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X-Men '97: Tolerance Is Extinction - Part 3 (2024)
Season 1, Episode 10
epic final episode of the acclaimed TV series, but it has some minor issues
16 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
As a final episode, it presented an epic adventure, so that's why I gave it 10 points, but it's still got some problems that bugged me throughout the episode.

* Again, this episode suffers from rushed, choppy storytelling and cramming too many separate plot developments and characters into its 40-minute run time. Obviously, they are also aware of this problem, so they made this episode last 40 minutes so they had more space for story development and progress, but it still feels too fast-paced, contrived, and confusing.

* They added too many Marvel Easter eggs, which also makes this episode jam-packed and confusing. One or two Marvel cameos are cute and surprising, but when you add more than five, it becomes distracting.

* Wolverine has healing powers, and he was supposed to be healed quickly from his wounds, but instead he lied in a grave condition throughout the episode.

* We also see in this episode that our dear X-men members can survive in space without protective suits. All of them can breathe in space and stay alive in their fight in space's unsurvivable conditions.

* I also felt like Phoenix Jean was a little bit underused. She just came and quickly went. I think she could have played a more important role in this episode.

* There is also a continuity issue. The previous episode concluded that Magneto put his helmet on Xavier's head to prevent his psychic attacks, and he tied him with metal, but we saw in this episode that Xavier somehow freed himself from his metal ties and helmet, which suppressed his powers, and he can do psychic attacks on Magneto now.
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X-Men '97: Tolerance Is Extinction - Part 1 (2024)
Season 1, Episode 8
Another well-written and epic episode
1 May 2024
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This is another great episode that shows this TV series's most obvious strength: its writing. There are some really well-written, clever, and mature dialogues between characters that take this episode to another level. In the first part of this episode, we learn about Bastion's past, his mission, and what those Prime Sentinels are. It is obvious he is the most powerful, complex, and intelligent villain X-men have ever dealt with. He is not simply against mutants; he also believes in evolution, so he turns humans into superhuman cyborgs. Thus, humanity can continue to exist and survive against powerful mutants. The second part is getting into action, and we see x-men fight to prime sentinels. Jean Grey, Cyclops, Nightcrawler, Wolverine, and Cable are especially shining in this episode, but there are also some cameo appearences from other Marvel characters such as Spiderman, Omega Red and Dr. Doom. Overall, this is another great episode that ushered in a great season finale. I'm looking forward to and so excited to watch the last two final episodes.
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X-Men '97: Bright Eyes (2024)
Season 1, Episode 7
X-Men 97 goes to Terminator
24 April 2024
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Despite this episode suffering from rushed, choppy storytelling, soap operaish sappy sentimentality, and cramming too many plot points and characters into its 30-minute run time, this is a good set-up episode for the next final episodes.

Seventh episode's first part basically deals with grieving characters after Gambit's death and the Genosha genocide, and after that, we are introduced to the new villain Bastion, who seems to be a very dangerous, evil, and scheming villain against the X Men team. It's a kind of transitional, expository, dialogue-heavy, slow-paced, and confusing episode with some cameo characters and these parts about Roberto Costa coming out to his mother as a mutant were sort of uninteresting to me because this is the seventh episode but this kid is still an uninteresting, unlikeable, and bland character, and he was just there to be a partner to Jubilee. He is still reluctant to use his powers and get into the action, and that makes him a really boring character.

Overall, seventh episode tied very well to episode five, and it was quite dark and gritty. Some plot developments really remind me of Terminator movies, and I'm really curious about the new developments in the story for the next three episodes.
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Candyman (1992)
Flawed horror classic
16 April 2024
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I must say this movie's first part is quite decent. We were introduced to the protagonist, Helen, who is an ambitious and brave graduate student researching urban legends with her friend for their thesis. Helen eventually focused her thesis topic on the Candyman legend and began conducting field research in Cabrini Green, a violent slum in Chicago. She was attacked and injured by Candyman, a gang leader, while doing her research in the Cabrini Green neighborhood, so we assumed Candyman was more than just a folkloric and mythological boogyman; he was a real person and criminal.

