
30 Reviews
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Sense8 (2015–2018)
Bring Sense8 Back!
6 April 2020
Let's petition to bring the show back. We have done it before for the final series.
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As a gay millennial, this series makes me questioned the privilege I have.
29 February 2020
A very detailed history of LGBT representation on TV from Beginning to End. All the casts, the stories, the footage, the conversation are heart-warming but bittersweet at the same time.
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House M.D. (2004–2012)
Definitely one of the top best show in 2010s.
28 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I love House. I love Wilson. I love Chase. I love Cameron. I love Foreman. I love 13. I love Taub. I love Kutner. I love Amber. I love Lisa.

At 11 years old, I was diagnosed with Social Anxiety and OCD. I abused Xanax for many years. Growing up watching House makes me feel like I'm not alone. I was miserable. I was depressed. I was lonely and in a dark place, abusing prescription drug to numb my pain. I pushed people away. I intentionally make people hate me or isolate myself. I watched all 8 season 4 times and I remembered watching house detoxing Vicodin while I was detoxing SSRIs. And somehow this show got me through it.

On side note.

I wish Amber didn't die and Lisa should have at least showed up at HOUSE funeral. That's the only thing that bugged me.
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The Cured (2017)
One of the best Post-Zombie Apocalyptic Movie
28 February 2020
Ellen Page performance is amazing. The setting and cinematography is great. First half of the movie were fascinating but they definitely missed the ending. Can be better. But making a low budget Apocalypse film this good. This definitely a 10.
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The Silence (II) (2019)
Have the writer heard of A Quiet Place?
2 May 2019
Stupid B-Movie Monsters. It would be a great film if it's 2004.
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Us (II) (2019)
Overhyped, Overrated, Disappointed.!
2 May 2019
Acting and Casts are good. Storyline fall flat after act 1. Act 2, pure boring, Ending and Twists are aweful.

Every first-hit director's second film always the hardest. Pressure from expectation made Jordan Peele's Get Out feels like a one-hit-wonder.

His first mistake is making this film too soon. After Jordan's hype with Get Out, pressure with many investors throwing money at him and trying to stay relevent, trying to make trademake on the genre. That's why the film is made and release way too soon, creating disappoinment.
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Shut In (I) (2016)
Pretty Good twist but too Cliché
2 May 2019
Cheap jump scare Good Twist Good Acting from the kid from Room.
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Primer (2004)
Pretty Good for an Indie Time Travel / Time Loop / Paradox
2 May 2019
Charactors and Acting are okay. Indie from 2004, so the quality wasn't that good. Storyline is good but too complicated to understand. The director quote he intented to make the concept complicated so the audience to come back again and again. Well... rather not.
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Triangle (2009)
One of the best Time Travel / Time Loop / Paradox film ever!
2 May 2019
Mind-blowing Original Concept & Storyline. Best Casts & Acting. Very Underrrated despite Very Indie. Great Set Designs & Art Directions. One of those films that stuck with you & need/want to see twice to fully understand and appriciate the film.
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Source Code (2011)
One of the best Time Loop / Time Travel / Paradox Film ever!
2 May 2019
Mind-blowing Original Concept & Storyline. Best Casts. Great Twists & Ending. One of those film that stuck with you and want/need to see twice to understand & appriciate the film.
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Looper (2012)
One of the best Time Travel / Time Loop / Paradox Film ever
2 May 2019
Good Concept & Storyline. Best Casts. Mind-blowing Ending & Twist.
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12 Monkeys (2015–2018)
One of the Best Paradox & Time Travel Film ever
2 May 2019
Mind-blowing Original Concept & Storyline. Good Acting. Good Art Direction and Casts. One of those movie that stuck in your mind and want/need to see twice to understand the timeline and appriciate the film.
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Predestination (I) (2014)
Best Time Travel/Time Loop/Paradox film ever made.
2 May 2019
Mind-blowing Original Concept & Storyline. Amazing twists & Ending. Incredible Acting. Underrate. Deserve more recognation and awards. One of those movie that stuck in your mind and need/want to see twice to appriciate.
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Cube Zero (2004)
Do Justice to the original Cube.
2 May 2019
Updated Orignal Set Designs & Art Directions. Good Storyline & connection ties with the orginal Cube. Terrific Twist and Endings. Deserve sequel, spin-off or anthology.
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Cube (1997)
Amazing Concept.
2 May 2019
Amazing orginal concept. Good Acting. Mind-blowing twist and ending.

