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Clarkson's Farm (2021– )
Great Show
30 May 2024
I have been a fan of Jeremy Clarkson since his early days on Top Gear. I would have never thought he'd become a farmer, but he did. And I never would have guessed I would really enjoy watching him learn how to become a great farmer, but I do.

This is such an amazing show. It's funny, heart-warming, entertaining, dramatic, informational, and just an all-around great show to watch. The entire cast is just the best bunch of people, and they way Jeremy interacts with them will either have you in tears or dying laughing, and everywhere in between.

I hope they keep making this show for years to come. I have not looked forward to the next season with any other show quite as much as I do this one.
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The Voice (2011– )
Career Ruining Reality Singing Show
15 May 2024
I don't even know why I still watch this show. If it wasn't for Reba being on the show now, I probably wouldn't even be watching it. Over the years, this show has completely ruined the careers of a number of great artists. Take Josh Koffman for example. He was locked into a record deal and not even allowed to produce anything until his contract was over. By that time, everyone had forgotten about him. He's just one of many that have faced this exact same scenario. Why artists even go on this show is beyond me. Over the years, the show has just gotten worse. The artists on this season are not at all interesting. Maybe that is a sign that the good artists are getting wise to how bad this show is for someone's career.
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The Gentlemen (2024)
Breaking Bad The Guy Ritchie Version
8 March 2024
Not very often does a new television series come out that really draws you in like this series has me. I want to put it up there with Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, Sopranos, and the other great series that have come out over the years, but time will tell if this one really stacks up to those series. If I were to compare season one of each though, so far The Gentlemen is looking like it will easily be one of my favorites.

The first episode understsndably starts a little slow as we are introduced to the main characters, but by the end, it really draws you in. Each episode builds on the story and the relationships between the characters, and it just keeps getting better.

I was initially worried about the deviation from the movie, with a completely new cast and perspective, but by episode two, I completely lost any concerns about that. This show holds its own against the movie in every way. That being said... I really hope there is a sequel to the movie. The movie is just begging to be a trilogy.

If you liked the movie, you're gonna love this series. Don't go into it with the movie in mind though. Just watch this as a totally different take on the storyline of the movie. I really hope this one continues for many more seasons!
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I don't get it
28 February 2024
Everyone raves about this movie. But the first 50 minutes is basically a bunch of people at a wedding with a bunch of singing, then a reception with everyone dancing to God awful music, even by 1978 standards. The entire wedding and reception could have taken 10 minutes tops.

Then they go on a deer hunt that lasts every bit of 2 minutes of the film. After they go to a bsr for more awful singing and piano music. From there they are in Vietnam, blowing stuff up and shooting people. Abdolutely no segway whatsoever.

One of the worst supposed war movies I have ever seen. I have had this on my watchlist for years because countless lists have it as one of the must see war movies. After trying to watch it a number of times only to stop it before making it sn hour into it, I finslly firced myself to watch it. This was a big, big let down.

I am sure I'll take flak for this, but I don't care. This movie sucks.
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Great movie, but way too much blood
19 February 2024
The fighting scenes in this are really great, but the ridiculously insane amount of blood that goes flying through the air is so unbelievable it's just ridiculous. No area of the human body will have quarts of blood spew out if you stick it with a sword. It looks like someone was throwing a 32oz cup or red liquid into the scene every time someone got cut. I mean, come on!

I was really hoping Liam Neeson had a lot bigger roll in this because he is such a great actor, but the whole cast of this film is top tier. Orlando Bloom does a really good job in this one.

If you have 3 hours to kill, and don't mind insane amounts of blood flying through the air, give this one a watch.
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Loved This One!
16 February 2024
Having seen the movie Secondhand Lions, when I found this film and saw that it reunited Josh Lucas and Michael Caine, I figured I'd check it out. I was hoping this one was just as good, but I honestly think this is better. It has a great story and really shows some interesting family dynamics that develop though a great family adventure.

Michael Caine plays a very interesting role in this. Quirky, loveable, and he gives a very wonderful performance playing the Great Grandfather of little Zach in this film. One of the greatest actors of our time.

