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A beautiful story of reincarnation
30 July 2023
What I like about this drama is the way they talk about reincarnation and the irony of what would happen if one truly remembers all of one's past lives. I love when a romantic Kdrama adds a twist to the usual romantic plot, and this one adds a great spin with the convergence of past and present lives.

Plot: This drama follows Ban Ji Eum, a woman in her early twenties who is able to remember her past lives, which totals 19 lives. In her 18th life, Yoon Ju Won, died as a 12 year old so, Ji eum plans to reconnect with Mun Seo Ha who was with her the day she died and finds out that he misses her as much as she does. Isn't the plot interesting?

This drama lets the viewers see the trauma and grief endured by those who remain after a life cut short. They have also shown how hard it is for Ji Eum to connect with people from her past lives with the same emotions and how much she still loved them just like her past lives.

In our single life we have many moments which break our hearts into pieces, sometimes we can't even breathe because of the pain we go through. Ji Eum must have lived all those painful moments throughout her 19 lives. The pain of losing people again and again in her multiple lives, what a toll it must have on her soul.

Shin Hye Sun: Her portrayal of Ban Ji Eum is exceptional! She really shows a sense of wisdom and maturity in her speech that is truly special. Sometimes she sounds like a historical lady and the very next moment she switched to a 20th century girl.

Ahn Bo Hyun: I like this actor. He loves to explore his talent. Here his character is soft and vulnerable, you feel like protecting him at all costs.

His deep and at the same time tender and puppy eye look gives life to Seo Ha's character. He is perfect as Seo Ha. The only thing I could maybe add is that we didn't see much of Seo ha's childdishness, but I'll blame that on the lack of episodes and so the lack of scenes we could've seen.

Supporting characters: All 4 supporting characters were important in this drama. When Seo-ha had no one beside him, Do-yun was constantly there to provide a helping hand. Whereas, the relationship between the FL and her 60+ year old niece from her 17th life was heartwarming to watch. The same was with her younger sister of 18th life.

Lee Chae Min's mysterious aura captivated the audience from the beginning until the end. Oh and the Child actors were great too.

Especially the two young ladies who played 18th and young 19th life Ji-eum

Cinematography: Aesthetically it's a beautiful drama. There was a scene when both main leads 1st time saw each other through a fish tank, it's one of the most beautiful encounters of main leads. I loved it! Also, episode 11 and 12 have some breathtaking scenes.

OST: "Star" by Colde, I don't know why but whenever I listen to this song I feel a deep longing in my heart. I miss my dear ones whom I have lost. This song soothes my anxiety.

"I'll embrace your past" by Ahn Bo Hyun, I didn't know that ABH could sing that too with melodious voice. Other OSTs were also perfect additions to the narrative

As a big fan of the original webtoon I was ecstatic when I heard news of it getting a kdrama adaptation but they should have made it for 16 episodes since the webtoon was quite slow paced. They have missed quite a lot of things because of that. But again it was never about the suspense , it was about love, care and relationships which can melt your heart.

The music added to the drama in the right spots, the visuals, and scenery were all wonderful helping to carry the story to the end. The drama's ending leaves a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction, tying up loose ends gracefully.
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A peace of mind!
17 February 2023
A beautiful story of unrequited love.

I initially watched this drama because of both the main leads but I ended up quite enjoying all the different characters and their stories .I found this drama really soothing and calming.

Personally, I think the first two episodes were quite confusing. The story hinted at multiple characters and flashbacks which aren't explained and we only got some dialogues between characters which didn't really shed any light on what happened to them in the past. But from the next episode we can understand that it is from the FL's perspective, and as she learnt more about the lives of Ha Won (Jung Hae In) and Ji Soo(SFL), we were also taken on that journey with her. So, I would suggest to watch the first 2 episodes patiently because after that it will keep getting better.

The ML is a renowned tech developer and is working on an A. I project which will bring back the love of his life in a small device so you can talk to them as if they were really there and that's how the beautiful story begins.

People who like snappy or fast romance, this drama is not for you. Unfortunately, due to low viewership makers had to rush the plot and because of that, it had some flaws. Instead of 16 episodes they had to cut down to 12 episodes.

Jung Hae In: He never disappoints. His character is very pitiful and lonely as he has suffered a lot.

His life changed when he meets Seo Woo. His slow developing relationship with her saved him and healed his wounds gradually.

Chae Soo Bin: This was a different to her normal role and I think she aced it. She is playing a sound engineer, working in a studio with various musicians. I really liked the way they portrayed her throughout the show. She was the opposite of ML in the fact that she is so open about her feelings and tells them straight forwardly.

Because of its slow pacing, it makes you see details of each and every character. The acting is phenomenal

Chemistry: The thing I liked the best about this show was the relationship between both the leads. Their relationship was slow and steady, then they became eachother's sheild. Trust me it was amazing to watch!

For melodrama and emotional series lovers this series is an art. If you are looking for a drama about healing and character development this show is for you.
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It's not about cheating.
17 February 2023
I'm glad I have come across this underrated gem! Love affairs in the afternoon is the Korean version of the Japanese 2014 drama Hirugao.

The storyline that covers so many layers from love to marriage, to family and then to the adultery.

No, it doesn't romanticize cheating but it shows you how alone a person can be.