However, after that, this movie turned out to be a supernatural, violent, and brutal slasher horror film when we were introduced to the real Candyman, who is basically Freddy Kruger's African American equivalent, and the entire premise became absurd and made no sense. Candyman killed some people, kidnapped a baby, and framed Helen for his murders. For some reason, the police and other people are so ready to believe Helen suddenly snapped and lost her mind, turning out to be a psychotic and violent killer. The police did not bother to thoroughly investigate the murder scenes and evidence, and they quickly accused Helen of being a maniac murderer. Helen escaped from the mental hospital where she was committed, bravely saved kidnapped baby from a bonfire, and died from her third-degree burn scars. Then we see she also turned out to be a boogeyman, appearing to her unfaithful husband and killing him, so this is your lame ending to this horror film.

Overall, Candyman is a decent and well-acted horror thriller flick, but unfortunately, it couldn't sustain its mystery and suspense in the beginning and turned out to be a nonsensical gorefest toward the end. Despite its flaws, it is still considered a classic today, and I still recommend it to horror movie fans.
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In the Fire (2023)
Not Good
8 April 2024
This movie is about an educated woman and doctor who came to a rural village to help a father and his son, who seemingly have some supernatural powers. Village peasants believe this kid is evil and a seed of Satan. As a scientific-thinking and rationalist woman, she is not only trying to help the boy and his father; she also has to fight the ignorance and bigotry of village peasants. On paper, this story sounds quite decent, but unfortunately, the execution is pretty flat and bad. Some scenes, such as a mother's death in a horse accident, are extremely poorly photographed; the editing is appalling; unrelated scenes blend together without making sense or cohesion; and all characters are one-dimensional and have flat personalities due to the lack of character development in this film. The lead actor's acting is stiff, unconvincing, and really bad. Amber Heard was horribly miscast in her part, and her acting was extremely poor. Eduardo Noriega, who plays the boy's father, is also quite wooden and flat. This movie project really seems to be a low-budget TV movie rather than a high-budget movie made for cinema saloons, and I wonder if Amber Heard really believed that this movie was going to be her comeback vehicle, and if she really believed that, unfortunately, she was really wrong.
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Regression (I) (2015)
Convoluted, bad scriptwriting and story really don't make any sense
1 April 2024
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This is a mediocre thriller film that expects us to believe that a crybaby and stupid girl can manipulate the entire police force, a detective, the American press, her own family, and a psychologist by means of telling ridiculous lies about being exposed to satanic rituals, causing mass hysteria, implanting false memories in her family members, and even making them hallucinate satanic delusions. In fact, although it could have been a bit better if it wasn't for the nonsensical twist at the end and there were really satanic rituals involved in her case, the movie fell short because it destroyed all the logical rules of the universe with its last-minute absurd twist. I watched it for Alejandro Amenábar's sake because I loved his previous movies, such as Thesis (1996) and The Others (2001), but with this movie I actually watched the most ridiculous scriptwriting I have ever witnessed in my life.
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Thesis (1996)
Decent horror-thriller film from a rookie but talented director
30 March 2024
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Thesis is a decent Spanish movie that is about a female cinema and TV student whose name is Angela, who is planning to write a thesis on audiovisual violence and the family. She asks her thesis director, Professor Figueroa, to help her find the most violent films in the school's library, but the old professor actually finds an actual snuff movie from school archieves, and in this tape, a young girl is brutally tortured, murdered, and dismembered, and while he was watching this, he died from fear and an asthma attack. Angela is the one who found the professor's dead body, took the tape from the video recorder and watched with her male friend. She and her nerdy friend Chema decided to investigate and found out that there is a snuff movie organization in which some people from the university are involved.

