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The Gathering (2024– )
starts well then flops
8 June 2024
A fascinating premise which sets up a thriller theme; at the "gathering" someone is being drowned/drowning.....we now retrace the events, behaviours and interrelationships from the months leading upto to the "gathering", presented as perhaps the key factors linked to the incident.

The key protaganists are unconventionally presented as gymnasts and or urban freerunners....this provides some insight into these unconventional activities , bringing some initial excitement. We are also introduced to the families, friends, as the narrative attempts to become more layered and complex.

Unfortunately now the drama becomes bogged down in social issue overload as boxes are ticked by the writers.....from social media sex/dating and appropriate parenting to dangerous dogs and private education. These become gratuitious, lacking depth or relevance to the plot. It is now becoming a low brow Hollyoaks!

The writers have tried to cram in far too many side themes thus undermining the core focus.....the classification of "thriller" is questionable; a coming of age drama is more appropriate. A shame.
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Alice & Jack (2023–2024)
at enthralling rom com.
22 February 2024
I just dont like romantic comedies at all! But this is so much more. The romance is enduring but utterly unorthodox. The comedy is dry and sardonic. Tragedy is the other player which provides the fuel for this wonderful study of love. "love" oozes out of Jack and manifests itself in a so many ways....not just his feelings for Alice.....these facets are worthy of fuller discussion. Credit to the screenwriting and the subtle direction for maintaining a pace which supports the narrative fully. Alice is unconventional in her dealing/management of the fascination is why? Other characters are "real" and bring value and nuance to the evolving relationship story. Yes the eponymous protaganists can be irritating and even dislikeable....well Alice anyway...but these are realistic characters, real people....not romcom cliches. Bravo!
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Poor Things (2023)
A remarkable achievement on all cinematic levels.
25 January 2024
This is a special film that leaves a lasting imprint on the senses. The story is a fascinating narration of life and its many important themes. The idea of a woman experiencing her physical, intellectual, cognitive and emotional development within in her mother's body is initially monstrous.....but is it? Her father is "god"; her creator literally and figuratively.....and presents as one interesting, provocative study of the role of men in her journey of enlightenment.

The tone is a visually enthralling portrayal of human senses....bawdy, horrific, surreal, comedic, pathos.....underscored to emphatic effect with jarring music which modulates key scenes.

Although well over 2 hours, after a slowish disturbing, jarringly dark start in monochrome, the light enters and a colourful increasingly engaging narrative emerges carried by Bella(Stone) are now invested in her journey; involved and engaged completely.

Masterfully acted and directed....a tour de force!
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Yellowstone (2018– )
what a crock....seriously!
1 August 2023
After reading the reviews here and being so highly recommended by my daughter, I have endured the whole first series. Time I will never get back!

The series should be used on film courses as a case study on how not to construct drama.

Montana provides the most spectacular canvass, setting up each episode for another dollop of farcical excitement, non convincing pathos and diluted poignancy. Cliches abound as neo cowboy, testosterone infused machismo is staged through pointless shoot outs, indigenous pseudo culture, political shinanigans, gratuitous sex scenes...blah.

The direction, acting and story telling is so weak rendering plot construction implausible....are any characters likeable? ...or even credibly dislikeable? The complete absence of humour suggests its producers, Costner, take it all seriously....seriously??

Maybe Trump makes an appearance to add some gravitas and integrity....losers!
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Slow start culminates in snail paced finale
2 July 2023
First episode is engaging as characters are introduced, plot base set and the tone presented. Episode 2 established the dark/gallows humour which initially is effective but ultimately tiresome and hackneyed. The plot holding the structure together is developed but becomes the final episode the tale is so complete....2 would have done... that cliched slow motion filming is overused and results in plot overkill. The comedy reverts to slapstick with any nuance exterminated. The love interest is resolved surprise here....and the interminable Yorkshire colloquialism and vernacular descends into mumbling and shouting. Did he just get bored himself, Shane Meadows, as episode 3 is utterly superfluous rendering the drama a flop. Who would have thought?