Christopher Walken who plays Turner Lair had me tearing up when he first entered the movie. He was so believable in this that I can say this is by far my favorite role of his. It wasn't the typical Christopher Walken I am used to. Not only are his lines delivered to perfection, his facial expressions and teary eyes really draws you into his character. Simply amazing portrayal of the Grandfather by him.

Josh Lucas gives his typical amazing performance in this film, playing the roll of the somewhat bitter son of Turner. Battling with reconciling with a deadbeat father who is dead set to complete his task at hand, dealing with loss, raising a son, and just trying to be the center of the family and holding everything together, Josh pulls this role off brilliantly.

Little Zach, played by Jonah Bobo - I can only say wow. Such a funny, cute little kiddo. He must have been 6 or 7 when this movie was filmed, and there wasn't a single scene where I thought he showed any kind of problems portraying the curious, slightly ill mannered little boy. The looks he gives and the way he delivers his lines, I don't know how to descibe it... he would simply put a smile on the face of anyone having a really, really crappy day.

If you're a dad and looking for a movie to watch with your son, and don't mind a little bad language, definitely give this one a watch!
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The Beekeeper (2024)
Cast and Storyline = Epic Fail
13 February 2024
"A powerful and clandestine organization known as Beekeepers."

Of all the dumb clandestine organizations I have ever heard of in a movie, this one definitely takes the cake as the dumbest, with miles of distance between it and the second dumbest.

The female FBI character in this is not only portrayed by an absolutely terrbile actress, but is also one of the most unbelievable characters I have ever seen in a movie. Not completely the actresses fault because whoever wrote the scenes for her character gave her dialog that is just so dumb, even a really good actress would have a hard time pulling the charcter off.

The rest of the cast are not even worth mentioning. Let's just say they could have gone down the street grabbing pedestrians at random, and handed them the script for a 10 minute breeze through before putting them in front of a camera to act out their scenes, and the movie could only be better by doing so.

The script is so terrible and corny even Stamos has a hard time being believable. But how could he? He's playing the role of a real beekeper, that raises actual honeybees, all while being in an organization called beekeepers that keep the bad guys in check. I get the feeling the entire crew were probably asking each other wtf behind the director's back.

How this story made it's way into a movie just baffles me.
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Masterchef (V) (2010– )
Pretty good show, but seems rigged
21 December 2023
I just started watching this series from the beginning. I am only on season 4 so far, so I may update my review later.

One thing that compelled me to want to write a review is the constant pushing of Walmart products. They claim in the show that Walmart has the highest quality meats and produce, which couldn't be farther from the truth. It's a bit of a joke to me when you see good quality stuff on the show, and they claim it comes from Walmart. Lol. Yeah right.

Another thing that bothers me is the judges, particularly Joe, will get a beef with one contestant and go out of their way to destroy them on the show, even when you know the food is good. Joe is a pompous pr!ck and he likes to rudely tear into people as if to destroy their confidence. I can't stand watching him belittle someone. If I were on the show, I'd be thrown off for mopping the floor with him.

The premise of the show is great. They just need to stop with the in-show advertising and start providing honest critique without being so damned hateful and biased towards the contestants. And get rid of Joe. I don't care how good of a chef he is. He's overly arrogant, extremely rude, and it's hard not to absolurely hate him.
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The Voice UK (2012– )
Not as good as the original
23 October 2023
The judges in this for me just don't click. Unlike the insane humor between the judges of the US version, this one is just dull by comparison. I love british humor, but in this, I don't see it. I know this isn't supposed to be a funny show, but the humor makes me love the US Voice all that much more.

Another complaint is the audio seems to favor the music and the audience over the singer. Because you usually can't hear the singers over the band and crowd screaming their stupid heads off. They need signs held up when the singers are performing that say "Shut the hell up morons". Or they need to crank the volume up on the singers and unmic the audience. The audio you do hear has a terrible echo which makes all this even worse.

