
29 Reviews
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Was hoping for another Moorhead and Benson classic. It's not their fault.....
4 December 2022
Justin and Aaron's masterpieces came early in their career (Resolution, Spring, and The Endless), so as fans we expect to get that type of storytelling and movie making every time. We expect greatness every time, so when it's not, we're literally disappointed, and maybe even saddened. This movie may be great, this review is based on one viewing, but as of now I was totally letdown. It had all the elements of a classic Benson and Moorhead production, and until we got over the 1 hour mark, I still had hope (Remember, not much happened in the first half of Resolution), but as the movie was getting closer and closer to the end, I knew this wasn't going to make it to their "Mount Rushmore" of films. I love conspiracy theories and sci-fi, but the movie provided no definitive answers, and honestly became hard to keep track of the more the movie progressed.

This sounds like a hit piece, it's not meant to be. I'm just a huge fan overly expressing my disappointment with the movie not being another "Resolution" or "The Endless" (although I counted 5 Easter eggs to The Endless in this movie). These guys will always be in my top tier of movie makers and writers and I will always be a huge fan. I will still continue to get excited for EVERY movie they make.
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Mike, please stay away from YA horror
14 October 2022
The haunting of hill house is in the top 10 best series ever for me, and that from a TV and movie junkie. It was actually scary, in smart and horrific ways. Each and every episode was equally or more terrifying than the next, and in this day and age that is not easy to do anymore. Did I mention it was smart? Easy 10 stars.

Before Hill House was Gerald's Game, a movie I watched without knowing a thing about it, and it was amazing. Again, smart! And layered. 10 Stars from me.

Midnight Mass, another 10 star from me.

But Midnight Club ain't it! Just saying....... I won't lie to you, I did not watch the entire series, I'm sure it was crafted beautifully, but I'm just not into young adult horror, or young adult anything anymore. I sound like an old fart..

Please hurry up and get back to "adult" horror, you are one of the greats.
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Lamb (2021)
Not horror.... Total letdown.....
6 June 2022
This movie was not a horror movie, not even for a second. You wait the entire movie for answers and for something to actually happen. Just when something happens, it's over. Sure, it answered 1 question, but only the 1.

Total letdown and waste of time. I'm giving it a 5 because it did have my attention and interest the whole time, it just failed me when it ended.
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Anna (2021)
Unbelievable..... amazing
14 May 2022
I was very hesitant once I saw it was a series full of kids, but wow did they turn out to be amazing! The acting was amazing! This is my first experience with authentic Italian cinema, and all I kept thinking was how they were in a completely different league than what I'm use to in the States (Hollywood). Not only the acting, but the story telling, the details, the sets, etc etc.

I was blown away by this series. I can't believe how much they did with just six episodes. It truly is a masterpiece.

What the hell am I supposed to do now? Lol...
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Moonfall (2022)
Missed opportunity- I don't understand Hollywood I guess
28 April 2022
Unfortunately for this movie, the acting and dialogue was brutally awful! How is it that NO ONE noticed while filming??? It's horrible for the entire length of the movie. This movie could have been great, especially in the 3rd act once we learned about the moon and our past, but the acting and dialogue killed it.

I gave it a 5 because of the concept and a lot of the major graphics. I say "major" because the moon-earth-gravity-interior of moon were great, but all the green screen usage everywhere else was soo obvious that it made this massively budgeted film look like a made-for-tv movie at times.

I guess I dont understand Hollywood because with all the great films out there, how could they spend so much on a Blockbuster, and allow it to be so horrible?? It's like they used 95% of the budget on the major CGI, so that's why we got what we got. Also, how does EVERY actor, literally every single one, sound so scripted, including good actors who don't ever sound scripted in their other movies?? That's the part that blows my mind, it's like the bad acting was a directive or something.

OK, I'm done. I rarely leave a review, especially this long, but that's what this movie did to me. I also get that I am a no-one, so "who the hell do I think I am," but this movie should get some people fired.

