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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Dangerous Debt (2020)
Season 7, Episode 7
The better of "Ahsoka's Walkabout" arc.
3 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Sure, these past 3 episodes of Ahsoka's Walkabout Arc haven't been the Bad Batch episodes but what were people expecting? They're literally finishing the unfinished episodes so it's not meant to be action packed. This last episode set up Bo-Katan's wanting of Ahsoka's help to takedown Maul and take back Mandalore. Once's the Siege of Mandalore starts, I hope everyone is happy. 9/10
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Holy balls this was amazing!!!!!
9 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Been waiting all year for this and I'm content with the start. I don't believe Oliver is dead this early on, he needs to die an Iron Man death.
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The Boys (2019– )
This is a must see!!
3 August 2019
Just finished the season and it's amazing! It's a breath of fresh air when it comes to superheroes.
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Star Wars: Battlefront II (2017 Video Game)
Get over the controversy and look at the game now.
19 February 2019
Since 2017, Battlefront II has evolved into what it was supposed to be. A fun, Star Wars FPS. People like SwanyPlaysGames need to get over the old controversy or when DICE developers delay content. That being said, the additions of Jedi Hunter and Leader of the Droid Army, General Grievous, Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, along with Geonosis, and Fallen Jedi Master and Fallen Padawan of Yoda, Count Dooku/ Darth Tyrannus have given players and fans of the Clone War era exactly what they wanted, more content of that era. With Anakin Skywalker, the Chosen One coming literally next week, the Prequel Era is ever expanding. The new, non-linear gamemode dropping in March with improved lightsaber combat. Leaked audio files have Grievous interacting with Padmé Amidala and Ahsoka Tano. More clone customization is coming I the game with Anakin also.

People need to give this game a chance now and not write it off or say "too little too late".
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Good for a fan film but decent for a Star Wars film.
31 December 2018
People who keep bashing Episode 8 one year later need to grow up. Yes I liked the movie but there's things I don't like. I didn't lose my interest in Star Wars just because of one movie. Those who do are the manbabies Rian tweeted about. Now, this is good. That's it. Not great but not bad.
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Red Dead Redemption II (2018 Video Game)
Game of the Year
3 November 2018
Rockstar Games has 100% out done themselves this time. The controls are phenomenal, the story is reminiscent of GTA V's story, "one last job and we can be done forever". This game is worthy of GOTY and hopefully it wins that. For those saying that the "controls are too clunky", "you have to fight like the devs planned", stop playing because it's not like that at all. The controls again are perf- BEYOND perfect. 10/10 would play the story again. Arthur Morgan is now my new top #1 favorite game character.
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The Flash: Lose Yourself (2018)
Season 4, Episode 18
Holy crap what a great episode. On par with Arrow's episode "Fundamentals".
18 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was great. As great as episode 15 "Flashtime". Ralph has certainly grown as a character. Let's get to the details.

Ralph wants to literally end DeVoe by killing him. This obviously doesn't agree with Barry. He tells Ralph that's not what hero's do. We finally get to meet the final Bus Meta, the Folded Man. He can go between dimensions. Harry comes up with a sonic "fork" as Cisco calls it to injure DeVoe with one hit. A second hit will kill him. Team Flash break off to find Folded Man. Barry, Caitlin and Ralph find him at a hippy camp where the Samuroid shows up again and stabs Caitlin through the shoulder. They bring Folded Man back to STAR Labs and put him in the pipeline. Ralph eventually takes him out and takes Harry's Sonic Scepter. As he's about to have Folded Man open a dimension hole, Barry shows up and knocks Ralph out. Ralph wakes up (Barry put Folded Man back in the pipeline), Ralph says he'll kill DeVoe to protect his family (Team Flash). Barry, Cisco and Caitlin use Folded Man to open a portal to DeVoe's lair but when they get there it's a hologram and DeVoe and his wife teleport into STAR Labs. DeVoe hacks all the computer and tech. Harry goes to the Time Vault and puts all the Dark Matter her can into the thinking cap and passes out. The Mechanic and Iris have a duel where Iris let's her stab her and uses DeVoe's chair to teleport her back. Joe duels Samuroid and wins. DeVoe takes all the metas powers and uses Folded Man's body as his new host. Ralph duels DeVoe and wins but even with the meta cuffs on, DeVoe can't be stopped and he uses either Killgore's or Null's powers to force Barry to the floor. DeVoe takes Ralph's body as his new body and takes away Caitlin's powers via Melting Points powers. Barry cleans out Ralph's office. DeVoe's new body (Ralph's) is immune to the deterioration that plagued him before and transforms back into the Thinker we had earlier in the season by using Ralph's powers.
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Arrow: Fundamentals (2018)
Season 6, Episode 18
Best episode this season.
13 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Wow. This episode was great. The Vertigo entering Oliver's system via a handshake really messes with him. He sees Adrian a chase aka Prometheus and they duel though it's not real. Oliver then goes up the elevator and walks into the Queen Mansion and "talks" a season 1 Laurel before he leaves with Sara for the Queen's Gambit. Then it fast forwards to a hospital room with a dying Laurel of course Chase is there, he will be for the whole episode. Then it goes to Renee's room and Oliver sees Dinah, Renee and Curtis. They all sort of belittle him. Oliver then goes back to the Arrow Cave and sees a season 1 version of him in his old suit (and green grease paint) and he tells himself that he's lost focus of the mission, that there was supposed me no John Diggle, no Felicity Smoak, no Team Arrow, no Green Arrow. We then see Oliver passed out on the floor and he proceeds to go to his impeachment hearing. He plays the card that Felicity gave him (a flash drive with dirt on the DA and police captain that he fired for working for Ricardo Diaz). Oliver leaves and we cut to Felicity and William coming back from a science fair and William points out that her purse is beeping. The tracker she put on Oliver is active. He goes to the former police station (in his season 1 suit). Quentin tries to stop him but Oliver knocks him out. Felicity arrives and tells Quentin to leave and she runs into the station. Oliver (as we see in the beginning of the episode) mows down a bunch of dirty cops and is about to go into the room but Felicity stops him. Chase tries to lead him to his death but the Vertigo wears off. Overall this episode had some season 1/2 vibes. 10/10. No negatives about it.
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The Flash: Null and Annoyed (2018)
Season 4, Episode 17
One of the best episodes of the season(can't top the mid season finale or Crisis)
11 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This episode wasn't filler. We have another bus meta to deal with and we get more of the DeVoe's. We see how Clifford has been trapping this wife in a constant loop and restarting it. Bill was an ok side villain. Her powers were great to see. The comedy was great at some points. The fart joke was stretching it. The Jay and Silent Bob Easter egg was fantastic, hats off to you Kevin Smith (he directed the episode). Danny Trejo coming back was funny and cool. The arc with him losing his powers and asking Cisco to help was nice. Shows that he's grown as a man and a father. Now. The ending with Harry Wells was just FANTASTIC. The Reverse Flasb Easter egg was top notch. Hoping we see how that's going to play out.


Harry Easter egg

Jay and Silent Bob Easter egg

Null's powers.

More about the DeVoe's.

The loop Clifford has put his wife in.

Kevin Smith directing the episode.

Breached returns.

Vampires are a thing in the Arrowverse


The comedy was stretched out a bit when it came to the fart joke.
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