
67 Reviews
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if you only want to see blur you should watch!
14 August 2024
I thought it would be interesting to watch. It's something different, who knows, maybe we can learn something from watching. But man, man, what a cringe-worthy program. By the 2nd episode I can't watch it anymore. Some police lady can't even say the word naked (niked or something she says) and then there's a blonde mainly doing hysterical commentary as if this is the worst thing she has ever seen in her life. As for the nude people you mainly see a lot of blurred images That takes place mainly in the dark so you actually see nothing at all. No idea why this program was made, because we can watch nudity?
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Unfrosted (2024)
10 June 2024
Jerry Seinfeld may have done well as a standup comedian in his show Seinfeld, but this man is not an actor. I actually hate looking at him, he's had mannerisms for 100 years and expressions. To be honest, I'm only 15 minutes into the film and I've already seen quite a few "stars" pass by, but I find it cringe-inducing to watch so I'll stop. I can't imagine that I'll miss a lot of fantastic things. And the people who believe that you should only judge a film once you have watched it completely. My Dutch teacher once said: if a book doesn't interest you after 10 pages, you can put it down because then you won't find the rest interesting either. I also apply that rule to films and series.
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Nip/Tuck (2003–2010)
What am I watching...
2 February 2024
21 years later, I'm watching Nip/Tuck for the first time. It actually scares me a bit. I have never seen so many selfish, self-centered and narcissistic people together. One is even a bigger whiner than the other, and let's not forget hypocritical either. I'm almost done with season 1 and I've actually only seen 1 nice person. You can say why don't you stop watching.... Actually, I'm waiting for everyone to get what they deserve. But maybe that won't happen at all. So who knows, I might stop watching soon. In any case, this series is not a series that I would recommend to anyone else. Do not do it!
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Oljefondet (2018– )
what is it?
23 December 2023
I have now reached episode 4 and am trying to discover what exactly it is that I am watching. Is it humorous? I haven't really laughed yet...Is it drama...It is certainly quite dramatic in my opinion, but that is due to the fact that very unsympathetic people are involved and because it is not really interesting. I am a fan of Scandinavian films and series, but unfortunately I have to give this series a 5 and that is still quite high. Everyone has to decide for themselves whether he/she/their/you are going to watch it. I I'll watch till the last episode and then I'll quickly look for something more fun.
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Not for me
20 August 2023
I read the book once, but it was so long ago that I can't remember anything about it. I saw that there were a lot of Belgians in the cast so I was hopeful. But, my god, how bad the Dutch act (I'm Dutch myself so I can say that) I really tried to watch but found Mrs Drijver's acting so cringeworthy that I couldn't watch it any longer. I haven't watched Dutch films for years. Always the same actors who can't all act. You used to have a handful of good actors but that was years ago now. So this trip to a movie with a Dutch actress was another wrong choice. So I don't have to do that anymore. And now i finally typed enough letters!
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How do you come up with this cr@p
30 April 2023
I was always a fan of Mel Brooks silly movies. But I feel secondhand embarrassment watching this. Has Mr. Brooks thought of doing 1 more trick, just because you can if your name is Mel Brooks? It's not funny at all, actually a bit pathetic to watch. Cheap jokes, or no jokes at all when people think they are very funny. I would be a bit ashamed if I had participated in this event, but well you get another sandwich on the shelf and if you were a bit forgotten as an actor, you are now in everyone's attention again. But I'd rather be forgotten I think. But hey I'm no actor so I wouldn't know if that's the truth.
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Nurse Jackie (2009–2015)
Nurse Jackie has left the building
24 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I thought season 1 was worth watching that quickly became a lot less. I watched 3 seasons and because nothing really happened at all but some vicissitudes around a junkie who works in the emergency room, I only ventured into season 7. But by then I had already built up a reasonable aversion to nurse Jackie and Eddie and some more people. What a loser Eddie say, yuk. I liked Zoey, Thorn and doctor ohara and some others too. Don't know if it was meant to be a hospital series or a comedy but it's a good thing it ended because the storyline had already bled out a few seasons earlier as far as I'm concerned.
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Blockbuster (2022)
Not a blockbuster at all
19 April 2023
Sometimes I really wonder who gives the approval (and money) to make certain TV shows. You would almost think that people are sometimes bribed. And then the people who do the casting. They have to undergo a mandatory eye test and investigate what is really funny and fun to look at. I watched this program for 10 minutes. Then you will say, you have no right to speak. A program that makes you want to throw your TV (in my case mobile) out the window gives that right. My god, that one Asian guy who's been looking like he needs to poop for 10 minutes. The annoying cliche types. This is really really really too bad for words (and for my peace of mind and eyes that are already bad) this is not a blockbuster....this is dumpster food.
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Crossing Jordan: Pilot (2001)
Season 1, Episode 1
Question with spoilers
20 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
If an autopsy was done on Mulroy why does she have to go to his coffin to see if there are any bite marks on his arm? They had already been found at the autopsy.