Can we get a re-do??
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Good story, great actor, poor execution, bad actors
19 February 2022
Never have I seen a movie with such great and horrible acting in it. This movie reminded me of a horrible made-for-tv movie, with a phenomenal actor. Oscar is amazing. He literally carried the movie and made it worth the watch. But the Directing and production was it's downfall.
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Brutal! In a good way
9 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
All I can say is wow.... The brutality.... This movie was truly dark, But any movie that gives you any kind of feeling after it's over has done it's job. I say the movie was brutal, but 95% of it was slow and quiet. The tone was set early on with a shock to the psyche, and that horrified, sickening feeling lingered for the rest of the movie. What an amazing "villain." He could have been a hero.....
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Not scary, but extra cheesy
31 January 2022
I went into this thinking it was going to be a good horror flick based solely on the reviews, but I ended up being bored. The concept was cheesy, the horror cgi was cheesy, and the climax was cheesy. The movie didn't work, and I don't see how it could ever work. I usually don't make negative comments but this one was necessary. It's 2022, these kind of "scares" won't work anymore. Unless it was a made-for-tv movie. Did I mention the cheese involved?😉
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Just not a good movie
2 October 2021
If this wasn't a soprano prequel, the ratings would be even lower. Some of the acting was comical, more like overacting or a parody. And this wasn't the story I was expecting for a soprano prequel.

Unfortunately I don't think this was even a good movie, let alone something that should be part of the soprano storyline. I was very excited, and now very disappointed.
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Stop raining on the parade!
25 July 2021
Ok so I'm 30 minutes in and the last 7-8 were unnecessary "wokeness." Took a non-racist moment with DMX, and made it racist, then immediately jumped into womanizing. Both accompanied with that somber music.


I was15 in 99, and my father paid for the pay per view, so it brings back great memories, so no matter what it gets a 9. Would have gotten a 10 if it wasn't for the deliberate negativity.
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Mare of Easttown: Illusions (2021)
Season 1, Episode 5
16 June 2021
Not much more I can say right now other than "wow!" I don't think TV can do any better than that. Especially if you're like me, and haven't read the book. Total surprise. Or shock. This single episode deserves every award it can possibly get.

I'm not going to say anything more.
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Season 2 is even more amazing than Season 1
16 May 2021
The only downfall to season 2 is the fact that it ended. We were blessed with 8 episodes instead of the 18 from season 1. Every minute of it was truly amazing! Please, don't EVER cancel this series.
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Braid (2018)
28 January 2021
This movie is deep, dark and brilliant. The key to it: let yourself go, become one with it. Put yourself there, from youth to elder, and you'll have to snap out it when the credits finally roll. Only then will you feel it's grip.

You feel it's presence linger for a day or two.

Amazing acting, cinematography and soundtrack to solidify this one as a rare masterpiece. This will sit with the likes of Quentin himself.
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Synchronic (2019)
Good movie, solid story, first 2/3 was strong, the last 1/3 was ehh.. Still a HUGE fan of Benson and Moorhead
13 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The movie had a strong grip on me up until Mackie's time traveling scenes. I would say that aspect of the movie is where it lost the 3 stars from me (but who cares right? Who the hell am I?). I hate to use the word "Cheesy" when talking about anything involving Moorhead and Benson, but I feel like those scenes (besides the very first one in the swamp) may fall into the "Cheese" category. Or a better way to describe those scenes: it reminded me of the quality you would get with "Made for tv" movies. I wanted something more out of that aspect, something darker. I kept waiting for this mind blowing scene but was ultimately let down.

But overall, still a solid dark flick, with Moorhead and Benson all over it, even sprinkled with some actors from The Endless. *Side note- PLEASE continue making movies within the "resolution" and "Endless" world. PLEASE!

I was also thinking how this could be a great 10-episode series, in order to develop the story more, and to spend more time within the parts traveled.
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Missed opportunity
26 December 2020
All I kept thinking as I watched this was "This would be great if Nolan or Spielberg made this." I love Clooney, he is a legend, but he failed miserably as the Director.
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Leaving D.C. (2012)
Good film but was let down
21 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Good film, it had my attention from beginning to end, even made me laugh a couple times. I was just disappointed with the end. Nothing was explained and no real grand finale. If only there was another 5-10 minutes to the movie that may have shown what it was he was dealing with, and had more to the ending.