What a wasted opportunity to bring a fresh drama to our screens.
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Malpractice (2023)
as plausible as NHS workers receiving a proper pay rise
8 May 2023
What a load of drivel. The writers should be given a special TV award for managing to turn what was an interesting premise into a hotch potch of a plot with just too many themes. Pointless meetings fill the time instead of insightful dialogue. The character development is non existent....who cares. Silent witness type investigators are struggling to fill their days judging by the shallow depth of their questioning, deductive process and inability to join the dots....despite the use of the cliched flow diagrams!!! This programme makes you dislike nurses, investigators, doctors, pharmacists, drug addicts and of course, actors, lazy script writers and ultimately drama directors. I am sticking to Casuality and Quincy MD from here on!!
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Fall (I) (2022)
fantastic premise....poorly executed
6 May 2023
As an earlier review conveys through sarcasm( great review actually)....this needed a credible climbing adviser. So many fundamental flaws with the absolute basic techniques used in rock climbing render the action utterly moronic. A shame as with better use of rope work, karabiners, climbing technique, use of harnass, safety routines etc the vertigo elements would have been much more realistic. The unfolding drama would not have been undermined but essentially enhanced.

But the pathetic flaws continued....what with the silly drone moments, the vultures (seriously), why not remove the flashing beacon whilst there???? Who controlled the plausibility levels?

And then the cleavage!!!

But still I watched it through...the photography held it together.
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12 Angry Men (1957)
loved it then....even better now!
4 May 2023
First watched this in my teens ( born 2 years after it was made) with my father who persuaded me of its importance; he was so right then but even more salutary now. The decades have enhanced the personal resonance, now identifying the vital character types depicted by the "angry 12" and being able to connect their attitudes, behaviours and values to people I know and have known. We are all present in this exceptional drama that explores what is critical about the human condition and how society influences therein. Democracy underpins the principles being considered and poignantly played out as the jury shifts towards its outcome. The black and white brings a starkness today that helps expose and focus the core messages. The acting is good and deftly presented with simple, effective camera work bringing the claustrophobic atmosphere( smoke haze nostalgia) The emotional impact is subtle but no less emphatic....more so with me watching this in my late 60' the prejudices betrayed by each person are just, if not more, as prescient today. Although all male and white the narrative can be readily transferred into today's societal issues; the white me are symbolic....the story stands the test of time...and maybe thats the real shame here!!
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The Swimmers (2022)
important story told..... in a palatable tone
11 April 2023
A story that can fundamentally only prompt, engage and extend conversation around a global issue that divides human reaction and political ideology.....and collective action.

The narrative is based on the true experience of a Syrian family containing elite athletes....sisters and father....and how this fosters a determination and resilience which transcends into pragmatic action. We are introduced to their life in Damascus, which will resonate with any "western" viewer, maybe challenging stereotypical/cliche perceptions of teenage women in a muslim society ( or was this a betrayal of cultural identity?) against a backdrop of air raids, bombing, police/army oppression.....legitimising the need to seek a safe place in Europe, getting the hell out of there!

The next act is the actual migration journey from Syria to Germany which powerfully depicts the great risk, vulnerability, bravery and manipulation involved....this section emphasises the the swimming metaphor, connecting the sisters's to the reality of the situation .

The third act focuses on the crushing disappointment of becoming an asylum seeker and the official processing therein. The girls, and their travelling cousin/friend(male), now reflect on the decision to flee and seek safety in the "promised land"...the initial optimism is replaced with despair, disillusionment and depression as the reality grips.....can they save their loved ones?

One sister focuses on her olympic goal; the other on committing to supporting other migrants crossing into Greece. This is their salvation and brings the tale to a close which will appeal broadly.

The weakness in the film, for me, is that once the audience is captured to the plight of such migrants why not convey messages that help educate all....not a polemic but invest more detail in bringing greater reality. We didnt convincingly get the opportunity to empathise and understand the many linked facets of the migrant question/solution. Thus my 6 and not a higher score. Netflix sanitisation maybe? Or perhaps they have drawn more into the conversation....if so, well done. It would be very suitable as a resource in schools; informing, challenging and enlightening and even inspirational.
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land rover defender dies in frozen norwegian lake ....ooops, spoiler!
23 March 2023
What a sad ending for the quintessential british go anywhere vehicle...just like 007!