If you like this one. Please skip the sequel (Horrible) and go straight to Cube 3 (Cube Zero).
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Suspiria (I) (2018)
Tilda Swinton + Dakota Johnson = Magic
5 February 2019
Best horror/mystery/thriller/cult movie of all time. Totally change the sub horror genre.
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Mr. Nobody (2009)
For those who love time travel & Time loop films
5 February 2019
Best storyline, best actingg, best directing of all time.
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In Darkness (2018)
Best Performance by Natalie Dorman
5 February 2019
The story is great. The plot twists are awesome and cinematography and art direction are amazing. One of the best Revenge film I ever see with a really good storyline.
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The Last Reel (2014)
Incredible Film Cambodia haven't seen for decades.
7 September 2015
Yep... I haven't seen a single film made in Cambodia that I actually liked since Bat Kloun by Khmer Mekong Films a few years back. This film is surely the best film Cambodia ever had in decades.

First of all, the storyline is amazing. Despite written by non-Cambodian writer but as a Cambodian, I approved everything about the characteristics of the characters, locations and even the minor details. I am surprise to see how the film maker focus on small details from culture references to clothing fashion. It does show almost 100% of Cambodian's general life/reality. The writer is awesome and probably better understand about Cambodian than most Cambodian writers do.

The actors were just incredible. As always, the protagonist, Ma Rynet, is awesome as she ever could be. Totally a big fan. Now that's what we call talent and a "real" actress. Newcomer, but she's probably better than most Cambodian "supposedly" actresses . Portray as the rebellious new generation child, but totally represent "real" nowadays Cambodians, who we all can related at some point. Every single moment Rynet able to appear fresh and real, not a single moment that we could say that this would never happen to a real person. Her performance in this film could never been better.

Again, Dy Savet is also as amazing as she can be. Just "real" and "relatable" as she can be. At her age and portray as an emotional disturb mother, but she's able to appear as flawless as she can be.

Every other characters are also incredible. Not well-known actors but definitely talented and relatable. The dad, the brother, the boyfriend, the director, the gang, first of all, they all look Cambodians. That is a big plus. Their performance is real and raw. They do look and sound like somebody's dad, brother, boyfriend... And each's characteristic is definitely real and relatable (again) big applause to writer and director and casting director, whoever you are. Because, these are what 99% of Cambodian films lacked at.

And I definitely love the location. The cinema is awesome. And the fact that the character's house is actually looks like most of Cambodian houses are just amazing. Again, because according to most of "Cambodian" writers and directors, everybody lives in a condo or a villa. And we all drive Range Rover. And we call have super white skin and blond hair. And we all woke up with full make-up and cat eyes. And we all go to the mall and brown cafe all the time.

Again, the film is definitely the best film Cambodia has seen for decades. This shows how Cambodian's film is in fact going into a right direction (even though most of film crew are non- Cambodian) but I'm happy that I can actually go to see a Cambodian film that is actually good and keep me thinking about the film and actually talk about real issues of Cambodian and I can actually relate to, after it finished and proud that Cambodian might bring back the golden age era of films. Awesome jobs everyone. Please make more awesome film.
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Poltergeist (2015)
Don't listen to critics. It's an amazing film. (From a big horror fan)
31 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Yep. I'm a big horror films fan who had seen almost every single horror films had been release including Asians and European horror films.

American horror classic is all about those cliché where a family moves into a new house which is hunted with a few jump scare and then the family conquer the ghost and it ends.

But this film had almost none of that. They move into a new house and sh*ts happen. Like real scary sh*t. Not those cheesy jump scare but really scary sh*t.

I was scare the whole film until the end and the storyline is just amazing. this is way way more better than any horror film I had ever seen.
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Unbroken (I) (2014)
Don't listen to those annoying critics
5 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Unbroken is an amazing, inspiring films.

Angelina Jolie is my bae, but I actually had low expectation toward the film. But Angie is surprisingly amazing. This adaption of the story and the book could not been any better.

I literally started crying 15 minutes into the film and throughout the entire film. Amazing 2 hours work of Angelina Jolie, Jack O'Connell and all the cast.