This movie is not just about snuff films; it's also quite meta, with comments and social commentary about the Spanish film industry, Hollywood influence, and the voyeuristic nature of the horror and violence. Angela seemingly rejects any kind of violence, but she was quite curious about it, but she just doesn't want to accept it. She actually attracts violent images like a suicide victim's dismembered body and people, such as a handsome student whom she suspects is a murderer and involved in snuff organizations, and her friend Chema, who obsesses with violent movies and pornography. Tesis is a low-budget movie, and it shows, but overall, this is a well-acted and well-paced horror thriller movie that I can recommend to any moviegoer.
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Mediocre Thriller
29 March 2024
This is a mediocre thriller movie that is about a psychopathic middle-aged guy who constantly marries women who are newly divorced and the mother of a few kids and eventually anhiliates them. I must say all the cast members portray bland, cliche, and undeveloped stock characters in this movie, so you don't care what happened to them. Dylan Walsh's acting is good as a serial family annihilator, but other actors are pathetic. Sela Ward, especially as a mother, is probably one of the worst actresses I've ever seen. I haven't watched the original movie yet, but I intend to watch the 1987 version because it is supposed to be way better than this. Overall, it's a middle-of-the-road thriller that does enough to keep you entertained.
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Don't Listen (2020)
Unoriginal but decent and watchable
25 March 2024
Well, this is your typical haunted house-themed movie, and you can find all these haunted house movie tropes and cliches in this movie. I felt like a screenwriter strongly inspired by The Amityville Horror and The Conjuring because most of the story elements and characters were very similar to these classic horror movies. A young couple and their 8-year-old kid move into a house that has a troubled past. After some disturbing and tragic events, the father seeks help from a paranormal investigator and his daughter. Despite all these cliched and unoriginal story elements, this movie is well made and atmospheric; the acting is also pretty decent, and it gives you enough suspense and scares. Overall, I found this movie decent and quite watchable.
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Madame Web (2024)
Awkward and corny superhero flick
22 March 2024
If I wanted to describe Madame Web with a word, it would be awkward. Everything about this movie, like the acting, story progression, character motivations and behaviors in some situations, and photography, is awkward. It really feels like a confused movie that wasn't sure what it wanted to be or didn't know what was wanted to succeed with the story and characters. This movie also proves Dakota Johnson is a really bland actress. She is just listlessly going through motions during the movie, and watching her terrible acting is really agonizing. The other three teenage girls acting is equally terrible, especially Sydney Sweeney. This movie has really become a punch bag and object of derision for people because of its campiness and awkwardness. It's considered one of the worst superhero movies, but overall, it's just a forgettable and corny superhero flick. I think it's ideal for home watching but definitely not worth a cinema matinée.
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X-Men '97 (2024– )
Upgraded, modernized, and more mature sequel to the classic X-Men: The Animated Series
20 March 2024
This is the impression I got from just two episodes. This series deals with classic X-Men themes like prejudice, discrimination, hate, injustice, fear, and bigotry against mutants by humans again, but I felt like they were doing it in a more mature and improved way. I also gladly notice they didn't make a Wolverine show, and every mutant character is getting equal screen time and development, especially Cyclops getting what he deserves and shining as team leader. It's also welcome to see characters like Bishop and Morph join the X team. I liked Magneto's acceptance of Xaviers's human and mutant coexistence agenda and his decision to become a new leader of the X team because that made him a more three-dimensional and ambigious character rather than a one-note villain. This sequel is also very loyal and respectful to the old series and the nostalgic feelings of X-men fans. They are using the same character models, voiceovers, opening intro, closing outro, and music with improved and modernized animation. They didn't use the same opening stock footage intro from the first episode for the second episode's opening intro, adding new characters like Magneto and scenes to it, so obviously there is no laziness in this show. Overall, I got a very good impression from this reboot and sequel, and I'm looking forward to watching new episodes.
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The Ritual (I) (2017)
A unoriginal The Blair Witch Project rip-off in a Nordic setting
18 March 2024
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Again, there are a bunch of unlikeable and annoying characters getting into an endless and creepy forest and losing their way as a supernatural being hunts them one by one. You can see there is nothing original or exciting in there. This movie is basically on a higher budget and is much less scary The Blair Witch knockoff features a lame monster and four foul-mouthed and annoying middle-aged dudes who you couldn't care less about, whether they are killed, injured, or psychologically tortured and sacrificed to an ancient Nordic god. I also find the ending quite cliche and weak. The coward dude suddenly turned out to be a fighter, escaped from crazy pagan worshippers, and became the only one to survive with his pajamas. Overall, I wasn't bored by this movie, but I wasn't impressed either.