This was so so bad that surely I must have misintepreted the whole film; on reflection perhaps it was really a tongue in cheek comedy parodying the original tv series and spoofing both Bond and Batman tropes.

The plot is preposterous...with nods to Line of Duty....where the credibility of narcissistic, psychopathic, serial killers is transcended to Boris Johnson/Donald Trump levels; key police officers take on their( B and T) emotional intelligence levels. The dialogue complements the tonal imbalance of the narrative.

At least the evil one did die in the lake....ive never liked Land Rover DEfenders....shame Clarkson wasnt driving it.

If only Idris Elba had taken some editorial control and Andy Serkis had adopted Gollum's hairstyle.....what a mess!!!!
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Better (2023)
11 March 2023
What a disappointment....from start to end. BBC schedule gods did not help; fancy having to follow Happy Valley on a Sunday night?

When will these serious drama productions stop the time wasting? Too many prolonged shots of key protagonists staring pensively out of windows--- especially from within car shots!----evidently processing critical narrative dilemmas; this is now a cliche.... STOP adds nothing to the tension or plot construct. (Whilst on this: quit the pointless slow motion walking moments and the unnecessary smoking!! )Rant over.

The plot here is beyond any shred of tenuous credibility that even Line of Duty exercises. Drama by numbers springs to mind but with a novel ending that is utterly unbelievable...almost comedic! What a waste of 5 hours.

3 stars because the builder husband did drive a VW T5 open back van ....very niche.
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"where is Ella buried?????"
9 January 2023
This is so, so badly written. Key moments are rendered farcical due to implausible dialogue and incredulous behaviours and actions. Surely an investigative journalist would be more circumspect and discreet when trying to arrange conversations in order to provide back story details; allowing a narrative to emerge. Surely a grieving mother requiring closure for the loss of her daughter, would approach the pursuit of truth via the paroled killer, with greater guile NOT turn into a raging pathological stalker? Surely the police investigation that secured the incarceration of the "killer" would provide the necessary information leading to the conviction....court transcripts available? It is the absence of credibility that spoils what might have been a cliched but still enjoyable drama....this is lazy writing. The acting is fine with a cast that could have readily presented characters of real interest, eliciting care and an investment in the story. Failed for me...2 episodes in is enough!
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The Wonder (I) (2022)
current day themes played out in 19th C Ireland
20 December 2022
The cinematography is outstanding setting an evocative backdrop of broad, vast, barren, landscapes which contrast vividly with the dark, brooding, claustrophobic interiors...resonant of flemish/dutch master painting, with contrasting light and dark atmospheres.

Light and dark is the narrative theme....religion being interrogated as both a positive and negative force (whats changed since?). The family being oppressed and as such are the victims...their behaviours perhaps excused....but also exploited by local politics, values and "necessities". The "committee" has the power, but not ultimately the consensus, to effectively manage the situation ( think current democratic governments) with the inevitable conflicts around ethics, morals and capitalism.

Mrs Wright....great name for the protagonist.... who might just save the day. She is played with skill; and directed efficiently, walking the critical line of righteous saviour; and flawed freedom fighter....with modern day attitude and her own personal needs...and baggage...woke box ticked!!

Story unravels...not slowly but steadily...the pace is appropriate and the coup de gras perfectly executed. Loved the final input from religion via the nun's nod to pragmatism.

Rather weak ending to a lovely parable....but brought migration into the broad arena of topical tropes.
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A parable for communities today
1 November 2022
As a devotee of McDonagh's previous work, In Bruges and Three Billboards Outside Ebbings Missouri, my expectations were high but still tempered with some trepidation....everyone is due a fall eventually! This was another success.

McDonagh again uses a mundane setting to construct a narrative around human relationships wherein a complexity of attitudes, values, behaviours and needs unfold. Dark humour is juxtaposed against profound tragedy; absurd incidents are aligned with banal events to resounding effect. The dialogue is both comedic and are invited to laugh and then subsequently cry, as used to meaningfully in 3 Billboards, but again exercised here with a deft touch.

