
14 Reviews
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Prometheus (I) (2012)
Too much like aliens.
5 June 2012
"The movie disappointed me because it went in a different direction than what I had hoped for." That's my opinion, and also a good analogy for how overused the ideas in the movie is.

At times I was frustrated by the predictability. Some movies have a solid story, and can provide surprise twists in a natural way. Other movies have less of a story, and then they have to experiment with doing the opposite of what the audience expects. Ridley Scott apparently does not feel he has to do anything to create twists in this completely mundane storyline.

You will see unprofessional crew, scientists vs soldiers, obvious expendable characters, young actor with "oldman mask", stereotypical alien base, stereotypical aliens, casual making the greatest discovery in human history, and so on. I believe they are "TV-Tropes" or whatever...

I don't understand why there must be retards on spaceships that make tons of stupid mistakes just to further an empty plot. JUST LET EVERYONE BE SMART, AND MAKE THE ALIENS SMARTER! One good thing about the movie is the main character played by Noomi Rapace. Heck, all performances are at least decent. The CGI is great, it has some very beautiful sceneries. The story isn't terrible either. My beef is mainly that a movie about aliens should feel alien, shouldn't it? And the idiot/expendable characters... FFS.
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Doomsday (I) (2008)
Completely uninteresting.
14 August 2008
This movie was a waste of time for me, and it was such a severe waste of time, that I will spend some more time to warn you against it. If you rent this movie, do not expect to see anything new under the sun. Every character and every group in the movie is completely generic, and seems to be ripped from other movies. The plot is stupid, so very very stupid. The only thing that surprises me in the movie is how little they have done to add to the genre. It is completely forgettable. Every little detail in it was painfully clichéd. And some of them were not thought properly through. For example, in one scene, a screaming head is flying at the camera. No body. Just the head, screaming, completely oblivious to the fact that you would need some sort of air supply through you throat, in order to say anything. I have no choice but to give this movie the lowest score I have ever given a movie in a review, 5/10!
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Saw III (2006)
Snuff film
14 February 2007
It's been a while since I saw this movie, and I have given it a lot of thought since. I couldn't feel anything but disgust at the end of the movie, and something tells me that is not a good sign for someone who can take a lot without being offended. Some of the teen girls who were there were almost crying, perhaps because they felt they had to endure it, just as I did. Why did I not walk out? Because I expected that there might be a lot of gore in the beginning, and then some twist and a little purpose, but when I wiped the blood from my face, the scrolling credits were on. As someone else mentioned, Jigsaw is not the villain of this movie, the ones who made it are. They made a movie to satisfy a psychotic audience. I feel so ashamed to be counted in this group. I was there, but I wish that I wasn't, because I didn't enjoy it at all. It's a snuff flick, no doubt about that. They abandoned all elements of horror and suspense in exchange for visual gore. Saw 1 was excellent, and Saw 2 was pretty good too. But Saw 3 was just a void trap that took my soul!! This will probably be the last Saw movie too. Maybe they felt that they could cross the line this time, because there wasn't going to be a number 4, and people would rush in anyway, because #1 and #2 were good. Damn it.. don't watch this movie if you still have the chance and still have some human dignity. I'd rather watch terrorists decapitate hostages (although I'd never watch that).
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Feast (2005)
This movie made me think
14 January 2007
The beginning of this movie is unlike any horror movie I have ever seen. They really made an effort to divert from the common storyline of horror movies. It seemed completely random and appalling, but then it kind of died out and fell in line. I could guess most of the things that happened after the first 30 minutes. The monsters are also frightening in the beginning, but they also slow down and turn into something a little better than zombies, which is very annoying. It was a good and entertaining movie, but they didn't succeed in making the ultimate random slaughter fest. It stalled and hesitated. Still, it is better than the average horror movie, and nearly as good as Slither. On a site note regarding personal preferences: All the men are pussies, and the women kick ass. A little annoying, a little "Hey, I'm different!", but you'll get used to it.
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Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War (2004 Video Game)
Not entirely bad game...
13 January 2006
Games Workshop sets new a standard for their 40k tactical games with Dawn of War. Chaos Gate was buggy and hard to play. Final Liberation was fun, but VERY buggy, and not really 40k. DoW is more like Warcraft, so the epoke of turn based game play is over. Actually, it feels a bit too much like Warcraft, C&C, etc., but who can resist when it takes place in the 40k universe? I know I can't..

