
56 Reviews
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Interstellar (2014)
What the...
8 September 2024
I could not wait to watch this move based on the reviews. So many are like, "this is the best movie I have ever seen in my life". I got dinner ready early so we could start this long-arsed movie and stay awake for it. I was so stoked.

Then it began. Right off the bat it began to have so many unfinished and unexplained things, and I mean things that were just left behind, not explained in what admittedly is a full circle story in the end. Then this continued through the entire movie, until the end, which does answer a big question, but in the most ridiculous way.

I'm good at suspending reality for a movie and I dont expect fictional movies to be accurate, but this move could have been easily an hour shorter and would have probably been better. A laborious watch for little return in the end in my opinion. I dont even read books anymore, but this would make for a really good book (if its not already), that way the imagination could take it over...the reality of the flick is generally unimpressive in my opinion. I dont see how the visuals, etc. Are so impressive for so many people. It was reminiscent of 2001, a Space Odyssey. There have been better "space flicks" in my opinion.

I cannot fathom the fawning people have done over this flick. I only gave it 5 stars because of the cast, not because I enjoyed the movie. The two hours and 50 minutes was otherwise not worth it for me.
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Dark Winds (2022– )
Worth watching for a free trial
5 December 2023
Hopefully you filtered the reviews view to something other than "featured". It seems a lot of people reviewed this even before the first season ended.

AMC seems to have predominantly "Dark" content, very little interest in 95% of the content on that platform, but this series caught my attention.

I come at films and programs from the perspective of "entertainment", not thinking of myself as a cinema expert knowing how the business works and certainly haven't read ANY of the books...who has that kind of time these days? The unemployed?

For me, this series started out sssaaaalllloooow. I felt like I was paddling a sluggish boat to get through the episodes and my wife slept through most of it. Finally episode 5 had some action to wake us both up. The rest of the series through season 2 then had some action, something other than blah blah blah, dialogue and "woe is me". I get the terrible Native American situation...I already know about it, so tell the story with a bit more energy, please. A History Channel documentary on the Native Americans is more exciting than much of this series...except when there is gun-play and other violence. Not a requirement for me to be entertained except when it's saving a snooze-fest otherwise.

It was worth a watch for free, but I would not have wanted to pay the subscription price just to see it and there isn't much else on AMC to make it worth the money for me/us.
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Deeper than it seems
12 November 2023
This is a weird one. I wasn't sure what to expect. I figured it would be two guys going at each other over the fence-line...and let the antics ensue! Nope, nothing like that.

I think this movie would be better enjoyed as a book. But I would never read it, because I dont read books...unless its a book on how to operate or fix something! I'm not the guy in his easy chair, snuggled up to a good book...clock ticking in an otherwise silent house with an animal on my lap...

What's weird about this flick is it is written by the mind of a child in it's nature, yet is deeply metaphorical. You have to get past the simplicity and stupidity of some of the characters and the story-line to get the point. The one hook in the story that keeps you wondering "WTH is he doing that for?", turns out to be a disappointing end, but made a very good point. You also have to get past what appears to be a talking's really not, but you have to use your head to get what I mean. The dog is not literally talking.

I would not call this a comedy, more like a "smirkedy". I didn't have a single "laugh out loud", but it kept my wife awake through most of it, which is a feat in itself! Probably because this move really leaves you wanting something to happen, and when it finally does, it's like, "really, what child thought that one up?"
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A good clean movie
12 September 2023
I was expecting a disaster flick and had no idea of the true story this was based on, so I didn't come to this with any ability to compare to the real story and be hung up on that.

I was pleasantly surprised with this movie on the fact that it was just good, clean stuff. I am not offended by foul language, but it was nice that this movie had none.

My guess is, that "cleanliness" combined with some God in this movie is what drives some people to hate it. This is the kind of movie that stands apart from the sex, violence, language, etc. Society comes to expect in entertainment.

I'm not providing a spoiler here because the true story is available for anyone to know, but the only content that may not suit children is the fear of a plane crash and the death of an elderly pilot by natural causes. If your kids can handle that, they can handle this movie.

There are some moments when it verges on almost cringe-worthy cheesy Hallmark "gusher" moments, but right on the edge, not over the top.