The film is rich and layered, enabling personal interpretation, the ending being a superb example, where actions can be read as metaphors. The Irish setting of the time, with the significant sinister presence of the civil war, is perhaps being played out in microcosm within this isolated community...?? The characters are maybe symbolic and representative of any community and thus depict the tensions that can exist therein.....if we dont talk and listen, bad things can happen! The portrayal of the police officer is a case study in itself.

The cinematography adds as a constant backdrop to this enigmatic tragicomedy. The development of Mrs McCormick as a the "banshee" heralding death grows with the tonal transition of the film....from cliched old lady to quirky harbinger of doom.

The acting, and its direction of, is excellent...kudos to Berry Keoghan especially!

A thought provoking piece of art entertainment which should be watched again and again. Thankyou once again, Martin McDonagh.
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Inside Man (II) (2022)
Why the BBC license fee is a bargain.
6 October 2022
What a wonderful ride through an absurd plot with a brilliant ending. This has to be watched with a tongue in cheek mindset. Of course its highly implausible....but so is Star Wars and even Harry Potter!....doesnt stop you enjoying the narrative, action, music, acting, directing and the oh so lovely dark comedy. It is packed with references to other drama.....think Killing Eve and the green cross code incident. Tennant and Tucci are palpably brings the reluctant murderer a credibility; and the other urbanely intellectually legitimises the obscene act through atonement and Sherlock like guesswork.....wonderful construct to bring both protagonists together eventually. The vicarage sets a gothic tone to the plot core....deftly directed, evoking a viscerally claustrophobic atmosphere....cliche rich resonation adds further layers to this homage....think Silence of the Lambs with humour! Ultimately pretentiously thought provoking.....are we all capable of murder??
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Sherwood (II) (2022– )
so nearly brilliant.
3 July 2022
First two episodes are superbly crafted, drawing in the viewer through a well structured blend of fascinating characters, enigmatic back stories, socio political themes and a plot setting where the enemy will exist within the fractured community. The actors, under deft direction, portray a credibile scenario where ghosts are awaiting revelation. The pace is appropriate as a range of characters bring real life to the place. The references and depiction to a previous era where profound conflict split relationships and created a cancer which continued to fester within and causing the deep rifts existing today.....all plausibly intriguing.

Then from episode 3 through to the flawed conclusion, the tighter earlier themes become over developed or under explored.....too many unnecessary details from the past and today....the story becomes baggy as the writer attempts to add layers to characterisation which results in a "soapification" of the narrative, removing the essential enigmatic nature of the earlier plot and character development.

Also the predictable whodunnit element sarts to dominte as the police move to front holes emerge: implausibilities abound and police procedural inaccuracies( eg manhunting a killer in a forest would surely involve helicopters with heat seeking technology!!! ) begin to divert from the otherwise entertaining drama. Questions are inevitably raised and frustratingly not addressed...... So nearly a first class BBC drama....shame....but still watchable, entertaining and informative. Timely as we sit on the edge of another period of Government/Union tension.
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Hidden Assets (2021– )
Give me strength to prevail to the final episode.
28 January 2022
Awful piece of drama. Over acted, slowly directed, painful plot and needlessly melodramatic in tone...with musical score to emphasise the mood. The dialogue is almost spooflike...shame as some humour would help digest this bilge.
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A masterful piece of film making...each scene expertly engages the viewer.
30 December 2021
The pace is perfect, drawing the viewer into a familiar world where clear themes, current in any society/community today, are presented, through the deft direction of actors, portraying complex emotional relationships with incredible subtlety. The initial enigmatic tone, enhanced with indistinct dialogue, helps set an atmosphere of ominous, insidious threat...the tension builds palpably, particularly through the erratic, extreme behaviours of the main character...and juxtaposed fascinatingly and critically with the " gay" son. The cinematography places the drama against a panoramic and uncluttered background, allowing the facial expressions to add detailed nuance to the coherently structured unfolding narrative....superb! The ingenious use of metaphors adds richness to the sheer delight of the emerging story and its character/plot development. Visually an art gallery of joy!

