
5 Reviews
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Who is Running This Studio?
25 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I mean really, what was the point of this movie? I have it on DVD and watched it once, not a single minute other than the movie and some special features my brother wanted to see. This movie is do you say...oh yeah, pathetic. There's NO plot, NO character development, NO theme (for those of you who think I mean no plot, theme is the main idea/moral of the movie, book, story, etc. which is pulled out of the plot). It may be a love or hate movie, but I hated it. The humour was corny, stupid, and just pathetic. The main character is a complete geek that nobody likes and nothing is done to fix that issue except give him an equally geek-like girlfriend which was pathetic because the only remotely flirtatious things that Napoleon said was "I like your sleeves". As stated before I watched the 2 hour movie...and I want those 2 hours of my life back.
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Tomb Raider: Legend (2006 Video Game)
Don't Listen to Negative Reviews
8 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
If you are a fan of the series, but have hated the repetitive puzzles, horrible controls, and humorless levels then this is a must play. Everything about this game is great, this is what Tomb Raider II should have been. The controls are a heck of a lot smoother and the backstory is so good this should have been a movie. Even the mansion and Lara's back story have changed to relate more to the movies than the games. Eidos did a great thing by hiring Crystal Dynamics. Whoever had the nerve to say that the levels are unplayable has definitely never played any other games with better controls than the old Tomb Raider games. This is THE best of the series.
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CSI: 3 Dimensions of Murder (2006 Video Game)
A CSI Fan's P.O.V.
17 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
**May contain spoilers, last warning** This game is cool, the idea of the whole thing being 3 dimensional and all (made a nice pun). It also had unique cases, but as with all games it went wrong in a few places. First off, Jorja Fox and Marg Helgenberger don't even their character's voice overs (Sara's difference is probably more notable than Catherine's). Also, they make everything look all pretty like the lab with it's view of the elevator that looks like it's a place you can get to, the crime scenes, and the morgue, but Brass' office looks weird because the view out of the doors and windows appear to be cut and pasted from a photo (unlike the lab). Also, the game can be a stumper more than once or twice. There was the GMC thing, but every vehicle was a GMC and it got old. Also Doc Robbins has a 6 head. If you can get past this the game's great.
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I've started writing my own CSI series
12 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I got the first season DVD of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation three years ago and always look forward to the next episodes. I have followed this show from Holly Gribb's shooting and death in season 1 to Nick's burial in season 5 (I had a power viewing of 5 episodes to complete my viewing of season 2). I also have every book with the exception of the new one CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Killing Fields and a book The Forensic Science Behind CSI. I've used most of the resources I have to write my own CSI series of fan fictions with Final Fantasy VIII characters named CSI: Balamb. This has got to be the best show besides The X-Files.
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K-911 (1999 Video)
24 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Well, this is probably one of the best movies I've seen and I love it so much that I've memorized most of the script (especially the scene in the storage unit when Jerry Lee breaks wind) and even with the script in my head I still like to watch it for Jerry Lee, that German Shepherd is hysterical and really is put to the test to see who's smarter. The tag line holds true as well. Not to mention the acting is great, though Christine Tucci sounds different in a whisper (Check filmography under CSI if you don't know what I mean). It's too bad that this movie only contained the single issue Dooley and Jerry Lee had to work with, it would have been pretty cool to see the tricks that Zeus and Welles had up their sleeve.
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