once knew and is better suited in order to protect his family. Bob Odenkirk (Better Call Saul, Breaking Bad) plays Mansell, and although I didn't picture him as your typical action hero, serves it up flawlessly with a side of sarcasm and humor. Definitely a movie you'll want to watch more than once.
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Fell flat
17 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie just didn't go anywhere. For starters, chosing Malek as one of the lead protagonists was a poor choice. It just wasn't a good fit. Denzel Washington played yet another Denzel Washington character. When I say the movie didn't go anywhere, by that I mean this, the entire movie Washington's character emphasizes to Malek's character not to make the same mistakes he does, and ends up making the same mistakes. My understanding was, the movie was supposed to be about a hunt for a serial killer when, in reality, it was learning about Washington's character's past transgressions.
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The Haunted (2018)
Not a horror movie. Horrible is more like it.
20 October 2020
First time a movie was so bad, I walked out. Almost made it to my car before I realized I was watching it at home. That's about an hour and a half of my life I wish I could get back.
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Mr. Church (2016)
Eddie Murphy at his best.
13 October 2020
I rarely give higher than eight stars. I added one for Eddie Murphy's outstanding performance as a dramatic actor. The movie is bittersweet as the bond of friendship grows, yet you know the inevitable outcome of one of the pivotal characters. Best watched with a box of Kleenex nearby.
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The Hunt (II) (2020)
Dark and funny
18 August 2020
If laughter and splatter are your thing, then this movie is right up your alley. When a bunch of big shot corporate liberals get the ax for texting what they say was a joke, takes on a life of its own as internet conspiracy theorists run with it and it goes viral, leading to their termination, they decide to seek revenge on the theorists responsible by making them the butt of the alleged joke. What they didn't count on was Betty Gilpin's character who kicks ass and takes names. For a gal that grew up in New York, Gilpin does an incredible job of transforming her character into a no nonsense, savy, backwater Southern gal. You'll end up rooting for her from the very first comeuppance.
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Das Boot (1981)
One of the best war movies ever produced
3 May 2020
One of the best war movies ever produced in part due to its authenticity. The sign of any good movie is when you actually care about the characters. Such is the case here. It has nothing to do with who was the enemy, or who was right or wrong, it deals with every man's struggle and will to survive. Hard to believe that I, as a Jew, found myself routing for the German crew. If that isn't the sign of a good movie, what is?
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Gacy (2003 Video)
Horrible. Don't waste your time.
11 April 2020
The acting in this movie is so bad as to be laughable. If I didn't know any better, I'd say it was a parody. The cinematography and editing were equally as bad. The only scary thing about this movie, is the ninety minutes or so of my life that I won't get back having watched this.
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Arsenal (2017)
This is bad, really bad.
23 February 2020
This movie is so bad I walked out. I almost made it to the end of the driveway before I realized I was watching it at home. The rest of the actors weren't too bad, but Cage's portrail of a drunk, washed up kingpin is pathetic.
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The Good Liar (2019)
Oh, what a tangled web we weave.
17 February 2020
I had overlooked this movie numerous times until it was the names of two of the greatest actors to grace the silver screen that caught my eye. Without giving anything away, this movie's plot has more twists than a circus side show contortionist, and will keep you guessing, right up until the very end.
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Tankers (2018)
A war movie from a slightly different perspective.
20 January 2020
Ever wonder what happened to those WWII tanks that were knocked out of commission by enemy fire or broken down? This movie gives a behind the scenes look at a WWII Russian tank depot where those wrecks are brought in for salvage or repair. Not a bad flick, and even though I don't speak Russian, it's well acted.
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The Lost Battalion (2001 TV Movie)
A tribute to those who served.
20 January 2020
I'm surprised this movie didn't garner more attention. By and large it is factually accurate in the actual events as well as the uniforms, weapons, and grittiness of close quarter combat. The acting is way above average in its portrayal of the diversity of the soldiers that made up the 77th Infantry. I've watched it twice looking for flaws, which were few and far in between. If you're into WWI history, this is a must-see.
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Venom (2018)
A most unusual buddy flick.
30 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
As with most buddy flicks, what we have here are two characters, worlds apart, brought together by circumstances. And, as with most buddy flicks, the two initially don't really trust or like one another, but as the story arc progresses, a bond of friendship forms. I rarely give most movies more than an 8, but due to the comic nature and originality, it easily earned a 9. Another sign of a good movie is one that is over too soon, and leaves you wanting more, and Venom not only does that, but hints strongly of a sequel. I, for one, can't wait.
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11 November 2019
I've seen elementary school plays that contain better acting. At several points in the movie, actors flub their lines. It's blatantly obvious, and no attempt was made to edit them out.
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