
18 Reviews
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Miracles! Signs and Wonders!
1 November 2023
I'm concerned to hear some Christians say they didn't enjoy the movie simply because they don't believe deliverance is real? We have plenty of user case stories in the Bible that tells us that it is. Are you questioning this because the Bible didn't explicitly say that The demon possessed people that Jesus healed had been saved before or had been in church or were Christians?!?! It doesn't matter if you're saved you can still open gateways unknowingly to the demonic and become bound by a spirit that got in your temple through an open door. We come into agreement many times through the things we watch, purchase, say out of our mouths unknowingly. Now do you have power to send those spirits away? 100% yes!!! But What happens if you don't know that you opened a door or that you came into agreement with an ungodly spirit? You then will need deliverance my friend! Yes it happens to saved people too!! It's happened to me before No shame!!! Get free!!!!

For the naysayers, Y'all please don't be used by the enemy by sharing incorrect information simply because you just lack knowledge... This movie reveals the revival that is definitely happening in the last days that the Lord revealed in the Word, the great awakening. During the showing of this movie at my theatre people were crying, weeping, getting prayed for, getting delivered and giving their hearts to the Lord. I for one was touched and had never experienced nothing like this before outside of a church!!! I felt so much better after I left the movie I felt like something was lifted off of me and that I now had the strength to handle my situation a little better. The signs and wonders and harvest from this movie was amazing! God is still moving!!! Please go see it now!!!
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Breaking (2022)
It was good real life events
14 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I respect the people that left bad comments on this film. Speaking from my own perspective I can relate to some of the storyline. I guess if you've never been in this particular situation then yes you would think it's boring.. lol the movie had me gasping for breath most of the time because I honestly didn't realize this is how our respected veterans are treated in this country. Such a touching storyline based on real life events. Great acting by the main character! He reminded me of Denzel Washington in JohnQ. Not all of the actors we good though sorry to admit.

I'm my opinion it's a 6.5/7 out of 10.
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Hope Lives (2022)
How can you not like this movie?
24 August 2022
This movie was filled with hope and loss. The topics were so real for me. But it left me feeling better about life after it was over! I enjoyed it! Please watch it!
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Marry Me (2022)
Good Movie
17 July 2022
I'm scratching my head on some of these reviews... should have a better score on IMDB. This was a great modern love story! I enjoyed the storyline, writing, actors, and everything! I'm not even a big love story movie fan... so that says a lot!
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I wanted to like it but..
13 July 2022
I won't give away spoilers but for me this movie just wasn't it... I loved ragnorok watched it over and over. It made sense! This one didn't. No real story that matches the characters that I've seen grow for years. It might be time to lay that Hama down Thor... 😂
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Solid Movie!
24 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I jumped at least 5 times during this movie. Great storyline and actors I just wanted to hear more about the main character's past history however it was still good nevertheless. Worth watching!
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Could have still been good without so much violence
8 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I've watched all the Marvel films and they were violent don't get me wrong but this movie was rated R violence so please don't take little ones to this movie... also lots of dark witchcraft, demonic summons, which is a different side of the MCU. Looked more like a DC movie.
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Wrath of Man (2021)
Straight up Good Movie!
9 April 2022
I've never got into Jason Statham movies until he entered the Fast and Furious enterprise, however this guy was great in this role! I loved this storyline, acting, scenes, everything was awesome! I'm an action junkie but I also like good storylines too! It's worth the watch!
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The 355 (2022)
Why so many bad reviews?
12 January 2022
I'm a woman that loves action movies. This was a great movie! I'm not sure why it doesn't have many more good reviews. Also actors and storyline as well.
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So many things...
29 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was so powerful and purely done! I'm a fan of spider man which means I've seen most of all of them with the different actors that played them. To have them all together was pure genius! Toby is my favorite because I grew up with him (40's club!) Also it helps us fans understand the multiverse theory a lot better! Marvel multiverse is getting better and better! I pray that I live to see the many great things that they have in store for us fans! Thank you for this wonderful movie!
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Great movie!
2 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The only reason I gave this a 8/10 is because I'm not much of a Paul Rudd fan, sorry... His role and Carrie's role (as the daughter) wasn't great however the kids in this movie were super awesome!!!! Great movie! I'm an original ghostbusters fan so I really enjoyed seeing most of the original cast in this film! I would love to see more of these! Thank you!!!
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Home-Schooled (2019–2020)
Love it!
11 November 2020
This is a great show! I love the family dynamic because it's real life issues! I'm a mother of two that raises my kids by the word of God in such a busy world that steadily consistently tries to pulls my kids away from their foundation however this show is a breath of fresh air for me and then! I am so grateful for pureflix TV!
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For Life (2020–2021)
I haven't been this excited about a TV show in years!
8 May 2020
This show is so relevant to What's happening with our criminal justice reform. I don't want to give away spoilers here so I'll just say great job to all of the actors, producers, directors, etc. I hope you get a Golden award and I hope to see a season 2!
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The Encounter (2016– )
6 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
So much revelation in every episode especially in season two crosshairs episode! My God! "He had to stay injured in order to survive..." I'm so thankful for this type of entertainment in the midst of such corruption and taunted shows and movies. The entire series is definitely worth watching if you're trying to figure life all out.
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Party of Five (2020)
I like it!
31 January 2020
I actually like the show. I grew up watching the original party of five but I like how the writers gave this show a similar flavor. It appeals to a my younger crowd but I've found myself looking forward to waiting for the next episode each week.
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Overcomer (2019)
This is a feel good movie that EVERYONE in the world needs to see!
26 August 2019
With all that is going on in the world it saddens me. Everyday we are tempted to live in fear of what happens next. The unknown... This movies made my family and I feel better about living each day. Helps you decipher what is really important and who is really in control. Please go watch this film!
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Born to Win (2014)
Inspired by the spirit!
11 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I love movies that are truly based on real life events and seem genuine. I've been through a lot in my Christian walk but this movie kind of put some of my thoughts on how I think about God when I'm going through, into perspective.. Good movie!
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I didn't think that I would like this movie.. But was proved VERY wrong!
3 September 2013
OK so I'm a die hard Twilight fan! So I said, no other movie can take that special place in my heart... I went in thinking that this would probably be a copy of one of my favorite movie's of all time, but it wasn't...

There are so many twists and turns that it will leave you glued to your seat. You wouldn't want to move even an inch. I mean it might not be for everyone, but I'm into this movie! Can't wait for the next one to come out! We are getting up to date on reading all the books so we will be ready. I loved the story line, the characters, the actors, the scenery, customs, make-up, etc.

Well anyways, don't believe me just go see it for your self!
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