
20 Reviews
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Law & Order: UK (2009–2014)
Not bad
12 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I have found watching this show interesting as a comparison to the US version. It does well but nowhere near the excellence of the original series. The characters in the UK series take longer to get to know/understand, perhaps intentionally. The first few series were the best but once the original prosecutor left and his boss, the law side suffered tremendously. They hired a robot to replace Ben Daniels. His acting style and total lack of emotion didn't do anyone any favors Another thing that shocked me was the death of Jamie Bamber's character. It was sudden and then hardly mentioned again. There was no memorial, funeral or mourning. They used it to fuel Ronnie's character's story about sobriety. The writing wasn't really that good in this episode. They brought in a new guy to investigate his death and then he becomes the new partner, strange. He is tolerable in replacing the Devlin character, but the way Devlin's death was handled just left a bad taste in my mouth. But I am sure, it was very "British", stiff upper lip and push on. I know a lot of US viewers were pretty appalled by it. The writer certainly didn't understand. In short, it was fun to watch, but the US version is just amazing compared to this version.
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Saltburn (2023)
Very disappointing
9 January 2024
This film is like the blending of Brideshead Revisited (The miniseries, not the film) and The Talented Mr. Ripley, but not acheiving their status. The two main characters are not compelling, the writing is good at times, mostly missed though. The performances by Rosamund Pike and Richard E. Grant make the movie. If they had not been in it, the rating would have been lower. I don't know what all the fuss is about. Both actors are pretty boring to warch, not skilled actors and the storylines have enormous holes in them. The last part of the film isn't even believable. Watch the other two I have mentioned, they are far superior to this film.
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From Scratch (2022)
Still trying to figure out why a woman in her 40s is still in college
1 May 2023
One thing I always looks for in a new show is good casting. Casting a woman in her 40s as a college student is a bit far fetched. Her romantic scenes with men 15 to 20 years her junior is bordering on creepy. I felt the same way when they cast Ewan McGregor as a 25 year old Halston. Neither of these people look that young by a long shot. Oh well, will move on. Maybe they will cast Jane Fonda as a 40 something in Manhattan for a new show, trying to conceive her first child while juggling a career. That would be about as believable. The shows moves dreadfully slowly so didn't get past the first 4 episodes. I know this is going to be a very unpopular opinion of the show but it's honest.
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Fright Night (2011)
So much potential never realized
27 April 2023
It is hard to top the original film, although it is very much a product of it's time and so I suppose it was time for a remake. Unfortunately, with what is a spectacular cast, the writing and directions doesn't help these actors at all. Colin Farrell is a frightening guy, no matter what the role, and he excels here but comes across as a rather disgusting guy. He speaks to Charlie about is Mother and girlfriend as nothing but sexual objects. In the first film, Amy was a love interest, no a conquest. I think Colin was right about his feeling of the character and they should have listened to them. Charlie is an unsympathetic character that treats his friends pretty badly. In fact, the male characters in this film just don't get you wish any of them would win. Watch the first film, the character development is excellent, as are the performances. Poor Colin.
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I was frankly amazed
7 December 2022
I have to say that this story is a fresh take, thank you Anne Rice for overseeing the production and writing. You are very much still with us. But I have to say the Lestat character has come completely to life, not at all like the one note character played in the film. I always thought the casting was badly done there, although the Louis part was well played in the film. I had read the novel prior to the film coming out and the film has never sat well with me. Here, in the series, the leads are both played by amazing actors with so many nuances and emotions crossing their faces. It just heightens the interactions between these two characters. The fact the Lestat speaks with a French accent is so on point. Cruise never seemed to do any accent in a film regardless of the nationality of the character which just shows a total lack of training. Better he stick to action flicks. Definitely worth the watch, in fact, I will be watching it again. Can't wait until the second season.
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Persuasion (I) (2022)
Wow, this was pretty bad
5 November 2022
Casting was pretty awful. Dakota could have been much better, but the casting of Wentworth was just a total miss in my opinion. The writing was appalling. "He is a 10"? What? Why did they bother? Thankfully, anyone that has read the book would know what a complete mess this film is. The costumes were bad, the cinematography and the directing. There is so much talent out there, but let someone adapt the film for the screen that has never read the book and this is what you get. I am glad I saw the film, I am sorry that it was a dissappointment to so many. There are some much better filmed versions of this book to be sure.
