
3 Reviews
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Alexander (2004)
What's Everyone Else On About!?
4 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Seriously, i watched this film last night and now i'm on IMDb reading a lot of the reviews, and all of you seem to be missing the point! People seem to be giving this film high ratings mainly out of anger at low ratings it got from critics or other IMDb users! The amount of 10 out of 10's at the top of the review page is quite frankly ridiculous. You can't rate a film this high simply because it's overall mark is lower that what you might want it to be. Other people have ranked it highly because it's historically accurate and true to the source material, but this once again does not warrant a high rating. The question should simply be, IS THIS FILM ACTUALLY ANY GOOD:

Well the answer, sadly, is no. The reasons, (and i won't patronise anyone here by going into how historically accurate it may be, or whether it was too homo-erotic or not) are as follows: It was poorly directed, and lacked any connection with the audience on an emotional or even purely adrenaline fuelled level. The battle scenes had no punch to them, and were in fact quite confusing. No heart pounding scenes of horror like at the beginning of gladiator. The final death scene was just boring, and i didn't really care enough about Alexander to give a damn anyway, unlike Maximus in Gladiator which definitely tugged on the heart strings.

The editing is just down right slapstick, i'm still not really sure if it was just rushed or Oliver was playing with some stylised idea, but it jumps around almost haphazardly. I am not simply talking about the flashbacks either! Many times the next scene will start right on the back of the old one and your mind has to catch up to whats going on, with a completely different mood to the scene.

The acting i will not comment on as i'm sure some people will love it and others may not, and i really want this to be an objective review!

Now here comes the worst part of the film for me. The soundtrack!! What is that i hear you say, the soundtrack? Well yes, you did hear me correctly, and i'm not simply talking about the music itself, which is terrible, but where it is placed in the film. For me, it single handedly manged to destroy the mood of almost every scene in the film, and i think many of the scenes would have had a bigger impact if just left silent(as in no score). The music is horribly cheesy, there isn't really much more i can say about it without starting to rant. As for when they use it, in the first battle scene the score sounds like it should be played after they have won the battle, as victory music, rather that during the battle, and makes the whole seen seem somewhat contrived.

The last part has to be the accents. Anyone who's seen the film knows whats coming...HOW FUNNY WAS THAT!!!! Angela was transylvanian or something, and almost everyone else was Irish!!!!!! Why is this, to hide Collin Farrels accent? He does a pretty good job of a Texan accent in tigerland so trying to find a neutral English accent shouldn't be too hard for him. The accents just added to take any real sense of realism from the film, and though it maybe accurate it felt more like a popcorn flick than an historical epic, which is ultimately why it must be reviewed so harshly!

I give this film a 4 out of 10, and those 4 i've given are because of its historical accuracy, and because the director had the balls to not shy away from scenes that many may consider to 'Gay' for the big screen, whatever the hell that's supposed to mean. Alas, i am sorry Oliver, but these facts alone cannot save what is ultimately a poor effort.

Note: (Please Read) As for the comparisons to King Arthur i read, and how people can't believe Alexander could get a lower mark, let me explain. King Arthur is terrible, i mean atrocious, and that is what ultimately saves it. It's so bad, it ends up becoming a parody and a comedy! I was laughing so hard in the cinema, and just had to get some of my friends together and go see it again. I mean what a load of tosh, but maybe disguised genius, like John Woo's Windtalkers. Did these directors actually want to make films this bad? Probably not, but i for one had lots of fun watching these films through there crapness, and came out bubbling. I came it of Alexander feeling totally indifferent, unaffected. My English teacher once told me that you can love something or hate it and that means that it has worked in someway, that it is a success. But if you only feel indifference, then it has done nothing and is the most abject of failures. Think about it!
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Sin City (2005)
24 May 2005
Nothing more needs to be said about this film, just go and watch it! Mind blowingly cool, eye poppingly stylish, this ranks with some of the best films ever made! Uber violent? Well maybe, but its done with such a sense of fun and comic book mayhem that it seems quite easy to distance yourself from the emotional repercussions such carnage could actually cause, like in 'Seven' for instance.

The acting is also spot on, and a big shout out has to go to Micky Rourke, who is possibly playing the hardest guy ever to grace the big screen. Elijah Wood shows us his dark side, Bruce Willis kicks ass as the 'last good cop', and Clive Owen is the king of Cool.

If Robbo can keep this up for the sequels, we could actually be looking at one of the best trilogy's to come out in recent years!

Sit back, let your jaw hit the ground and watch the chaos unfold!!
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The Animatrix (2003 Video)
The beauty of creative thinking
2 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I wasn't going to write anything hear but reading a few negative reviews on this piece that i feel are wrong have inspired to add my thoughts:

For those of you unfamiliar with this, it is basically 8 separate stories (1 being a 2 parter) set in the universe of the matrix that pose and answer some interesting questions. I'm sure this appealed instantly to all anime fans like myself, but will probably put off a number of people (i know a few myself) who will simply think Anime=Cartoon=Childish. This really irritates me because i've always felt that anime gives a lot of people the ability to put their creative thinking and wild ideas on the screen without needing access to ridiculous budgets. I think the wachowski bros (sorry if spelt wrong) feel grateful that their blatantly anime inspired vision was given the chance of day, and are now using it push forward some of the great anime moguls that inspired them towards the audience they have captured.

Lets break this down: Flight of the Osiris- Amazingly rich looking CGI piece about the crew of a ship that discovers the machine army heading to zion. Looks beautiful, character animation is spot on, and is pretty riveting stuff.

Second Renaissance(1&2)- Don't believe what other people are saying about this being a terminator rehash. It is about the machines taking over earth before the matrix, but the comparison ends their. In terminator skynet was definitely the villain, in these it is quite easy to see that it is man who is the villain. The inherent cruelty of our species is showcased in these as we seek to destroy a race we've created who attempts peace many times. There is a part when a mob is beating on an android girl who simply pleads "i'm real" before they smash her to pieces! It has hidden depth, plus the battle scenes, imagery and soundtrack are great!

Kid Story- My personal fave. About the kid in matrix 2 and 3, (you know, the one who idolizes neo) and his awakening to the matrix and his faith in something completely intangible. It moves along at a sedate pace for most of it, then hits you with 30 odd seconds of some of the most intense and exciting action i've seen for a while! Rough, old school drawing that works fantastic with the style of this piece!

Program- Classic style, ass bustin, head crackin samurai extravaganza!! I do love this one. A simple moral dilemma with questions raised of- just how bad ass can you get in the matrix?! It just go's up and down, action, then talk, then action, then talk. But it works nicely and leaves your heart pumpin.

Right, i know that this says it contains spoilers, but i'm sure people will read it anyway cause i've always found that warning more of a temptation than anything else, so i'll leave the last 4 stories as a mystery cause they are more thinking pieces than action pieces. Also, i'm mildly embarrassed about how long this review has got, so i better stop before i give myself an aneurysm.

Just remember, i think anyone will at least find some of these stories cool, and they're only 10 minutes long apiece anyway, so it's not like you'll have long to suffer if you don't like it. later
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