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The Gift (VI) (2015)
A decent drama and psychological thriller film
16 March 2024
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Jason Bateman seemingly had it all. He has a successful career; he is a handsome and charismatic husband who has a perfect wife who is about to get pregnant and give birth to a healthy boy; and he has a luxury home, so he looks like the epitome of a successful and perfect human being, but he is actually an arrogant, full-fledged bully and a..hole who ruined his high school classmate's and a coworker's lives because of his bad actions, and his former classmate entered his life again with his gifts after all these years, and he wanted to ruin his life as well and get revenge for what he did to him in the past, and he eventually succeeded in the end. You can see that this movie basically tells a simple story, but good direction, solid acting, and tight scriptwriting elevate this movie to a very good status. Despite good story-telling and script writing, there is one problem in the story. I think the bullied victim's last revenge about the Bateman's wife kind of ruined his credibility and unjustified his actions, but overall, this is a pretty solid and well-written drama-thriller movie.
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Candyman (2021)
It's more like social commentary about racism and injustice than a horror movie.
14 March 2024
This sequel expanded on Candyman's muddled fictional mythology and mixed this mythology with some real people and events to give sociological and political background on some hot topics like racism and injustice to African Americans in the United States. I found it strange that they mixed some real-life racism-related crimes and their victims with a classic horror movie's fictional story for social commentary, but it's just my personal opinion. There are too many problems in this sequel, and I think the biggest problem is that this movie is definitely not as scary and thrilling as the first one. It's narrative is also unfocused, and that makes the story hard to follow because they crammed too many things into the script, which makes the script kind of messy, drawn out, and convoluted. I wasn't also impressed by the acting. The main guy's acting is really wooden; the character he played is also quite bland and hard to empathize with, and the supporting actors and characters aren't better than him. The movie is also quite slow-paced. It lasts 1.30 hours, but it feels much longer because of its slowness. Overall, I found this movie less scary and less enjoyable. It's a well-made movie; that's why I didn't give a low point, but it just couldn't give you the first movie's suspense, thrill, and horror.
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The Mother (2023)
Average but enjoyable action movie
10 March 2024
Yes, this is definitely not the most original American action thriller movie, and you've probably seen hundreds of similar American action movies in your life, but it's not boring either. The Mother continues to rely on American action genre clichés, but Jennifer Lopez's decent performance and screen presence kind of save this movie. She plays a former US army operative who partners with an FBI agent to rescue her teenage daughter after she is kidnapped by criminals. The actress who plays her daughter also gives a good performance, and her on-screen chemistry with Lopez is also convincing. My biggest problem in this movie is how incompetent all these FBI agents are. They are just standing there, making stupid mistakes, and being gunned down. Especially FBI Special Agent William Cruise, who is Lopez's partner and protector of Lopez's daughter, is pathetic. He was just there for the punchline for bad guys; he was beaten, injured, and eventually murdered by the main antagonist. Bad guys are also quite one-dimensional, stereotypical, and cliche, but this is an action movie, so you can't expect deep meaning from them. Overall, I found this movie average but fun to watch. There is too much hate for Jennifer Lopez because of her perceived diva personality and people are ready to trash her acting and role in this movie, but I think she is doing a decent job in her role.
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Ghosted (I) (2023)
Beyond Idiotic
9 March 2024
Ghosted is one of the worst and most unintelligent movies you'll ever watch, and it looks like a script written by an idiot who puts all comedy, romance, and action genre cliches randomly on blank papers and assumes it is going to work. Chris Evans and Ana de Armas have zero on-screen chemistry and, as actors, zero comedic talent. This movie should have cast real comedians in their roles because watching them try to act comedy in their awkward situations is so cringy. Overall, this movie is not funny, entertaining, exciting, romantic, or dramatic, and I probably lost a few digits from my IQ because of this stupid movie. I wish to pay attention to negative reviews.
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repetitive, outdated, forced and unfunny
8 March 2024
They simply recycled their old stunts; there is nothing new or funny about that. They also pushed the limits of nudity and obscenity. Be prepared to witness too many close-ups of middle-aged men who are wearing a jockstrap and revealing their penises, buttocks, and scrotums. I didn't like the opening scenes either. The special effects look so amateur, and the extra's acting is terrible and phony. Knowing that Ryan Dunn and Bam Margera were missing in this movie because Ryan passed away in a fiery car accident and Bam Margera turned out to be a bitter alcoholic also made watching this movie unenjoyable and depressing. They hired some new and young people on their team, but they are not interesting or notable for this movie, but I can still recommend it to Jackass fans for its nostalgia value.
