
5 Reviews
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Ambulance (2022)
Just awful
20 May 2022
How did they talk Jake Gillenhall into this? Big budget explosion fest with an unhealthy obsession with ill timed drone shots, feisty annoying as hell female lead, gay FBI agent, vintage fiat 500 driving lead cop with giant dog, loud rendition of Sailing by Christopher Cross. Watch this just to see how bad Michael Bay can get.
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Chernobyl: Vichnaya Pamyat (2019)
Season 1, Episode 5
Just incredible
7 June 2019
The most gripping television of the last decade, contrasts the stifling soviet bureaucracy with the incredible sacrifice and heroism of the rescuers. A tribute to true heroes.
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GRID (2008 Video Game)
The best racing game on any platform
6 September 2008
Read above, I'm not kidding. After the clinical pristine GT5 prologue, I played the Grid demo and was hooked. The damage modelling and physics are unbelievable, the grainy look of the environments add a realism that nothing else can match. I have it on 3 platforms and they're all great (360, PS3 and PC) and almost identical, although on my TV the 360 one seems to have a richer look. There have been criticisms of the relatively small number of cars, which might be valid as there are about 50 I think, less even than GT5 prologue. There is a strange inclusion of drift racing which I'm guessing is a nod to the Japanese market but I find dull. However, the lack of cars misses the point because the racing is so good, and you can easily avoid the drift racing or anything else if that's not your style. Oh, and the AI is phenomenally real, others have complained about your opponents running into you, but they do it with about the same chance as you running into them. Buy it.
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Halo 3 (2007 Video Game)
hype over substance
6 September 2008
For the life of me I can't fathom where all the hysteria over this game comes from. The story line is hammy at best, the graphics are pixelated and very poor for a next gen, allegedly hi-def title, and the characters unlovable. Play Bioshock, then tell me Halo 3 has great graphics. Better still, play Crysis and tell me Halo 3 even looks next gen. It, at times, looks like it's being played on a Wii or PS2. I will say that the landscape scenes have a certain alien prettiness, and the hype (if you buy into it a little) can make it seem involving and worthwhile, but on the whole a huge disappointment unless you're a 360 fan-boy. If you want the most honest opinion, look up zero punctuation's review. Forget everything else because it's all rubbish.
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Vanilla Sky (2001)
I'll never listen to 'Good Vibrations' in the same way again !
15 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
My first review so here goes...

If, like me, you look for something different in a movie, look no further. The gist here is that our hero, the rich and successful David Aames, is struggling to come to grips with a disfigurement caused in a terrible car accident by his stalking friend. We then are teased into wondering how much of David's reality is, well real, leading to a moment of realisation to the tune of said 'Good Vibrations'. Well, like I said, my first review, I can only go up from here but watching this film is like dawn on a calm summers day, freshness in the air and the sunrise on your face leaving you feeling inspired and glad to be alive. The cinematography is just stunning and the views of New York (including the famous empty Times Square shot) express the city like never before. Like him or Loath him, Cruise is great at conveying the feeling of confusion, that he is trapped in a surreal world that doesn't quite make sense. There's not much that could make this movie better for me, watch it and make your own mind up. Just make sure you watch it !
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