Another problem is the way this one differs so much from the US format in that the US one has steals, saves, etc. The battles, then the knockouts before the live shows helps you to get to know the artists. You don't get that with this one. The whole series feels extremely rushed. And they seem to like showing you artists they don't turn for more than the ones they do. And why are they not turned around for the artists they don't turn for, so they can give them some tips or words of encouragement? It seems so impersonal and downright rude.
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Togo (2019)
Awe inspiring true story
14 October 2023
I am so glad they made this movie. It is one helluva story. I grew up with an Alaskan Husky as my best friend, and this movie truely shows the heart of such animals. They are the fiercest, most loyal friend anyone could ever have, and I have never seen this portrayed so well in a movie. This movie is about Togo, which is a Siberian Husky, but I see the similarities in the breeds watching this. It makes me miss my childhood friend, and brings back some very fond memories of him. If you like movies based on true stories, give this one a watch. Especially if you're a dog lover. This is one of the great ones.
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Life Below Zero (2013– )
Alaskan Living on Display
7 October 2023
This is a great show that does a really good job of showing how life is in Alaska, from many different views. From living off the land near a town or village to living way off the grid in the middle of nowhere, this show demonstrates it all.

The characters in this show are pretty diverse. Sue Aikens, a woman who lives way above the Arctic Circle is a real trooper. Her story about a bear attack will really give you an idea of how traumatic that could be.

Jesse Holmes is another favorite of mine. He raises and races sled dogs, and his story has been one I have really enjoyed following.

Tha Hailstone family really go out into the wilderness to hunt and fish to provide for their family and village. Though at times it seems they are on a mission to wipe out the animal population. I find myself at times thinking... geez, leave some for the next guy.

Overall, it's a great show, with nothing that appears to be faked. One of my favs.
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The Ice Road (2021)
Terrible Story
29 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie started out fine, until the problems started. Then it all just goes downhill from there. I mean, how many problems at one time can someone face before they just say hell with it and jump in the frozen ocean? And there are so many things just completely unbelievable in this. I mean, how does a guy roll down a frozen, snow covered mountain in a truck, then magically end up on top of the mountain setting off explosives in a very short timeframe?

Don't even start watching it. Once you get into this one, it kinda makes you want to see the end, even though you know it is just going to continually get worse. Do like me, and just fast forward through the stupidity. Like the dynamite fuse that is way too short and burning way too fast for the guys to get out of the truck in time. I felt like I was watching Looney Tunes or something. I kept waiting for the Roadrunner to fly on screen and carry the dynamite off to blow up Wile E Coyote.

This could have been so much better. It feels like parts of the story were decent, and other parts were written by a 7 year old.
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Spotlight (I) (2015)
Stellar Cast and Story
25 September 2023
I love movies about true events in our history, and this is one of the great ones. This cast needs to be put together for something else like this. Michael Keaton takes the lead, and as always is amazing, but for me, Mark Ruffalo is the glue that holds this one together. Rachel McAdams, Liev Schreiber, and Stanley Tucci all give great performances in this as well.

So many movies Mark is in, he plays a supporting role, and always gives an absolutely amazing performance. Why he has never won an academy award is just baffling. If you watch this, and want to see more movies Mark is in like this, check out Dark Waters. Another really great movie of his.
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Swamp People (2010– )
Good Show, but too many Chays
22 September 2023
A good show, albeit with quite a bit of overacting during the capture of the alligators. And the dramatic slow motion view of the hunters firing their gun (apparently at the water), showing water splashing back up at them during the 'supposed kill' is so overused it kinda ruins this show for me at times. I can understand why they show that rather than the kills though, after seeing all the snowflake comments here about animal cruelty. Why people who should obviously be watching shows like Desperate Housewives, or The Bachelor comment on a show like this just baffles me.

Over the years, the show has had it's ups and downs. For me the show peaked around season 7 and 8. I actually stopped watching it after season 9, but am now getting reaquainted with the show. I stopped watching because of the new cast member Ronnie, who was introduced in season 10. At the time, I simply couldn't stand him, but I have since learned where the mute button is on my tv remote. For example: Ronnie says he calls his hunting partner Ashley 'Dead Eye Jones'. When in fact, shortly after Ronnie explains why HE calls her that, Ashley states her husband actually gave her that nickname. And Ronnie constantly calling her 'baby' and 'chay chay' gets EXTREMELY annoying. So much so, I have a hard time watching the show. I keep hoping Ashley tells him to shut the F up.

