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Was this short film ever viewed by anyone?
18 May 2024
I would really like to find this short film: The Nice Guys: Meet the Nice Guys.

Is it available anywhere?

"Nice Guys" is a delightful blend of buddy cop comedy and '70s noir, directed by Shane Black. Set in the backdrop of 1977 Los Angeles, the film follows the unlikely duo of private investigator Holland March (played by Ryan Gosling) and enforcer Jackson Healy (portrayed by Russell Crowe) as they team up to solve the mystery of a missing girl amidst a sprawling conspiracy.

The chemistry between Gosling and Crowe is electric, with Gosling delivering his trademark comedic timing and Crowe showcasing his versatility in a role that balances tough-guy persona with unexpected tenderness. The script is sharp, filled with witty banter and clever dialogue that keeps the audience engaged from start to finish.

What sets "Nice Guys" apart is its playful homage to classic detective films, complete with a pulsating soundtrack and stylish cinematography that captures the essence of the '70s era. The action sequences are thrilling yet grounded, adding to the film's overall charm.

While "Nice Guys" may not reinvent the genre, it's a thoroughly entertaining ride that offers plenty of laughs, intrigue, and heart. With its stellar performances and sharp writing, it's a must-watch for fans of both buddy comedies and detective thrillers.
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Ukraine: Enemy in the Woods (2024 TV Movie)
Unadulterated first person view into the lives of soldiers and a medic
25 March 2024
This is an unadulterated first person view into the lives of soldiers and a medic on the front lines in Ukraine's fight against Russian forces. Using GoPro cameras and brief interviews off the front line, a unit of Ukrainian soldiers gives a first hand account of life on the front lines in the Russian attack on Ukraine. It's a brutal experience that leaves the soldiers on both sides scarred, injured or dead.

While watching this I kept thinking why are these soldiers expending an ounce of extra energy at the risk of their own personal safety to show the world what life is like on their battlefront. I can only imagine it's that important to get this message out - Don't forget your brothers in Ukraine!
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AI narration and lack of material ruin a potentially interesting subject
22 January 2023
The narration threw us off... unnatural cadence and pronunciation. We spent a lot of time discussing whether it was narrated by AI. There seemed to be a lack of material and graphics, as such themes and ideas were repeated over and over to fill the required space. The sum total of interviews could fill about 30 minutes - this should be a 30 minute show to keep the audience's attention.

The subject matter was interesting but we keep hearing about secrets of the building that haven't been discovered. I think five or six times reference is made to the secrets of the structure which are never revealed.

Ultimately the rewards of new and interesting information were too far and few relative to the filler material and we gave up.
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It's a great thing to keep these issues in front of the public but...
29 December 2022
It's a great thing to keep these issues in front of the public. The issue is that the REAL solutions aren't palatable or popular. Short of some form of worldwide population control the best bet is to reduce or stop production/consumption - good luck. During the pandemic pollution levels dropped tremendously - go figure (rolling eyes).

Elect leaders who will prioritize the health of the planet we live on over profit and security? Great idea but those "radical" people won't get elected, too much corporate influence.

Keep producing movies and raising the issues but unless we fundamentally change our economies, we are all a bunch of simmering frogs, and the pot is about to boil.
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You can change your life by changing your own habits... priceless
21 November 2022
Congratulations Liam!

I've read some of the reviews here and disagree. This is an important message for a lost society. The rate of obesity is climbing as more and more families don't have the time for family sit-down dinners.

First, there is no denying that what you bring into your house is what your children will eat. In Liam's case it's not necessarily his choice what his father brings into the house. This film is obviously directed at parents.

Second, a low-income single parent CAN find it extremely difficult to find time and money to manage healthy meals. In this case packaged foods loaded with preservatives are the solution (no market is neglected these days regardless of the health outcome for the consumer). It's up to us to choose wisely. Good or bad, it is what it is.

Third, changing poor habits can be extremely difficult and requires will power and potentially some discomfort. If this is what other's are balking at, well, we just have different world views. Good habits are built by repetition, practice and conviction. Believing in the long term benefits of your transformation is paramount

Fourth, medical doctor or not there is no doubt that a healthy diet is better than an unhealthy one. It's fairly easy to find information on what a healthy diet is, and this movie doesn't mislead in that regard.

