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Challengers (2024)
16 May 2024
I don't really know what I was expecting, but wanted to see Zendaya on something other than Dune because her talent is obviously impressive, she's so watchable on screen.

But what was this? I'm evidently missing something. I was bored, especially during the second half. The have a conversation, touch each other, play some music, look at each other, play tennis (not necessarily in that order) format very quickly felt formulaic. It just wasn't very entertaining watching a series of exchanged looks and storytelling using the actors' eyes. At points it felt like a very long Uniqlo advert with a jarring score.

The intensity I had been led to expect just wasn't there for me, there wasn't the necessary tension or investment in the characters and the ultimate outcome. Disappointing.
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Managed the first episode...
4 May 2024
... But only a few minutes into the second before I gave up.

I've watched a few of these kinda docs on Netflix now and I've quite enjoyed them, even though I've not been especially a fan or interested in the celebs they're about. I was however interested in their stories and remembering a time and events from my own life too. Learning something new about them and the world they experienced.

This one I did not enjoy. It was self indulgent to the point of alienation. There was something almost disturbing about the amount of home footage to watch and listen to a commentary on. Especially this enduring monologue that could have done with being complimented by others. I just wasn't interested in the content. I didn't have a strong opinion about Robbie before watching and I still don't. I felt this could have been much more engaging with others voices included or somehow done differently to include me as a viewer and encourage me to care.
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Siksa Neraka (2023)
A movie of firsts
1 May 2024
This is a hard one to rate. It's a low budget movie that doesn't quite pull off being "good". But it's not awful either.

I've never seen anything quite like it before. A lot of my 7/10 score is originality bonus! It might be the first Indonesian film I've seen, and the first horror-esque film with Islam as the faith of focus rather than Christianity. All the main actors do a decent job - no-one is pretending it's Hollywood blockbuster and there's a kind of simple charm to it because of that. There was one particular scene that actually made me feel sick, and again I think that's a first!

The storyline is problematic morally, and too obvious with no subtly in subtext, but then many movies in this kind of genre are like that. It was kinda refreshing to watch something that I didn't feel I'd already seen before several times over.
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Immaculate (2024)
23 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
For me, this was a film of two halves. Some good aspects and not-so-good aspects.

I felt the gentleness and build up of the first half of the movie was kinda ruined by the descent into the ridiculousness of the second half. It was kind of gearing up for some mysterious mind games and scares and instead became almost a comedy gore-fest. Despite the slow pace at first, the actors manage to hold your interest as the story unfolds. Until it stops unfolding.

While I do love horror and the silliness that is part of the genre, even I struggled to stay with a story that involves a woman in labour managing to murder the Mother Superior, the Cardinal and the Priest all before giving birth on the mountainside. I don't know what the screaming was as the baby was born or the teeth chomping on the umbilical cord either.

In it's favour, it was short. And the storyline, especially in the beginning, was intriguing.
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A wicked little joy
25 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is a warm happy gem of a film. Watching the very prim and proper Edith especially say naughty words was surprisingly entertaining and delightful. The leads and supporting cast were great fun to watch and the simple story wasn't over engineered or fluffed up.

Something I loved about it was subtlety of the deeper messages. Women coming together to support women, in spite of differences or temptation for judgement. The hints at the disapproval of the suffragette collective movement while this one individual was making headlines writing letters, the determination of the WPO when her male superiors dismissed her, the oppression of father against daughter and the need to scream and escape from that. Even at the end it wasn't about hate, or even right and wrong or justice, but about breaking free of whatever cuffs are binding us. We need to let it out, to connect with each other, and sometimes that's in the form of a good laugh and very naughty words.
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My Son (I) (2021)
Flawed but good
20 February 2024
Usually, poor writing, plot holes and errors ruin films for me. Just annoy me beyond the point of any redemption. But not in this case- and the story is a major flaw in this film. As a viewer you're left with too many questions that aren't answered, but I suppose when it comes to people that go missing, those missing them don't usually have the answers they want either.

However, despite this (and the overuse of violins) I really enjoyed it. The actors were good to watch, and the setting was beautiful and added to that sense of isolation and survival. I wasn't bored and wanted to know what would happen next. There was a sense of grit about it, the desperation of not having the help you need when you really need it, a tense pace that held it's own throughout.
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Oh dear
15 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This started well and had potential to be a really good watch. But no. It wasn't.

Episode 3 is where it totally unravelled for me. Killers don't hang about having heart to hearts with their intended victims. And the final episode was dull and disappointing. It all just felt a bit lazy and not done properly or with much conviction.

The characters were unconvincing, including a Witness Liaison Officer who I wouldn't trust to liaise between pasta and a plate, and a grown up baddie that just wasn't (though his lines did include "innit", presumably to detract from the incredulity of his accent).