If you want a break from the violence and debauchery in movies, this flick provides that...if you are open to it.

Hopefully you are an intuitive person and found reviews like this, because if you go with the default listing order here all you will see are the haters.
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A solid movie.
5 February 2023
Glad I had not read the book. Like almost every single movie based on a book, those that read the book don't like the movie. The written word is interpreted by the mind and mindset of the reader. When you read a book, although the author provides descriptions, the mind still takes its own liberty to color-in the story and how it looks, sounds, etc..

A movie is also somewhat subject to the viewer's mind and mindset at the time. Watch a flick with the wrong attitude and it may come off different than had it been watched with a different attitude.

Coming from an untainted mind, having not read the book, and an open mind on my couch with a cocktail, this was a good flick. Not something that will stay with me for long, but then there is little produced today that does.

This movie, other than skipping some time frames (which apparently the book does) tells a fairly complete story from beginning to end, something many flicks don't. You are getting a real conclusion here, nothing left hanging...but pay attention!

I prefer movies with action and humor, but this otherwise fairly dull drama kept my attention. Enough that due to some overnight memory wipe (aforementioned cocktails) I went back and re-watched the last half hour of the movie to be sure I remembered it.

Another positive about the movie is no Woke or LGTB stuff. I'm sure that disappoints some, and to each their own, live and let live; I just don't prefer either in my "entertainment".
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A good typical romcom
4 February 2023
Think Hallmark movie with some adult conversations.

It's really a 7 out of 10 but I gave it an 8 for having basically zero "Woke" and LGBTWERTY crap in it. Very refreshing in that sense.

It moves a little slow and the male lead character is not the best actor, but in a way that made it more real.

It's a story-line we've all seen probably a hundred times (if you are my age). Hard to describe it more without a spoiler.

IMDB requires 600 characters so I have to blather on about something. That's usually not a problem for me, but for this flick I wanted to give a good review and just say "decent flick"
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The Rider (2017)
NOT a Western
18 December 2022
So, a story about the Rodeo and breaking horses makes a movie a "western"? Other than really nice visual camera recordings of the west, there is no "western" to be had here.

Cinematic brilliance? Anybody with a smart phone can take amazing footage of the "open range" and mountains these days. Its nothing but fluff to stretch an otherwise fairly dull movie in this case. It's not like these are real cowboys...actually herding cattle.

The rodeo does not make you a cowboy. It makes you pretty stupid if you are the rider, even more so once your head is crushed in by the hooves of a beast you had no business inciting and exploiting in the first place. Don't get me wrong, I'm no animal activist; I have just always thought the Rodeo, at least the bucking bronco and bull riding is Boxing and MMA. Sure it proves you are tough enough to get your body pummeled, but its otherwise completely senseless.

So, lacking any real "western" content ala "1883" of recent excellence, there is a poignant story to be told here. But its more about brain damage and "special needs" people. I loved the character of Lilly. Such a sweetheart, "bless her heart".

In an age where we have machines that replace horses...and the machines even smell better and wont kick you in the skull usually, for me a movie needs more story-line than a guy with zero other options other than the rodeo and training horses. While training horses itself is amazing, after about 30 minutes of watching it on screen is enough. As far as the rodeo, about 15 minutes is enough. Watching both in real life is far more engaging I'm sure, but from my couch, not so much.

Having special needs and mentally challenged people in my family, I can relate to the mental stuff. But I was hoping for an actual western. This is pretty much all drama...and for me, there is enough of that in real life. Take me on that "western ride" to escape it, dont make me wallow in it for "entertainment".
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It's OK, nothing to rave abot at all
7 December 2022
A movie about two dummy's, related by marriage who end up working together painting road lines and pounding in reflective stakes to define roads.

Both of the characters are pretty much idiots with zero ability to have a relationship with women. They are truly pathetic in that sense. The characters have some interest when they are in "drama mode", I'm sure a lot of guys relate to them, but not me. They are not very funny...more "stupid". The supporting cast, of which there arent many, are far more interesting.