Overall though, the show is worth a watch. Just use the mute button when Ronnie is on screen or delivering dialog.
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Dusty the Wildman is BACK!
22 September 2023
I watched Guardians of the Glades and was sad to see it didn't return after Dusty's accident. But him being back in action on Serpent Invasion really makes this show one of my favorites. I really hope they keep this show going, and keep Dusty doing what he does best. You can definitely tell he is the best snake hunter there out there.

Granted, a lot of the wrangling that takes place is surely meant to make the captures more exciting, but it's interesting to see just how bad the Python invasion is affecting the Everglades. The devastation of Florida's wildlife by these snakes is just a tragedy to witness.

One thing I will say is that Zak on this show is such an overacter, it really gets a little annoying at times. The way he gets so excited, screaming like a sissy girl is jusy too much. But other than that, I don't really mind the excessive excitement during the captures. But all of the cast could stand to tone it down a bit.

Overall, it's great show if you like shows like this.
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Tornado Alley (2011)
Meh. OK.
25 June 2023
I'm a big fan of the Storm Chasers series. And I watched Sean struggle through the series trying to chase down his perfect shots for this documentary. What Sean should have done is handed that fancy camera to Reed Timmons and let Reed get the footage for him.

Sean has one of those irritatingly annoying personalities that just makes you want to duct tape his mouth shut, so it just makes it hard to watch this. I kept finding myself hoping a tornado would turn the TIV into an ugly metal taco. Watch episode 2 of season 3 of Storm Chasers and you will see what I mean.

Still, it is some good storm footage. It just could have been so much better if Sean directed and let Reed take the lead for him hunting down the storms. This could have been so much better. Shows like this I can watch multiple times, but not this one.
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1883 (2021–2022)
18 May 2023
Yellowstone is one of my top 3 favorite shows. Then I watched the first episode of this and was instantly hooked. It's a great compliment to the Yellowstone series. I just wish they had intended on doing a few more seasons of this. It's too good to only give us one season.

Tim and Faith are so good in this. I really hope they take on more roles together, especially Westerns like this. I grew up watching Westerns, and this fits right in with some of the best ones I've seen.

If you like the Yellowstone series, or just Westerns in general, you really need to check this out. Then check out 1923, because it's just as good. Some of the best TV you will see right now.
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Tom at his best
16 May 2023
Tom Hanks is one of my all time favorite actors. Close to being my favorite. Sorry Tom, I grew up on Eastwood 😉 But man, what a movie this was to behold. Being older myself, with a touch of OCD, I felt like I connected with Otto. And Tom did such a wonderful job portraying the feeling of the world around you not being quite what you had hoped it would be when you got older, it made this movie feel so real.

The rest of the cast was great as well, even though I am not familiar with them. But they fit the story well, and made the whole movie very believable. This is the first movie I have seen Mariana Treviño in, and she did a fantastic job.

The story is a real tear jerker, and really draws you into the character of Otto, and his neighbors. Otto is a grumpy old man, with more love in his heart than he ever lets anyone see. The kind of personality you have to work at to really get to know and love. It hits home in a lot of ways.

My only complaint is I wish this movie was at least an hour longer. I just wanted to see so much more. I guess that is Tom Hanks for you. He really draws you into the characters he portrays, and with this one, I wasn't ready for that to end. One of Tom's best films in my opinion.
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The Captive (I) (2014)
Was the editor drunk when they cut the scenes of this film together?
4 March 2023
It's like there was some crazy attempt to be artistic, that went terribly wrong. Imagine watching a movie where they filmed it in real time, chopped it up into 3-5 minute segments, then randomly placed them in the timeline of the movie editor and said "yep, that'll do". It's the most ridiculous movie I have ever seen with regards to how insanely confusing it is to watch. From one scene to the next, it makes absolutely no sense. The only thing I can gather is the film was put together by a 5 year old and they produced it without screening it.

