
2 Reviews
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Frankly, I don't recall Blade 1 or 2 being spectacular either...
14 December 2004
Blade Trinity wasn't so was an entertaining, mindless exercise in vampire killing with lots of loud music and prettily posing people with rock hard abs.

Now, apparently other people have seen a different version of the Blade predecessors than I have, but I don't recall the first two films to be any genre breaking spectacular movies, so for all those critics saying the third one doesn't live up to the first two...well, be that as it may, the bar's not exactly very high. The first two may have been dark and intense...but let's face it, it was also a dreadful bore, probably most palatable to the die hard Marvel fans. Fluff is fluff...and I don't like my fluff masquerading as a serious movie. At least Trinity knows its place. It's fast moving, doesn't bog its audience down with incessant chatter (the most recent Spiderman comes to mind), produces lots of loud noises and bright colors, and a relatively satisfying ending.

If you walk into it hoping to watch an entertaining blockbuster flick for a couple hours, you won't be disappointed.
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The Days (2004)
Quirky, different...but enjoyable.
27 July 2004
It's a rather quirky show, interested in trying a new approach to a dramatic/comedy type of family storyline that wants to talk about the dynamics of a family as a unit and as individuals. Think "My So Called Life" meets "Joan of Arcadia" type of vibe, with a bit of Disney type humor, ie "Even Stevens." The acting is sometimes awkward, but it works, as the family is a little awkward in its dynamic. It is almost a personality quirk of the show itself. The hour is narrated by 15 year old defunct Cooper Day, the floppy haired, indie music listening middle son who wants to be a writer. He does a good job of injecting humor and irony into the rhythm. It's worth a watch. I enjoyed it's offbeat storytelling.
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