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Shameless: Father Frank, Full of Grace (2021)
Season 11, Episode 12
Shameful finale
13 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I loved this show!!! The last few years definitely fell off though. I felt that few storylines were actually wrapped up. I definitely missed Fiona. I realize they may have not been able to get the actress to return so this one is understood but they still have given an update on her. We never found out if Lip and Tami were expecting another baby. We never found out if they bought their own house or finally talked the Gallagher's into selling the family home. Did Lip find another job? Did Carl and his cop friend go through with buying The Alibi from Kevin and V? Was the lady that raped him pregnant with his baby? Debbie.... Why did they introduce that new character for the very last episodes? I did not feel that they had any chemistry and it felt forced and as if it was an after thought. It also would have been great if Debbie's business as a handywoman or her welding had been successful. Liam, oh, Liam. His only purpose at the end seemed to be to keep track of Frank. Where did his athlete friend go? What about a wrap up with his black family members? The only storyline that was close to being wrapped up in a satisfying way with the Gallagher children was Ian and Mickey. While we did not see what was in their future, they did have a nice one year anniversary party which was a surprise arranged for Ian by Mickey. To me, that was a nice way to wrap their story and left them on a positive note. And Frank.....FRANK.... FRANK?? Why was it implied at the end that Frank, an absolutely despicable father and human being,a liar and thief at the highest level, a man that almost NEVER put his children needs before his wants, float up into the sky as if he was going to heaven like an angel? That was repugnant. I was repulsed by that implication. This was not a satisfying ending on any level. Frank Gallagher did very few things over the series to redeem himself in this viewer's eyes. He also said his children were awful. Seriously?? He was never a proper caregiver for his children. I was greatly offended that he spewed such hateful, disrespectful and untruthful statements about his kids at the end without them being able to refute them. This was a disaster of a ending! If the parts with Frank's ascension to "heaven" and lie filled speech were omitted, I could tolerate the ending. With that included, it was absolutely ruined!
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Hack My Home (2023– )
9 July 2023
Most of the hosts are annoying. They're all eccentric but now that seems to be normal since everyone is trying to stand out by being so. I've seen most of their "hacks" already on other home improvement shows. Many of them are not practical for everyday. For example, one has a shelf the rises up to countertop level from the cabinets below. They say it can fit "all" of their small appliances yet they only have 3- a toaster, a blender and a mixer. The couple are supposed to be chefs yet they only have 3 countertop appliances?!? And they have an inferior stand mixer, which also brings the authenticity of this show into question. So many of their hacks are things that are mechanical which feels like a huge problem when they stop working.
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Hawaii Five-0: Ka 'i'o (2019)
Season 10, Episode 7
Answers some questions about Doris McGarrett
7 April 2023
Full disclosure, I've never liked the character of Doris McGarrett. A lot of information about her has just never made a lot of sense to me. This episode finally clears up most of the questions you will have had about her as a long time viewer. Personally, I came out of this episode liking her less than I did before. She spent so many years away from her family working for the CIA and when she "comes back from the dead", she then went away over and over again instead of staying in Hawaii and having a relationship with the children she had to abandon while working for "The Company". It's no wonder at all that Steve was always trying to make a family, first with the Navy and then with Five-0.
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Grey's Anatomy: I'll Follow the Sun (2023)
Season 19, Episode 7
Disappointing episode
28 February 2023
For Meredith's send off episode, this was a huge disappointment. She has almost zero interaction with established characters until the end of the episode. You don't see her with the other longest running characters, Richard and Bailey, until her going away party. I realize she will be back occasionally, but as this was advertised I would have thought there would be more- interaction with others, flashbacks, SOMETHING, ANYTHING!!! As it has been this year, it's been more about the new characters. None of them have grabbed my interest as of yet. If you've been a longtime viewer, you may find this as flat and underwhelming as I did. I'm afraid this may be the mail in the coffin, so to speak, for this series.
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Avatar (2009)
My least favorite movie of all time!!!
20 December 2022
From the moment I saw previews for this, I didn't think I would like it. Just for background I am a movie LOVER!!! I enjoy all types but horror is my least favorite. For one thing, I HATE when a trailer doesn't tell you anything about the plot. I will not go see a movie based solely on who stars in it, who made it or how popular it is. I want to know what I'm spending my time and money on. I never did see this in the theater. I waited until it was on HBO. I'm so glad I didn't waste my precious time going to the theater for this!!! ( I have a special needs child so I cannot hire just anybody to babysit.) I HATED THIS FILM!!!! It literally took me 3 sittings to get through it because I hated it so much. The CGI was good but the storyline was awful. I didn't care about any of these characters, which is the hook that makes you stay. I am the person that cheers and cries during movies too. I still can't believe this out earned Titanic!!! That was a fantastic movie.
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George & Tammy (2022–2023)
Acting is fine but.....