I'm also not sure exactly what Jodie witnessed to warrent this entire plot. It all added up to silliness that was more annoying than entertaining. So, a decent first episode but not what it could have been.
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The Vineyard (2021)
A mixed offering
31 January 2024
I watched this for Spanish listening practice. It's a modern production in a dated kinda style, which gives it a quirkiness that I enjoyed. The settings and the costumes in particular gave it an other-world fairytale quality; this is not a gritty reflection of real life but more of an intelligent soap opera in miniature.

I found the storyline confusing and overly complicated, in part maybe because my Spanish isn't great but mainly I think because it was filled and stretched to cover 10 episodes. I haven't read the book so don't know how true to the book it is, but with an adaption sometimes simplifying the story does better justice to the text.

It definitely has a compelling charm to it and visually it's beautifully done, but I felt the story would have been stronger with less time and "filling".
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Bodies (2023)
Wish it ended better
27 January 2024
I quite liked the start of this. But I did not like the ending. The series seemed to disintegrate as it progressed. There was a point, somewhere in the middle, where things just got a bit too complicated, a bit too convoluted, and a bit too clever. By the time we got to the final episodes not only did I not understand but I was bored of trying to.

Disappointing really because it was a fantastic idea and had a brilliant cast, the performances kept me watching when the story unraveled. A bit more imaginative clarity and tighter editing and it could have continued as it began and tell a story that engaged until the end. It was something a bit different, which I liked, but I prefer to watch things I can enjoy not get a headache trying to work out what's going on.
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Accused (2023)
Very annoying
8 January 2024
Oh this was an annoying film. One of the worst examples I've seen of a film relying on viewers reading mobile and laptop screens that are really hard to see, with the added annoyance here of phonecalls we can only half hear and background noise that's plain distracting.

The moral messages are obvious but literally a sledgehammer approach rather than creating tension or emotional clout through the storytelling. This is mainly a single actor film and credit to him, I would certainly watch something with him again.

However what really lets this down, after a promising start to be fair, is the incredulity of the plot. Time and time again the characters did things that just weren't believable or credible. I'm all for suspending belief but this film would have much stronger if it hadn't become a man vs. Intruder in an isolated house kinda deal- there was so much potential from the start of the film that could have taken it in much more interesting, engaging and terrifying directions; and characters that could have been developed and utilised much more effectively.
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It grew on me
29 December 2023
I am not a sports person at all, but there's something about sports movies and the triumph over adversity stories that I just love, getting me all emotional.

This was the first such movie I've seen that took a comedic approach. I felt this really didn't work in the first half of the movie. It felt very obvious and forced. I didn't find it funny as the jokes were flat and it just felt awkward.

However in the second half (football is a game of two halves...) it seemed to come into it's own and I enjoyed it much more. The setting and the characters are real strengths of this movie. If you're not sure at first I'd recommend letting it warm up because it ends better than it starts.
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Love Life (2020–2021)
First series was wonderful
19 December 2023
I loved the first series. Just loved it. Sometimes you just connect with characters and stories and they get you all emotional- it ticked so many boxes and worked on so many levels. Well written, well acted, well produced, well thought. Just well. Everything was good. It was a real gem of a programme.

So I was looking forward to seeing the second series. And I was really disappointed. I just didn't get it. I was bored for a lot of it. There were some stand out scenes (particularly in the latter half) and there was nothing that was like bad- it just didn't work like the first series worked.

So 9/10 for the first series.
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What was this??
29 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Wasn't quite sure what I was watching when I started this and now I've watched all the episodes I'm still not entirely sure. The Bones bros were absorbing to watch and without them I'm not sure I'd have stuck around.

What this is missing is a "how we made this" feature because I have many questions! The contestants were seemingly put in very dangerous situations and we all know Bond had stuntmen to help him out... Scenes were obviously set up but there were so many story gaps between A and B it started to be annoying. And I doubt this is the most environmentally friendly programme possible given explosions in the snow, hacking through jungle and (I assume!) multiple international flights? That made it feel somewhat dated and out of touch.

There were bits of this that worked really well but the way it was edited felt off. Some contestants had the screen time to develop character and connection with viewer but others didn't, some element of interaction or competition with each other would have worked better, particularly towards the end. The shooting thing didn't make a lot of sense and felt unfair, as a viewer you wanted contestants to have their shot through the questions not their literal shooting ability in the freezing cold.

I'd watch another series if they changed the format and invested a bit more in viewer experience, rather than just chopping up what they thought were the interesting bits and leaving the rest in the cutting room.
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Thanksgiving (I) (2023)
Starts strong...
25 November 2023
... But ends weak. The first third or so was really good fun, well put together and paced and great foundation for the story to follow.