A jewel that will add value when revisited...over and over again.
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The Long Call (2021)
"tick the box" below average drama
9 November 2021
All style no realism! Lets see how many topical issues can be bolted onto a crime story without actually exploring each theme and thus adding richness to the storyline. As said in other reviews, the pacing was soporific, the direction bland. Balmy seascapes added to the paucity of energy....maybe some stormy wave action might have added urgency. The religous cult( nut cases) were shot in 70's tones in 70s bungalows with 70s furniture and flares though!? .....their role within the community untouched. Cliched gay relationships handled superficially....but boxes ticked!
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Vigil (2021– )
sinking drama
12 September 2021
This is turning into preposterous drivel...the BBC sinks to new depths as each episode extends the tortuous descent into utter incredulity as the plot evolves and the human interest narratives emerge....bilge!. As episode 4 ends I will be terminating my Sunday evening vigil with the beeb and raising my periscope in search of alternative entertainment. Give it a miss....even the overacting cannot save the drama.2stars for the atmospheric interior sets which resonate with scandi noir.
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Worth (2020)
plodding formulaic handling of post 9/11 event
9 September 2021
John Grisham might have penned a more coherent legal structuring of the core narrative thus conveying a more convincing rationale for the last minute changes of heart....both from the victim's perspective and from Kenny's. A fascinating start where the implications of 9/11 are presented, explained and the initial strategy conceived. But then not used sufficiently to maintain full engagement with Kenny's commitment to the formula. There are some vivid depictions of the real impact of the event on innocent players but handled through case studies without real develoment...except the Donato family story which became incongrous with the tone elsewhere. Still a worthy account of the political and economic implications resulting from such a tragic event. But are politicians really so cynical and readily influenced by big business???
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Baptiste: Episode #2.3 (2021)
Season 2, Episode 3
9 August 2021
Oh so slow but with the predictable end "boom" effect to draw you into the next episode hoping for a narrative that posessess pace and poignancy....dont get your hopes up. The pretentious, profound moments are misaligned and disrupt the tone. It becomes jarring as the story is contaminated with pointless, incohesive and non developed tropes, that just serve to extend the series. The examination of extreme politics and the recruitment of gullible followers is not developed sufficiently. Too many themes are introduced and then superficially handled. The direction od Baptiste's character is inconsistent and therefore jarring at times...rendering him as implausible. What a the right hands this could have been good.
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The Pursuit of Love (2021– )
starting to irritate
17 May 2021
First episode was quite intriguing as a new take on an old trope for Sunday night. Episode 2 has now brought irritation, tedium, frustration and utter ambivalence. The initial interest in the eccentric characters is already jaded: they are now predictable, pointless, no longer amusing and mostly dislikeable. The acting is good despite the lack of plot development. The music keeps me attentive as I try to identify significant links to the narrative...a challenge! I keep watching as my wife is enjoying it.
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I Care a Lot (2020)
filmwith an identity crisis
23 February 2021
Interesting premise is established effectively with an engaging first 10 minutes or so but then the emerging narrative is high jacked by a plot that lacks a cohesive structure. The tone moves, in fact jolts, from dark satire to thriller to slapstick to romcom to political polemic; what have I missed...there was surely scope for sci fi musical? It felt like a range of directors and script writers were involved in the process but independently. Yet I remained strangely entertained as wanted all the lead characters to I do with Trump and his type. Maybe the film was actually a skilfully executed parody or metaphor....but then again.
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Bloodlands (2021–2022)
yep...certainly has the Mercurio DNA
22 February 2021
Predictable but quite enjoyable structure: taciturn, morose protoganist but with, no doubt, a soft heart and the early signs of a twinkle in his interest alert! A belligerant, autocratic superior officer.....previous connections to unfold...set up to be a suspect( Mercurio tends to interweave red herrings). Character development and relationships potential emerging...early days! Nesbitt plays this role with hackneyed.

Cinematography very "scandi noir", presents a bleak and sombre backdrop to the narrative...complements the tone. One or two questionable credibility issues over police procedures?? All decent Sunday night entertainment.

episode 3 done. It has moved from passable to dire! Utterly implausible, dreadful direction...whats with the frequency of close up facial shots but with no discernible facially evoked messages???....but at least the ubiquitous slow motion walking/running shots have been avoided for once, but one more episode yet!

At last done...please do not commision another series! If so, change the director and screenwriters. What a waste of a potentially interesting story ....and my Sunday night viewing!
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