3 Reviews
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Miracle Mile (1988)
Black Romantic Comedy Thriller in Real Time
30 March 2022
This was a rare treat, a movie I knew nothing about in advance, so everything was a surprise.

This is my worst nightmare brought to life. Growing up in the 80s I was convinced this is how the world would end, in confusion and flailing panic before fiery oblivion.

The remainder of the movie after Chip's call is in real time and you can feel the seconds ticking away as Harry desperately tries to escape the coming holocaust on his second date with the girl of his dreams.

I was riveted. And it holds up really well after all these years, (dated technology like the 80s era cell phone not withstanding.)

Having just watched it again noticed all the foreshadowing in the "meet cute" opener, about mass extinction events and even the fall of once mighty empires, how we are destined to become museum pieces ourselves someday.
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Supergirl (2015–2021)
The Girl of Steel
1 July 2021
This show does a better job of depicting the idealism, guts, honour, integrity heart and character of both our Kryptonian heroes than the antithetical "Man of Steel" film ever did. She's the hero we need right now.
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I wish there was a higher rating than 10
19 May 2020
I wish there could be more. No series in years has given me such joy as this one. The most clever, heartfelt, funny and gripping reimagined series I've had the pleasure to watch. So many great characters taken from their two-dimensional toy origins and made unique and memorable. The complex central relationship of Adora and Catra is one of the most compelling, and rewarding hero-villain stories I've ever seen. If you're coming to this show with a closed, bigoted mind, it's not for you. But if you want to see an empowering inspiring epic tale of friendship, love, loyalty, compassion, redemption, and courage, you will love it as much as I do.
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