The single player game is really cool to play in the beginning when you have 2 or 3 squads, but only until you realize that you cannot lose no matter how you play it! Later on, when you have 10 squads of 9 marines at a time, it becomes really difficult to practice any tactical play at all. The pathing is horrible. If you issue an order to 5 squads to move to a point on the other side of the map, they will take about 5 minutes just to get out of their start holes. It's tedious. When you prepare for a big attack, you want certain units in front, but they require too much space to pass, so in the end, you're just going to attack with everything you have instead. Even then, some units will just wander around like headless chicken long after the attack is over, and you have won an overwhelming victory (of course). The maps should have been 2x larger! The cinematics are also awful. It doesn't give you any feeling of atmosphere. Of course you can't expect more when the cinematics are done within the game, and its really good that they connect with the game. But I must admit that Warcraft III was far more successful at doing this. I wish they would have made real video cinematics instead...

So, what is good in this game? It's 40k. That's about it. The AI is stupid, the story is lame. The dialogs is ridiculous. They speak as if this was their mission. Come on! They have fought a thousand battles! There is only 1 sound for each unit action. I DEMAND AN INTERESTING GAME!
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JAG (1995–2005)
America, F... yea!
28 July 2005
This has to be the most awesome series ever made for TV. I am not really sure what its about anymore, but it certainly rules. It seems like the authors don't give a f... about the continuity of the series, and just write whatever they think is cool, and that is AWESOME! Thumbs up. One thing that never changes though, is the expressions of the actors. Rabb: I'm thinking really hard, and I am really concerned. Mac: I'm cute, and I'm also smart. Bud: I'm confused :(. I love that. Then they go from being layers to superheroes who save the whole world. You could argue that it's unrealistic, but hey, it's America!

As I'm writing this, the magnificent Rabb has just punched his way out of a 10 vs 1 situation.
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This is just what I had been looking for!
29 June 2005
The movie follows Ray Ferrier (Tom Cruise) and his two children, and their efforts to survive an attack from superior aliens, who want to wipe out humanity, and take over our planet.

War of the Worlds is a movie that will make you feel sick, no matter who you are. There is horror, there is deeply depressing moments of hopelessness, there is frustration, and all the sides of our nature, that we try to hide. If you have a weak heart, I suggest you do not watch this movie! Personally, I loved it! At one point, there was a big scare, and I almost had a seizure :/ I'm going to have nightmares about this movie.

The characters in the movie feels real. Because the focus is on the characters, it allows for great acting, instead of meaningless CGI clips, and this movie really proves (again) that this is how good movies are made. You feel with the characters, feel the horror they must endure. It's really great to see that even Steven Spielberg has accepted this fact!

Yes, it appears to contain many similarities to Independence Day (ID), but ID was a movie about humanity as a whole, and how we eventually figured out a way to work together, and beat the aliens. War of the Worlds is about ONE person and his family, and their attempt to escape the terrifying weapons and machinery of the invaders. They are very different movies!

When the credits rolled, I heard many people in the audience talking about how bad the movie was. But I'm sure they are really thinking:" That was scary as hell!" And it's OK to react like this. That's how those who have jobs that involves seeing horrible things every day handle it. They joke about it. So don't vote 1 star when you get home, just because it frightens you to the bone.

Except for the ending, I think War of the World was perfect. It was disgusting and truly frightening, but what would you expect the extermination of mankind to be like? It was all necessary, and credible enough for me. I give it 8 stars.
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5 June 2005
I saw this movie yesterday on a public service channel. They had advertised it as an awful movie, and so I was drawn to see it, and I was not let down.

A group of 18-19 year old go to an excavation site at an old viking castle in Denmark, to try to uncover the myth of the Berserker vikings. Strange things happens: something is in the forest, and people start disappearing.