The amazing thing is... the Unbroken really did provide what the Angelina had promise. Especially, about how much can a human being can take before one broken.

And yes... It does not make any sense that the film was not nominated for major Oscars including Best Picture, Best Actor for Jack O'Connell and Best Director for Angelina Jolie.

I had watch every single Oscar nominated films, most of which does really deserve it nomination but some like Steve Carell's Performance in Foxcatcher is so much beyond below Oscar-worthy.

The worst thing is how all the critics all started writing their masterpieces on "How Horrible Angelina Jolie's film is" before the film itself even release. That probably make them "Pro-Critic" now that they can insult an incredible, inspiring piece of work of the true story of Louis Zamperini.
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Gone Girl (2014)
Horrible acting and portrayal of the book
26 December 2014
I know this is annoying but as a person who read the book... The film is just awful. Ben Affleck who play the husband is just the worst... Who the **** act like that after his wife disappeared. I mean it's not like she disappear frequently that he does not act surprise at all... It's worst reaction than he just lost his garden plant that he lost so many times that he's actually bored about this this time...

And people were like... OMG Fincher is so clever and unexpected amazing.... Errrr.... actually... he just directing that s***... The author of the book is suppose to be the one who is clever and unexpected....

And the fact that is film actually got 4 golden globes nomination and none for Unbroken.... make me sick... Everyone should stop sucking Ben Affleck's d***....
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The Babadook (2014)
One word... Disappionting...
24 December 2014
What is wrong with all the critic these days??? Eating and sucking up to each other??

I mean I have heard a lot a lot of great thing about the film before seeing it, making my excitement level as high as a tower since obviously I'm a horror geek. Rotten Tomato gives it 98% fresh... Can you believe it....? Because the film is completely boring and stupid...

First of all... If you ask how many character in the film??? 3. The crazy sleepy woman, her very cute but annoying child and the babadook. I thought the idea is pretty cool after hearing about the film and its fuss... But the actual movie is a total disappointment...

Get ready to sit in a cinema waiting the film to get better to hit its climax... and then you realise its not going to... and just simply wishing it would end so you can get something to eat... and sleep... because the freaking film is basically just that dump mother getting sleepy or can't sleep or hallucination(??) I'm not sure...

And don't even let me talk about the ending.... If were to describe it.... "What the did I just watch?" That's sum up the whole experience.
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Good People (2014)
Not much happening.....
17 December 2014
yea.... the thriller is basically everything you need to see about the film. Not much exactly left to see. I only went to see the film just because there is nothing else to see in the theatre.

The cast is great tho... I mean who wouldn't want to see Kate Hudson and James Franco naked in the shower together. Yea... thats basically the most interesting thing in the entire film.

However, shooting the film in London made absolute no sense and useless except having a bunch of supporting characters speaking in elegant British accent.

The concept of the film is great but the storyline is weak. It's totally looks like something we already saw too many times. The climax is not great either... I didn't even know it was the climax of the film until it was half-way through since I was expecting something for interesting to happen....

But overall... it was something nice to see on TV but not recommended if you want to spend quality times spending your money in cinema...
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The Pyramid (2014)
The film is very nice... The Critics are not always right...
12 December 2014
I went to the movie just because there is nothing else to see in the cinema, despite reading all negative criticism on the film. I googled the film before seeing it and saw terrible rating. So I had my expectation pretty low.

But please, those critics are people too and people have different opinion and tastes on film. I for once never like action films. So I would rate every single action film 1/10. But as a Horror fan, seeing so many horror films, I think the film over all is very good. It scared me a lot of time than most of horror films.

The actors' performances are great, the storyline is interesting, the shooting is pretty nice too. I mean, even though I really hate the "Hand camera" kind of movie like Paranormal Activity and stuffs, but this one is pretty nice.

I'm glad that they did not include mummies in the film since it's going to make it looks like just another "The Mummy" films. The monster they have in the film is pretty good but somehow ridiculous. And once again, they have all these pyramid elements in the films such as dead-end, traps, secret passages/doors, secret rooms, and maze passages... etc.

The only problem I had with the film is the title. Maybe they should have something more creative and interesting instead of straight forward "The Pyramid". Maybe something that connected to the storyline.

But over all this is a great film. I would totally dig this film for movie night alone or with my homies... And it's worth seeing yo....
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