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The Stranger (II) (2022)
Mr. Big
21 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
There have been many instances of this technique being used, some are to lure suspects into false confessions (see the instance in Canada), but in this case they had far more evidence than led on in the film. It was brilliant acting, and they cleverly focused on the sting from start to finish. Rather than drawing you in by the emotional pleas of the family, they left all of it out, and zeroed in on the sting. Both leads were a coin flip on who's performance was better. I'm not sure how this isn't rated higher, but I don't know what to say as a negative, other than it's a slow slow beautiful burn. You can always look up the exact case it was based on whilst watching, but all the same, it was a beautifully dark portrayal of the real case.
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15 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Did anyone else notice that the clown was the only black voice in the episode. I'm not black, I just found that to be a hilarious cast/character combo. Lot of Asian voices (obviously), some white, and then you could literally hear it like the guy was casted to do this character unbeknownst that his character was a clown, like straight out of bozo. I have to say a lot more for this to be acceptable. Not sure this will pass anyway, as I said some key words. But I didn't make this show, I'm just observing. Look it up folks, it's an incredibly odd casting for this character, he is literally a clown.
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How to get away with murder?
8 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is a CLASSIC reason to lawyer up immediately and/or know your rights. This special gives a unique dive into why suspects sit there, because even on the 1 yard line you still need to make sure you call the right play. There are so many factors that need to go right for them to get this out of him, none of which are the concerned friend, weirdly accompanying son (as dad is next door), or dads video, despite what this special may lead you to believe. The main one is simply the man himself. There are 1000s of cases attempting to incite a confession, and when you get one on high profile case, you are brilliant. The guy deserves what he got, absolutely. But, this is not a case of brilliant interrogation technique, this is a case of a man that had no idea how to handle being pressed in any way. Ask the 100s of families that know who killed their loved one, yet couldn't get the evidence, or ultimately...the confession.
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No One Can Hear You Scream: Big Sky Mystery (2022)
Season 1, Episode 3
Watts Case Parallels
8 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This case had WAY more evidence than the Chris Watts case, yet he still lawyered up. If you line them up, this guy had a witness that watched him dump the woman's car, and came back wearing gloves with two cell phones, and then drove him back whilst discussing BARRELS WITH LIDS! The Watts case had almost nothing except heavy speculation. Likely would have found Shannan, but not his daughters. The parallels struck me. Maybe it was overwhelming guilt (which one could imagine), and a combination of great interview skills, but the guy in this episode would have gotten away with that triple murder. Just makes you wonder how many go unsolved because they're not all as crack-able as Watts under pressure.
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The Watcher (2022– )
I'll change this if I'm wrong.
21 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This SCREAMS "you're the only one not in on it". Just "a house" in "a town". We could be in a bubble or a dome (shoutout) for all we know. The only thing clear is it's going to be really fun to see this family attempt to get its problems solved with zero help from....the neighbors. No I'm kidding, no help from whatever bubble town they're in...police, security installation, old friends, neighbors....they're all in on in except YOU! This is super modern, mentions of current social media. Come on now, like come on. It's like they're on an island with no outside help?!? They've yet to even visit a single place other than the police ! 2 mins into episode 2 it's even worse. This is not "he's dead the whole time".

You're the only one not in on it.
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Smile (V) (2022)
What's in your head...ZOMBIE ZOMBIE!
12 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is clearly a setup for a sequel, but please don't. Not every movie needs one, and this doesn't. There are plot holes for years! This film collapsed during the second act, and the problem was that it was too centralized on a single character with just about zero building for the rest. I watched the whole film, and it just didn't go anywhere resolution-wise. It's almost like they set it up where "cop ex boyfriend" is leading in the next one, but you can wrap this up, box it, and send it away. No need.

This reminded me of "It Follows" from the jump. Go back to the drawing board. The premise of it was super creepy, but it began and ended on that exact style with nothing but a cliche of "no one believes a crazy person" scenes until it was beat to death.
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A woman scorned
23 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Agree with with all the other reviews, super biased. But even before she speaks, you can see it in her eyes. She is BAT SHHHH NUTS. This is just my opinion, but she's probably never been let go in a sense that someone can just move on with their life without her. She needs to have a lasting impact on them forever, whether it be begging for her to take him back or in Johnny's case, defaming him to the world. She's likely got a few personality disorders, and although this "DOC" was a load of one sided BS, he won in the end. This is what a woman scorned looks like. Hope she never gets another role again.
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Beyond Reasonable Doubt (I) (2017– )
A true Jewell
30 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Most of this series is great, but as is par for the course, they sidestep how Richard Jewell was absolutely railroaded by every subsidiary of law enforcement possible. This is a WHITE MALE, hoping to land a career in law enforcement. It's stories like this that make ordinary people think twice about getting involved in anything related to the judicial system. Drive your friend to someone's house, comes back bloody with a gun in hand. You're going to jail for murder too. What a lovely country we live in. I'm sure this won't get out through, but all the same.................................