I rated a 5 because I actually watched the whole thing and pretty much didn't daydream...more than I can say about so many movies and shows in this pathetic era of so-called "comedy". It was kind of like watching a slow motion fender bender, rather than a serious wreck. Tedious, boring and a few laughs here and there.
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PEN15 (2019–2021)
Another one for the millenial and younger crowd
5 December 2022
My wife and I are just too old for this stuff I guess. I get the middle school stuff, most of us went through it. 7th grade was the worst, 9th grade a close second. I went to middle school in the late 70's and graduated in 83. We were the generation of sex drugs and rock and roll...we ruined it for everybody because that triggered the just say no campaigns and got parent's attention. We had smoking lounges in high a kid can be expelled for a pack of smokes, so it stands to reason that younger generations have a different take on life.

That said, this show was clearly not for us and we didn't last long watching it. I have enjoyed many a teen angst, drugs, sex, etc. Movies over the years; but this one is more cringy than funny. From millennials and younger, something became very unfunny in film and TV shows. We are not offended by much, and nothing we saw (didn't watch a lot of it) really offended us, it just wasn't entertaining.
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Dave (2020– )
Maybe funny for millenials and younger
5 December 2022
We couldn't make through the first episode. We're not bothered by language and suggestive "dirty" humor at all. I grew up on Richard Pryor, George Carlin, etc.. The people who like this kind of humor in "Dave" would probably be insulted and have their Wokeness challenged by the actual good comedians of the past...they certainly drive anything like it out of college campuses these days.

I couldn't rate this as low as one star because we had to bail before the end of episode 1. Wouldn't be right.

I dont know what we have done to our kids and grand-kids these days, but we failed them in the humor department and it shows in 90% of so-called "comedy" these days. What passes for humor is just plain stupidity and sarcasm.
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Good enough. 6 is about right.
20 October 2022
This movie was funnier than I thought it would be, wallowing in a sea of dysfunction that passes for "comedy" these days. "Birdy", at first, to me, was over the top annoying, but in a good enough way that I kept watching. She does grow on you through the movie if at first you simply find her to be a mental case. Which she is, a bit.

You find that she is terribly naive, in a good and funny way, and this lends to her immature behavior. She's a child, and a very spunky one at that.

The story-line is fairly shallow and basic. At this point, what hasn't been done in film? It's hard NOT to feel "you've seen it all before" sometimes. But that shallow story-line allows the basic viewer to enjoy the movie without having to "think" too deeply. I like films like that...simply entertainment that doesn't make my brain work too hard.

One reviewer slammed the movie for "Woke" content. I dont think thats fair. There is, thankfully, only one brief hint at homosexuality, and its very subtle. This is a movie geared toward young girls and there is too much of that stuff in children's content. This is a movie about a girl just beginning to menstruate and barely knowing how her body works at all, if it had LGBTQWERTY content, it would be sick and I would have stopped watching.

If "woke" means a girl not being treated as a monetary asset, then count me as "woke" in this regard. We all know women have been treated as second class citizens for most of the human existence. Women today have been given just enough freedom for them to show us they are really no better than men. Some are really good, and some are really bad.

While this movie portrays Birdy's father as a bit of a fool and weak, its not him just being an awful person the whole time, and most of the other males are portrayed fairly, as are the females. So, while Lena Dunham is known for activism/feminism, she kept it "between the ditches" with this movie. A movie that will move your soul? No, but fairly entertaining nonetheless.
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Threads (1984 TV Movie)
NOT the most terrifying film of all time
17 October 2022
I read somewhere that I HAD to see this film. I agree, it should be watched by everyone. But, I had gotten myself all worked up in anticipation of a flick that was going to give me nightmares, shock me and change my world. Reading the reviews here made me wonder if I even wanted to subject myself to it, I'm worried about the world enough already.

I dont like horror movies but I do like action and war movies with death in them. I geared up that part of my brain before watching this, prepared for the carnage. Then waited...waited...waited...blah, blah, blah...sometimes unintelligible English. I kept pausing to see how far in to the movie it was.

Then FINALLY the bomb drops. Your typical nuclear blast action scenes, the shock wave passes then the fires start, people with melted skin, people burned to a crisp...all the things you would expect to see. The way this movie shows it though, is in fairly fast clips. There isn't really a lot of long scenes of people literally burning to death, etc. But you see, sort of, the "after effects".

