
12 Reviews
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Buy My House (2022)
Painful to watch, but I watched it
7 March 2023
Shark Tank for home buying, First and foremost, they need to show more of the actual house and less of the backstories. It's hard to see the house when they only show a quick video and a couple pictures.

Mostly arrogant and annoying homeowners stand in front of 4 real estate "moguls." One of the moguls is the Glen Kelman- CEO of Redfin. He likes to let you know by saying it over and over in every episode.

I gave it five stars bc I did end up watching. It's a quick watch that will pass a few hours away.

Just don't expect to be wowed. You will be disappointed.

I'm not expecting a season two.
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Blonde (2022)
29 September 2022
As someone that knows nothing about Marilyn Monroe, I was excited to watch.

I ended up turning it off about 40 mins in. I knew this couldn't be real bc it was so trashy and dark.

I see now this is a fictional awfully made up story. They made Marilyn seem like trash. I can't imagine anything I watched being true.

I couldn't stomach watching another minute so I turned it off. 40 mins of my life I will never get back! I don't know if this was ever in the theater, but I'm happy I didn't pay money to see this.

Blonde could have been a really good movie if they didn't try and make it into a 2022 Hollywood flop.
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Jane the Virgin: Chapter Eighty-Four (2019)
Season 5, Episode 3
Ugh- politics!
18 September 2022
It's hard to get through this season, and to make it worse- they throw in Trump. The whole scene with Rogelio was unnecessary. I watch Jane The Virgin to escape all that political garbage.

The whole Michael "back from the dead" is also unwatchable. This was a bad attempt to bring him back for the last season. Jason is a very unlikable character.

The saving grace of the episode was Jane finally disciplining Matteo. Who would have thought that Petra's children would be better behaved- maybe bc they are basically neglected by both parents.

All and All- Jane the Virgin was a good show that should have ended in season four.
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The Flight Attendant (2020–2022)
What happened?
13 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I agree with most in these reviews- first season was great, but season 2- WOW- I'm doing my best to get through it.

I understand this is a tv show, but it has to have some type of realism, right? We are to believe Cassie is now in the CIA? We are to believe that Cassie can find Megan in Iceland, but the CIA can't find her? Cassie's two friends, Max and Annie just happen to move to LA and spend their lives helping Cassie?

I won't even get in to the annoying wokeness- that's expected in today's shows.

I hope someone reads these reviews and they make season 3 a watchable show.
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The Chase (I) (2021– )
Always ruining a good thing.
6 May 2022
I'm being nice and giving it 2 stars and not oneI watched the first episode of season 3. What a big disappointment.

The Chase was a great show with Brooke and Beastie. Their friendly banter added so much to the show.

Sara Haines does not compare to Brooke Burns. Brooke was on point. She was fast, clear and consistent. Sara is slow and seems to struggle when reading the questions.

Sara also seemed to be completely on script, as if she couldn't add any of her own personality to the show.

The " Lightning Bolt" chaser was also boring and doesn't seem to be as smart as The Beast.

The added chasers sitting in the lounge is a big snooze fest.

I guess I will have to watch the old reruns on Netflix. I miss Brooke Burns and Beastie.
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Very disappointing
6 May 2022
As a hardcore fan of the Chase with Beastie and Brooke Burns, I was bummed that neither were on the show.

I decided to give it a chance and what a huge disappointment. It was boring, easier questions and the "chaser" wasn't as good as Beastie.

Sara is boring and reads very slow.

I'll go back to watching reruns on Netflix.
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26 December 2021
I started to watch with no expectations, a few minutes they have already spoke about every "social justice" subject they could cram in.

I am in my mid 50's and watching them act as if they are 80 year olds living in a bubble is hilarious.

Who are the awful writers? No wonder Kim Cattrall didn't want any part of it. She seems to be the smart one.

This is trying way too hard!!!
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Clickbait (2021)
WTF! Wasted my time!
29 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I actually gave it 2 stars instead of 1 bc I was dumb enough to watch the whole thing.

First -the casting. None of these people look related. It was as if they tried to check off boxes in casting.

Second- the bad acting! Not only was it bad, they were all annoying!

Third- the plot. This could have been so much better. Im confused to why they kept showing Emma and Nick having sex when they never met.

Why would he give a total stranger all his passwords. Just so stupid!

You would never expect the ending bc they were non characters that seemed like an afterthought- thrown into the end.

Last, of course they had to make it woke! They had to throw in the social justice crap! Can't they just make a normal show without it??

Don't be like me and waste your time!
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Last Call (I) (2021)
21 March 2021
I'm from Delco. This movie made us look like trash! So hard to watch! They could have at least filmed in Delco at the real locations. I guess bc they couldn't book Bradley Cooper- they had to film in New Jersey! Too bad, we were all so excited for this movie!
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I Care a Lot (2020)
Feeling generous by giving 2 stars
22 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I decided to watch this movie bc it was trending on Netflix. What a HUGE disappointment. I felt like the only decent part of the whole movie was the last 2 minutes. I understand that movies have an unrealistic side to them, but this entire movie was completely unrealistic.I'm not sure Wonder Woman would have survived being strangled, drugged, car accident into the water, kick herself out-THEN- come out of the water, get a cab and save your lesbian lover (had the check off a box with that) while adding in some kissing scenes before you drive away from your house that blows up. I mean, how unrealistic is this- and it insults our intelligence. I would say this is a typical Lifetime movie with some good actors that must have taken these roles as a favor to a friend. Terrible- I want my 90 minutes back!!
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The Conners (2018–2024)
Comedy.... say what???
23 October 2018
I'm giving this a very honest review. Like 10 million other people, I tuned in to see how the Conners would kill off the main character and still make this show funny. I want to start by saying, I'm a huge fan of the show Roseanne. I have watched (and own) every season and episode of Roseanne. When the news came out of Roseanne's firing I was astonished. I felt the executives at ABC were too quick to fire and cancel her show. I was also surprised how her co stars were so quick to turn on her. All that being said, I decided to watch. It was so hard to get through that episode. There was nothing funny about it. The one liners fell flat. There just seemed to be something/someone missing and that is the star of the show- Roseanne. Watching and not laughing for 22 minutes was painful. I thought I would at least get one laugh, but that was not the case. It was dark and depressing. I understand they thought they were doing a good thing by keeping the cast and crew employeed, but they will soon be unemployed when the show is not picked up after the 10 episodes air.
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Had high hopes.....
28 June 2018
I had high hopes for American Woman. The first episode was enough for me to set a season pass on my DVR, however, it seemed to go down from there. The actresses look great on paper, but not so much on the show. I also thought it would be great being set back in the 70s. There could be such great style and music, however, that also fell short. I'll continue to watch, but only when my DVR is empty and I have nothing left to pass the time away.
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