
6 Reviews
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She Creature (2001 TV Movie)
Well, what can you expect, anyway?
11 September 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Well, this is sure a very boring movie. The story is weak, the cast is bad, and the special effect is not that good as well. But what can you expect anyway? When the time you pick up the movie, look at the casting, and the summary of the story, do you really expect another Aliens?? Anyway, if you just want to watch topless girl, and shut down your brain for 90 minutes, it is the movie for you. But anyway, it is not the worst movie I even seen, so it is still forgivable ( It can be a lot worse ).


By the way, love the design of the mermaid after she changes ( The thing that sneaks around the ship and kills all the crews ). It is not scary, but it is good ( How many times I have to say that not many things on a scree can scar me anymore ).

4.5 stars out of 10
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8MM (1999)
Underrated, a wonderful piece. But only for those who can handle it.
11 September 2004
I am a kind of surprised when I see that 8mm only gets 5.6 stars ( in average ) in here. In fact, I used to watch this film for more than 20 times ( I got the DVD ) when I was in college, and I think it is one of the best film I even seem in these years.

I actually can understand why most people don't like the film. I guess it is because this film digs up the underground world that related to the "Underground Porns" Well, as you can understand, most people just can't accept the topic, and thus don't like the people, movies, and books that talk about it ( Well, people like ignoring things that they don't like but actually exist. How stupid is that? )

Anyway, 8mm sure is a powerful and underrated movie. Its' story, script, casting, and the characters' acting are all wonderful. The first half of the movie may seem a little slow, but the second half is very breath taking, especially when Max gets killed, and Tom (Cage) tries to run away ( I still remember when I watched this part the first time with my girlfriend, I fast forwared so that I could find out can he really escape before I went on with the film, and got my ass kicked by my girlfriend...... ). Also, the guy who plays as Max in the movie has the best performance, and lines in the film.

I will give 8.5 stars out of 10 for this film. However, this is a film that only for those people who have an open mind, and willing to see the dark side of our world.

P.S. : See the comments on this film from the users "int32", and "Fat-Boy99". I am highly agree with them.
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The first 10 minutes is the best...... ......
10 September 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Well, the first 10 minutes of this movie is the most scary part: Little SPOILER: When little Walsh's mother was killed, little Walsh hide in the bath room, you can see the "fairy" was flying around the door waiting to kill him. It is the most scary part of the whole movie, and I admit that I were chilled ( I get to say that since I am a huge fans of scary / horror games and movies, not much of things on a screen can give me that feel anymore ). But after that, it gets a kind of boring. The fairy shows up again, and again, and I get used it pretty soon. The overall story is OK, not much to complain, good enough to be rated as "Average - To - Good". The only draw back is too short, only last for 80+ minutes. Little SPOILER: By the way, the way the characters jumping stairs in the hospital and the "fairy" catching them in the air when they were in the dark, it is a kind of funny, and "bitchy" ( ^0^ )
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The Nameless (1999)
A disappointing film.
10 September 2004
How to say......It is a disappointing film for me. The set up of this film is really promising: The first 10 minutes of the film and the story starts by saying "A girl was killed five years ago, and now the mother gets a call from her". This idea really can be developed into something really scary, and creepy. However, after the 10 minutes of the film, the story gets really slow and boring. The ending is especially disappointing, nothing that is really "unspeakly" evil, or out of the ordinary. It is just plain disappointing. ( Maybe it is because I am not a parent so that I don't understand the pain of losing a child...... ...... ) I don't know how many you guys in here are also fans of the TV games serial "Silent Hill" ( In PS, and PS2 ). The success of this serial indicates that even the use of cult can be developed into something really creepy, and surreal. Well, anyway, I am not sure it is just because I get toooo used to scary games, and movies, so that even though some people in here say they find "The Nameless" very scary, I find it plain boring.
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Lake Placid (1999)
A pretty good movie.
10 September 2004
Well, Lake Placid is a pretty well made movie. One of the user tige02-1 , from Monongahela, said this movie "One moment you are laughing, the next moment you are holding your breath.". That is exactly what I want to say in the first place. So, if you are in a mood that want to have some fun ( Not those hard-sell joke ) and some horror at the same time, then "Lake Placid" is your choice. Oh, by the way, get to say that most characters in the movie are very interesting. Almost all of them have their own personality, and interest, and the mix of them are really funny. One more thing, Fonda is very CUTE in the movie. It is another enjoyment of watching this film 7.5 out of 10 stars
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Deep Rising (1998)
A lot better than I think......
10 September 2004
I admit that I get this film from the video store cause it is cheap and I don't expect much from it. However, when I finished it, I find it a lot better than I expected. The special effects, the script ( Which is very funny, by the way ), and the story line are all very good. The only problem is that the creator tried too hard to impress the viewers with too much gore. However, with the script ( Boy, do I like the dialogs. They are really funny all the time. ), and the overall story, Deep Rising is still an enjoyable movie. Get it if you want to have 2 hours of good time. It deserves an "A" in the B rated movies. 8 out of 10 stars
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