The case is made for prioritizing healthy foods.

The case is made for prioritizing exercise over a sedentary lifestyle.

The case is made for physical and emotional well being at a healthy weight.

Liam should be proud of what he accomplished while recognizing that his family did their level best to help him get there. They showed him the path but he had to go down it.

Understanding that there can be challenges and discomfort in life at 11... no big deal. Learning that you can change your life by changing your own habits... priceless.
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Generating capital helps save the planet... all over again
18 April 2022
Who is the "perfect" messenger of bad news?

Unfortunately, this is the main conundrum with films that are attempting to alter the path of human culture. When everyone has blood on their hands who are the messengers that have any credibility. Surely you don't pick the worst offenders.... the "one percent" and movie stars because we all know that those who have generated the most capital are the ones contributing the most to the problem. Capital = resources.

The truth is our eating habits ( and everything else we do) have only become an issue because of global population. It's the exponential increase, the shear scale of destructive habits that is endangering us. No one wants to talk about that. It's not a glamorous, entertaining or easy to solve problem... aside from ensuring everyone on Earth has reproductive rights.

However, just because there is no perfect messenger and this issue isn't the root of the problem doesn't mean the message or issue isn't valid and shouldn't be spoken of. Getting information to people and nudging them to consider the issues and their habits remains important... but Richard Branson?
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Star Trek: Picard: Two of One (2022)
Season 2, Episode 6
String us along why don't you...
9 April 2022
These episodes can no longer stand on their own - that's bad.

They're just empty.

Walking around Earth in the 21st century for 4 episodes now!

Was enjoying season 1 but I think I'll pass on 2.
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Forgiveness v.s.corporal punishment?
5 April 2022
Sadly disappointed and not quite sure what movie critics saw outside of the action and CGI.

From the opening minutes to the end, the lines felt forced... as if the words coming out of their mouths weren't connected to any real feelings the characters had. I never was made to feel there were actual repercussions for the outcomes of their situations. I found the situations, characters and lines overly contrived and so did my 15 year old son and 13 year old daughter who were both underwhelmed.

Minus the dramatic action this would pass for a G rated movie.

Nothing new here, lots of old with a poorly executed (no pun intended) excuse for why.
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The Alpinist (2021)
"Alone, far from the limelight, no cameras"
2 November 2021
That ^ is why we have a pandemic. Denial of facts for the sake of entertainment. Just call it what it is - a film promoting an individual and a filmmaker hoping to promote himself.
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The Lorax (2012)
Main message rings loud and clear
12 June 2020
I think there are a lot of adults who are angry that their behavior is being called out by this movie in front of their children. I didn't spend a lot of time comparing this movie to the book while I was watching it, movies are their own creations not reproductions of books. I spent more time listening to the main message and thought it was well said. It is tragic that materialism and greed have gone unchecked and are destroying our planet. The only positive thing that can come of that is acknowledgement and changing people's behavior. This message rings loud and clear.
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Deadpool (2016)
You could be excused for liking this if your under 14
16 March 2016
I have to admit I was excited to see this film. I was expecting so much from a movie rated 8.5 on IMDb. After seeing it I am confused how this movie could be rated as highly as others like The Matrix for instance which was an incredible and original film. This film was nothing like it was touted to be, its your basic violent revenge story. I kept hoping for the novelty to show up. It never did.

Here is the idea in a nutshell: You have been wronged and have no power to do anything about it. But now, thanks to Hollywood, you are invincible and getting your revenge using unlimited power and killing without remorse. The "smart" dialog made me groan. The predictable storyline bored me. Eventually, to make the film more interesting, I started making bets with myself: could I guess the next cute line? Being in the same room/theater with an actor who has a cute remark every few seconds for two hours straight was mind numbing. When a film is rated R, you expect it to be targeted to adults. This had it's violent content, yes, but violence and cuteness only go so far, eventually you need an interesting story. With that R rating comes an obligation to elevate the material. Watching this movie was like watching a video game, and video games are for children.
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