You could feel the pain that the characters went through and see how their actions hurt them and the people around them while having an affair.

This drama also shows why we should think over and over again before we decide to get married.

The cinematography, setting, and the OST's added to why this drama is worth the watch. It helps you to get the mood and theme of the drama which is sad but romantic.

Just love the chemistry and acting of Lee Sang Yeob and Park Ha Sun. They make good couple. They both fit amazingly into introvert type of persons.

Both leads are introvert and honest characters. They both knew that being in an affair is not the right thing to do. But when they are with each other they express themselves better, they are happy. They are themselves.

The second leads did a great job as well. Choi Soo Aah and Do Ha Yoon affair looks really good on screen.

This show gave me a beautiful feeling and I will never be able to get over this drama. The way I felt while watching this drama is completely different. I have watched numerous dramas especially slow-burn dramas but this one always have a special place in my heart.
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Summer Strike (2022)
A genuine and comfort drama!
17 February 2023
There is nothing extraordinary in this drama yet it will give you content, it will heal you and it will comfort you.

It's not only about making time for yourself, it's also about coming out of a trauma. The changes are gradual and slow. But trust the healing process because it's very satisfying.

Plot: A woman(FL) decided to make time for what is important for her own mental health and happiness. There she meets different kinds of people who teach her many things about life.

The story also has a little bit of suspense/ thriller plot but it's just a space filling kind of thing which in my opinion is not even needed.

Yim Si Wan: His calm voice is itself a therapy. Even though he had a traumatic childhood, he is still a sweet, loving and caring gentleman. He is shy and introverted but happy in his own world.

Kim Seol Hyun: The FL did a good job transitioning from being tired and depressed to someone who embraces life living slowly and happily.

Summer Strike also taught me that being soft and polite is not a bad thing. You don't have to be an ambitious person. You should just accept yourself as you are and what you need. Just know your needs.

This is a fresh take on living your own life and finding genuine happiness.

I really hope more people discover this drama, it's just too good to ignore.
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Big Mouth (2022)
Last two episodes just ruined the whole drama
14 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Ok here are my two cents.

Since BM was the driving factor of this whole drama you expect that the revelation would be grand right? But...nope it wasn't, it was so underwhelming. And why was Pak Chang Ho's best friend was in the organisation?? The answer was never given. Still, I was just about the digest the fact that the room leader is the great BM who has conned almost all the big shots he got murdered in like in 10 mins 😂.

Now Choi Doha became the villian and he got killed off in just 5 seconds.

I think once Park Changho got released from the prison the whole went upside down. Till 14th episode I just loved it but last 2 episodes couldn't match up the previous ones. Writers thought that they could wrap the whole 16 episodes in a few minutes. It just doesnt feel rushed, it felt like a betrayal of trust. The ending felt very out of character for the main leads.

But this is LSJ's best work till now. He was just awesome.
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Lost (2021)
The drama requires patience from the viewers to pause and absorb the emotions it delivers to them.
14 October 2022
The story began with a few lost souls trying to find their way through the devasted and lonely lives they were living. But they are trying to get out of it. They are trying for a second chance.

It's a slow burn drama and by slow burn I mean it's a very very slow drama but there is beauty in it if you're willing to stick it out and remain patient then you will encounter with one of the most content and beautiful drama you have seen.

The drama (especially all the monologues) requires patience from the viewers to pause and absorb the emotions it delivers to them.

Your perception plays a big role here. Although it is a dark theme drama such as couple falling out of love, abusive relationship, suicide, domestic violence, loneliness, depression, death etc but it's also about people falling in love, knowing your self-worth, self respect, letting go of your dark past, healing your wound, stepping back when you are at the edge of being suicidal and it's absolutely fine to take time to mourn the death of your loved ones.

Ryu Joon Yeol : RJY is ethereal. His long hair look is a killer. His voice!!! I can sleep peacefully listening to his monologues because its so painful but at the same time its just so beautiful and soothing. All his monologues stabbed to the core of my heart.

I fell so hard for Kang Jae. He is an old soul and mature enough for 27 yo man. His vulnerability and humanity will hit you so hard that it will haunt you.

Jeon Do Yeon: She is outstanding! She brought a life to her character Bo Jeong. She is heartbroken, lifeless, scarred and suicidal. She doesn't talk much but her gaze can talk more. I love her gazes.

Byeong Eun Park: I am just amazed by his expression less face. His dropping shoulders talks on his behalf. His struggle between his personal and professional life looks real. All relationships are complex with him in which he is neither a villian nor a victim.

Chemistry:I love whatever exists between Bo Jeong and Kang Jae. It's hard to pinpoint, because it could be siblings, it could be lovers, it could be friends - but it might actually be more like soulmates.

The romance and intimacy between these two has surpassed many characters I have seen. It's a love that doesn't judge but inspire eachother and it's gorgeous.

Soundtrack: All OSTs are unique and has it's own vibes but I am obsessed with the song " My Story" by Ha Dong Kyun.

Lyrics can make you cry, its haunting and beautiful, its a perfect backdrop of storylines of all the characters.

Screenplay and direction: The continuity is the beauty of this drama. The camerawork is aesthetic! The director has given attention to every details in every shot.