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For All Mankind: Red Moon (2019)
Season 1, Episode 1
PC boxes...checked
20 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It was a male-dominated field, yep...more than likely it still is (weirdly, they don't tend to release those statistics). Although, you'd think that the PR field was exclusively female in those days (wives of soldiers apparently). All that aside, I've seen one episode and (feel free to tell me I'm wrong), but it looks like we're also squeezing immigration into this storyline, and I believe a young Hispanic woman will end up (somehow, when immigrants were welcomed at the highest level) being on a ship in this series.
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Modern Family: SuperShowerBabyBowl (2019)
Season 10, Episode 15
13 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It was pretty funny, but this is the episode it became incredibly apparent that Ariel Winter had plastic surgery, and I'm not talking about below the neck. Such a cute girl, and now she'll never be able to go back. Don't ffff with your face!
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Prey (I) (2022)
Natives speak English/Others speak french
6 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, it was better than expected. But, how is it that that the natives' language is English (obviously, we have to have dialogue), but they don't even translate the French to English? That part I can't get past. You expect us to believe that this native language (which is BARELY spoken) is also extremely easy to translate, yet FRENCH is not? Pick one or the other. They couldn't even do that if they wanted, because the language you probably thought you wouldn't understand going into this...IS FRENCH!!! It was so unnecessary, and I almost turned it off at that part. You clearly have settlers (French) invading on their land, yet we understand the native people BEFORE they invaded their land????? Howwwwww please tell me how it makes any sense to translate dialogue almost completely, and then almost zero the other way? How does the line French guy who speaks another language (many in fact), also communicate with her in ENGLISH??? Does anyone believe their native tongue is English? If you do then I'm way off here. Just seems like a silly oversight.
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The Gray Man (2022)
Gosling 8. Russos/Evans -2
26 July 2022
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You will only be known for your role as captain america, that's it. Now for the Russos, you can't direct all movies like they're marvel movies. You can tell they did a little cut and paste thinking it works the same, nope. Then you have Gosling, despite whatever reviewer said he wasn't "bad ass" enough, he has always killed it when playing this subtle but deadly killer. And by my count, the only mainstream male actor of this age to not hang his career on superhero films.
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Right on cue...beginning of the end.
22 July 2022
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This film was overtly trying to one up Ragnarok humor-wise, and it felt incredibly forced. When Christian Bale (former BATMAN) outshines the rest it's kinda sad. We used to look forward to these films because they'd give us a sense of what's coming. This just felt like a filler until they transition (pun intended) into a more PC line of films. They are slowly phasing out The Avengers, for the NEW aVENGERS. The only hope we have left is that they finally do right by the first family (4), and a decent X-men reboot. Goodbye, and welcome to the beginning of the end.
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Black Bird (2022)
Legal missteps
10 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Am I missing something? He takes a plea deal, and then his own lawyer backdoors him? Anyone ever heard of this ever happening in reality??? Get past that for a sec, and then the same lawyer is sitting in with the FBI agent...and they tell him that his lawyer has their number? So his old lawyer is in it with the fbi, and they just skate by completely unseen by a JUDGE?? I've seen some BAAAAD legal drama, but it's best not to start with it 😬
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Ozark (2017–2022)
1 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This show started out so good, I loved Bateman's role the whole way, but Ruth stole the show. Unfortunately, they (she/their/them/who knows?) decided it was going to be about Laura Linney (I'm thinking SHEEEE DID). You already had a fan favorite lead female (RUTH!!!), but they just butchered her (RUTH!!!!) character in the last season. Sorry, there's two actors who excelled in this (entire) series. Linney becomes annoying, because you're watching Marty figure ways out, while she keeps pushing for the big "fffffkk the kids, what about me?!". Feels like that's kinda what she was saying to the writers the last season. This is NOT breaking bad. Could it have been, NO. Something original was nice at first, or were we all just glued to nostalgia ?
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Ouch :/
18 June 2022
Just wrote this to say Moses Ingram is one of THE worst actresses I've ever seen. It's brutally cringy watching her.

Oops too short, she's awful. Really awful, truly bad and not adequate.
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Glass (2019)
This is an origin story
4 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Over the last 10 years, the superhero genre has exploded. Yet, Unbreakable is widely recognized as one of the best superhero movies in that exact same genre. Anyone who doesn't see the genius of this is wrapped up in the Marvel-verse. This film took the superhero genre from 10+ years ago, and flipped it right on its own head. It's absolutely silly that any of you can't see this for what it truly is, wrench meet machine.
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Extra stars just for L
3 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I found it truly awful that Roy's family wasn't involved I the production at all, nor consulted in any way. Albeit being centered around her from the start, they should have been at least somewhat involved. But that leads to the problem with all shows like this, it's about the villain, because that's what we want to see. We don't care about the victim as much as the accused. Anyone remember any of Bundy's victims? We live in a society where the victim is secondary, even in instances like this.

