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Little Nicky (2000)
Comedy Central's Wet Dream
31 December 2006
This movie was panned by critics, and nominated for five razzie awards (which is an accomplishment in itself). It's no wonder why despite an a-list cast, including Adam Sandler, Patricia Arquette, Harvey Keitel, and Rodney Dangerfield, memorable cameos, like Ozzy Osbourne!!, one effed up plot, and not to mention Adam Sandler (did I mention Adam Sandler?) this movie was called one of the worst films of the year. However, today is Comedy Central's lucky day! Movie's that tank equal big bucks on television. This movie is the ultimate Comedy Central movie, terrible in every sense of the word, but loved by hardcore comedy fans everywhere.

And that is where I came across this movie.

The movie itself is god awful. Although stocked with some pretty memorable one-liners ("even in hell i get no respect") and some of the weirdest, but greatest, cameos ever put onto paper, they are mostly cheap laughs. However, as much as I hate to, I have to give an A for effort. This movie has some interesting special effects and an interesting commentary on the punk rock/metal culture. End. Sandler, as the son of Satan, plays the part to "perfection." As the third son of Satan, oddly reminiscent of Sandler's Waterboy (an outcast with a speech impediment), he has to save all of hell and of earth from the wrath of his two far superior brothers, one played by Rhys Ifans who I believe gives one of the only decent performances in this movie. Sandler is everything that a movie critic despises. He's irritating, and acts terribly. The rest of the acting is sub-par as well, even from the great Harvey Keitel, but I guess it's hard to give anything as the part of Satan in a comedy such as this one.

Bad acting + cheap laughs + box office flop= Comedy Central gold!

Go see Little Nicky, coming to a cable channel early in the morning, near you!
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Had great potential...but missed. Still addicting though
1 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this on HBO the other day and I have to say i was not quite impressed (but then again i had low standards going into the movie in the first place). The script was an amateur attempt at making a Chevy Chase vehicle, the jokes were terrible and the special effects were a bit to be desired. The movie was was bad bad bad.


This is one of those movies that is so bad that it leaves you going back to see it again. I had originally taped it on DVR, and afterward, I found myself keeping it and not deleting it like I had originally planned.

"Modern Problems" has Chevy Chase as a guy who has an extremely bad day. However, as the Hollywood rules go, dump some toxic waste on him and give him some supernatural powers. Cliché I know. But oh so fun. In movies like this you see the person becoming some sort of superhero. This movie breaks away from the cliché and has the guy act out revenge towards the people who have harmed him (not to mention giving his girlfriend one hell of an orgasm.)The end is a little weird, and definitely stupid, but I couldn't help but laugh at the wackiness of it all. And the message at the end (if you haven't been disgusted by it just yet), just goes to show that there is always someone who will love you.

Patti D'Arbanville also surprised me. She wasn't bad at all. She was pretty good. She's a great crier and shows great emotion when she acts.

5/10. Simply because it had potential but someone completely missed it.
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No other people could of come up with this but the aykroyds.
13 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
My goal in life is to see every movie Dan Aykroyd and John Candy have ever been in so of course, this movie was on my list. It was airing on Encore and decided to tape it, however I was a bit hesitant to do so. Looking at the reviews to the film by critics and other non-professional viewers I almost decided to take the film off of my list for good.

It all changed after I saw it.

I have to admit that this movie is no Gone With the Wind. It isn't a movie that will be adored through the ages and will stand the test of time. It took me a little while to get it. The movie is a black comedy without comedy in it. The comedy comes from the entire situation. Chase and Moore are put into this situation that is so surreal. That's the beauty of it. The Aykroyds are two extremely creative people and no other person could have possibly come up with a story of this magnitude. The sets are amazing, the makeup is great, and the script is original and creative. 7/10
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