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Uncoupled (2022)
I have no idea why NPH would do a show like this!
11 August 2022
This is such a garbage-fest of drama. Completely unrealistic and obnoxious. I was sitting there wondering why Neil Patrick Harris would do a series like this at all. Surely he has earned some power in the medium and I am just shocked this is a project he said oh yeah, this looks great! He is clearly getting on in years and perhaps this is why the green light on his part. There are some funny parts but far and few between, there is no charisma from any of the actors, who look like cardboard cutouts of characters or should I say stereotypes. Being a gay man, this truly offended me. I lived in NYC and knew no one like these people. Give it a miss.
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Sanditon (2019–2023)
This is not Austen
21 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Hmmm think Bridgerton, certainly not Austen. The characters were fleshed out somewhat, the acting was good for the most part. The part of Sidney Parker could have been improved upon. Austen describes him as an agreeable, lively man. The actor/director/writer choose to ignore this description and play him as an even less tolerable Mr. Darcy but it didn't work unfortunately. The sister and brother in this adaptation soon were changed to step brother and sister so that the story could comfortably explore their incestuous relationship. Something I am sure a 19th century author would not have put on paper like it was parking a car. It was appalling to say the least. This adaptation was a huge disappointment to me. I did keep watching looking for a redemption that would never come. Hoping someone will do much better one day.
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Chicago Med (2015– )
So disappointed
10 September 2021
The shows started out well, but the story lines and the acting have gone downhill with each new season. I love medical shows but this one is pretty maddening to watch. I have never watched one of the "Chicago" shows but after watching this, I think I will give the others a miss as well. Save your time, lots of good stuff out there!
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Perry Mason (2020–2023)
Good show, definitley NOT Perry Mason
9 August 2021
Well acted, well written ( a little slow at first but then it picks up pace quite a bit) good cinematography, costumes, captures the period very nicely. I definitely agree with the comment in comparison to "LA Confidential", it feels the same. The only thing the creator did wrong was the name. This is not Perry Mason, not by a long shot. That is the reason people are giving it shade on this site and they are right. Shame they couldn't have named it something like, I don't know "LA Confidential" for example.
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Halston (2021)
Exploitive and boring
26 May 2021
Granted, I didn't get to the 4th episode, but apparently story telling is dead. This skims over the formidable years, so perhaps we might understand and actually like the main character, or at least understand them but this fails miserably. We are shown the characters, only superficially and we like them even less. Ewan McGregor is a fine actor giving a fine performance (he sound just like Halston but looks nothing like him) and is far too old to be playing him. It seems to be concentrating more on the main character's personal life (hookups and such) which we know happens but it doesn't define the character of a person and that is what is missing here. Too bad really, but I now know to avoid anything Murphy does, he just seems to be telling the wrong story in everything he does. It is sensational to be sure but there is no depth to the story.
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Unhinged (I) (2020)
No reason to watch this film
17 December 2020
Exceptionally unrealistic film and no reason to make it. I watched for Russell Crowe but I won't be making that mistake again.
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Silver Spoon (2014– )
Another enjoyable show from Russia
11 June 2020
Give this series a chance! It is funny, dramatic and has some pretty intriguing actors. I am not particularly enamored with the lead actor. He can be funny and entertaining at times, but lacks the acting chops for the more serious scenes. He also wears more makeup than Farrah Fawcett on Charlie's Angels. YIKES The woman that plays the captain is both beautiful and an excellent actress. She really steals every scene she is in, along with her love interest, who is quietly, a very strong handsome actor. It is entertaining to watch, the story lines are sometimes inconsistent. The supporting cast is good. I would recommend it.