Now, I will say that Elle Fanning played her really well. The facial expressions, and the mannerisms. It made it a little easier to watch, but Michelle Carter is so despicable, I started to despise L's character. Carter is one of the nastiest looking humans I've ever seen. The eyebrows are vile, the bug eyes are hideous, the forehead is massive, and it looks as if someone beat her face into itself on all angles. I hope she reads these. You are a filthy, disgusting piece of trash. I hope you never ever live a day without someone reminding you of what you've done.
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Jaws (1975)
So glad I'm not the only one...
30 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I know that we didn't know a lot about marine life back then, but the premise is just as silly as Sharknado. As a kid, I was scared to ride Jaws at universal. Once I saw the movie, the man behind the curtain was laughable. The only thing this movie has going for it is "the legend" of don't go in the water, and the bloodcurdling theme music that is regarded as genius. The shark does not look REMOTELY real at all, nor does it behave like a shark in any way. Star Wars, Planet of the apes, Jurassic park, and even Alien (albeit also awful)...all used fiction. WHY use an actual living creature and portray it as just a shark that really hates certain boats? The acting is a joke, check out the rest of their "BIG roles". Megalodon is more accurate than this...because it's not a real creature that people swim with in the sea daily! There is no reason a shark would ever behave this way, and clearly the question asked was "could a shark potentially hit a boat?"...yes? Ok movie made! I'm just glad I'm not the only one that doesn't see anything genius about this movie!
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Alien (1979)
Holds up well?
30 March 2022
I don't know who thinks this movie still holds up, but I'm sure they're just holding onto those "good ole classics". I was born in the 80s, scared to even ride Jaws at Universal because of the fear instilled by that movie. Once I watched it (also after I'd seen a real shark lol), it was laughable how that and Alien are deemed so terrifying. Maybe I'm spoiled by CGI, which I'll admit does not make a good movie in the slightest. But, there is nothing scary, or suspenseful about this movie. Star Wars holds up, this movie is shtttt! I get that the movies made today are mostly awful, but don't hang on to this garbage.
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The Walking Dead: Splinter (2021)
Season 10, Episode 20
It's tough to call this character development...
25 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I've read through a lot of reviews. I'm just not seeing how this is character development. I'm kind of at a loss for words on how to even describe this. For all of you that are making the pandemic excuse, they could have waited, or couldn't they? I guess that's the thing here is that this show has tried and tried to stretch itself out, and it's the end of the road. They realize that the longer they wait, the more viewers they lose to other shows. They can't afford to wait and do it right, they have to cash in on who's left.

This is why you don't get greedy. Look at The Wire, Breaking Bad (the series), Lost, Game of Thrones...there's a reason there weren't 10 seasons. Viewers want it to end even if they don't know it. You'll always want more, but not just for it to be something you can fall asleep to. This show will go down as being one of the best shows that was the last one to know when to leave the party.
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The Voyeurs (2021)
21 March 2022
I thought the movie was pretty good overall, twisted, niche, dark, but didn't see the end coming. Sweeney is like Seyfried x 5! Better actress, and so so much more attractive (and even before he shirt comes off). Bye bye Mandy, time to 'Dropout' 👍
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Reel (2015)
Wannabeeeee so BLOODY awful
10 March 2022
You know what's coming the whole time...and then you know he's going to try to "out gore" the rest. He's gotta be a washed up magician, because you can see the illusions lol. Shakey cam footage doesn't disguise the tricks any more than 4 rednecks screaming insanities mate. Also, the YouTube vids are real...they were posted conveniently right around the time the movie came out. Ohhhhhh Canada! *deeeeep voice*
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Sons of Anarchy (2008–2014)
Great characters, but like Hamlet, it's a tragedy
23 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
They could have either drug it out, or payed off more of the long storylines they developed. The first two were almost impossible to turn away from. Even the third, pretty good, opened up a lot of history. They really do get you to love and hate some of the characters well. My main problem is that this is a SMALL town. I get that initially most of the police are playing both sides, but you have to explain at least SOME of the murder, battery, robbery, etc that takes place with zero investigation. Have you ever seen forensic files? In the 80s they'd be picked up in days in a city 100+ times that size. This is what makes shows like The Wire par for the course. You have to cross it all off from top down.

Major political or law enforcement characters only show up when it lends to the plot at the moment, then...gone until next time. They completely wrote off Jax's ex wife with ZERO explanation of where she'd gone, only to pop up again later as a main character with no explanation of where she'd been or why she'd left. Now she's working at Tara's hospital?

The IRA...a massive rouge anti-government organization has for some reason chosen to partner with this extremely small town to funnel guns through? And when Jimmy goes on the run, he comes to the one area where he'd be most likely found? Anyone ever heard of Compton? There's no shortage of places in that state alone to deal guns...and also happens to be basically the furthest state from the UK, yet this source seems to be vital to their entire operation??!??!

The rival gang(s) that are practically the entire premise of the first season slowly disappear as if they're nonexistent, and have no influence any longer.

It is laughable how many plot holes there are!
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Archive 81 (2022)
Poor poor lead female
8 February 2022
The primary female is brutal to watch, as it goes on, it really does get worse. Father dog awful. The secondary female characters are phenomenal, and the primary/secondary male characters are as well.

Other than that, great storyline. I liked the beginning montages in that style.
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