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Kitchen Nightmares: Burger Kitchen: Part 1 (2011)
Season 5, Episode 5
David Blaine's magic burger
22 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Chef Ramsay faces his biggest challenge yet(again), this time in form of a disfunctional family running a burger joint. Since it's a two parter you can be sure to get a lot of that sweet sweet reality tv drama, shouting and blaming others galore.

It's a pretty good episode and I found myself oddly drawn into it, the highlight being chef David Blaine who showed the owners what it really means to prepare good food. Some hilarity ensues as the father and mother seem to be completely delusional, the guy even thinking he can cook a better burger than a trained chef.

All in all if you like your shows greasy and full of drama check out this episode to see some nasty uncoked burgers and a family falling appart.
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7 April 2015
This was one of the finest moments of TV I have yet experienced.

Few things came close on the feels moments this gave me.

It's a mighty blend of bleak comedy and family tragedy. The whole plot of Peggy and the baby was so full of life and clever metaphors, that I can safely say that this was the moment the series got me hooked. None of the characters felt out of place and it was one of the few times were Booby could shine, but what I felt was most important is that Peggy gets down to earth in this one, she often seems snobby and smart Alec, but here you feel as to she was a real person.

Thank you King of the Hill for being one of the greats with this coming even to the Simpsons and South Park.
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The Love Guru (2008)
why do you do it Mike Myers?
17 October 2013
Wow this movie is uniquely bad, you know the kind where there are so many little things that annoy you that you don't even know where to begin.

Anyways let's just start with Myers, he is so very annoying and unlikable that making friends with a landmine would be more fun. He isn't shy about trying every racist joke and stereotype about Indians. His humor is that of a 5 year old with many many fart and punching someone in the nuts jokes. The advice he gives is shallow and the whole trademark thing makes no sense. He needs someone who can support his kind of comedy, which in this film can not be done by Alba or Romany Malco(the hokey player with love problems) and neither is Myers expressive enough to make the whole chewed through story work.

The rest of the cast is forgetful at best and fills you with rage at worst(WTF Ben Kingsley)

The story of course is the other part, not only is the script predictable, I also got the feeling as if they were trying to make fun of every minority in the flick and that in a painfully hateful and unfunny way. They make inappropriate jokes about little people, African American and to some extend even Canadian and none of it works.

I recommend you watch it if you are looking deep into your wine bottle or just want a new reason to hate humanity.
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This Is 40 (2012)
Just another Apatow
18 February 2013
Watching this movie I did not expect anything ground breaking or sincerely touching, I expected a nice little flick with some good to mediocre comedy and a feel good atmosphere, you know like every Judd Apatow movie.

The story is simple a middle aged couple gets into all sorts of mischief, from financial trouble to kids only to test the strength of their bond as a family. Nothing new or interesting but what the story lacks it should have made up with humor or at least some good writing. And here the problem starts it tries to be somewhere between a comedy and drama but fails at both. The jokes often fall flat and when they hit target there are few and far in between. The drama fells the same way, you have lots of this little manipulative dramatic scenes, but the characters are so one dimensional and boring you don't care for them. And when it manages to capture you in some way a rude or worn out joke soon follows.

Another big problem is that it feels too long and I found myself starring at the clock waiting for it to end as I was getting more and more annoyed by Leslie Manns same lame character. I admit that I am not the real demographic for this being in my 20ties, but I could understand the problems and moral dilemmas of the characters and if it were presented differently I am sure I could relate to it.

If you want a simple comedy I suggest any of his other works, but don't bother with this one.
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