The screenwriting is phenomenal. Every character's approach to interact with another character is noteworthy.

I think the direction and screenplay are the strength of this drama.

Lost shattered me like "My Mister" did but it had also put me together again through an emotional bond between two completely unlike characters just like My Mister. So, if you have liked My Mister and give this drama a chance too.

It was a joy and privilege to watch "Lost". I am glad I watched this beautiful drama. I hope everyone watch and like it too.
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Someday or One Day (2019–2020)
A romance with the most intriguing time travel mystery plot.
14 October 2022
The plot is one of the most interesting that I have watched from any Asian drama.

The story is crisp because it has only 13 episodes so there was noway to get it dragged by unnecessary emotional dramatic scenes. The story moved fast but each scene was moved at a perfect pace.

Plot: While grieving the loss of her boyfriend, a young woman time travels and wakes up in the body of a 17-year-old girl who is not the same woman.

Screenplay: Although the plot is quite confusing but once the mystery unfolds its just simple..so I just enjoyed whatever it was shown. The screenplay is so good that it make it easy for people to understand, instead of having the need to rewind and watch couple of times to understand.

There are no loose strings, and by the time I finished the drama, I understood everything that had happened.

Acting: Although the screenplay is the MVP of the drama but I felt like the acting played an important role too. They all pulled off their characters so well, especially the actors who had to play multiple characters.

This drama will tear your heart out, leaving you absolutely believing in soulmates, people who are destined to be together.

My expectations are too high now. I don't know what to watch. This is what this drama did to me. This drama will make you wonder if you'll ever watch anything this good again.
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This is a story about love which is bluer than blue, about death, about mourning and loss. It has regrets and sacrifices also.
14 October 2022
Despite knowing what will be the end of this drama from the very start still you feel like this drama is pulling you like a magnet to watch it.

After finishing it I felt a weird kind of heaviness on my heart.

The story and execution is so perfect that you would not want to stop untill the end. The cinematography was so gentle despite the sad story. This is the beauty of Taiwanese drama. They put extra effort to palettes (they use warm colour tone which soothes your eyes), editing and long shots.o

The story is definitely about our main leads but 2 sub storylines has accompanied it and it connected so beautifully that when 1 plot changed to another plot you will start missing the previous plot.

I also loved how they used similar sets but with different angles, the way it was shot was very stunning as well.

Also you can easily differentiate between two timelines as well, as those has been edited amazingly smooth.

OST: All OSTs are pure love. All songs matched perfectly with the storylines. Songs are not any less sad than the story which makes them more soulful.

Lastly, this drama definitely deserves more viewers and praise. I hope I have able to convince you to watch this painful but beautiful piece of art.
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Love All Play (2022)
Drama with a no-toxic male lead.
14 October 2022
It is a sports genre drama. It is about chasing your dreams, passion, forgiveness and love. I didn't know I will love this drama this much. It has the least toxic male leads which is the best thing.

Plot- A male and female protagonist who are badminton players and they form a mixed doubles team together.

The drama starts with Park Tae Yang(FL) was a badminton prodigy athlete but due to an incident she left the sport and decided to return after the gap of 3 years. Then she met the ML and their story starts from there.

Chae Jong Hyeop caught my attention in Nevertheless and I'm glad to see him in a leading role.

He has played one of the best male leads in the kdrama history. He has set the bar of boyfriends so high. Such boyfriends doesn't exist in real life 😔 He is the standard!!!

Park Ji Hyun is so cute. She played her character so well, we can feel all her emotions. Her is character is a determined badminton player and she knows what she wants.

The main lead couples relationship is top notch. Its fun to watch their chemistry. The teasing and banter was highly enjoyable. They are straight forward, they express themselves to eachother really well.

The second lead couples have heart fluttering moments and I enjoyed their scenes thoroughly with smile on my face.

This drama should've been hyped more, probably 25,21 was so successful and it was released almost at the same time that's why it was overlooked. But in my POV this drama should get more viewers. Its a lighthearted feel-good drama which will not disappoint you. .
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For me this drama is poetic.
15 May 2022
I have watched this beautiful beautiful beautiful drama in 2017 itself and re-watched it manier times.

Wanted to write review on this too...So, here is my review

I adore fantasy genre but this series crosses all kind of genres...there is fantasy for sure, a bit of horror, drama more of melodrama, comedy (savage comedy), romance and history. For me this drama is poetic.

The story will make you laugh and make you cry. Not only is the love story epic, but so is the bromance between Goblin and Grim Reaper.

So, the story has everything, ranging from bromance, romance to mystery and suspense.

The acting was ofcourse amazing. And what you expect from this with star studded cast? They are the talented and renowned actors that have proven their excellent acting abilities with their many previous works.

Story: It's a simple story of true love which lasts centuries. People fight with their destiny to be together. The story is unique, beautiful and devastatingly sad but satisfied too.

Can't go in detail...its better to watch and have your own perspective.

Chemistry: Chemistry of the Grim Reaper and Sunny is daebak! They literally overshadowed the main leads chemistry which in my opinion is also not bad, I liked them too but Second lead couple were the best.

The chemistry of main lead was cute and beautiful in its own way, the age-gap doesn't matter as long as the love is true.