I guess I'm more hardened than I thought. This didn't terrify me, I actually had a hard time staying focused on it. I'm 57 years old and have seen my share of stuff, including helicopter crash victims brought up from the bottom of the ocean, which I will not describe here, but something that will stick with you the rest of your life.

I have also been to the Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Museum. I could swear it was called the Holocaust Museum back in the mid-80's when I was there. They must have gotten flack from the Jews on that and changed the name, but holocaust is a fitting description of what happened to Nagasaki and Hiroshima.

They have a "peace park" where you can stand at ground zero and look up to the sky where the bomb was detonated, then go to the inside museum where you see....essentially what this movie depicts. Images of the dead and mutilated, melted glass and coins, the silhouette of a person NOT burned away of the paint on a building because they took the brunt of the blast, blistered vases with the opposite side perfectly intact. Then, the worst of all, as an American, I look down and see a school group of probably kindergartners, possibly learning about this for the first time...of course. There they were...Japanese kindergartners looking up at me, an American, in the Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Museum.

The most shocking thing to me in this film is how the government treated the people. It is terrible and they had essentially zero solid plans for recovery. If this film represents the state of preparedness governments are actually in; the bomb is horrible, but how you will be treated by the government after, adds insult to injury.

I can see how this movie scared 8-12 year olds in the time it came out, but at my age, it was a confirmation of what I already knew; except the depiction of essentially no recovery was a surprise seeing as though I have been to a thriving city, Nagasaki, that was essentially flattened by an atomic bomb. Without historical knowledge and the museum, you would never know it happened to Nagasaki.
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The Terminal List (2022– )
Good, but a little slow between the action.
20 July 2022
I get what people are talking about with the lighting levels. I fell asleep during a couple episodes too. But more than the lighting, it was the "blah, blah, blah" dialogue. I know they have to tell and set up the story, but I found myself daydreaming and not even able to stay focused on the program at times. Maybe thats just my limited attention span, but that doesn't happen to me watching top quality shows like Yellowstone or Sons of Anarchy.

The other thing I absolutely hate are flashbacks. I literally roll my eyes when this tool is used to tell backstories. Just tell the backstory somehow and stop will all the dreamy "it's almost like I'm still there" crap. I realize there is a part of the story that jives with flashbacks that I cant say without a spoiler, but I just never liked them in almost all circumstances.

I did like that there was no obvious "Woke" messaging and who doesn't like the premise of the series? Everybody loves revenge and real justice.

I find it funny to read the reviews that dissect the series down to every technical detail. Lighten up, I dont think this is a documentary...its just a TV show for entertainment!
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At least it's true to the subject matter
30 May 2022
Politics is a dirty, corrupt business everywhere. Maybe when you get down to State house races in the U. S. its a bit more altruistic, but for any office of any level of power, sinister forces will want it...power, that is.

6 out of 10 is about right as this was rated at the time I watched it. And only the 6 rating because it is a good look at the theater that is politics everywhere.

I didn't laugh once that I recall. What the entertainment industry and younger people these days call "comedy" means "not horror", I guess. I would call this more "reality" than comedy.
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Extraction (2020)
Great action/fighting/gunfighting. Decent story.
7 May 2022
The story-line is nothing amazingly creative, but a solid concept. There is some emotion to be had to draw you in to the characters enough to make you care.

The violence is off the charts...excellent for those who love intense close-in hand to hand combat combined with close-in gun-fighting.

The ending is not conclusive for me, but it may be setting up the beginning of the next one. I read someone say there is another one in the works. If so, I'll watch it for sure.
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Metal Lords (2022)
Most reviewers have it nailed
16 April 2022
An enjoyable story with lessons learned. A little clumsy here and there but redeemable throughout.

For me, someone who grew up with Black Sabbath, etc. But never quite the Slayer fan, this movie ticked the nostalgia box and its a great teen angst flick with a great cultural twist with the cello as bass. This brings together two classes of marginalized teens, the marching band nerds and the Metal/Goth freaks.