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Logan (2017)
This is not X-Men, which I remembered and enjoyed.
7 March 2024
This is actually a generic, violent, and boring American action movie made with some great actors instead of a talentless action star. It is slow-paced, full of cliche bad guys, a ferocious, violent, and annoying little girl who has the same mutant powers as Wolverine, and too many F words because it seems like F words and graphic violence automatically make a movie so mature and gritty. Wolverine is a bitter old loser in this movie, and he suffered an erection problem with one of his claws. Xavier is a 90-year-old pill-popping, grumpy grandpa who suffers from Alzheimer's and attacks, but somehow he can still freeze people with his psychic powers without Cerebro. There are no X-men members other than Wolverine and Xavier; instead, there are too many cliche, violent bad guys from other B-type American movies who torture and chase our heroes relentlessly. Seriously, I'm still trying to understand why this movie is revered as one of the best X-men movies in the franchise because this is not a fast-paced and enjoyable X-men movie (like Bryan Singer's amazing X-men 2) that I remember from the early 2000's; this is something else, a well-acted but violent, depressing, and commercial American action/road chase movie that feels more like a Mad Max rip-off than a X-men movie. I'm pleased to watch this movie at home because I can skip all these boring parts and avoid wasting my time. It was a total disappointment for me.
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Suspiria (I) (2018)
With heavy editing, it can turn out to be an enjoyable movie.
5 March 2024
The biggest problem in this movie is that it is filled with too many unnecessary and irrelevant subplots, which bloated the script and run time, made it hard to follow the main story, slowed the pace, and made watching the movie quite tedious. This movie should have concentrated on just one story, just like the original movie did. A young girl attended a dance school, but unfortunately, it was run by witches. That's it! That's your exciting horror story; you don't need to scribble and scramble your script with all these arbitrary subplots. You don't need a historical-political setting; we don't care about Sussie's childhood and family background; we don't care that an old psycologist lost his wife in a concentration camp. Okay, this is sad and tragic, but it has nothing to do with the Three Mothers story. The music and acting are decent, but the messy narrative and slow pace make this movie a failure for the audience. Overall, this movie feels like Guadagnino's personal and vanity project, and it will be quite a boring experience if you watch it in a cinema, but you can watch it at home and skip all these unnecessary filler scenes and avoid wasting your precious time on your life.
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Passengers (I) (2016)
Overall enjoyable sci-fi and romance movie with cliche-ridden and problematic writing
2 March 2024
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This movie is about a young American guy who is a passenger on an interstellar spacecraft carrying thousands of people to a colony 120 years away from Earth, but because of a malfunction, he awakened 90 years early from his induced hibernation. Up until this point, everything was fine, but after this, the writing turned out to be cliche-ridden adolescent male fan fiction. He lived alone for more than one year, and as he started to break down from his solitary lifestyle and loneliness, he decided to awaken the hottest passenger blonde, who would fall in love with him after a while, without her consent. In this way, he also condemned her to his solitary confinement and life prison in spacecraft because, as a straight man, he has sexual and emotional needs and needs a female partner. He never thought awake a few people as well and started to civilize a mini-colony in spacecraft and make more friends for himself. He just awakened this hot chick to hang out with her and eventually sleep with her, and all this time he lied to her and hid the fact that he actually awakened her for his selfish purposes. Well, this is your romance story in this sci-fi setting. If you agree with this kind of writing, this movie is enjoyable for you because, as a typical and high-budget Hollywood sci-fi movie, it works fine, but if you can't accept this male-oriented writing, just stay away from it.
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Gargoyles (1994–1997)
An enjoyable 90's cartoon series with mature and clever writing
25 February 2024
I have recently binge-watched this old series, and I am quite impressed by the mature and clever writing in every episode. It's hard to believe this is a cartoon series for children considering its dark tone, complex story lines with twists and turns, and even some violence and blood. During all my watching of all these episodes, I have never felt like watching a cartoon because of the maturity and complexity of the story lines and characters in these episodes. All the main characters are likeable and sympathetic, and villains like Xanatos are also three-dimensional and interesting. If I talk about a few complaints about this cartoon series, I found some episodes's storylines convoluted and hard to follow because there are two narratives of characters' past and present in one story, and that makes it hard to understand the connections in the story and between characters. There are also some one-dimensional villains, like Demona. Demona started to be an interesting villain character, but after a while, her spiteful personality and never-ending hatred for humanity got tired and annoying. She didn't get any positive character development during the series (except one episode about the alternative apocalyptic future of Manhattan) she was simply an antagonist for our heroes, and that makes her quite a one-dimensional enemy and character. Overall, this is a well-aged and enjoyable cartoon series, and regardless of your age, you can still enjoy it.
