
21 Reviews
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If you enjoy low-budget but entertaining movies...this is for you!
9 November 2019
I entered with an open mind and I was quite entertained with this movie. I knew it wouldn't be a million dollar blockbuster...but it certainly kept my attention throughout the whole movie! I was thisclose to stop watching when I saw the word Quebec...(Canadian movies are really terrible usually)but I'm glad I kept going.

The ending was NOT what I expected! Very entertaining if you have an open mind.
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BETTER than expected
11 August 2019
Why is this ONLY available on DVD! I think there would be more reviews (all positive) if this was released better!

The acting is amazing. The story is good. I would have happily paid to see this in the theater...
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The Mine (2012)
Great actors
24 April 2019
I gave this a 6 because the acting was amazing for a low budget film. There wasn't a lot of high tech or amazing graphics...but the acting was good and the twist was good. So yeah - give it a shot!
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Tale of Tales (2015)
What a joke!
17 April 2019
I have watched some amazing low budget films - this is NOT one of them. 2 hours that I wish I could get back in my life!
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The Silence (II) (2019)
Subtitles please
11 April 2019
I'm sorry - most of the population can't read or understand sign language. Why wouldn't they add subtitles so we knew what they were saying? Long and boring story. Could have been great - if we understood 1/2 the dialog.
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Us (II) (2019)
26 March 2019
Sad - 30 minutes into the movie and we were ready to leave! NOTHING HAPPENS. I know you need to build up a movie - but this had NO build up. I'm glad I used a free pass!
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Aquaman (2018)
Yes - a true 10
26 December 2018
We saw the movie on Christmas Day and it was a pleasant present! There was a lot of action, great story, some funny lines, excellent acting, etc...Can't wait to see this again!
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The Predator (2018)
I was entertained
5 October 2018
I was very entertained by this movie. I didn't have the urge to get up in the middle of the movie because I was bored and needed to stretch my legs. There are a LOT of top movies that bored me to tears and I left 3 or more time while the movie was playing. If you want to be ENTERTAINED - this is a great movie.
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Patient Zero (I) (2018)
This was a UNIQUE Zombie movie
20 August 2018
I was surprised to see that this movie was NOT as poor as the reviewers have stated. This isn't like your normal convert, hunt, kill movie. The characters were strong. The storyline was different. The way they communicate is different! This is better than the ratings - AGAIN!
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Bad Samaritan (2018)
Twisted and well-acted!
10 August 2018
I was so frustrated when I saw this movie was released only in a few theaters! I had to wait and wait and wait for it to be in a theater in my area but I was willing to wait! The first 1/2 is a bit long...that's the only reason it didn't get a 10. The last half and the ending...FANTASTIC! Great Mystery, Thriller and Drama all rolled into 1.
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Eat (2014)
Boring, long, slow, crap acting
2 August 2018
I have no problem watching low budget horror movies. I've actually found quite a few are pretty good - even thought the ratings were low! This is a MINUS 1 movie and I don't see how anyone can say anything good about it. The only people who are writing positive reviews either know people IN the movie or know people who worked on the movie.
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Why the high ratings?
1 August 2018
This movie shows why I never watch or believe awards shows anymore. This was an OKAY story - it certainly wasn't a magnificent story that keeps you captivated. It was generic. The ONLY good part of this movie was the acting.
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The Woman (I) (2011)
Great story!
31 July 2018
Jack Ketchum is one of my MUST read authors and this is why. His movie had strong characters...but not necessarily nice people! He is twisted and this movie was a pleasant surprise!
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Upgrade (2018)
Limited Release! GREAT movie!
26 July 2018
Why was this movie in so few theaters!? It took forever to find a theater that showed it and it didn't play for very long! This is a hidden gem and I am disappointed that it didn't get the advertising it deserved! Trust me and trust the reviewers - THIS is a diamond in the rough!
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This is NOT what the Purge was about!
23 July 2018
This has nothing to do with the original Purge. The first 2 movies had absolutely NOTHING to do with race. This movie had terrible music, a boring plot, NO real characters, the acting was poor, etc...Why did they have to destroy a great series that EVERYONE enjoyed! I'm glad I used a free pass...even THAT was too much!
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Jinn (2014)
Entertaining low budget movie
16 July 2018
Why so much criticism and hate? This was a very refreshing NEW story and the acting was good. The story line was excellent. I enjoyed it the entire time. Just realize this is not a movie with a million dollar budget and open your mind. It's a good movie! Good enough that I bought it!
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Revenge (II) (2017)
Good acting - BAD movie
19 May 2018
I have to say that all the actors did a great job - that is the ONLY reason they got any stars. This story is beyond unbelievable and I think it tried to feed off of "I Spit On Your Grave" starved. Boring, boring, boring and the end.
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NOT Cloverfield
6 February 2018
This is just using the word - this has NOTHING to do with the great movie called Cloverfield. This is a very generic movie with good acting. Don't expect a lot...
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Don't waste 10 minutes...
7 December 2017
I have absolutely no idea who paid for these reviews. Seriously? How did this crap get over 7? who paid for these?

I decide to watch it on Amazon Prime - and I STILL wasted my money!

I watched this show for 20 minutes and I was ready to peel my eyeballs out just to kill the boredom! YAWN FEST! I couldn't continue watching this crap.
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Paid FAKE reviews
26 November 2017
The story SOUNDS interesting - until you start to watch and see how crappy the acting is. Then - the story drags...if you could call this a story. This received a 2 ONLY to be kind. It was a struggle to finish. When it finished...I was like "It's over?". FAKE 5 out of 10 reviews! How much were these guys paid?
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World of Dance (2017–2020)
WAS a great show...until
3 August 2017
I would have gladly given this show a 10 out of 10...until JLO showed that the show is fake and that the winners are pre-determined. There is no way in hell you can call this a fair dance contest when the Le Twins were terrible - 2 weeks in a row - yet they beat the real dancers. This show WAS good. JLO - I lost all respect for you. Why did you create a show I finally enjoyed - ad then you ruined it with your biased voting!
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