On a side note: the fact that I've lived in a city my entire life made his move to such isolation was the most terrifying aspect of the film.
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Guns Akimbo (2019)
Violent! Hilarious! Fun!
1 July 2020
I'll keep this short and sweet: violent, bloody, fun! And the biggest take away for me was how hilarious it was. I LOL'ed (literally) constantly. The dry and subtle humor made this movie great. I highly recommend!
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Dark (2017–2020)
Anyone else upset that the series not just ends after Season 3, but that it ends in general?
28 June 2020
Only watching the first two episodes of season 3 so far and all I can think of is how it ends after only six more episodes for me.... Amazing show! One of the best in my life. Without going into ANY detail about the show, I still think it's pretty obvious what I think of it. Just take it as a hint if you're trying to figure out if you're going to watch the series or not.... I envy those of you who get to start at episode 1, season 1 with all that new "Dark" ahead of you.

Enjoy the ride!
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Dark: Deja-vu (2020)
Season 3, Episode 1
Anyone else upset that Dark can't go on forever?
28 June 2020
Only watching the first two episodes of season 3 so far and all I can think of is how it ends after only six more episodes for me.... Amazing show! One of the best in my life. Without going into ANY detail about the episode or show, I still think it's pretty obvious what I think of it. Just take it as a hint if you're trying to figure out if you're going to watch the series or not....
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A disjointed, ungrammatical review
19 May 2020
I consider myself a smart moviegoer and film critic. The films people hate because they are "too slow" or not a comedy or whatever the case may be, are usually amazing movies to me. I'm not properly describing myself or taste in film because I'm exhausted, but hopefully you get what I mean. But unfortunately this film was over my head I guess, or I missed something, because I was totally let down. Especially with the hype and the first 30 minutes. Am I correct in saying that this is a dark "artsy" film?

Naomi Watts was amazing though, she got screwed by the Academy and Golden Globes
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Underwater (2020)
Could have been a 10, still horrifying.... in the best of ways
21 April 2020
This movie was intense from the start, wasted no time. My anxiety was through the roof for the entire movie. And parts of the movie were possibly some of the most horrifying scenes in movie history, or at least the cross-genre (I think that's what I'm going for there). Combine that with a very smart premise.

Where the movie gets the 7 instead of a 10 in my opinion is the creatures (Which we're still solid, I guess I just wanted more) and the ending. Just my opinion but without reading other reviews, I have a feeling I'm not alone.

Overall a good thriller flick and I recommend it
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See (2019–2022)
Shocked at all the bad reviews
3 November 2019
I rarely ever leave reviews but after reading all the negative ones, I felt the need to say something in the shows defense. I consider myself a harsh critic on movies and shows, so me giving it 10 when so many are giving it 1's is shocking to me.

To me, the show is amazing. From the writing to the acting to the premise, it's got me glued! A harsh critique has been the fact that they are blind, I think that is what makes the show amazing. The way the actors fight, travel, etc while blind is done flawlessly. I have a newfound respect for Jason Momoa. Episode 1 and 3 have shot him to the top ranks of my "Badass Actor" list.

Also, lets not forget, there has only been three episodes so far, there is so much more to learn. I can't believe how much is actually in just those three episodes now that I think about it

People giving the reviews need to remember a very important fact- IT'S FICTION! Unless they are the kind of people who will leave a review for "Harry Potter" saying "Wizards and warlocks are fake! The premise is not believable," they really need to lighten up and enjoy this for what it is.

I am happy in a way because I check IMBD before watching anything and the vast majority of the time I will listen to the reviews. If I read these reviews Before watching, I most likely would not have bothered. This is proof for myself to no longer base whether I'm going to watch something on what others think
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Chernobyl (2019)
Television at it's absolute best!
12 May 2019
Every second of episode one had me on the edge of my seat! To see it like this sheds light on the disaster like never before. Unbelievable!
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Into the Dark: New Year, New You (2018)
Season 1, Episode 4
Can't believe Hulu allowed this!
9 March 2019
The only thing worse than the acting was the directing! Horrible! I never write reviews but I needed to for this one. I can't even decide if the story even had a chance because of how poorly made it was.
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Time Trap (2017)
Amazing concept, too low budget
8 December 2018
I'll keep this short and sweet.

Remake this with $100 million budget, and you got a blockbuster....
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