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The Good Son (1993)
It's a pretty decent family drama and psychological thriller movie.
23 February 2024
I think this is a decent movie with an intriguing story. It's started as a somewhat slow-paced family drama, but it's become a faster-pacing thriller towards the end. It's basically about a mature and smart grieving good boy who has a golden heart and conscience versus a sociopathic, manipulative, and violent bad boy who is dangerous to his loved ones. Henry's characterization and background story are really similar to Patrick Hockstetter's in Stephen King's novel It, and I really wonder if the writer was inspired by the novel. I think the movie's real star is Elijah Wood, because his acting is really mature and superior considering his very young age. Macaulay Culkin is also quite believable in his role. I know this movie got negative reviews, and I can understand why. It really feels like a low-budget Hallmark TV movie; besides the brilliant acting from child actors, everything else, like direction and overall production, looks quite low-budget TV quality, and yet I can say I really enjoyed it despite its flaws, and I think The Good Son deserves better reception than it got. I also found Henry's mother's decision in the end quite thought-provoking and shocking.
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It's not bad at all.
19 February 2024
If you accept this movie as a campy European B-horror movie, don't take it too seriously and cherrypick its obvious flaws; it's a really fast-paced and entertaining horror/thriller movie. The witch-themed story is decent and intriguing; the gore and murders are quite satisfying; some environments are atmospheric; and the villains are quite creepy. The actors are good-looking, and their acting is competent for a horror movie. It also concluded the Three Mothers trilogy quite well, and I must say it's much more entertaining than Suspiria's bland, boring, overstuffed and overlong 2018 remake version. I recommend watching Suspiria and Inferno before this one because you will understand the lore and story better if you watch previous movies.
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365 Days (2020)
2 September 2023
This overlong video clip (sorry, I can't call this a movie) is devoid of all the elements that elevate a movie to the level of a cinematic work of art, including acting, script writing, editing, believable characterization, believable conversation, and direction. It's not just morally wrong (glorify and romanticize being kidnapped by the mafia leader, being forcefully held hostage by him, being sexually assaulted by him, and becoming a sex slave for him), even as a cheap and softcore erotica movie, it just didn't work. The over-the-top sexual scenes reminded me of a National Geographic program about the sex habits of wild animals. These sex scenes are just two individuals having rough sex in different locations; they are not sexual, romantic, or pornographic, and they cannot make you horny or exciting. All characters are unlikeable and unbelievable caricatures; you don't care about their romances, fights, or what happened to them. This is just another Netfix trash and sleazy movie to hit the bottom bar, and considering Netflix's controversial history, it's not surprising and hits another nail in the network's coffin.
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It's just a belated and unnecessary movie
1 September 2023
Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny is not a bad movie; it's just a belated and unnecessary sequel that, if it never existed, as a fan of these series, you wouldn't lose anything. It's just aiming to use nostalgia and profit from it; that's it. It also feels like it's just a respectful swan song to the character and the aging actor who played it, but if you put an 81-year-old actor in the starring role again and digitally make him younger, you just can't get the same effect and success from it. If you want to think about and assess this movie, you can see there are too many problems. The script is weak and disjointed, and it has obvious pacing issues, which the filmmakers try to compensate for with drawn-out CG action and chase scenes. The female lead doesn't have the charisma, attractiveness, and charm that previous female leads had; she is actually quite unlikeable, and the child character also doesn't have the charisma and charm that the previous child character (Short Round) had. The macguffin in this movie is Archimedes' dial, and unfortunately, the scriptwriters can't create an intriguing and compelling story from this artifact. There are also some innocent characters killed in cold-blooded and execution-style fashion in this movie, and I'm kind of appalled by that, and I just found it didn't fit the movie's general tone. Even a child character handcuffed a guy to a fence underwater and just left him to die. Yes, he was a bad guy, but it still feels wrong. Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny is also an overlong movie; its weak, disjointed, and uninteresting story stretches out to 2:34 hours of running time with chase/action scenes and some irrelavant, boring parts, and it makes watching the movie quite a tedious experience. I think it's too boring to watch this movie in a cinema, but it's fine to watch it at home because you can skip these slow and boring parts and avoid wasting time in your life. It's no surprise that this movie flopped very badly at the box office because it's just a pale iteration of previous and much better Indiana Jones movies.
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