
12 Reviews
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Just Okay
24 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The movie is by all means not original but it is an okay pop corn movie. The action scenes is the only element the sells most pf the film. Captain America: The Winter Soldier beats Age of Ultron by far. Thus is not a must watch movie. You can really wait till it comes out on DVD. The film has too much going on and too short although there are 6 main characters. There is no character depth. Each character gets about 30 minutes of screen time at least except for Tony Stark. The film should be called Tony Stark and his followers. Quik Silver was wasted in this film. The best scenes are from Thor and War Machine. Thor is shown too be the mighty God of Thunder but at the same time he is downplayed with his powers. Don Cheadle delivers his lines extraordinarily well. This isn't a must see film.
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Interstellar (2014)
One of the most emotional films of 2014
16 November 2014
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Interstellar is another masterpiece created by the genius known to the world as Christopher Nolan. I have to say though that every few minutes that pass in this film your heart really does ache. I mean although the film seems realistic, you don't want to imagine that the events in the film could ever really happen in real life. In the film 4 astronauts are sent on a mission to find an inhabitable world for humans to move to. The kicker about the mission is the duration it will take for the family the astronauts leave behind. This is a heart wrenching film and will leave you thinking about our world long after leaving the theater. This is a must see film for any aspiring filmmaker and film buff.
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Blade & Soul (2014)
Not too bad
31 August 2014
The series follows a female assassin looking to avenge the murder of her master. Along the way she encounters virtually only female characters. The men in the show are mostly idiots. The show is very female dominant.

There is no character depth at all and the plot is very simple but yet the show was rather enjoyable.

The graphics were really mesmerizing. The show should be taken for what it is. There is no moment of boredom at all. Don't think too much, just watch.

