
15 Reviews
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Lucky Hank (2023)
Really disappointing
20 April 2023
This show just turns me off altogether. I'm not sure exactly what it is -- maybe it's just that I found none of the characters to be entertaining or bearable. That goes for Hank, his wife, coworkers, daughter, you name it. And they're not just unbearable, they're downright unlikable, and not in a good way that makes me want to stick around.

I stopped watching this show after 4 episodes because it just seemed like it wasn't going anywhere at all. The jokes all fell flat, the side characters are one-dimensional, and there's just no joy or entertainment to be had in watching this slow-motion train wreck.

Maybe the show gets better after the 4th episode. I'll never know, because I'm done with it.
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Mayor of Kingstown (2021– )
It's simply a bad show.
14 March 2023
Where to even begin with this tedious train wreck?

It's trying to be "too big," or tell too much story in a location that clearly doesn't have that much good story in it. Be good first before you go big.

I don't have any emotional investment with any character. Zero, zip, zilch, nil, nada. If they live or die I simply do not care. And there are just so many characters who show up only occasionally or have seemingly pointless roles.

Back to the story, it's a boring story set in a boring location with boring characters portrayed by some actors who could be doing much better work with their time.

Midway through the latest episode I decided I was done with this show. I couldn't answer the question "why am I watching this?" so I just stopped. Was it the season finale? Don't care.
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1923 (2022–2023)
Dreadful in just about every way
27 February 2023
What a disappointment these prequels have turned out to be. Yellowstone is enjoyable enough for what it is: a ridiculous melodrama with absolutely ludicrous characters and plot lines, but these prequels really just set fire to any notion that it's "good TV." It's not "good TV," but it passes for that to mainstream America since most other shows are execrable at the moment and since mainstream taste by nature tends toward the lowest common denominator.

The acting is just silly in some cases. The British aristocracy, in particular, are extremely overblown caricatures.

Alexandra is probably the single most insufferable female character I've ever witnessed on any screen. Never in my life have I seen a character who was written so smugly and entirely enamored of their own (very slight) cleverness. I cannot abide her and I find myself wishing for her demise every time she's on the screen. She's not cute, she's intensely obnoxious.

None of the other characters are written well, either. This show is pretty low effort when you break it all down. I don't even know why I'm bothering, though, as the people who rate this show 10/10 will just mark it as unhelpful. So whatever. Bad show, don't bother unless you REALLY NEED to know the backstory to Yellowstone.
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Astonishingly tedious
10 February 2023
It's been a few days since I watched this, and I can already barely remember a single thing that happened in this movie.

First of all, it's long. Way, way, WAYYYY too long. I believe it clocks in at almost 2 hours and 50 minutes, which is over an hour too long. Whoever was editing this for release needs to be fired and then find work in some other field. Just because something was filmed doesn't necessarily mean it belongs on the screen.

Secondly, it's very boring. BORING! The movie is basically just a CGI-fest where not much interesting or entertaining story really seems to happen from one minute to the next. Yeah, there's story, but not really that much of it and it just doesn't elicit any more contemplation on my part that a commercial for cat litter would. And it's so very predictable.

Have I mentioned yet that I can barely even remember the plot of the movie because it was just such a tedious chore to get through? I watched this absolute snoozer followed by "You People" and really don't remember much from that entire evening as my brain was rejecting the low-quality fare and seems to have been on strike from forcing 2 really bad movies in a row on it.

I'd rather have my almost 3 wasted hours back than retain any memories of this pointless movie. I feel 2 stars is generous.
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Nostalgia ain't what it used to be.
25 August 2022
The charm of Beavis & Butt-Head was always about ripping on videos. That's where the humor and cultural insight (I know, it seems absurd) actually were. The cartoons themselves just never were that good or funny, let's face it.

This new series is just lackluster, at best. The first episode did give me a couple of good chuckles, but by the second one, my nostalgia had turned to irritation and disappointment and I was not really interested in watching more.