5 December 2022
Jessica Chastain and Michael Shannon are always great in everything I've ever seen them in. The problem here is this feels like a generic version of the, so far, far superior Walk the Line, starring Joaquin Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon. This may be the true story of George Jones and Tammy Wynette but you could almost change the names to Johnny Cash and June Carter Cash at this point. There are an abundance of situations that occur that are almost identical to the other project. Seeing as this is a series and not a movie, there will be more hours of content so hopefully at some point there will be something here that doesn't feel like a rerun.
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Grey's Anatomy: How to Save a Life (2015)
Season 11, Episode 21
Great episode but....
10 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of my favorite episodes of the series! It is one of the saddest also. I love Patrick Dempsey so losing him from this show is an incredible loss. I'm so heartbroken for Meredith but this has been a great example of what Ellen Pompeo is capable of as an actress. It had many twists and turns and was not a cookie cutter storyline by any means. I have a good track record of seeing what's coming and this had me surprised!!! I'm sad to see one of my favorite fictional couples end in such a tragic way. I'm sure this will lead to interesting storytelling but I'm going to miss Derek Shepherd.
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Grey's Anatomy: Everything Has Changed (2022)
Season 19, Episode 1
All about the new characters!!
8 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was subpar. It was primarily about the new interns. I ABHOR when shows shove new characters down your throat!!! Previously existing characters were barely on AT ALL!! I prefer when they slowly integrate new characters. I am familiar with 2 of the new actors to the show and have liked them in other projects but was not impressed with them. The other new actors had no charisma or chemistry together. But the most disappointing thing was having a new character steal the mantra of one of my absolute favorite characters of this series before he could even prove himself. I am disgusted!! "It's a beautiful day to save lives!" BELONGS TO DEREK SHEPHERD!!!! I can barely tolerate it when his sister Amelia says it but at least she's proven herself as a doctor. I missed Bailey, who had almost no screen time, along with Hunt. If every episode continues like this one, I may finally give this show up. I'm so sad!! This used to be one of my favorites!!
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The Crown: Dear Mrs. Kennedy (2017)
Season 2, Episode 8
Great episode except....
5 August 2022
I have loved the casting......up to this point. The character of "Jackie Kennedy" is written or portrayed in a horrible manner. I'm not sure which but it is the only hiccup I've seen in the series so far. Thank goodness it's only going to be one episode because for me, she made it practically unwatchable. I hope the casting returns to the stellar state it has been. Claire Foy and Matt Smith are INCREDIBLE. They are the reason I've fallen for this show.
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Dirty Little Secret (2022 TV Movie)
Bad...even for Lifetime
12 June 2022
There are just so many problems with this movie! I've always liked Melissa Joan Hart so I thought I'd watch. It was mediocre at best. They barely scratched the surface yet didn't go completely over the top until the end like a lot of these Lifetime movies do. It was about a teenage girl who is embarrassed by her mother who appears to have it all together at work as an intelligent hard working nurse until you see their house and the mom is a hoarder. As it turns out, she was a complete neat freak before the father left because of it and now she's gone the other direction. There are also 2 older siblings that have moved out and don't come around much. Well, in the end this takes a VERY DARK, DISTURBED AND UNDESERVED turn. And I'm saying this about a Lifetime movie mind you!! This is not the way you treat people with mental illness!! I wouldn't recommend this film on that alone.
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How I Met Your Mother (2005–2014)
I liked the series over all until.....
29 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I liked this series over all, I really truly did....until the series finale. As it turns out, we were lied to the entire time, in a way. Where as Robin is not the "mother" she is the step-mother as she ends up with Ted after the mother dies. They just should have made Robin the mother as the actress playing the mother was unappealing to me and did not have chemistry with Josh Radner that played Ted. I have never watched this series again since "the lie" and will not watch the new father one either, fool me once and all. And it's a shame too because Neil Patrick Harris was excellent as Barney!
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This Is Us: The Train (2022)
Season 6, Episode 17
One of the BEST episodes of television EVER!!!
29 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is an excellent episode of television!!! I watched it 3 times in 4 days. I cried the entire time! Having the opportunity at the end of your life to walk through and see the people that meant the most to you just seems like such a beautiful ending! And full of symbolism! This is probably the best penultimate episode I've ever seen! Rebecca mentioned her father taking her on the train with him if he had to work on Sundays. I don't remember if her mother received a mention. I did find William an interesting choice as her "conductor" if you will. I also thought it was sad that Miguel received such little time in this. I think Miguel would have been a better choice as the conductor since that is really the role he'd been playing for Rebecca as her memory faded. Mandy Moore did an excellent job with all the emotions in this episode, as she has in all of them, and has never looked more beautiful. The dress she wore was breathtaking! After watching the actual series finale, and being extremely disappointed, I'm just going to personally consider this as the series ender as it hit all the right emotional notes for me. The actual finale added very little to the Pearson world and quite frankly was one of my least favorite series Enders ever!