The character Emily provides a great look in to teen mental issues. I knew girls much like her. Troubled, yet wonderful.
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Queenpins (2021)
Almost 2 hours of my Friday night lost to this
9 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted so much to believe the good reviews. I was an extreme couponer for years, and did much of what the main character did...even stockpiling stuff I didn't need because I could get it for cheap or free...but even having this kinship, this movie still didn't work for me.

I gave it as much as 4 starts because we didn't turn it off, but I found myself daydreaming and not laughing hardly at all. This movie is really not very funny, its a bit pathetic really, and stupid.

The movie starts OK. A realistic notion of extreme couponing. But the main character and her husband are miserable characters/husband and wife. There's just not much to like in general. Then it gets really stupid to the end. I dont expect "realistic" but gosh, a movie based on a real story...I guess it is realistic in the sense that anyone going to these extents with complete ignorance will get busted. But anyone with just a couple brain cells to rub together wouldn't be as stupid as this main character. It wouldn't seem so stupid if it were actually funny.

Clearly others feel differently and I wish I felt like them instead of feeling like I wasted a Friday night TV time.
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Bully (I) (2018)
Good, basic movie
1 January 2022
A B grade film that delivered for me. If you are a movie snob planning to spend the entire time analyzing all technical aspects of a movie, this is not the movie for you. It's not a documentary or reality movie, there are fictional things...things that may not be likely to actually happen in real life. Some movies are designed to suspend reality, not be it. Reality is often not funny, and in many cases, not entertaining to me. Life is already too serious.

The reality aspects of this movie arent funny. The only people who scoff and say bullying is all part of growing up have never been tormented by a serious bully...or I should say, "criminal"...because the things bullies do are illegal in adult life...and should be illegal in teen life because these people virtually ruin some kid's teenage years, physically assault kids, and extort them. Bullies, as with other criminals dont stop being so at age 18, they tend to go on to become horrible adults. And because they are allowed to get away with their criminal behavior, they are emboldened, often coddled by a system that ignores their victims.

I'm still young at heart enough to relate to the adolescence, high school life and coming to age feel of a movie like this, and also deal with the stuff that makes this movie rated age 18+ (I still haven't figured out why specifically that rating). This may not be a blockbuster but it held my attention to the end, something I cant say about many other much higher rated movies.
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Just OK for me
1 January 2022
I was hoping for more. I wont re-tell the story like so many others, that stuff is already right here on IMDB to be had.

My wife slept through it, although thats not a shocker. I found myself daydreaming. I didn't find any of the characters remarkable in a very positive way. I may have gotten a couple good laughs, but the movie just didn't keep me attached to it...and I CRAVE great comedy.

In a world where tradition is often not the norm, a movie about a wedding that must be traditional (for the women of course) where the groom is NOT traditional (having no friends) seems played out already. Its the typical case of, for so many women (or their girlfriends at least), they want their man to be a man, with bro's, etc. Yet always be the gentleman and there when she wants him there, behaving the way she expects. The typical image of an almost impossible guy. This movie essentially proves that.
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1883 (2021–2022)
Paramount+ made me mad
28 December 2021
Enjoyed the first three episodes and mad that they are releasing this one week at a time.

I wish I had come to IMDB prior to starting a discounted trial. For some reason the advertising had me believing this season would be available to watch at will. Now I may have to pay full price for a month because it looks like the last episode may not be released until right after my trial ends. I fell for it...

If it weren't for my wife I would dump it all now just for spite.

It's a great western. We like these "adult" westerns. We arent movie critics. We watch TV for entertainment, not to pick apart the film technicalities and the actors/directors/writers. It's either good to watch or not. This one is good...for watching, and not over-analyzing.
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The Beach Bum (2019)
Complete waste of energy all around
4 October 2021
An hour and a half I won't get back. I DID watch the entire train wreck though. The investors can't be happy, doesn't look like they made any money on it according to the digits here on IMDB.

I am all for some drinking and some weed, but I guess having Snoop Dog in the film pushed them to the point of weed ridiculous. I'm not sure what era or year this was depicting exactly, but good weed these days is far to potent to smoke at the levels consumed in this flick.