The main thing about this movie that really bothers me, is that the story is supposed to take place in Denmark, where I happen to live. There were so many places in the movie where the Hollywood-style overlapped danish reality. It really made the acting and drama look ridiculous in my eyes.

You never see the characters interact with any of their surroundings. Its feels like a mini-Hollywood in Denmark, and it takes away the credibility of the movie. When at one point you hear someone speak "old danish", it sounds exactly like modern day Swedish. Really bad research, considering the director is from Denmark.

The characters in the movie used GPS and maps, and that's really funny, since Denmark is about the size of your backyard. Nomatter where you are, there is never more than 50 km to the sea, and 500 meters to civilization. And if you are at a castle, there are going to be tourists everywhere. We see a lot of overviews of forests in the movie, and sometimes, we see what appears to be North American vegetation(?) The story did not exactly appeal to me, maybe because the acting was so bad. When the characters see the bog creatures for the first time, they are not even scared. I guess their acting skills were insufficient to display realistic emotions. At the end, there is an unexpected twist, but it didn't impress me, since I didn't really care.

The bog creatures are cheap, but they had the potential to be scary. Unfortunately, they fail, since we get a good look at them standing in the forest when the characters arrive at the castle. Also, there are no really scary scenes, since the Bog Creatures are mostly just standing around.

Anyway, conclusion: Disregarding the facts, the movie is your typical B-horror flick. I guess people from other countries can enjoy it more. As long as you are unaware of reality, it doesn't matter. Just like I think of USA as one big action movie set, everyone else can think of Denmark as a forest with a castle.. and some living-dead people in a bog..
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Shockingly bad reviews!
30 April 2005
I just saw this movie tonight, and I thought it was excellent. Scrolling through the first pages of reviews has completely shocked me. There is actually 30 reviews in a row giving it _1_ star. Unbelievable! Was it really that bad?

The story takes place in the 70's. Ron Burgundy is the anchorman from channel 4. Him and his 3 more or less retarded friends are the news-team. One day, the hot female reporter Veronica Corningstone is added to the team. The 4 men definitely don't like the idea of sharing their news with a woman, and even worse, she clearly plans on taking Ron's job!

There were only a few moments in this movie where I wasn't amused. With this, I mean the annoying dog Baxter and its stupid subtitles. However, the idiocy of Ron Burgundy is good solid comedy. The storyline was a bit weird at times, but in my opinion, only for the better of the movie.

Maybe I'm a total imbecile, but I think this movie deserves far better than 1 star. Go see if I'm an imbecile. I think not.
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The Ring Two (2005)
OK for a sequel
29 April 2005
In my opinion, The Ring didn't need a sequel. But it has been done, and it wasn't a total disaster. My first intuition about this movie was that is was going to completely rape the mystery of the first one. But fortunately, it was more like a mystery of its own.

The movie starts out with some kids watching the tape of death. Something terrible happens, and the main character from the first Ring, the journalist Rachel, goes to see if it is the work of Samara. Indeed it is, and Rachel and her son, Adian, are once again haunted by the creepy little girl. However, this time, they didn't watch a tape, so the similarity ends there. Did they not succeed in escaping the course of the videotape after all? Or is it something... far more sinister?

The Ring 2 is not as scary as the first one, but it comes close. The two movies connect very well too. Go watch it, its worth the money.
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Probably the worst danish comedy show ever made.
15 April 2005
Michael Wulff once again displays his total lack of ability to run an interesting show. His backup plan known as Anders Morgenthaler is equally useless, adding nothing to the show but grotesque and pointless drawings.

The show starts off with the two hosts sitting in the shade of a tree. In the beginning they declare that their show will be some sort of "chill-program", where nothing really interesting is going to happen. Extremely bad and crappy idea. Fortunally, the valiant hippo Dolph and the annoying squirrel Margit joins the show, and together they try to convince the hosts that their show indeed sucks. But just as things seems to get interesting, they start showing short clips from other shows and documentaries. There is a clip with two vagina discussing archaeologists, a clip with a stupid and old quiz called Vupti, a short clip with the adventures of a man who is 28% bird, and finally, a long clip with the school photographers, extremely annoying and stupid people in all of them. This is the stuff that other shows decided not to use, due to the fact that it sucks.

