
12 Reviews
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22 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I have seen this movie a few times but no more. It is so difficult to watch. Her fiancé, Dermot Maroney, that is a member of this horrible family dynamic except for the brother, can't remember his movie name, Wilson in real life, cannot see the bullying from his family that is leashed out upon Sarah Jessica Parker's character when she comes to meet his family. She tries so hard to be liked using her own lifestyle to try to fit in, but that horrible family will not accept her or any of her trying; they just keep dishing out the cruelty. Finally, a new character comes on the scene. Also, Dermot's brother sees the good in the fiancé and the holiday and future holidays are saved. Someone made the comment that that this is a Hallmark movie. No, I don't think so. It being a Christmas movie does not mean it is a Hallmark movie. If it was back in 2005 a Hallmark movie, Hallmark has really changed.
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Echoes (2022)
Thank the Lord for plot summaries online
21 August 2022
Halfway through the second episode I was ready to give up. I was so confused about who was being referred to regarding the twins when a boyfriend of one of the twins shows up. That plot summary was what kept me going.
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I loved this mini series
25 July 2022
But the DVD I bought from Amazon had about an hour cut out. One reviewer said it was about twenty minutes or more I believe but it was at least an hour. I knew the series had been chopped up but since I love it so much, I decided to get it anyway. I don't know why it could not have been left whole.
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Marry Me (2022)
It was ok
26 June 2022
But there are a few things I want to mention. JLo has on a nude color body suit in the church scene at a concert. I have read where some people think she has nothing on but the stripes in the shape of a cross which I find very distasteful for that to be on the screen. Also, there were crosses on her shoulders. Also, under the sex and nudity heading for Parental Guidance, it states that at one point she is in a long shirt that shows a lot of cleavage, and it barely covers her rear end. The truth is all that is shown is her chest and legs. A magnifying glass would be needed to try to see anything else and then you still wouldn't see anything. Some people need to get out more, maybe to the mall.
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Midnight Mass: Book I: Genesis (2021)
Season 1, Episode 1
I really enjoyed the first episode except for one thing,
9 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
That one thing being there are too many actors that are too young to being playing their character and they are made to look older, way older. Couldn't older actors have been found to play those roles?

Something else that bothered me was one reviewer did not like all of the "Christianity" in the episode. I know people that are not Christians do not know the difference in being a Christian and being a catholic. There is a difference. I know the difference because I was in the catholic church for the first twenty one years of my life because it was forced upon me. Then when I got to know Jesus, I saw the difference in what a Christian is.
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Chicago Fire: The Magnificent City of Chicago (2022)
Season 10, Episode 22
I would have liked a different ending
26 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, I would have liked Kelly to end up with Shay or Wendy Seager. I thought I could see much more than a friendship with Shay. Kelly even mentioned in a police interview that if Shay had not been gay, she would have been his girlfriend and that was after she died. It was the tone in which he said it and many times expressions on his face when he had talked to her. I like Seager. You can tell how much she liked him and if Stella had not come back, I believe something could have come of them.

Also, regarding Violet, she said that Evan should have done more about Emma blackmailing Violet and Evan. She did not answer his phone call and she did not know how much he was willing to sacrifice for her. I really hope they can get back together. They were my favorite couple. I know drama is what keeps the series going but I was so disappointed with this episode. I invested too much of my emotions in these couples.
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This episode did not depict Christianity
7 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Sometimes the depiction of God goes off the rails and that is what happened here. I believe stuff like this is created to be able to say, "you see, those religious Wack Jobs are nuts". True Christians are not religious, they love Jesus Christ and what He did for the world by dying on the cross for their sins. That is loving, not being religious. I gave this episode a ten because of story line and I just love SVU.
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Black Mirror: Nosedive (2016)
Season 3, Episode 1
People don't realize how close we are
6 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This episode shows our future. That future is the Social Credit Score that is taking place now in other countries and soon coming to the USA. About halfway through the episode, I really didn't think I would be able to finish it because of the anxiety I felt and still do but I stuck with it. I gave Nosedive ten stars because of the truth that is shown and because of Bryce Dallas Howard. She is phenomenal and I try to watch everything she is in.
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The Ice Road (2021)
I don't understand the low reviews
5 May 2022
I am not a trucker, so I am not able to pick apart the movie. Also, I am not an action/thriller movie kind of person but this one changed that. Great movie. Liam Neeson. Is great as usual.
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Fear of Rain (2021)
I really liked this thriller movie.
29 March 2022
This movie is kind of like a really, really good Lifetime movie. It is a little bit longer than Lifetime would put out and but well worth the time. I feel so bad for people that have mental illness. If I had been in school with Rain I would have tried to be friends with her. Maybe that thought is because of my coming from a horribly emotionally abusive home which resulted in my severe depression. I thank God that I no longer have that depression but it took years to get over. Anyway, going back to the movie, the young lady that played Rain did a very good job and I really like the young man that befriended her. If you are looking for a good thriller this is the one to watch. I found it on Hulu and hopefully Hulu will have more like it..
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Why did I even have this on!
29 March 2022
I had this show on for about one minute and thought "what am I doing?", and then immediately turned it off. And then days later I found out there are pros participating. Michael Bolton and a few others? WTH? Nope, this contest should be for amateurs only. So glad I did not invest more than that minute I gave it.
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Virgin River: Can't Let Go (2020)
Season 2, Episode 5
Don't read if you don't want to know what happens to the engagement ring
23 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I am so upset about the fact that Mel did not give the ring back to Stacie. I am so put out about this that I am done with this series. I feel that Mel keeping the ring was very selfish. This should be a lesson to anyone that is giving a family treasure to anyone, family or not.
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