The Character Moondog is never a pleasant thing to be around in real life and wasn't in this movie. He was as interesting as a car crash, and everyone wants to stop and look at those but doesn't want to stay nearby.

I see positive reviewers referring to this as an "arthouse" film. OK, that explains why only a select few really like the movie. Art House films are an expression of the artist, and Harmony Korine is clearly nuts...which is expressed in this film. I don't know of his other works and don't really follow writers and directors because even sane ones have bad movies, but I may remember Harmony Korine's name just so I don't have to waste my time on another one of his flicks.

From IMDB's own bio of this person: "Often depicts teenagers doing violent and disturbing things (i.e. Drug abuse, incest, sex addiction, murder)"

I don't mind showing teens doing some things we all know some do, but as a habit, I would say this is sick...not entertainment. Call it art all you want...there is some pretty awful stuff people call "art".

I didn't enjoy this movie, even with a buzz.
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Suspend your seriousness for 1:45
3 October 2021
This is a good, stupid-funny movie with a familiar vibe. We've seen the likes before.

Some laugh out loud moments and some lessons learned. Same plot as many others but a different ride.

I'm glad someone is still making "funny", its hard to come by these days.

Those giving this flick a 1 or 2 star...thinking they are the smart ones...if they were smart they would have known from the trailer and story-line this is not a movie for them. I suggest they stop taking themselves too seriously.
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Cashback (2006)
Worth watching after a whle
21 August 2021
I'm glad I didn't read the top review before I watched this. That pretentious load of elitist drivel would have sent me away.

The movie gets off to a very slow, very terrible start. Seemed like an eternity watching this guy lament the relationship HE broke off. I get it, but a half hour of it was too much and so boring.

I was about to stop watching when the movie finally took a turn and started to have actual entertaining content. The movie ends wonderfully.

Women may be a little put off by the nudity. My wife didn't complain, probably because the main character and the movie showed it in the context of art and appreciation of the beauty of the female form, something my wife has heard me admit a love for and didn't leave me!

The rating is about right I think. I started with a 7 but had to knock 2 stars off for the torturous first, maybe half an hour? I added 1 back for the nudity. Pure beauty.

It IS a wonderful story in the end if you can allow your head to wrap around freezing time, either for real, or all in someone's head.
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Superbad (2007)
Decent yet annoying
30 January 2021
I am not offended by language or sexual references or almost anything, but the character "Seth" made me almost stop watching this within 10 minutes.

A good movie ruined by this character.
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Good Boys (2019)
Hilarious and Raunchy
1 January 2020
No need for me to get in to much detail of the movie, plenty of folks have already done that. I just want to chime in and wonder why people watch R rated movies, then are stunned by adult content? The ratings are there in order to be able to not only see the rating, but they also tell you what the content is, generally, and what the reasons for the rating are. Here on IMDB, when you search the movie, at the top of the result/movie page there is a selection for "more". Under that you will see "storyline" and under that you will see "parents guide" where people report things that may be undesirable for some.

If you are a parent, or a sensitive adult, you should get in the habit of researching movies so you dont spend money and time being outraged and insulted. There are other web sites just for parents and sensitive adults to detail what is in a movie that may be objectionable. I research some movies and shows before watching them to see if there is content I might find objectionable, and there is some specific sexual content I do find objectionable.

That said, for ADULTS who are not sensitive to vulgarity, this movie is hilarious. It shows kids in their innocence and ignorance, trying to be as adult as possible. It is the ADULT and older adolescent influences that even allow these 12 year olds to "stumble" on some very adult things...and that includes language. Kids arent born with foul language, but it is not that unusual for them to use it amongst themselves. Normal kids are always trying to do adult things...thats why they get in trouble when they get caught!

Most non-sensitive adults will find the thoughts, beliefs, desires and behavior of the children in this movie to be very familiar, and while a bit over the top (It's supposed to be an outrageous movie!), the content of this movie will make people laugh because they can relate to it. There were a few periods where my attention was lost and I wasn't laughing, but thankfully I was able to pause the movie in order to not miss other stuff while I was still laughing at the last! At a few points we had to rewind just to make sure we saw and heard everything because it was coming so fast. This is why I dont go to movie pause feature!
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