
2 Reviews
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Two brothers in surreal rivalry from the crib onward.
15 March 2017
This short film is shot entirely on a white stage - cyclorama - with minimal set decoration giving the film the feel of a surrealist dream or nightmare. One is reminded of the herding scene from THX 1138, or Joe Sedelmaier short films. The building of tension between the brothers intertwines with strange distortions of everyday life- lessons, such as elbowing aside school. The festive soundtrack helps keep this purposefully of-balance movie moving smoothly along. A fine offering from the Zageb Film studios, who would later turn heavily to animation.
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A starving photographer - DeVito - deploys an expansive get-rich scheme against the advice of a besotted schoolteacher.
2 December 2012
Hot Dogs was a student film, yet the quality of cinematography, comic timing in both performance and editing, and it's maniacal theme set this movie apart. It launched the careers of both Danny DeVito and Martin Brest, and any Hollywood scout would instantly see why. The construction of the film provides a world and it's characters through subtle cues and implications. "Fleeetcheeeer," defines the friendship of the two main characters, while the introductory stalking and fruit thievery delineate the anti-hero's personality through behavior rather than narrative. There is a lot of story, and surprising tension, in this very compact film. The climax is quite formalistic, but highly effective, delivering a punch that is expected, yet unbelievable when it happens. The bookending punchline is delivered with wonderful effect, in classic mousetrap style. Technically, it adheres to the logic of the invisible observer, playing out like a recollection from the afterlife of one of the characters. But please take care when viewing, as it is not politically correct in the moment. Caution: Genius at work!
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