By the final scenes I was a tad bored. It just felt it had run it's course and was out of ideas. There is a fair amount of gore in this movie but there's only so much that adds anything before it feels like laziness. If it had ended as strong as it finished it would have been a great film. But the ending felt rushed and ill thought through by comparison.

This isn't a film to take seriously and it's alright for what it is, just found the ending disappointing.
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The best thing you've (yet) to see in Netflix
22 November 2023
This isn't faultless, but it's 10/10 because it's just so utterly refreshing and full of charm and easily the best thing I've watched on Netflix this year.

So many aspects are just superb, the actors have such presence and beauty on screen and watching them is a joy. It's well written, scored, edited and everything about the setting from colour to design is just spot on.

At four episodes, it's the perfect length. I so enjoyed watching this. Every line, every scene, contributed to the quality of the production (unlike what now seems to be the standard of making things much longer than they should be and diluting the quality as a consequence). It's clever, layered, deep and deliciously absorbing to watch. Just brilliant.
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Burning Body (2023)
Not good!
15 November 2023
I didn't know anything about the facts of this case before watching. Could have been a really interesting, tense and engaging adaptation of those facts, but it wasn't.

This dragged on and was boring. I think even half the duration would still have been too long. One of the big problems was the editing and soundtrack. There was scene after scene (one episode seemed entirely dedicated to such scenes) which was just people looking at each other, or looking at nothing in particular, and emotive music going on. Playing music while people look at each other is not very engaging or entertaining. It just seemed lazy and disjointed with the story, like they couldn't make up their minds if this was a thriller or a romance or a docudrama and thought they'd play music so viewers wouldn't notice?

I don't know why this wasn't a two or three episode series, and I think I'd have rather they had used the detective and her investigation as a storytelling focus rather than the confusing ensemble they went with instead. It needed more clarity and focus to pull the different narratives togther.
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Hablar (2015)
Worth a watch
13 November 2023
Found this on Netflix when looking for Spanish programmes to help my language learning.

The one shot is executed brilliantly and the majority of characters are interesting and watchable. Some scenes didn't quite work as well and seemed to jarr the flow but it didn't get boring and didn't drag on. Quality writing, direction and editing went into this.

It's main fault I think was the tendency, particularly in the last 20 mins or so, to get a bit preachy and obvious about the message (the importance of language and communication, and community with one another). A subtler approach may have worked better and strengthened the narrative. Overall though a decent watch and something a little more original and quirky than the average offering.
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Angela Black (2021)
Not good
12 September 2023
This was a frustrating watch. It could, with such a talented cast, have been a really engaging and emotive story of domestic abuse and overcoming. Outsmarting a malicious manipulator. Exploring the vulnerabilities of the system.

Instead, codswallop comes to mind! The plot had so many holes. The characters kept doing things that were ridiculous and not remotely believable or relateable. It was like every opportunity to intrigue the viewer by the simplest action or step was instead taken in the most convoluted and silly direction possible. It ruins a show when you get tired of asking so many why questions. I actually really like stuff where you have to leave your brain behind, but this wasn't that in a good way. I get what it was trying to do but I don't think it achieved it. I don't think I believed any of the characters, they all seemed a bit bewildered about who they were supposed to be?
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Cunk on Earth (2022)
Hit and miss
20 August 2023
The first episode was strong but I found the rest of the series a mix of hit and miss. Episode 2 about faith was probably the weakest, didn't appreciate the humour or find it funny.

There were some stand out laughs through the series, but it did get a bit repetitive (pump up the jam...). Some parts felt refreshingly original, others I felt I'd seen before. Perhaps some of the interviews (by far the best bits!) and the narrative overall would have been even better with a subtler approach. Five episodes was about enough. I would give a second series a watch if it evolved and wasn't just more of the same.
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Lost in itself
2 June 2023
Yet another example of something that started out quite interesting but Netflix took two or three times too long to tell us about it. If this series were half the length it would have been at least twice as interesting.

I got a bit fed up of hearing 'mainstream' and the music used for dramatic effect. The show was basically a platform for one man and his ideas. The ideas were interesting and thought provoking but would have been much more so if alternative viewpoints were included and discussed, so as a viewer you had a better sense of the evidence for and against various positions and assertions.

It took me ages to get through this but I persevered because it was interesting, particularly the connection between stories from different civilisations and cultures and associated scientific evidence. Please Netflix, editing can work wonders!
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Fall (I) (2022)
Fab watch in spite the flaws!
14 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Ok, so whilst very much not a climber even I found some plot holes difficult to get past. Usually this would ruin a film for me, but this was a great watch in spite of the silly things like no one knowing where they were and pulling a rope with bare hands. That must really hurt.