Bromance: About bromance, the development of bonding between Goblin and Grim Reaper is a treat to watch! The humour between them is hilarious and sometimes super savage.

Kim Go Eun as Eun Tak: Kim Go Eun is my favourite actress, even though she is young in the industry but still she is amazing. She can pull off any character without any hitch!

People didn't like her character because she seemed too childish and teenagery but in my POV she acts childish only in front of Kim Shin and the Grim Reaper because she feels safe and herself. She already has a hard life and she is fighting this cruel world very maturely and bravely, everyday is like a new battle for her. So, can't she be herself with the people she is most comfortable? I think she can.

Gong Yoo as Goblin: He is a veteran but seems absolutely fresh. His acting skill refresh your mind and mood. He can do both comedy and tragedy effortlessly.

The way he looks at Eun Tak everytime will make you fall in love with him again and again.

Lee Dong Wook as Grim Reaper: I can't think of any other actor who will fit this role more than him. He is really good. His dialogue delivery and comic timing were on point! He emotes his emotions so well that when you will start crying with him you will not even realise it.

Yo In Na aka Sunny: She was impressive in her role and uplifted the drama. Her character showed that we are never alone in this world. She is innocent but at the same time a strong headed woman, she can survives on her own and doesn't need anyone.

Cinematography: The best thing about this drama is long shot. The aesthetics are absolutely breathtaking with immaculate cinematography both in the historical flashbacks and in present. Even if you find a scene boring(which I didn't) the colours and pallets only can convince you and will make you stay.

Screenplay: What I like about this drama is its character interactions which is emotional and humour both. I personally prefer things to be serious and funny both at the same time, too much of just one kind of emotion is just boring. It feels monotonous.

So Goblin just nailed it here.

OST:I believe the music and the story works simultaneously to make the drama as a whole. They both have to work/fit well so that the concept of the drama or the whole drama comes out perfect, otherwise its worthless.

Goblin's soundtrack was ABSOLUTELY PERFECT!

It played on a perfect moment and because of it the emotions of all those moments displayed properly.

Every song is in my playlist and I listen to them quite often.

The drama has flaws, people bash about some confusing plot and chemistry but I believe no drama is perfect. I would suggest to watch till the end it will clear the confusion and answers all your "whys".

Just give a try and have some patience for few episodes, you will have a memorable cinematic experience of your life.

I personally recommend this drama to almost everyone. This is my go-to drama. I can watch "Guardian: The lonely and great God" anytime. This drama will be on my all time favourite list forever.
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Our Beloved Summer (2021–2022)
Love till you are alive
9 February 2022
This show tells us that as long as we are alive we can be happy no matter what, we can forgive, we can try, and we can love.

Main Characters were just so good...they had their own struggles, they had their own way to deal with their pasts and they dont want to make the other one suffer. That's what makes them special.

The chemistry of both the leads are incredible. Choi Woo Shik looked soooo damn cute and Kim DaMi looked perfect with him.

I just loved the pacing and how the story progressed. I am a sucker for slow-paced drama. A slow-paced drama can actually heal you and teach you a lot of things and this drama did it for me!

The best thing I like about this drama is that the writers did not delve too much into every character's past but dealt with it in enough detail to give us context.

Not a single character in this drama made me feel horrible. All the characters had their own purpose and they fit in perfectly. It was just a perfect 10 on 10.

The character developments were perfect for every character. Like literally every single character was developed by itself by the end of the drama and I loved it!

Also I will take this opportunity to praise Park Jinjoo again, cause she is a Queen and always nails her roles. She makes the drama more watchable and funny.

I can truly say that this is the best rom-com for me this year I have enjoyed this beautiful series to my heart content. I laughed and cried throughout the drama had my heart broken and fluttered in the same episode itself. Hometown Cha Cha Cha and Our beloved Summer..on the same table for me.

All the 'couples' here are just so love(i do not have the word to describe them really).

OST, epilogue, every detail was perfect!!

PS: Tae's voice can magnify your emotions.

Whenever the OST "Christmas Tree" was playing in the background, it made the whole scenes more romantic and emotional.
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Snowdrop (2021–2022)
***Spoiler Alert*** feeling of the last episode
9 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I am going through all kinds of emotions since last night... Anger, disappointment, denial and ofcoarse sadness.

How they can kill not 1 but all the 3 boys???

The cup noodles guy and fried chicken guy's death was so cold...I mean the 1st shot came out of nowhere??

Although I knew in that death is near in the scene when they were talking about chicken but still it hurts....

And the way they killed SooHo Oh God!!!! Like 1 bullet was not enough for him??? Well, I had that intuition when he recorded that tape and we couldn't hear it but I was still in denial that maybe he will live and Yeong Ro will hear it in front of him only but..... I was crying like a baby when Yeong Ro was taken away from him and he was watching her and then he died...I can never be over of that scene...NEVER!!!

Now Yeong Ro is all left alone. How will love another man?? How will she live after that terrible goodbye??

When Sooho said "you have to live YeongRo, even though it's hard, still you must live." I was like Nooooooo please dont leave her...she is all alone without you, she doesn't have a family now not even those trashy friends, its all you she has now... please dont leave.

But she has to live because of her promise to Soo Ho...

The last scene between Gang Moo and Soo Ho made me cry too...when he called him Hyung and Gang Moo was going to his grave carrying a flower...they had a cute bromance.