Looking to pass time? Then give this anime a shot.
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The visual effects was the only thing that saved this movie
30 June 2014
Saw Transformers: Age of Extinction yesterday and since then I have been thinking of what to make of the summer blockbuster. I am going to keep it short and simple with the pros and cons of the film. Pros- The visual effects of the film where outstanding and all the wow moments were in scenes that just had the autobots only especially the scenes involving Optimus Prime and the dinobots. Stanley Tucci and Mark Wahlberg gave tolerable performances. Cons- The film was way to lengthy and had too much going on making some points boring, the dialogs were terribly written and the performances by Jack Reynor and Nicola Peltz were razzie award worthy. It's like Michael Bay just picked these two of the street. I have never sen cardboard acting this bad. This script in my opinion didn't make sense....Why do I say this? Well it's kinda of hard to believe that humanity can be so dumb as to hunt and kill the autobots even after the events of Revenge of the fallen and Dark of the moon. After those two films you would think the humanity would be smart enough to acknowledge that they need the autobots and the autobots are heroes. Transformer: Age of Extinction is on par with Revenge of the Fallen when it should actually be better. If you loved the previous films then you can probably tolerate this one but honestly this is not a must watch film and I am a huge Michael Bay fan so for me to say this means something. Final con is the cast change really ruins the film. The old cast could really act. They grabbed your attention. Shia Labeouf in all honesty owned the franchise. We need him back along with Tyrese Gibson, John Duhamel and John Turturro....Even Megan Fox.
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More of a thriller
31 March 2014
It's rare that we get a serious Marvel movie these days since the first Iron Man but this was totally mind blowing. Captain America: The Winter Soldier too a risk and it worked. This was more of a thriller than just your ordinary super hero movie. This is the Dark Knight of Marvel. The story unfolded and a steady pace and for once no loop holes. Well written. This film dealt with real life government issues such as how far should the government go to keep us safe. The fight choreography leaves Captain America: The First Avenger and Captain America in the Avengers by a gap. I have never seen so much character development in a Marvel movie as much as Captain America. In this movie we really get to see Steve Rogers flesh out his abilities. I am usually against Marvel movies so for me to incredible compliment this film is saying something. This is a must watch. Do watch it in cinemas. Truth is Captain America: The Winter Soldier beats The Avengers, Thor: The Dark Under World and Iron Man 3 by a gap.
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Oscar Worthy, Extraordinary and Emotionally engaging
5 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This film easily falls under the top 10 films for 2013. Captain Phillips is an extraordinary film based on a true story of a Captain and his crew members who were boarded on their ship by modern pirates that tried to steel the valuable assets Captain Phillips and his crew were exporting.Captain Phillips is the one that tries with all his power to keep his crew safe. This is by far Tom Hank's best performance to date. Never have I seen so much energy and emotion invested by an actor. If you looking for a current film on the circuit that will leave you emotionally drained and beyond satisfied than this is the film. Every shot and scene in the film is ever so meaningful and does not waste any second of meaningless use. Definitely an Oscar Contender in the best screenplay category and best leading actor. Captain Phillips is a must see. You eyes are glued to the screen throughout the entire Bring tissues
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Gravity (2013)
Emotionally engaging from beginning to end
17 November 2013
It's rare that I review a film as being been near perfect but Gravity was just that. The cinematography really tries to push the boundaries and perfectly executes the intention of making the viewers feel like they are in the situations unfolding on screen. Matt Kolwasky (George Clooney) quickly and easily attaches the audience to him. You love the character and feel for him. You want him to survive the entire film. George Clooney beautifully portrays a man that stays calm through extreme situations. This film would not be what it is without him. Sandra Bulloock does a great job some of the time but you feel the sense that sometime she is really forcing portraying the character of Dr. Ryan Stone in some situations but not so much that it was unbearable to watch. Director Alfonso Cuarón really out did himself here. The screenplay was well written no complaints there and the music score at the end just emotionally draws you in even more while watching this masterpiece. The only reason I gave this film a 9/10 was simply because what kind of film critic gives any movie a perfect. If I did then I would not be a film critic but from a personal point of view..........It's a 10!
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A must see drama film about the struggles a family strives through
9 October 2013
All the elements in this film are great the drama, the humor the romance and etc. Great performances by the two leads Johnny Depp and Leonardo DiCaprio. The film is perfectly paced and the locations are stunning. You feel for the character Gilbert Grape who is forced to be the father figure in his family after a tragic incident years ago. The The performances by Johnny Depp and the directing make you feel like you are part of the situation.I promise you that when you watch this film you will feel sorry for the character Gilbert Grape. From the first moment the film begins to the final scene you can only but want a better future for the Grape family. The film is very emotional. This film is perfect the way it is. This is a must see!
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Under the Dome (2013–2015)
Great Sci-fi series
8 August 2013
Have to say that this is literally the best sci fi show playing right now. I love the concept of a town trapped inside a dome and that everything that goes on within the dome can be seen by the outside world. The outside world is helpless to do anything if someone needs help. I love it. The dome brings the worst out of numerous individuals and the best in others. The dome is basically a character itself. It has effects on people.... negative effects. It is remorseless when it first come crashing down on the town and it constantly introduces new things as the series goes on. From the first episode watching you will not be disappointed.
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Gunslinger Girl (2003–2004)
Great Anime. A must watch
8 August 2013
This anime is very realistic and does not shy away from bloody violence. It has a balance between action and drama. A must see. Soon as you are done with one episode you immediately want to see the next one. I am currently on episode 6 and just can not get enough. The title is a bit misleading. The series focuses on 5 girls and the handler/ brothers. A processes called conditioning can make the girls more cybernetic than human but the more the girls are conditioned the less time they have to live. Each girl's relationship with the handler / brother is shown how they treated by their brother. Some of them are treated as lap dogs, some as a job and some are treated well as a sister. The series has some very interesting characters and story lines.
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Sorry as excuse of a reboot just to rake in some cash.
8 August 2013
If you have seen the previous Spider Man then don't waste your time watching this Spider Man. It was very childish not just compared to the Sam Raimi Spider Man but just on its own to. The Spider Man is basically the same story as the previous first Spider Man with minimal changes. From my understanding Sony was set to produce Spider Man 4 with the old cast and crew returning. Sam Raimi wanted an extended release date for the film so he could get it right but Sony was set against it. Sony wanted the cash cow franchise to rake in cash early. Sam Raimi felt he would not finish in time so Sony and the director parted ways. Sony released The Amazing Spider Man on the sole intent of making money. The fans interests were last priority to them. No franchise should be rebooted that fast. When comparing the Marc Webb Spider Man and the Sami Raimi Spidr Man the Sam Raimi take was much more mature. Remember...both Spider Man takes are both modern day takes and had big budgets and access to great special effects. Thus it comes down to who could direct the better movie. Sam Raimi wins by a long shot. Tobey Maguire portrayed a much more realistic nerd than Andrew Garfield. The Sam Raimi Spider Man had bigger and more entertaining set pieces. Last is the special effects and cgi. Marc Webb's movie looked way to fake. You could tell the burning cars were fake and the Lizard character looked to cartoonish. The smoke bombs the Lizard released looked like some out of a video game.
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World War Z (2013)
Great science fiction horror action film
24 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I just have to say that if I had to choose the best Zombie movie ever made it would have to be World War Z. It's like any movie Brad Pitt stars in turns to gold. I loved the take on zombies here the fact that it was a virus that turned them into zombies and I commend the fact that they were not some dull slow moving sorry excuse of something you should be scared of. The main point of the movie is about finding a cure for the virus. This is a great movie to watch. A lot is explained in the movie but the things that have holes in it are explained why there is no answer. It is pretty a real movie down to there core with a great plot. Every scene has a captivating meaning. I feel that the movie deserves an 8/10 from a subjective and objective point of view.
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