Or am I mistaken?

If an autopsy was done on Mulroy why does she have to go to his coffin to see if there are any bite marks on his arm? They had already been found at the autopsy.

Or am I mistaken?

If an autopsy was done on Mulroy why does she have to go to his coffin to see if there are any bite marks on his arm? They had already been found at the autopsy.

Or am I mistaken?

I copied 3 times since I have to use 600 characters, why?
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The Bear (2022– )
No no no
16 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Watched 1 episode (half first and half last) that was enough. I've worked in a kitchen and we weren't as chaotic as in the series. And we didn't do that weird screaming either. I just get really stressed and annoyed watching this series. And not unimportantly not a single strikingly nice or good player. Give my portion to fikkie.

(Why do I need to write the review the size of a novel to be posted) Or is that just with my name because some reviews are only a few sentences. Can somebody explain that to me? And still not enough characters, so how's the weather over there? Sunny rain snow, the end.
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16 October 2022
I don't really understand why this story was filmed in this way. Nothing exciting happens at all and it goes out like a candle. When the credits started I was like:???? Nice to see Donald Sutherland again but the other protagonist seems too much like Harry Potter to me. He also seems to have only one facial expression. The: I'm the best boy in the class and now you have to stop because otherwise I'm going to cry face.

So I was very disappointed in the end Don't call me!

(I really don't understand why I have to use a lot of characters before this review can be posted. Sometimes it needs less words! People talk to much)
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19 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I have no idea why this movie was made. A glimpse into the lives of a bunch of losers who give birth to children that they don't care about because they're too busy with self-pity and drugs. I just got angry about it.
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Stitchers (2015–2017)
7 July 2022
This show was cancelled. I liked it! Bit cheesy now and then but it was entertaining!

Now I'll be always wondering about the cliffhanger. What happened and why.
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Harrow (2018–2021)
Not for me
23 April 2022
I'm almost done with the first season (wanted to give it a shot) I don't like it. I've seen to many of these kinds of shows (better ones) I'm not sure if it's meant to be funny or serious. I find the main character boring and everything but charismatic.

Anyway, I'm going to stop watching because this is a waste of my time.
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Not for me!
10 April 2022
I like Blake but what an incredibly boring non-charismatic opponent they have chosen for her. Who is this guy? It made the movie annoying to watch unfortunately.
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All of Us Are Dead (2022– )
29 January 2022
I actually find it quite slow and boring. I am on episode 4 now but going to skip a few. Maybe something will happen instead of every episode the same.
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Porters (2017–2019)
Didn't do it for me
21 December 2021
I like these English silly shows, but this is one I don't like.

It's not funny, just chaotic and strange.

Why did Rutger (Dutch like me) play a German person? Strange, perhaps because he looks like an Ariër?

Well this is not my cup of tea or nicht meine Tasse Kaffee!
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Station 19 (2018–2024)
7 December 2021
20 minutes into the first episode. Cringing! What a drama, and I don't mean that in a positive way!

Cliche after cliche after cliche (and thats just the first 20 minutes!!) And terrible acting!
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28 November 2021
I'm a fan of the Coen brothers but what an annoying movie this is. Nowhere funny, more embarrassing at times. The original is much more fun!! Sometimes its better to leave the original alone!
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26 November 2021
What a laughable event! It's not scary at all!! Plain dull.

Sierra McCormic has the acting talent of a wet mop. Only thing I liked was the song Heads wil roll! 😁
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Perception (2012–2015)
Nice untill Donnie showed up
26 November 2021
An enjoyable show, well set up. Some of the protagonists are very good. I just don't think Scott Wolf fits in. I still experience him as the boy from Party of Five and not as a grown man. It seems like he can only put down 1 type, that bothers me and makes watching less fun.
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Uhm..... waiting.... waiting......
14 October 2021
When is it getting scary?? Watching an hour and no scary things so far. Only some stereotype persons.

(Why does a review have to have at least 150; characters??? Sometimes one sentence is enough!)
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The Guilty (2021)
Boring and hysterical and predictable
4 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
What a hysterical movie (in a not good way) I thought it was all a bit over the top and got the nerves of Joe/Jake. He also needs to go to the pulmonologist, uses his inhaler way too much, that's bad for your heart.
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Out of Death (2021)
Everybody's right!
30 September 2021
It's bad. The music is annoying and the acting is shocking bad!

5 stars for making such a crappy movie! I mean, if you can do that you're an artist!! 😂😂
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20 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I was curious about the movie. The story appeals to me, but I find the actor who plays Glass very unsympathetic. A whiner and manipulator. I did have sympathy for his boss, Chuck!
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