And Sooho saying I love you was everything to me in this entire episode. Rest in peace Sooho, the cup noodle guy and fried chicken guy .. let's hope you all meet in another life and Soo Ho you will meet Yeong Ro also.....

The last song worked like the painkiller for me..it was soothing and peaceful.
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Love Me If You Dare (2015–2016)
Not a typical Chinese drama
9 February 2022

This is not a typical Chinese drama which are usually unnecessarily dragging the plot...its 100 times better. This is a very intelligent, well written and properly engaged drama. It will make you sit at the edge of your seat. You cannot skip any scene even once. One more thing I liked about this drama is that there were no cliches which is the main ingredient of Chinese drama.

Plot: It is adapted from Ding Mo's novel of the same name.

Its a story of a criminal psychologist who cracks the cases of the most mysterious and horrible criminals with the help of his assistant. I can't say much about the story because of the spoiler.

Chemistry: The chemistry between leads are heart-fluttering. They are very very very good looking couple. You will get Sherlock and Watson feeling.

Wallace Huo: He is an epitome of beauty. His walk is elegant, his dialogue delivery is spot on.... He is smoking hot. I couldn't take my eyes off him. If you like men in suit then watch this drama for him.

Coming to his acting Wallace lives and breathes his role as Bo Jin Yan. He's has done a full justice to his character, his emotions, actions, expressions everything was on point. What a versatile actor!

Sandra Ma: She is an amazing actor.

She wasn't at all annoying. She's not made to be a bad-ass but her softness doesn't make her less strong.

Andrew Yin: The bromance between Jin Yan and Zi Yu(their characters name) was everything. It was beautiful to see their friendship/relationship. He made me smile whenever he was on screen.

Cinematography/Direction: The cinematography is gorgeous. The use of fish eye lenses were just amazing. I applaud the tension building and the plot transitions. Everything was placed carefully.

However if you're a long time kdrama fan and want to try Cdramas and if your genre is crime thriller then I would definitely recommend "Love me, if you dare". Watch it for Wallace Huo, he is a one man army. But prepare yourself before watching this drama because sometimes it will make u question about ur insanity.
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Just Between Lovers (2017–2018)
Life lesson drama
9 February 2022
Plot: Its the story of all the characters who have a tragic past and are now suffering from that traumatic phase. Its sounds like a typical melodrama but in reality the drama is not about suffering and despair, in the contrary is about life, love, strength, hope and justice.

This drama is a life lesson and it completely played with my emotions and that's what an incredible drama should do with you... it should play with your feelings, you should experience all kinds of emotions in you and it should make you question certain things.

NO CHARACTER is hatable. All the characters are perfectly flawed, the supporting characters will grow on you.

Lee Jun Ho: He was a revelation in this role. I am really impressed the way he portrayed Kang Doo's pain and distress. In a simple blank face he has shown such strong emotions. He was MADE for this role.

Won Jin Ah- She was just perfect for her role. She showed her character's feelings and trauma... just spectacular!!

Lee Ki Woo: He wasn't there just to be there and ruin the story. He has his own story and frustration which is one more way to show that nobody can be perfect.

Cinematography- Cinematography of this show is beautiful. So much is said in scenes which have no dialogues (I love it when dramas do this!).

OST: The OST is just breathtakingly amazing. Every single song and its lyrics can be related to moments in the drama.

I would like to recommend this drama to people who feel that life is too cruel. Those who are living with a hard time. It tells you that the life can hit so bad and if you are still alive and are loved by your people...that is the most precious thing that you can have in your life.

Standing ovation for this drama's plot line!

It's definitely not something to be missed in your drama watching career!
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Devilish Joy (2018)
I am charmed by the simplicity of the drama!
28 December 2021
There is nothing new in this drama yet you will find something that will refresh you instantly.

The music, the side characters and most of all the main leads made the drama into something precious.

Some incidences are extremely cliché and corny but some moments will make you go awe.

Chemistry: I am a sucker for good romance and good chemistry. The chemistry is sizzling! Their acting felt very natural. Their relationship is mature and sensual.

This pairing was all I could ask for, they are cute, sexy and that height difference...omg it was the cutest!!!

Choi Jin Hyuk: I adore Choi Jin Hyuk! Before starting this series I read this somewhere that "Either Jin Hyuk found a drama that appears to ideally fit to his own character, or they changed it a bit to fit him, because he is superb in it." and this is absolutely true because CJH has an ability to play characters, that seems simple and lighthearted, at the same time, being incredibly deep and sophisticated.

I love how his smile reaches his eyes and his voice...oh his voice!

Song Ha Yoon: She is cute and charming and equally enjoyable. Looked extremely cute with the ML. I loved her wearing different white outfits throughout the show. It showed her positive attitude for all that she had gone through.

Her character was strong and resilient without being hard.

OSTs: "Tuk Tuk" will make you feel like you are in love. It fits perfectly on the couples.

  • Choi Jin Hyuk's "Love to forget" is soothing too.

Lastly, all I can say is its definitely worth watching drama of the strength of memories and connections between lovers.
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A fresh take on the "opposites attract".
28 November 2021
This was such a delightful drama.