The only reason I am not giving this 1 star is it seems like it could have been a decent movie. But someone seriously dropped the ball. So if you are one of the people that worked on the film and feel the same as I do, the stars I am giving are for you.
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The first episode of this show got me interested
11 September 2022
Yeah, the cast of this show aren't your typical tv personslities. And Dusty tries a little too hard to perform while giving his dialog, but I think that's why I love this show so much. It's just your average Joe's who got a tv spot for doing what they love doing.

But it is a great show. I have learned so much as bout the Florida ecosystem just watching this series. We don't have anything like what's in Florida where I live, so it is really interesting to see a different part of the US, and the wildlife that lives there.

It's really sad there were only two seasons of this show when Dusty got in his accident. I really hope Discovery realizes this show is worth keeping on the air and brings it back. The information alone in this show makes it worth watching. The comical cast just makes it a lot of fun to boot. Dusty, Jay, and the rest are all good people. Brittany's not too bad to look at either 😉
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Should be called Speculation Island
18 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I have watched every episode of this show to date, but I have a hard time understanding why I still watch it. The fact that every chunk of metal or wood they find has them speculating that it has some relationship to some so called money pit is just ridiculous.

And even if they ever do manage to find anything at all, it will be so mangled and full of holes they probably won't know what it used to be. Why they didn't just do a massive dig from the beginning is beyond me. The whole drilling and shoving the big cans in the ground is the dumbest way to go about finding anything that deep in the ground.

Just imagine if they find the Arc of the Covenant, and bring it up with the hammer grab, and it has a hole drilled through it and is crumpled up like a ball of tin foil. How are they going to feel? How will the history books describe them in the future? The men who ruined the greatest treasure of all time. I really hope they never find anything, because if they do, they will have completely destroyed it.

And the narration... turning everything into a question... "A metal Spike? Found 80 feet down in the ground?" It's just so overdramatic it makes the show hard to watch without making fun of it.
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Finally - No Whispering
26 May 2022
I had to quit watching Discovery because of the cast constantly whispering every line like it made the scenes more dramatic or something. Gawd it got annoying. And I think you have to be part of the LGBT community to really get that show, because nearly every character in that show is. This one though is looking to be a great series so far, and I look forward to future episodes...

Nope. Paramount ruins another Star Trek series with gayness. Sorry. I don't want to see two dudes making out. Get this smut off tv.
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Chappie (2015)
Unbelievable story
28 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is a movie with not only a weird cast, but a weird story that is just so overwhelmingly unbelievable it is almost frustrating to watch. Multiple times a character hauls sensitive parts and information out of what you would imagine to be a very secure facility with no oversight whatsoever. It's as simple of loading stuff up and hauling it out a door. Not what I expected.
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6 Underground (2019)
Good movie, but terrible directing/editing
20 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The opening car chase has some of the worst continuity I have EVER seen in a movie, but it is still a pretty good car chase. The driver side mirror gets ripped off, along with the entire side of the car damaged, yet in the very next scene, and many afterwards, the mirror is back, and no damage. Then it's gone again, then back again, damage, no damage, etc, etc, etc. In fact, I am going to say it's the worst continuity I have ever seen in a flick. I mean, who missed this stuff? They should be ashamed. Then at one point the main character hangs his head out the window, yet in the next scene shot from outside the car, no head protruding from the window, then back out there again, then not, etc. Come on guys. It's just awful.

But aside from this extremely poor directing/editing, it is a fun, entertaining movie. It is one I would watch a sequel of, but I hope they at least learned some lessons about continuity from this film if they do make a sequel.
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
Should be called Whisper Trek
9 December 2021
I watched the first three seasons and kinda liked the show at first. But as the episodes went on, the constant whispering by the actors just began to annoy me. Are they afraid someone will hear their 💩 acting? Is there someone sleeping on the set they are trying not to wake? Does the script call out (whispers) before every freakin line? I don't know, but it seems to be an attempt at dramatization that I just can't take anymore.

So I started watching season 4, and sure enough, it's still whisper mode for Sonequa. Speak your freakin lines woman!
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