My feet actually started getting sweaty as they climbed. I'm not particularly afraid of heights but it made me go gooey, not often I watch something that provokes such a strong physical reaction! I keep asking myself how they managed to film this, amazing effort went into this film.

I could have maybe done without the predictable husband affair stuff, especially as after a year without climbing and a take out alcohol diet, would you really be capable of climbing to such a height? Maybe not. But I still really enjoyed watching this. Considering it's basically two women stuck on a giant pole for 1 hr 45 mins they managed to keep my attention a lot more than many "better" films! Sometimes you have to switch your logic off a bit and just go with it.
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The Nurse (2023)
4 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This was a frustrating watch. Aside from being yet another Netflix series that was twice as long as it should have been, there were so many illogical or nonsensical bits which added up to a very exasperating watch.

I'm not familiar with the Danish healthcare system, but given Netflix is an international platform a lot of context was missing. For an ER, not a lot seemed to be going on. Except heart attacks. Why did no one question why everyone was dying of heart attacks and nothing else, especially heart attacks in non cardiac patients? Why are the patients in rooms by themselves? Why are the nurses ordering doctors about? Why is there a handwritten "death log" in the break room?!

The biggest frustration had to be when Arne died and the "logical" explanation for the drugs in his system was that he got up from his sick bed, entered the medicine room, knew and found the correct drugs, went back to his bed, administered them and then got rid of the vials, and then died. With no one seeing any of it. Surely, even if anyone was supposed to believe that, you then put safeguards in place so patients can't just help themselves to drugs when they feel like it? You don't just shrug your shoulders and think never mind and carry on exactly as before?!!!

I didn't understand why Pernille was shunned by her colleagues at the end. Surely you would shun your colleague who was killing people, not the one who stopped it? And why was she just going back to work heavily pregnant? What had she been doing for the intervening months (apart from making a baby)? And why not use your phone video to record Christine- if the concern was that no one would believe her if she reported her concerns to management why would they believe her when she claims to have witnessed it and produced evidence in a bin?!! Why couldn't she send an anonymous email- this was very recent history with modern technology available? The whole ending was rushed. It was like no one knew which character to focus on so we didn't get the whole story of any of them.

If this wasn't a true story I'd put these issues down to poor writing and editing. Maybe some of this was just really poor real-life practice and reflects the true events as they happened, maybe the producers took a lot of dramatic license because they needed four episodes? Either way, it made me that bit extra grateful for the beurocracy and safeguards that are annoying but essential to protect us...
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14 April 2023
Oh dear. I'm not sure if the makers of this movie were going for comedy horror or something else but it didn't really work. It was basically a film of silly voices. There wasn't enough tension to hold my engagement or enough story to keep me interested.

Some of the effects were good but nothing I haven't seen before. Russell Crowe was enjoyable to watch but it was difficult to take his character seriously and I'm not sure as a viewer I was supposed to. It was all just a bit too silly for my taste. I didn't believe the setting, it was too fantastical and the family characters were more like caricatures. It sort of hinted at a story for them but that didn't really go anywhere. So, superfluous and silly but not awful.
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Mixed affair
13 March 2023
This was a hard one to rate, because there were some things that were really good and some that really weren't. But on balance it was entertaining, definitely had its moments and was a decent watch.

The good was definitely the lead roles and their characters. Just superbly done and watching them was a joy. What a brilliant Luther baddie.

The bad was how ridiculous the plot was in places (even for my imagination), boring fight sequences and trying to turn Luther into some sort of super hero. Unnecessary and silly.

I was also torn by enjoying the romantised settings and feeling disappointed that they lacked that "grit" that was so well done in the TV series. The genius of the TV series was you could feel how believable the stories were, fantastical though they may be. The creepiness got under your skin. It stayed with you after the credits. Whereas here it was watchable enough but lacked that element of reality, that connection between real life and real fear, that made the series so amazing.
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Good Omens (2019– )
I so wanted to like this!!!
5 March 2023
The cast list is amazing. The set, costumes, make up; amazing. The characters, especially Arizaphale and Crowley, amazing.

But I found after the first couple of episodes I got bored quickly and could only watch in short bursts. Took me ages to get through the series and I came very close to not bothering. It seemed to be trying too hard to do too much and what should have been entertainment manifested as noise. It descended into a string of "exciting moments" with headache inducing explosions and music and screaming, the story got too convoluted, and the magic this much talent should have had on screen just wasn't there.

The most watchable bits were Arizaphale and Crowley. Their chemistry was wonderful. It really didn't need all the "happening" to detract from their story.
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