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A Very English Christmas (I) (2023 TV Movie)
Not worth watching
28 November 2023
When I tuned in I thought it was a Hallmark film due to female lead having an American accent, but as it continued it's lack of Cotswold scenery and the red Buick barn which look more like a modern community hall grated. I checked to find it was a British movie with British actors which hadn't even been filmed in the Cotswolds! Okay I could have overlooked this if the script and delivery but the script was repetitive and wordy, and delivery like watching a school play except here it was accompanied with music which did little to evoke our emotions.

A real waste of everyone's time, including mine.
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Good cast make this film a reasonable watch
28 November 2023
It probably won't make my Christmas rewatch list but it is more watchable than many Xmas movies. I'm sure Cannel 5 had it listed as Christmas in the Country. The hosting family inhabit the vice's family home following the death of her parents. Although not stately home sized it's a reasonable sized Regency house on the outside but its interior doesn't seem to match., even without the obvious renovation works. Her sister is an a tree living in America who comes home for Christmas with her husband and two children and a visiting daughter of some sort of business partner. This is husband's second family and he has a teenage son from previous marriage, he also has an elderly mother who comes to stay.

So we have a mix of characters with various problems which are gradually revealed.

I probably would watch again next year.
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For fans of TV series only
5 May 2022
Lots of shots of favourite characters and long scenery shots did not compensate for weak storylines. I thought I'd enjoy the South of France but the storyline was the weaker. Maybe the injection of Dominic West and Hugh Dancy breathed life into the Downtown storyline as their energy seemed to rejuvenate the film. With such a large cast most were underused and their performances were 'tired' like wearing a dress which no longer suits them, it feels comfortable but unexciting.
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Christmas Made to Order (2018 TV Movie)
Mediocre Christmas movie
4 December 2020
Boy literally bumps into girl and ends up hiring her to organise his family's Christmas. The script lacks any sparkle or sublety but the cast smile through as the inevitable plot plays out.
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Speakerine (2018)
An intriguing French drama set in 1962
5 November 2020
I was searching for something else on All4 when I came across 'Walter Presents, The Announcer' recognising Gregory Fitoussi in the photo I realised this was the sub-titled version of 'Speakerine'. I clicked to download wondering how I'd missed it in the schedules. Although all episodes are available it will not screen on E4 till November 27th, 2020. I only meant to watch one episode but ended up watching all six. This drama is set in 1962 and the central character is Christine Beauval (played by Marie Gillian). Christine works for a TV company, RTF, as an announcer between programmes. Back then the announcer delivered the programming details directly to camera and was seen on TV. Christine is a celebrity in France, she is also a working mother, which was usual in the 60s, and at 42 she's looking to move on her career by producing her own programme. She has sent the pitch for 'Portraits de Femmes' to the studio's director. Her husband Pierre works for the government under the direction of the Minister of Information, Eric Jauffret, who is also a close family friend. Pierre is to head the launch of a TV link between France and the USA, General de Gaul has personally selected him for this role. This news does not please the studio director who feels unsettled by the Beauval's growing influence. Christine's children have problems of their own. Her son, Jean-Claude, has lost two friends in the war in Algeria of Independence and is trying to find out what happened to them. Her daughter Collette has been doing working experience in Eric's office and they have become romantically involved. The programme has been tagged as 'Mad Men mixed with Agatha Christie'; yes, it is set in the 1960s and yes there is a murder, but this drama is more than that. There are the underlying politics of the period; international, business and personal. I was surprised that the French government had such an influence on TV output. Being a child of the 60s I was less surprised at the racism and sexism depicted in the programme. Of the cast Gregory Fitoussi is probably the one most UK viewers will recognise. His previous British TV appearances include; BBC's Spiral (a French production), Spin (an earlier Walter Presents series), Mr Selfridge (an ITV production) and Beecham House (also an ITV production). Marie Gillian received a nomination for Best Actress in this role at the Globes de Cristal Awards.
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Confused by previous reviews
25 March 2020
I came here to find out more about this film before buying. I am confused that two reviewers refer to it as an Italian comedy but description given indicate film is French and language spoken is French! I also can't find a copy with English subtitles.
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Hostile (I) (2017)
Look passed the ugliness to find the beauty within
8 July 2018
I admit that this film's horror/sci-fi genre is not one that interests me these days and the only reason I watched this movie was because Gregory Fittoussi was in it. (He won an award for this role). Living in UK this did not come to local cinema's so I had to wait till released in streaming media. Genre has more appeal to my husband so we watched together. Juliette is trying to find food for group in post-apocalyptic American, landscape is arid and desserted. Due to the presence of mutant humaniods she has to return to base before dusk. A photo of her with a man is stuck to the visor in her vechicle. The film osocilates between Juliette's present dilemma of returning to base and her pre-apocalyptic, past relationship with Jack, a rich French art gallery owner living in New York. Watching it, I became involved with Juliette's dilemma and with her relationship with Jack, who looked passed the ugliness of Juliette's life to see the beauty within her. Without spoiling it, I just want to say the ending haunted me long after the credits had rolled. My husband also enjoyed this movie terming it 'diffierent' which in his case means 'not formulaic.' This movie deserved a wider release I hope it now finds it.
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A different take on gender equality
13 April 2018
This film came up on Netflix and I started watching not knowing it was only released today. It deals with the current issues between the genders in a comic but interesting way. Set in Paris (always a good start for a movie) Damien is a single man used to the entilements of a patriarchal society. After being rejected by Alexi a bang to his head takes him into a parallel world where women are the entitlemented gender. Damien finds it differicult to adjust to his new environment. In this world Alexi is a powerful author who sees potential in Damien's story. I enjoyed this movie and it's premise. The characters of the leads are strong in both worlds, but being a strong woman in a man's world is different to being a strong woman in a woman's world.
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Borgia (2011–2014)
When it,good it's reasonable but when it's bad it's awful!
3 March 2018
I read that this europudding was recorded with the view of dubbing later. I'm not keen on dubbing as it looses part of an actor's performance but the mix of accents here makes uncomfortable viewing. Dialogue is iffy too. However, the youth of the teenagers Cesare and Lucritia does become apparent. I feel the lead was miscast though as its shortcomings would be less noticeable if this performance was more believable.
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Knock Knock (I) (2015)
Started badly and got progressively worse
29 April 2016
I quite like Keanu but within minutes of watching this film his zany dad antics were beginning to irritate me. However, the premise that he was a loving dad who adored his wife came through and you have to set characters. Next two young girls turn up at his door, their explanation for being there is a bit flimsy but still in early stages. Unfortunately. although next morning Keanu's character wakes up to reality the film doesn't. By the time the girls returned I had lost interest and went to bed. Maybe Keanu was seduced into making movie, but this is one he should never have opened the door to and let onto his CV.
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The Crucible (2014)
24 October 2015
I wanted to go to London to see this play but couldn't, then I saw it listed in local cinema and persuaded my husband to accompany me, not telling him length was 3 hours. He honestly didn't notice until we were walking home and he checked time! From the onset you engage with this production. It is a filmed within the theatre so everything takes place on stage, but the camera-work is not static and takes you into the performance. This is a very intense and powerful interpretation with a brilliant cast. It's lead, Richard Armitage, was nominated for an Olivier award for his performance and in my opinion only missed out because Mark Strong's performance was delivered in an American accent. His portrayal of John Proctor delivers a man who is physically strong but has allowed a moment of weakness to undermine his marriage and sense of self. As group hysteria is unleashed good people suffer and the community turns in on itself. Arthur Miller's writing, Yael Farber's direction and Richard Artimitage's performance combine together to create an unforgettable viewing experience.
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