This series have everything: romance, comedy, drama, loss, grief, politics, little bit of thriller and what not? Usually a mixture of many genres makes a mess but that's not the case here. It's a well executed drama.

Chemistry: The chemistry was fantastic! The progression of their relationship was very nice, it was at the right pace and steady too. The couples are so cute, they relied on eachother, trusted eachother with their lives. As the story progressed, I kept on realizing how perfect they really are for each other despite their differences.

Kim Min Jae aka Moo Hak: I loved him in "Do you like Brahms?". Here he is a complete opposite character.

He is loud, kanjoos, uncultured, sometimes even silly and stupid but he is mature and adorable infact he is the most considerate amongst the so called high- educated and cultured people. He respects her lady, he knows how to make her laugh, how to wipe her tears. What a flawless character!

Park Gyu Young aka Da Li: Finally her officially first main lead role as the Da Li is just as good and convincing.

She is completely opposite of the male lead. She is wealthy but she doesn't care about money, she is smart but lacking most practical understanding.

She is elegant, delicate and extremely polite.

Kwan Yool aka Jang Tae Jin: I liked him in "Bring it on Ghost!". Here also he played a negative character very well. I like his matured and straight face.

All OSTs are peppy and soothing can be added to your playlist.

Overall, its a nice watchable drama. Give it a chance if you like Rom-Coms with strong & smart female lead and adorable male lead.

PS: Special mention should be given to the wonderful stylist and costume designers.
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Still 17 (2018)
I highly recommend you to not miss this gem.
24 November 2021
Few days ago I have encountered with this wonderful feel-good drama. It is uplifting, healing, endearing and funny. Basically it has all the ingredients which will give you positive energy.

The drama of friendship, overcoming of traumatic past, self- growth, family beyond blood relation.

The storyline of this drama is sad. There are bunch of sorrowful stories of some characters but while watching there was a constant smile on my face. It dealt with all the topics with pure innocence.

There were no dramatic scenes, no shocking revelations, no cliché breakups and not even a single negative character.

Regret played major role here but its powerful and an invisible force which has shaped many characters.

Romance: The romance was just lovely! Both the leads loved eachother like crazy. I love their talks, those were long, cute, funny and just beautiful. It's one of the sweetest, most innocent love I've seen portrayed in a korean drama.

Side characters: The side characters were not only for distraction or comic scenes, they have their own stories and all stories are worth watching.

Especially Jennifer's story is so so so beautiful.

Shin Hae Sun: She did a splendid job of portraying a 30 year old woman with a heart of 17 year old girl. It's really hard to portray such character of being immature but still maintaining the composure of being mature.

Yang Se Jong: This man is blessed with a wonderful voice. Its deep but not a "heavy manly" voice yet it soothes your ears.

Here he is a tortured soul whom you want to soothe and cheer for. He blamed himself for what he did in the past and couldn't forgive himself for the same. He was cold and rude but it was so sweet to see how he became warm and opened up around everyone after Seo-ri came in his life.

The younger version of the 2 leads were fantastic and pulled their own weight. The two lead's past was amazingly connected.

This drama is so funny and no annoying jokes either nothing too over the top. So I highly recommend you to not miss this gem.
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The Veil (2021)
Good action packed thriller series. Could've been better.
26 October 2021
The plot (not spoiler): This is an intriguing story of a NIS agent (Han Ji Hyuk) who loses his memory during a mission and returns back after a year.

The story is well paced, neither too fast nor too slow.

The only problem I faced, is that the writers keep adding characters which made me bit confused to remember all the names.

The action is on the point!

Its not an unique drama, the plot is quite common but its very well executed, it definitely leaves you wanting more at the end of each episode. The cliffhangers will make sit on the edge of the seat.

Nam Goong Min- Okay! So it's a one man show and i.e Nam Goong Min!

He is just astonishing, as always. His workout scenes are well directed, his muscles bulging and his skin glistening with sweat...ooooohhh!!! Not only action but his gaze also. He will rip you off just by his gaze and he looked so damn violent and wild in all his action scenes. But sometimes you will feel like he is a cold hearted assassin.

Kim Ji Eun- She supported well Nam Goong Min. Her character is cheerful and cute and she is a badass girl also. She has humanity and warmth which melts his senior's frozen heart whose humanity was on the verge of extinction.

Overall, the plot/script writing is little weak, it could have been better if they wouldn't have shown so many characters.

I wouldn't recommend this series to those who have low attention or those who watch dramas in fast forward because if you skip even for 10 secs.. boom!!!you have just missed an important character.

It's not everyone's cup of tea, but if you like a good mystery action packed drama, then this is worth checking out!

OST: Its worth adding to your playlist.

PS: Remember all the names.
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My Name (2021)
Fine revenge series
17 October 2021
This drama is not for the faint-hearted for its many scenes of pure, unadulterated violence and bloodshed.

Brutality is in next level!

This drama is based on an orginal screenplay.

The narrative is not groundbreaking for those who are in love with the dark thriller and suspense genre. But when the re-telling of a similar concept is executed well, it is an absolute joy to watch it. It has a gritty storytelling infused with an incredible cast performances, all of the cast I mean every single actor no matter the screen-time they have given has done an amazing work.

The direction: The camera captured the action choreography in a seamless way. It's crazy to know that some shots were one-shot.

