4 Reviews
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Skinamarink (2022)
Incredibly good marketing...
7 February 2023
So clever, leak it onto social media, pay influencers to say how scary and amazing it was and then wait for the sheep with their FOMO to follow the flock.

Will this have the same impact as Blair Witch or Eraserhead in 10 years time?...no.

I thought I would struggle to find a more pretentious horror than Men, but this blew it out of the water.

Shot with a £9000 budget and as it stands making £1.5m at the box office it has been extremely successful and the marketing has worked. This would be ok if trimmed to 10 minutes and directed by a 16 year old for a school project, but it's not.

A labouring 90 minutes spent watching carpet, walls, doors, cartoons on TV...oh and Lego pieces. This was marketed as a horror. Was I one bit frightened...no, Did I care about the characters...no. I didn't pay to watch this, but still felt cheated.

8/10 for marketing 0/10 for the movie.
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Terrifier 2 (2022)
Gore, gore and snore
24 October 2022
Art the clown is back causing shenanigans and mayhem in his local town. What's there to say, the acting is wooden, the direction is slow, the film is loooooong and the plot is well, non existent. The killings are plentiful and original, with lots of fake blood and custard, each one trying to out do the next. It has raised the bar for this genre but the film is so camp I found myself laughing out loud in certain scenes as Art was prancing about.

0 for storyline 0 for acting 0 for plot 4 for special effects BTW this is a much better movie than the Halloween and Hellraiser offerings of 2022, so the team need to be commended for that.

I think it shows where we are with horror at the moment that this movie may be the most talked about of the year. Gone are the greats, The Shining, Martyrs, Audition, Jaws, Blair Witch and Halloween, the films that truly made me jump and have stuck with me for years.
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Mushrooms anyone?
6 July 2013
OK, it's been 9 hours since I watched this movie so it may be too soon to score as is usually the case with Wheatley's movies.

This is a trip, and not a nice trip, Michael Smiley and Reece Shearsmith are exceptional in parts, the photography is simply stunning but the whole film was a let down for me. The critics will love it, but I feel this is the movie some directors make as if to say "I'm hot, I'll do what I like'.

It's pretentious and very self indulgent, but i must say THAT TENT SCENE...WOW, the use of soundtrack (Blanck Mass, Chernobyl, Shearsmith's screams, the slow motion, 4 minutes of cinema which blew me away, unfortunately the other 80 odd minutes didn't
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Evil Dead (2013)
Shame on you Sam Raimi!!
22 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
So there is a new name in town, Fede Alvarez attempting to remake one of the best 1980's horror franchises in history and failing miserably!. As a forty something horror buff I remember the buzz the original had, throughout my teens everyone was talking about the Evil Dead, the gore, the tree rape, the camera trickery in the woods and of course the humour. Actually for it's time the movie was that bad it was very good. Myself, my wife and a friend all went to the cinema to watch with trepidation (as IMDb's users had scored an average of 7.5, I presumed it would be watchable). Oh how wrong I was!!!

1) Poor casting 2) Awful, lazy plot 3) Never jumped once 4) Laughed at a part I wasn't supposed to 5) SO SO predictable!

What annoys me is they will actually make money from this, I believe the £17.5 million dollars this tripe cost has already been surpassed by the box office. It's been a long time since I have seen people leave a cinema half way through a film, but it happened, people booing at the end. I think Hollywood treats its audience like mugs believing they will buy into this tripe. Remember we were brought up on proper horror Jaws, Halloween, The Shining - not much blood and guts but superb acting, scripts and directorship you felt like you'd ran a marathon afterwards you were so drained. I believe the problem we have with American horror is no one cares whether the characters die or not unlike good European or Asian horror where the cast is believable

I think Takashi Miike, Kim Ji-Woon, Pang Ho Cheung and Pascal Laugier can all sleep safely tonight knowing Fede Alvarez is just another fly by night director trying and succeeding to make a quick buck.

Oh and please don't bother making Evil Dead 2, as I for one will not be attending.
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