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Hollywood (2020)
Very dissappointing
5 May 2020
I just finished watching this show that I must confess I looked forward to seeing despite the fact that yet again, Darren Criss was in the cast. Does anyone else hire this guy? I was pretty appalled by the total lack of accuracy in the portrayals of what are pretty well known people. Did the actors have any idea who they were portraying? Queen Latifa, who I love, was portraying Hattie McDaniel, where was Hattie McDaniel? I met Rock Hudson, this is a terrific insult to him. He was shy, but was not dumb as he is portrayed on the one note. He was an exceptional person, not an actor, but he knew that. I understand what Ryan Murphy was trying to accomplish but totally misses the mark here. Great production values, some good performances, not unpleasant to watch if you completely depart from reality. I have read the reviews and it is interesting to realize that the bad reviews are from gay, black people. I loved the review that said the bad reviews are from right wing hillbillies? I would read those reviews again before you say things like that. All told, if you don't see it, you didn't miss anything. I especially loved the review praising Jim Parson's performance and "do you think he based on a specific agent or a few agents?" He was playing an actual person. Good lord. I think the good reviews are obviously from people that have no idea what they are watching. They just see pretty things and Ryan Murphy has that in spades.....just no substance. Very sad.
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Altered Carbon (2018–2020)
The 1st season was cool, 2nd season a snooze
27 February 2020
I like Anthony Mackie as an actor, but he is miscast in the 2nd season. He is not compelling to watch. The writing is OK but Joel Kinnamon at least made it interesting to watch. Kinnamon is intense and is sized to make him intimidating to his opponents. Also James Purefoy is a fine actor and there is no one in the second season with that kind of talent. Largely casting in the second season with people unable to carry it. I think the 2nd season will be the last.
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Tiny House Nation (2014– )
Awful show
14 August 2019
I had the extreme displeasure of watching this show. Zack is a great go too guy that lives in a tiny house himself and bring his expertise to the shows special building issues. I have no idea why John is there. I suppose it is for all the "drama" that the producers feel must be necessary for these shows, which in my opinion, seriously detracts from what the shows title say it is supposed to be about.These houses are nice but have to cost at least $150K so I don't know what is so fantastic about that. If you want to watch an amazing show about tiny house living. Go to Youtube and watch Living Large in a Tiny House. The host is amazing, informative and the homes are amazing. There is also no drama!
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24 June 2019
Before, it was always a tight knit group with fringe players but this time, too many people to focus on, which made it long and I think diluted what the story could have been. I understand that Mr. Maupin wanted a gay actor to play Mouse but did anyone else truly miss the first Mouse? I certainly did. I understand he wasn't a gay actor, but he was a good actor that was so much fun to watch. The new actor was so boring and one note. If you watched the original story lines you will not like this one, this reboot pales in comparision but that may be because I lived through the first ones and they mean so much to me or they were just so well written and so much better.
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Touching film
10 September 2018
While I agree that the film could have been a bit shorter, the story moved at a pace that I appreciated and I found the performances to be very good. I have watched many gay themed movies where the stories are silly and the acting non-existent, so this was a very pleasant surprise indeed.
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2 August 2018
It seems that since George Lucas gave up the reins, the movies couldn't be worse. The acting is bad, the story lines are bad. Very sad really. Can't believe they are going to run this into the ground. Thanks Disney
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Irritating On So Many Levels
26 February 2018
I understand that telling the story backwards is a daring thing to do but it really doesn't work with this story. The crescendo is at the beginning. It is called The Assassination of Gianni Versace but of course, it isn't about him but the story of Andrew Cunanan. Viewer draw perhaps? Who would watch something call Andrew Cunanan...right? Well as TV shows go, it is well executed. The casting leaves something to be desired, with soooo many good Italian actors out there, it seems amazing the choices that were made. The main role, despite the title of the show, is Andrew and the actor choice there is clearly a result of some relationship and not based on the caliber of actor. For this role, a better choice would have been Ben Whishaw or someone with polished acting skills. Somehow, his work on Glee was about as far as he can stretch apparently. It would have made the character human and far more believable. Darren's portrayal is a cardboard like character with crazy one note expressions ahhhhh where is Anthony Perkins when you need him. Now that man could play a sociopath! Still, this TV show will please a lot of people out there, as one can tell from the reviews. But for me, season 1 was MUCH better, tighter script, better actors and compelling story.
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