Han So Hee: I was literally in awe by her acting. My God she pulled off every action scene with her soul. She did it without a stuntman.

Here she is badass, intelligent and ofcoarse arrogant who has only one motive in her life.

Ahn Bo Hyun: This man is exploring his acting skills and how! He did a phenomenal job here as well.

Although the main character is the FL only but he did full support to her.

Their relationship was very well-written which played an important role towards the end of the drama.

Park Hee Soon: This man stole the show for me. I want to see his more work.

He is pretty merciless, but you can also see a glimpse of his emotions. A part of him is vulnerable, and he takes risks without thinking about the outcomes.

OST: The music composer is an award winner of Grand Bell award, you will know why he is, after you listen to all the OSTs. Every beat matched perfectly with every scene. You will know once you watch.

This isn't out of the box or extraordinary but definitely an engaging series I was hooked from the very first episode and binge-watched it.
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Tunnel (2017)
Excellent crime-solving fantasy drama.
11 October 2021
This is an excellent crime-solving drama but it is not for the faint-heart people, the crime scenes are pretty graphic and disturbing.

Tunnel is an addictive roller coaster ride from the first to last episode. It is full of excellent twists, acting and even some feel-good bromance. What more could you ask for?!

I like all the episodes. The story goes a little slow at first but the second half is somewhat mind-blowing.

The story in itself is different. Every thing was revolving around a case that starts 30 years ago. One giant mysterious case. And it's our cop's job to solve it.

But what I loved about it is that they just didn't show you the murders but what it does to the people around that victim. Their suffering, their pain. Because afteral the thrill is not only catching the culprit but its always about saving lives.

Characters: =Choi Jin Hyuk: He is my 1st crush of kdrama world. He is so handsome and manly that you just want to see him everywhere in the drama. The writers did a nice job in using his character to not only catching the villian but to be the missing puzzle piece of other 2 main character's story.

=Lee Yoo Young- She has portrayed as a brilliant professor and criminal profiler. She did a justice to her character. I liked how her story unfolds with every episodes.

=Yoon Hyun Min- His character progresses well along with the story.

He is a very good looking and a good actor. I will explore his work more.

=Supporting cast- I loved all the supporting characters. Without losing their role they give you joy and the reason to watch more of them.

The loveline in this drama was well done for its subtlety, which is fresh in the kdrama world.

This show is a piece of art. By the time think you know it all, it will give you shock. I highly recommend you to give it a watch!

By the end of the drama you will know a lot about human psychology. A lot.
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Get Revenge (2020– )
The storyline is good and different, its like you know but do you really know??
11 October 2021
I binge-watched this drama of a woman overcoming her fear and misunderstandings to grow stronger and fearless.

Characters are absolutely amazing. They all have very clear motives, are amazingly written and are overall very believable. Even villains here are interesting. All the characters are in grey shade. But that's how we humans are, aren't we??

The series started the best it could but I feel like it lost its momentum half way through...few episodes were dragging, repetitive and boring. But ending was a blockbuster.

Acting: Kim Sa Rang: She is pretty but straight face, she doesn't have any expressions on her face which was the main ingredient of this drama. So, yeah she lacked here.

Yoon Hyun Min: He did a splendid job here as well. By far this one is his best work till date.

Side characters: The best thing I liked about this drama is that it gave importance and screen time to all the characters. All the actors did justice to their respective characters.

Overal the story is fine. Its nothing extraordinary, its decent to say the least. Decent plot twists, decent scenarios, decent premises for every episode.

There were sad, comic, a bit of romantic, some unexpected moments. The characters were joy to watch.

PS: Yoon Hyun Min- Ye banda kuch zyada hi handsome hai.
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One word..it's "nostalgic"!
11 September 2021
I felt constantly warm and comforted by the bond between 3 beautiful personalities.

It simply happened because of the seamless writing, talented cast, their awesome acting, mesmerizing music and phenomenal cinematography.

I understand now why this drama reaped several awards. It deserves everything.

The plot: Its the story of hope.

This drama depicts the 1930s Japanese Occupation in South Korea and how the brave freedom fighters stood up in order to regain their country's democracy.

For me it started slow. But as the story progressed (around episode 5) I got attached to it and I found myself glued the whole time.

Acting: =Im Soo Jung: The female lead is one of my all time female leads, because in my opinion she's authentically fierce and interesting.

=Yoo Ah In: It was my first time seeing Yoo Ah In. I am mesmerized by his expressions and lips movements. A top notch actor. Need to explore his work more.

= Go Kyung Pyo: I loved his character and his struggle. He is so nice that you will fall in love with him.

OST: Emotional scenes make you emotional because of the amazing background scored and 2 beauuutiful OST!

Why you should watch it: For the amazingly amazing trio, the characters and their development, the romance and friendships, the lessons they teach about life.

All in all, this drama needs to be seen and be appreciated by the generation of today. This generation should know how our freedom fighters have sacrificed everything to give us a liberated country.

This drama is about discovering your past, but it wants you to live in the moment. "Carpe Diem".
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Cinematography and acting can blow your mind.
3 September 2021
This drama is a dystopia. Dystopia means an imagined society in which there are suffering or injustice. So,few things are illogical but you have to understand that, this happens in a dystopian world.