As I see it, these two people should not be allowed to make TV ever again. This show got one thing right though, and that was the hippo known as Dolph. His opinions on issues regarding immigration, weak objects and the hosts of the program, are admirable. I salute Dolph as a great thinker, a hippo of character, and a national hero of Denmark, along with such great warriors like: BS Christiansen, his royal highness Prince Joachim, and Kim Bodnia.
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Dorm Daze (2003)
Simply Not Funny
15 April 2005
Me and a buddy rented this movie the other day. At first look, it seemed to be another teen movie, which was also what we hoped for, being fans of simple horror and comedy.

It seems that the movie is designed to disappoint the viewer as much as possible. It quickly accelerates into something that holds a lot of potential. Unfortunately it never quite leaves the ground. We had watched it for something that seemed like 1 hour, when I finally, half-sleeping, managed to say :"Dude, this movie sucks" It was only 35 minutes actually... Dude agreed.

The problem is: the movie is simply not funny. It was undoubtedly supposed to be funny, but it failed. It failed in a way that made me sad. It kind of reminds me of myself. I had the potential to be anything I wanted, and instead i ended up watching cheap horror/funny movies all the time. I pity the makers of this movie from the bottom of my heart. Its so sad. All that potential.. and nothing.
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The Tick (2001–2002)
The best comedy you will never see
23 February 2005
I saw this show a couple of nights ago, and I think its excellent! Sadly, the channel it was on is showing it randomly and very late at night. I love the concept of the series, and "The Tick" reminds me so very much of my childhood hero, _!!CAPTAIN CAPSLOCK!!_ Loud, annoying and silly, but with good intention! The other characters are also great! Arthur with his butterfly wings.. crazy stuff, hilarious. I have read all the comments to this show, and I have found that most of the negative or neutral comments are those that were posted in 2001 by hardcore fans of the comics, while all the positive comments, very positive comments, are posted later. Could the canceling of this show be a result of disappointed fans, who expected the live version to be just like the comics? Sooo narrow minded. Anyway, here's yet another surprised viewer, adding to the positive response to this brilliant show.
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Stranded (2001)
This movie can not be recommended.
24 October 2004
Warning: Spoilers

The first maned mission to Mars goes wrong, and the spaceship crashlands on the planet. The captain is killed, and the remaining 5 astronauts has to find ways to survive. After the first 20 minutes of the movie, my expectations for the rest of the movie was set pretty high. Basically there is one fairly optimistic geologist-dude who you immediately identify with (Herbert), one pessimist engineer-dude genius who you immediately want to see die horribly as soon as possible (Luca), one woman who is in command (narrator/main character), a female doctor, and another dude who seems pretty decent. The last 3 mentioned are kind of split between being optimistic and trying to improve their chances of survival, or just sit in their spaceship until they run out of oxygen. So far, its all good! You really think that they are going to prove the genius of man. Come up with some solutions to the problems. After all, they do have oxygen for 1 year, so they have plenty of time to think of something. You really think that they will start working together, and try until they succeed, or die trying. If this is what you hope for, you are going to be very disappointed. The creators of this movie has decided that this movie should be so full of pessimism, and the common virtues of man should have no effect on whether you make it or not. I know this is supposed to be 100% realistic, but !#"!#"!# it truly sucks. The only positive character - Herbert, is the first one to die. And Luca, that unscrupulous bastard, he survives. Even though he is a total egoistic jerk who drains the others of hope every time he speaks, and refuses to do anything but have sex, as soon as he realize that there is a leak in the oxygen tanks. The problem with this movie is that the creators decided to make it boring and frustrating to watch. Maybe they thought, hey, in every other spacevoyagemovie, the astronauts (try to) solve the problems they encounter, let's make a movie where they DON'T! Its genius! They had the resources to make it MUCH better, but they decided to stick to the concept, that the story should be crap. This movie can not be recommended. Armargedon fx. was a movie you ENJOYED WATCHING, even though it was unrealistic. And that is ALL that matters. The creators of this movie seems to have forgotten that.
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