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This Is Us: Us (2022)
Season 6, Episode 18
Very disappointing episode in general let alone for a series finale
29 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The Train felt like THE SERIES FINALE to me. I cried the entire episode. This episode was extremely disappointing. This was one of my least favorite series finales. It's not quite as bad as say How I Met Your Mother where I felt we were down right lied to but it felt like mostly a throw away filler episode. I shed not one tear! It was slow and drawn out. I think I understand the point it was trying to make but it just didn't hit emotionally for me. Plus, there were so many new characters for a series finale and much too much time spent on them. The sentiment was nice but it could have taken less time. I was also very dismayed not to hear any of Rebecca's eulogies. There wasn't enough screen time for the current versions of Kate, Kevin and Randall and I would have loved to see how their lives continued on. However, since The Train episode stated that this series was in fact Rebecca's story, it makes sense that it didn't go beyond that. I thought they were pushing it when they did an entire episode with all new characters except Miguel a few episodes back. In my opinion, you wrap up the ones you have not add more when a series is ending but it was nice to see Miguel's back story. Anyway, I digress. Maybe I didn't enjoy it as I am a mother that has to listen to my kids complain about boring days at home but it didn't add to the plot nor the characterization really since it was the last episode. I do think I would have liked the "lazy Saturday at home" concept if they had mixed it in with wrapping up everything. Did Randall become President? How many music schools for the blind did Kate set up? Kevin put so much of his life on hold to care for his mother. Did he continue with home construction with Veterans? Did he ever go back to acting? Deja was featured in the end but what was going on with Tess and Annie? Plus, Jack died because the doctor wasn't there because he was saving this kid's life who then goes on to make a drug that cures or reverses Alzheimer's but not in time to save Rebecca's life? I've already watched this episode twice and I'm not feeling better about it. I watched "The Train" 3 times and have felt very happy with it. ( except the choice for William to be her guide I thought was odd)
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Good remake but...
13 March 2022
This was a good remake. I would have said great except there was zero romantic chemistry between the 2 leads Tony and Maria. This is very important since the entire plot hinges on this. I was very disappointed in this. I even rewatched all their scenes for this review incase I missed something the first time. Ansel Elgort is a fantastic actor and has had great chemistry with other actors such as Shailene Woodley in The Fault in Our Stars and Lily Collins in Baby Driver. He even has more romantic chemistry with Rita Moreno. Also, every couple in this movie, and there seems to be many of them in the big dance number, has more. So if you can overlook this very large problem, you should be fine. The musical numbers were great. There was also one person with a larger role which I found to be woefully miscast but everyone else I found to be spot on. This is a very faithful adaptation of the Natalie Wood version.
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NCIS: Hawai'i (2021–2024)
Just barely watchable
21 September 2021
I tuned in because I'm a huge Hawaii buff! I loved Hawaii Five-O! I like Magnum quite a bit. This show didn't gel at all. They didn't even show a lot of Hawaiian landmarks or scenery to make it worth it. It's supposed to be in Pearl Harbor, I believe which I would have been great to really feature. None of the characters has any chemistry, romantic or otherwise. The acting was passable at best. I would have given this a lower score but like I said, I love the state of Hawaii!
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The Walking Dead: Here's Negan (2021)
Season 10, Episode 22
Jeffrey Dean Morgan is Amazing!!
6 April 2021
I absolutely love Jeffrey Dean Morgan as an actor. He's always excellent! It was great to finally see Negan's backstory. The story line was mostly good but I felt there should have been more of it. My biggest problem with this episode, is that some of the other actors ( one in particular) were not even close to on par with JDM's amazing talent so, in my opinion, that's what kept this from being "perfect". If a professional tennis player is in a game with a beginner, it affects the entire game. He was lobbing the ball and it was NOT being returned with the same talent.
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Hawaii Five-0: Aloha (2020)
Season 10, Episode 22
Felt like they decided to change it quickly
12 February 2021
The episode never felt like a series ending episode until the last few minutes. It was awful. Regular recurring characters were excluded altogether in favor of a new character having lots of screen time. Characters made decisions that seemed against character too. The entire thing felt rushed, forced and contrived. The only series finale I have been more upset with was How I Met Your Mother since they blatantly lied about that one.
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BH90210 (2019)
8 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I want to start by saying I was a huge fan of the 1990's version of this show. I'm not even sure what this is!! It appears in the 1st episode that they're playing semi- autobiographical versions of the actors NOT the characters. Are they going to actually play the characters? I thought this was going to be a reboot of the original. All I kept thinking was when are we going to see the characters? What the HELL is this show? 100% disappointing and this episode was a waste of my time. I will watch the next one to see if they do actually use the characters but if not, I'm done.
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