And the reality TV drivel they watch, like that annoying ASMR bit -- it's just not my thing and I'm not at all interested in any of it. I'm not into TikTok or YouTube personalities or whatever. I need B&B ripping on music videos, whether old or new, whatever kind of music, I really don't care.

Without that, this show is dead to me.
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The Orville (2017–2022)
I used to enjoy this show
14 June 2022
So I fired up the first episode of the new season and an attractive young female has been heavily shoehorned into the storyline.

"Jeez, Seth must have a new girlfriend," I said to myself. Yep. Predictably enough, that's his new squeeze.

The show itself is also predictable, and whatever quality gave this show "soul" in the past has been stripped away. Everything is very heavy-handed and lacking subtlety, and any humor is just barely there anymore.

I won't be coming back for more of this.
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The Batman (2022)
Don't believe the hype.
26 April 2022
First off, it took me 2 tries to get through this movie, as I originally "noped out" during the painfully bad initial encounter between The Batman and Catwoman before giving it a begrudging rewatch.

Paul Dano basically plays his character exactly like he was in There Will Be Blood, so that was kind of lackluster to me.

The directing is just flat-out boring with little to recommend it. It's frequently trying to be voyeuristic, I suppose to draw you into the scene, but that just leads to slow pacing and an overdrawn runtime. The characters frequently speak to one another in annoying whispers -- and for no apparent reason -- making it pretty tough for someone with aging ears to hear what's going on. Did Nolan do the audio? (joke)

Worse yet, it's painfully predictable at every turn. I mean, it's Batman, and we've all seen it all before, but this script is like watching a fight in slow-motion where you can see the punches coming before they're even thrown. It's hard to get enthusiastic about that.

I think a 5 or 6 is about where this movie belongs. It's easily the least impressive entry into the Batman franchise since the Schumacher era.
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Halo (2022– )
Mediocre, at best
16 April 2022
First things first: I'm coming at this from a Sci-Fi fan's perspective, not that of a Halo aficionado. I played the very first Halo game way back when it first came out (it was okay, I wasn't a huge fan), but that's the extent of my experience with the franchise.

This show frequently straddles the line between halfway decent effects and unbelievably low-effort, cheesy cheapness. It's 500 years in the future, yet people are still driving around on alien worlds in what looks like a fairly standard current-model Ford/Dodge truck, complete with a loud internal combustion engine. That demonstrates a pathetic lack of imagination.

It's painfully predictable at times. I find myself "calling the shots" long before they ever happen. Painfully over-used cliches happen with such rapid regularity that it's hard to keep track of them all. That's just supremely lazy writing.

I don't know much of anything about the characters in the game, but the casting for this show certainly feels as if it's been put through the diversity filter a few times. You can tell which target demographic they're going for at any given moment based on whose face is currently filling up your screen.

This is one of those shows that started out with a bit of promise but took a hard turn for the worse at every available opportunity. I'm 4 episodes in and there has, so far, been a steady decrease in quality and engagement with every passing episode. I don't believe that it's going to be worth finishing.

It's just a lazy, low-effort show across the board. It could have been a lot better, but why bother being good when enough people are apparently happy with mediocrity?
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Eternals (2021)
A few good moments, otherwise a major disappointment.
25 January 2022
I didn't care for most of the casting or special effects, I didn't like the dialogue at all, and everything was painfully contrived. This movie checked just about all the wrong boxes for me.

I'm a long-time fan of Jack Kirby and am quite familiar with his source material. His solo writing was as awful as his art was spectacular (that's precisely why his collaborations with Stan Lee writing were far more successful,) but there was no reason to translate such wooden, inept dialogue to the screen. There was zero chemistry among the meticulously diverse cast, though, so perhaps that's also to blame.