Episode one is only the tip of the iceberg, the more you watch, the more interesting it gets.

The Devil Judge keeps you at the edge of your seat through out the entire series. Cherry on the cake is its dark and intense background score and cinematography.

The Plot: In the dystopian setting, the concept of a "live court" where trials are streamed in real-time and the verdicts are decided by the general public via online voting where the judge is the ML Ji Sung ofcourse who just want to punish the victims by hook or crook.


* Ji Sung is a charismatic actor who knows how to bewitch his audience whenever he comes on the screen.

His screen presence can only make to go crazy.

* Kim Min Jung is a chalta-firta art. She amazed me everytime I watch her new drama. Her expressions, her dialogue delivery, her body language is just out of this world. You will be in a love-hate relationship with her

* Park Jin Young is improving himself in every drama. I like that he is exploring himself and not choosing the same scripts.

Coming to his character, his character needed to be more polished as he should have used his brain but he always took decisions from his heart. A judge shouldn't be like this right?

* Park Gyu Young totally justified her role even though she got very less screen time.

Cinematography: A magnificent visual treat!

OST: One word- Its flawless!

The music harmonized perfectly with the drama scenes.

I like one thing about this story is that the people even with the best intention can mess up things if they dont think deeply or take quick decisions.

I really liked that the two male leads formed a bond so deep, the bromance is definitely a worth watching.

It is not a stereotype Korean drama.

So, If you're a fan of dark dramas with grey heroes then dont hesitate just go for it. There is so much twist and turns..you will be never feel bored.
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Nevertheless, (2021)
Drama of toxicity.. Nevertheless!
23 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers

Even though it has many butterflies but don't expect butterflies moments after episode 4.

The main plot is the relationship between Na Bi and Jae Eon. At first it's presented as a strong sexual attraction, but it never really moves to another level. What are these feelings even based on? By episode 4, the main romance became repetitive and boring.

Almost everyone was expecting that the leads shouldn't end up together and female lead should have stayed single and focused on her career. Can you imagine?? The drama is romantic genre but by the time you reach the last episode you want this kind of ending...

The most irritating character was Na Bi. She was just painful to watch. She has learnt nothing literally nothing from her past relationship. I thought she would change by the end of the series but no, she was the biggest disappointment.

This drama seemed like a portrayal of a toxic relationship, ended as nothing more than another typical (read that toxic) love story. It's just fancy trash with pretty actors in it.

Things I didn't like:

-No character development at all.

  • The drama started as realistic portrayal but it ends up being like any other drama.

-Song Kang's lack of emotions face even make his pretty face irritating.

Things I liked:

  • Interesting side plots.

= Sunbae couples = Girl couples = Bit Na and Nam Gyu Hyun couple
  • Cinematography
  • Closeup shots

At the end all I can say is this drama had potential but it was a big time writing failure. You can't win audience just by showing steamy kisses and consummation scenes, we need good script too. How can you just end the drama by mysteriously fixing the main leads relationship and expect that audience will accept it? It was simply a forced love and it's a trash.
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Mr. Sunshine (2018)
Richy, crafted and visually mesmerized!
14 August 2021
Plot: Mr. Sunshine" tells you story of the time when Korea was, once again, fighting against Japanese occupation in the beginning of the 20th century. With no real army on the paper and a king with little power on the throne of "Joseon".

That's all I am going to tell here, nothing more. You need to watch it to feel it.

The cast: The cast is simply magnificent from top to bottom. Every role, no matter how large or small, is handled with depth. Every character arc is beautifully drawn. No character, literally not a single character is useless. You will be emotionally attached to each and every character.

Writing: The writer managed to weave an epic tale of love and sacrifice. I never noticed the slow plot movement in the first part because I was so immersed in the path to get there. Each step is important to the overall storyline. The bromance was interesting, it was fun watching their relationships blossom. As for the two leads considering their age gap, they had amazing chemistry.

Direction: What's more amazing is how they managed to direct such an amazing story to make it even better.

Every single episode was meaningful and contributed to the build-up of the whole storyline.

The cinematography- The location and the palates are beautifully done. You can tell that they really thought about what shots and angles they wanted.

Leads: I was blown away by the acting of all 5 main characters. So, I am not going to rank them.

Female lead- Kim Tae Ri: She is strong headed, rebellious and extremely cute. She is stubborn!

Female lead- Min Jung Kim: She is strong, intelligent, polite and fearless.

Male lead -Lee Byung Hun: Eugene Choi is dreamy. He takes decisions by his own. He knows what is right and wrong. He loves his lady.

Male lead- Yoo Yeon Seok: Go Dong Mae is scarred character. It will break your heart to know the life that he lived the way he did. He is a pheonix who rises from his own ash. He makes you want to hate him and love him at the same time. He also loves his lady.

Male lead-Byun Yo Han: I liked how his character evolved from a rich playboy to the quiet observer and then to a man who learnt, in his own way, to do the right thing. Wow!!!! This is called a character development. He loves his lady too.

OSTs: The OSTs are beyond what words can describe, got me emotional at all the right moments.

It is great balance between the history, love story and thrilling action scenes. There's even a little humor and cuteness.

Don't miss it. It is a piece of art...a masterpiece!
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