
2 Reviews
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11 October 2004
When my family told me they wanted to see "Shaun of the Dead," I was less than thrilled. I thought it would be just another spoof/satire on all the zombie/horror movies that have previously been released.

Was I in for a surprise. Although the first 10-15 minutes of laying the foundation of the movie seemed to be the typical droll, dry Brit humor (and I do mean dry)and very unimpressive, the movie took a turn. During this first 10-15 minutes, I was thinking of reasons why I should leave my seat and do ANYTHING - go to the bathroom, get popcorn, etc. However, I was helplessly stuck, as I had already powdered my nose and had a hot dog on my lap.

All of a sudden,the movie picked up rapidly when Shaun and his hopeless roommate find a little "drunk" girl in the garden (zombie), and the poor guys came to the realization she was a monster. This was the turning point, when matters turned from severely dry to utter hysteria!!!!

The plot was exceptional, when you think of two average (and less than average) Joes trying to deal with a zombie in the back yard. When they tried to throw kitchen utensils and, yes, a toaster at her, the whole theater was roaring! I especially loved the old record collection that Shaun frantically used to throw at other zombies, and at the same time, the methodical and selective process of which albums he wanted to throw and which he wanted to keep!

The ways in which this average town first of all overlooked the zombies (just another day in town, ho hum) and then, dealing with them and at one point, trying to blend in so they could make their way to the Winchester Pub (I'm laughing even as I'm typing) was hilarious! Just walk like a zombie, don't say a word, and they won't know the difference! Too bad Shaun and his ex-girlfriend had to get into the inevitable spat and blow their cover!

This was an unexpected treasure of a movie, with fresh and innovative writing. I would recommend this movie to all moviegoers!
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The Forgotten (2004)
Should be retitled, "Forget about it."
11 October 2004
Although it started out with potential and had a few good quickie shock visuals, the plot was endless, boring and then ended as completely silly! Endless running through the streets, drab script as far as dialogue between the characters. I never did figure out how the cool female detective found out what truly was happening. I think there were some cut scenes due to budget or something. Next thing you know, she's zapped into the air. The first couple of "zaps" were heartstopping. The rest of them were business as usual. I think the writers knew the script was not full of exciting stuff and tried to overcompensate with zapping additional people into the air from time to time. And the reason for all of this? Once you find out at the end of the movie, it is truly incredulous and laughable (in fact, a lot of us did laugh in the theater)...The title is appropriate. In my mind, this is "The Forgotten" movie of the season/year.
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