About the only thing I liked was the depiction of the Celestials, although they were almost entirely wasted in this lackluster film. I'd love to see what Denis Villeneuve could do with creatures of such an epic scale.
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The Cell (2000)
Great visuals, tired story, abysmal acting
9 December 2021
I wasn't prepared for how nonexistent JLo's acting ability is, as I've avoided Gigli and any other movies she's done. Literally any other actress out there would have been a better choice. She didn't seem able to deliver a line in any voice besides a whisper (is that supposed to be seductive?) with no emotional inflection whatsoever. Everyone else did a reasonable enough, if uninspired, job for the most part, but she was distractingly inept. I was literally taken aback, and not in a good way, every time she was on the screen, which made any attempts at immersion futile.

The visuals were great, very surreal. But that's about the only positive thing this movie had going for it. Everything else has been done before with much more memorable results.
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The Freak Brothers (2020– )
Oh, wow. This is so bad. Really, really bad.
5 December 2021
I own a bunch of the old Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers comics, so I'm quite familiar with the characters and genre of humor, but this show is an abomination in just about every way imaginable. It's shockingly unfunny, for starters.

At least one reviewer mentioned that this show must be for fans of the comics, but I'm here to tell you otherwise. I can't abide it.

Really about all I can say for this show is that it pushes all the wrong buttons for me and I will most definitely not be watching it any further. Hopefully it fades into obscurity very soon.
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Lost in Space (2018– )
Started OK enough but it's been going downhill ever since
3 December 2021
I think the writing is what really lets this show down. The production values are fine, the cast is good enough, but the way the show is written turns this from what should have been an enjoyable sci-fi romp into something that's just too trite and juvenile for my tastes.

Everything is just too neatly packaged and contrived to the point that it actually becomes tiresome and predictable. It's a real shame because this show could have and should have been so much better than it ended up being.

It's the same old shtick season after season and it's gotten old now by Season 3. Is there going to be a Season 4? I don't really care at this point.
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Arcane (2021–2024)
I was blown away by the animation, but it has some problems.
16 November 2021
My enthusiasm started off extremely high but began to wane as deficiencies started to become more apparent as the episodes progressed.

The animation is just lush. Luxurious. It brings to mind the old Fleischer Brothers cartoons from the 1930s. It feels like a living world. I'm not a fan of most popular modern animation styles, but this is something different and special. If I were rating this on animation alone, it would be a solid 10/10.

The story, on the other hand, seems to be the same old tropes and themes that we've all seen a million times before. It's not bad, it's just not very original and is clearly targeted at a YA audience. YA can be mature but it can also be a bit juvenile, and this is the latter.

Where this project really falls apart for me is in the music. It's just wretched. It starts poorly with the theme song from Imagine Dragons, to my ears an unimaginably awful band, and it just gets worse from there. Much, much worse. If you're not a fan of that type of music, and I'm most definitely not, then you're in for a very rough ride where that's concerned.

Overall, 7 out of 10, mostly due to the amazing animation.
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Foundation (2021– )
It is a huge disappointment.
15 October 2021
Too preachy. Too woke. Too cliché. Deviates way too far from the original story line. I got about 4 and a half episodes in before just deciding I was done with it and turning it off mid-episode.

It's definitely not for me as a fan of the original books.
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Mad Dogs (I) (2015–2016)
Yikes, what a stinker!
7 October 2020
Like others have said: this initially showed lots of potential but then failed to generate any traction whatsoever. Both the show and the actors just kind of pointlessly spun their wheels until the allotted time ran out. I slogged through 9 episodes of it and very nearly skipped the 10th and final one because it was just dumb, tedious, uninteresting, and worst of all -- predictable.

It really seemed to me like some production company just got a big tourism investment or other incentive to film something -- anything -- showcasing Belize (really Puerto Rico), flew in some actors and equipment, hired some locals, and then just whipped out a lame, poorly-written, generic script to be lightly edited to fit the scene and setting.

I give 4 stars for good production value and that's about it. It was entirely forgettable and totally not worth the time.
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