
3 Reviews
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Fauci (2021)
What we need...NOW!
10 September 2021
This is an important film, because the main subject is in some ways, NOT Dr. Anthony Fauci, but the concept of, and the acceptance of, science.

This doc includes a large part of the HIV/AIDS controversy, and Dr. Fauci's part in bringing it into the daynight for inspection. Coincidentally enough, this quote is from that era:

"There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge'." -Isaac Asimov, January 21, 1980.

Go see this film, and make your own judgements. It is well-made, and important!
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Cheering for the wrong side....
9 December 2016
Here is the thing that I always found fascinating about the Star Wars series, since the first 1977(?) film...

The writers, producers, actors have been able to convince audiences to root for the "rebels" fighting the "Empire." But from the opening scene it appears all too obvious to me that the Empire is the US of A!

Think about how the US operates on much of this planet--biggest army/air force/navy of all other nations, combined. Enormous "treasure and blood" invested in warfare and conquest. Think about all the peoples around the world that attempt to "rebel" against US influence: OUR oil, not theirs, WE control their land/waterways/airways, not them.

We have the big bucks, we buy up their politicians, or kill the ones that disagree with US. History of the last 100 years is about the growing domination of the US, interrupted by occasional upstarts (Nazis, "Communists." etc.). And all funded by our taxes, over 50% of each federal tax dollar goes to war.

I am not a "Jews run Hollywood" conspiracist, nor do I think Hollywood is a monolith. But Hollywood is all about "business," capitalist business. So basically, whatever content makes "gross" money and nothing that would actually help to ORGANIZE "rebels" against the system they profit from, certainly.

The latest big fascist on the scene, Mr. T, is just another figurehead, though more dangerous than some in the past, given who he will appoint to run things, since he is unable to do it himself. "Draining the swamp" with the same old alligators in charge, as far as I can see.

I only saw the first Star Wars, and there is no amount of money that you could pay me to sit through another. What is so "endearing" about US audiences: not only will they eagerly LINE UP to see this crap, they will pay for the privilege, buy up the t-shirts, dolls and other junk, and to top it all off, they cheer for the wrong side! And some are intelligent educated people, too—- "it's only a fantasy movie…" No, it's not.

Talk about voting against your own interests
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Moving, fun, a delight!
6 May 2008
Seen in Montreal, in French, with English subtitles.

I highly recommend this film--the young actress, Marianne Fortier, is amazing--look out for her! She captured a 1950's fifteen year old very accurately: childlike sometimes, a woman sometimes, a sister, friend, daughter. Makes me want to find her only other film, Aurore (2005).

The other actors are good also, especially that playing her youngest brother, Hugo St-Onge-Paquin.

The script is believable, engaging and not predictable.

Go beyond any aversion you may have to subtitles on this one, it is worth your time.
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