
12 Reviews
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Midnight Mass (2021)
Too many monologues and not very smart
19 August 2024
It's well acted. The story is different which is a good thing. My biggest issue is the nonstop beat down of Christian's. On this front, the writer did not do a very good job at understanding Christian's, Muslims, and even atheists. In that regard, he totally missed the mark. I know it's just a show but if you're going to make real world claims, even in fiction, you ought to represent the real world claims accurately.

The good. It's creepy, and a twist on an old genre. That much is fun. The acting is excellent.

The bad... see above. But also there's some pretty boring dialogue that seems to go on forever.
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Finding Faith (I) (2024)
Sweet date night movie
30 March 2024
Christian content continues to improve. This is a prime example of it. Well acted, emotional, sweet, and a beautiful story about reconnecting. Well worth the watch. The female lead did an amazing job. You could feel her heartache, her worry, and her struggle. She was really wonderful. John Schneider does an amazing job. He manages to successfully come across as a wise old sage, an ornery old cowhand, a loving father, a flawed husband, and a Godly man. Just a really well done movie dealing with life's struggles like we all have. Yet ultimately trusting in God and His plan for each of us. It's a lovely journey about finding faith.
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Road House (2024)
Shirtless garbage
22 March 2024
If you enjoy seeing buff shirtless men with nothing more to offer, then this movie is for you. You can literally watch it on mute and not miss anything. Terrible movie without any plot or character growth. Complete waste of time. The original wasn't great but it at least had a backstory and allowed for some character growth as well as having a plot, albeit a cheesy plot. This "movie" has none of these things. It's instead a movie about shirtless men fighting each other for no real purpose. In a time when movies are poorly written and fresh ideas seem too have vanished, this may be the worst reimagining of a film I've ever seen.
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The Leftovers (2014–2017)
2 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This show makes zero sense. I forced myself to watch it but I wish I hadn't. This show might be ok for someone who hasn't been thru grief of any kind to see how they might react. For the majority of us, we understand how grief works and that sooner or later, you either put it behind you or you figure out how to carry it.

This show goes no where. It shows extremely limited views towards some of life's questions but never asks them directly nor does it answer them. There are brief references to religious themes but it's clear the writers have never read the Bible.....Some of the acting is ok but it doesn't make up for the complete lack of a story. You can literally watch the first episode and not need to go any further. You'll know just as much.

I do not understand the high ratings for this garbage. It's one of the worst shows I've ever watched.
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Halloween (2007)
Gratuitous Violence and Nudity
15 September 2023
This movie is excessive in the worst way. The language, violence and nudity are way over the top. It's not done for the sake of the story as the story can be told without so much gore and skin. It completely takes away from what the film could be. It's like Larry Flint meets Saw. I found it incredibly difficult to watch.

The bright spot is the young actor who played Michael Meyers. He does an excellent job and is believable as a psychopath.

The grown up version of Michael could be scary. He's what you picture when you think of The Shape. He's huge.

In the end though, I couldn't get past the unnecessary and gratuitous use of nudity and gore in the film. Two girls are on screen nude more than they're clothed.

Take a lesson from Psycho movie makers. Less is more and scarier.
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Powerful and Moving
16 July 2023
The subject matter is very difficult and is why this movie needs seen by everyone. The movie doesn't show any of the subject, it's left to your imagination but the point definitely gets across. I've never seen so many people openly weep in a movie theatre.

Well acted (the kids were amazing), aesthetically pleasing, and more of an action/adventure movie. Gritty, sometimes violent but not overly so. Leave your politics at home and enjoy a well made, well acted movie that will hopefully bring a terrible subject matter into the light.

One child being trafficked, let alone 2,000,000 every year. This movie can be the catalyst to have action taken.
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The Chosen (2017– )
Bringing the Scriptures to 3D
23 April 2023
It's a beautifully written and acted production. The Chosen is the best Christian production ever put on film. While not 100% a carbon copy of the Bible, it's very close. Watching it brings the Bible into three dimensions by painting a beautiful picture of Jesus and his disciples as told through the eyes of his apostles. The sets are raw and dirty as are the actors and wardrobe. You really get the feeling that you're getting an accurate peak into the time of Christ. Most Christian productions are very cheesy. This is not. Everything about this is a must watch for believers and nonbelievers alike. I cannot wait for more. Binge Jesus and get ready for different.
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The West (1996)
One sided liberal history
24 February 2023
Parts of this was good but most of the series is based on bashing white settlers. While there were atrocities committed by whites during the settling of the west, this series completely ignores the good white settlers did or the atrocities committed by native Americans and the Spanish. This was a color washed view of history rather than telling the entire story of the western settlement. For that reason, that makes this a poor documentary.

Native Americans weren't some innocent children that never did anything wrong towards each other or white settlers. Saying otherwise is inaccurate. The Spanish who were forcibly removed by whites were also the same folks attacking the white settlers in texas, California and the rest of the southwest.

The true story of history is that all peoples have done terrible things to each other throughout history. Everyone had slaves, everyone mutilated their enemies, everyone displaced another group. It's high time we acknowledge that and get over ourselves. Nobody today has reason to feel guilty for how things worked out or for terrible things done by ancestors from long ago. Nobody alive today is responsible.

Do Egyptians feel guilty for having Jewish slaves? Do Africans on the Barbary coast feel bad for having white slaves? Do Russian communist feel bad for mass genocide? We can acknowledge the past without making folks alive today the guilty party.
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Incoherent and disjointed. AWFUL!!!!
7 August 2021
This movie made zero sense. No storyline, no character development, no sense of direction, just mass gore and idiocy. I don't know how anyone could watch this and call it good. This is one of the worst movies I've ever seen. How are people getting paid to put out such garbage? Don't waste your money on this.

Hey Hollywood! Stop putting out trash!
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Meh. Watchable but just barely.
10 October 2020
I had high expectations for this after loving Hill House but I found this season too slow, too boring, and not enough scary moments. Some episodes are overly difficult to follow without much payoff. Unlike Hill House, this will not have you guessing till the end, there's not much character development, the few "twists" this season has are easily guessed within an episode or two, and it will not leave you on the edge of your seat. It's watchable but not rewatchable like Hill House. Overall, I found it to be a big letdown.
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Joker (I) (2019)
I didn't get the joke
19 January 2020
The acting is great but the movie is not. I have difficulty understanding the point of this movie. 2+ hours of self pity? How did this movie make a billion? There's no story. No character development. Really fell flat for me. Highly disappointed after all of the hype.
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Fun, easy watch
20 December 2019
I do not understand the extremely negative reviews. This was an easy, fun movie to watch. Yes, they played it safe but what's wrong with that? What's wrong with making a fan pleasing movie?.... This is the best movie of the sequel trilogy. Maybe a bit cheesy and you're expected to buy in to some things but I didn't have issue with that. My biggest complaint was the self imposed timeline of 18 hours in the movie. If you can go without expectations and just let yourself enjoy 2+hours of fantasy film, you'll love this movie. Definitely worth a watch and not a bad movie at all.
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